人教版八年级上学期英语第二次招生考试试卷(II )卷

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人教版八年级上学期英语第二次招生考试试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) What are you going to do the day after tomorrow?_A . Nothing much.B . Please tell me.C . What about you?D . To Beijing.2. (2分) Tomorrow will be fine. Shall we go out for a picnic? _.A . Good luckB . Sounds greatC . Take it easy3. (2分) - Whats Linda like?- . I have never met her.A . Shes warmB . Yes, she isC . I dont knowD . Shes tall4. (2分) (2017七下宁江期末) There _ some milk, two eggs and a few cakes on the table.A . isB . areC . have5. (2分) (2017七下沙坪坝期中) My brother is good _sports, and he is good _ his friends.A . for, atB . with, forC . at, forD . at, with6. (2分) (2016宜昌) The government is plenty of money building the countryside.We are pleased with the governments efforts.A . costingB . payingC . takingD . spending7. (2分) We were happy that our friend was to leave the hospital. A . enough badB . bad enoughC . enough wellD . well enough8. (2分) People cut down too many trees, _ the greenhouse effect becomes more and more serious.A . soB . becauseC . althoughD . if9. (2分) We should save the animals _.A . in dangerB . in the dangerC . in dangerousD . in a danger10. (2分) The music sounds too and it makes me feel bored. A . loudB . loudlyC . quietD . quietly二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)11. (10分) 阅读理解 Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student (尖子生). However, anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips (技巧) to help you. Plan your time carefully. You should plan your time for such things as eating, sleeping and dressing. Then make a good, regular time for studying, but dont forget to set enough time for entertainment (娱乐). Keep your study quiet and clean. The study should have a desk, a chair and some study materials (资料), but no games, no radio and no television! When you sit down to study, you can put your heart into it. Make good use of your time. Listen to everything that the teacher says. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says. After you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss next day, read the materials. It will help you study better. Develop a good attitude (态度) to tests. The purpose (目的) of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. It helps you know what you are not good at. The world will still go on even if (即使) you fail (不及格) in a test, so dont be too worried. (1) How many tips are mentioned in the passage? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(2) What does the underlined word study mean in Chinese? A . 学习B . 研究C . 书房D . 教室(3) Which is a good place for studying? A . A clean and beautiful place.B . The place with a computer.C . The place with a television and a radio.D . A quiet place with a chair, a desk and some study materials.(4) Which of the following is NOT true? A . The test is the most important for a student.B . After class, you should review what you have learned.C . You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.D . When you plan your time, you should think of the time for eating, sleeping and so on.(5) Whats the passage mainly about? A . How to become a top student.B . How to plan your time.C . How to study English.D . How to take notes.12. (10分) (2017八下六盘水月考) 阅读理解Ann wanted to play in the city orchestra (管弦乐队), but she was nervous (紧张的). She thought it might be too difficult. The first day she was so nervous, and she could hardly breathe. After a few rehearsals (排练), she could comfortably play along with everyone else. She found that there was no reason to be nervous and began to enjoy herself.In rehearsals, Ann became friends with Danny. Danny sat next to her and always helped her. Ann often asked him questions about music. Dannys parents were musicians. They started teaching Danny music when he was only five years old. Ann couldnt imagine playing the violin at that age.Anns another friend in the orchestra was Marie. After rehearsal, Marie would tell Ann funny stories. Though Marie was much older than Ann, the two became good friends.The orchestra was rehearsing music for a concert. Ann invited some of her friends at school to come. Though they didnt understand music, they promised to come. They all liked Ann and wanted to cheer her. Anns family also planned to go to the concert. Ann looked forward to the event, and she hoped it would not rain on the night of the concert.On the night of the concert, Ann was excited. Danny and Marie both told her that the concert would be fun. Ann knew that she would enjoy it. The conductor (指挥) Mike was nervous. Ann was surprised because she knew that he conducted many big concerts all over the world. After the concert was over, the conductor seemed happy. He said the orchestra gave a fine performance.(1) From the first paragraph we can learn that Ann _. A . didnt want to learn musicB . was excited to try new thingsC . thought there was no reason to be nervousD . wasnt interested in playing in the orchestra(2) Ann made _ friends in the orchestra. A . 2B . 3C . 4D . 5(3) Some of Anns friends promised to come to the concert because _. A . they enjoyed the musicB . they wanted to cheer herC . they wanted to learn to playD . they wanted to make new friends(4) How did Ann feel on the night of the concert? A . Excited.B . Tired.C . Nervous.D . Sad.(5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Anns parents were musicians.B . Marie was two years older than Ann.C . Danny started playing the piano at age 5.D . Mike had much experience in conducting concerts13. (8分) (2017江都模拟) 阅读理解Being a fit person is very important for lots of people today. In fact, some people like running and exercising so much that they become obsessed with it.Thanks to fitness apps and gadgets (小玩意), people can measure every step they take, what they eat and every calorie they burn. They might wear a special watch on their wrist, shoes on their feet or use different apps on their phone to measure their movements. Importantly, once they have done that they post it on social media. All of their friends can see where theyve run, what workout (健身) theyve done or what they had for lunch.Doctor Daniel Kraft from the United States makes gadgets for people like this. He told the Digital Health Summit that these people would become the norm (常态) in the future.I think hes right. I can see the world of health and fitness changing around me every day.One of my friends, named Anna Palmer, is always using the latest fitness gadgets. Her favorite is an app called Argus. She uses it on her phone to measure her steps, heart rate and amount of calories she has burnt. She always posts these things and pictures of herself exercising on social media. “Its nice to know exactly how much exercise you have done rater than guess,” she said. “That way I can keep pushing myself to improve.”Also, my friends in China use Wechat to compare how many steps theyve taken each day. They are very competitive about this! (1) The underlined phrase “obsessed with” in the first paragraph means “_”. A . crazy aboutB . angry withC . busy withD . surprised at(2) What does the second paragraph talk about? A . How fitness apps and gadgets work.B . What fitness apps and gadgets can do.C . What advantages fitness apps and gadgets have.D . More people will use gadgets in the future.(3) According to Doctor Daniel Kraft, _. A . fitness gadgets dont help people keep fitB . more people will make fitness gadgetsC . fitness gadgets will become more popularD . fewer people will use fitness gadgets(4) What does the writer think about fitness gadgets? A . Fitness gadgets push him to improve his fitness.B . He likes to use Wechat to measure steps.C . He thinks its bad to use fitness gadgets when exercising.D . More people will use fitness gadgets in the future.三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分) 补全对话 M: Hello, Jenny! Are you free tomorrow? W: I think so. Anything special? M: _It must be fun.W: Thats a good idea. But are you sure it will be sunny tomorrow? M: I think so. Its sunny today. I think tomorrow will be the same.W: _Wed better make sure.M: OK. Lets check it online. Oh, it says it will be windy tomorrow.W: _M: Its between 8C and 13.W: Great! It wont be too hot or too cold._M: _W: Good idea! Lets go together!A. Good weather for a picnic!B. You know the weather here changes often.C. Yes. Let me go and buy something delicious for our picnic!D. What about having a picnic?E. Who else will go with us?F. Whats the temperature?G. We dont have to take an umbrella.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分) (2016八下诸暨期中) 根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词)Last Saturday, I went to Shaoxing Library_(独自). On the way there, I saw one of my _(邻居), a _(瞎的)man, walking across the street. So I came up to him to help him . He thanked me a lot. After that, I _(继续) to go to the library._(突然地), it began to rain _(大). I had to run as fast as I could. When I got there, I was all wet. Then I went into the reading room, I saw _(数个)people reading in _.(无声) I was interested in reading so_(以致于)I forgot the time. Though on that day I put _(推迟) eating dinner, I was very happy.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分) (2019七下苏州期末) Suzy的妈妈给她买了几条金鱼,但是她不知道应该怎么养。Suzy向她的朋友李华咨询这方面的知识。假如你是李华,请你给Suzy写一封邮件,邮件中包括以下内容: 养金鱼并不难了解金鱼的特点金鱼通常不大,但是有的能长到20公分(centimeter);大多数金鱼是橘色、黑色或白色; 精心照顾可以活很久 注意饲养的方法你要确保水的洁净;不要把金鱼放在太阳下面; 不要用手抓金鱼; (自拟一条) 注意:1)词数70左右.短文的开头己经写好,不计入总词数;2)短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14、答案:略四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)15、答案:略五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16、答案:略

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