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北师大版备战2020年中考英语专题复习短语辨析(真题)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分) Is she a lot like you?Some people say we look like each other. Were both tall,and have long curly hair.A . look alikeB . look forwardC . look after ourselvesD . dislike one another2. (2分) (2016襄阳) - The American warships(军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again.- We must let the Americans know clearly that the islands _ China.A . come fromB . belong toC . care aboutD . believe in3. (2分) (2016八上深圳月考) If people keep catching and killing these animals, they will die out one day. I agree with you. Lets find a way to stop them.A . leaveB . disappearC . appear4. (2分) The boy cried _ when he saw a snake eating a mouse. Even some adults are afraid of snakes.A . in dangerB . in fearC . in need5. (2分) (2015八上扬州期中) - The box is too heavy to carry. Whats in it? - Oh, I _ it _ books.A . am filled; withB . am full; ofC . filled; withD . filled; of6. (2分) (2019九上珠海开学考) I have never _ the Birds Nest and my family are planning to visit it this summer. Thats great. Have a good time.A . beenB . goneC . been toD . gone to7. (2分) Steven, go to bed now. You should _ before six tomorrow, or you will miss the plane. A . get offB . get upC . get onD . get along8. (2分) (2017八下江苏期末) Football is a popular sport. _ my father _ my mother is interested in watching football matches.A . Not only; but alsoB . Neither; norC . Both; andD . Either; or9. (2分) (2018八上吉林期末) _ can you finish your homework?In about an hour.A . How longB . How soonC . How often10. (2分) (2016常州) Our teacher _ a bookshelf at the back of our classroom to make a small reading corner. A . picked upB . put upC . took upD . got up11. (2分) The teacher wanted to _ why Mike failed in the English test. A . found outB . findC . find outD . look for12. (2分) Please get a table _ wood for me, Paul. A . made ofB . made fromC . made inD . made by13. (2分) (2015八上温州期中) The match will start in 20 minutes. The players have time to . A . get upB . warm upC . look upD . put up14. (2分) The computer will cost _ 4, 000 yuan. Is too expensive. A . at mostB . at leastC . in leastD . with least15. (2分) It took him a lot of time to prepare for the competition.A . take part inB . get ready forC . suffer from16. (2分) The train station is the post office and the bank. A . betweenB . in the frontC . on the rightD . at17. (2分) He _ some milk _ the blender. A . added; toB . put; intoC . pour; inD . pour; into18. (2分) Im sorry that I forgot to turn off the light.Dont worry. Ill have it _.A . turn offB . turned offC . turned on19. (2分) (2018八上佳木斯期中) Can you help me _ when the plane will leave for Shanghai? Yes, wait a minute, please.A . wait forB . look forC . find out20. (2分) The snake bit the girl . A . with the handB . to his handC . on his handD . on the hand21. (2分) I want to use the meat to make meatballs. Can you help me ? A . cut it upB . cut up itC . put it upD . put up it22. (2分) (2017八上深圳期中) Old people prefer to live in the countryside. A . outside the cityB . in the hillsC . in the city23. (2分) The man tried (尝试) several times (几次) to start the car, and he succeeded (成功)_.A . in the pastB . in the endC . at firstD . at once24. (2分) (2017八下临西期中) Does her friend math? A . does well inB . do good atC . do well inD . do well at25. (2分) At the New Years party, all of the teachers in my school .A . set upB . handed upC . hurried upD . showed up26. (2分) I think this information isnt usefulYou can A . cut out itB . cut down itC . cut it outD . cut it down27. (2分) Summer is coming and the weather is getting hot A . all overB . side by sideC . from time to timeD . day by day28. (2分) Are you busy today? Why?A . Have a tryB . Thats coolC . Not reallyD . No problem29. (2分) Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) _ a usual theatre and it symbolizes(象征)Australia. A . likesB . doesnt likeC . isnt likeD . looks like30. (2分) Summer camping is a great experience for students. It is good to help them _. A . wake upB . get upC . hurry upD . grow up31. (2分) Where is Guangzhou? Lets _ the map of China.A . have a lookB . have a look atC . lookD . look after32. (2分) _ the teachers is about 300 in our school and it is becoming_.A . The number of, more and moreB . The number of, bigger and biggerC . A number of, more and moreD . A number of, bigger and bigger33. (2分) (2017九上龙湖期末) Im reading now. Please tell him _the TV a bit.A . turn upB . turn offC . to turn downD . to turn on34. (2分) (2017九上江津期中) You shouldnt _ the boys mistakesA . laugh atB . smileC . laughD . laugh down35. (2分) When do you eat lunch? _. A . In the morningB . Twelve oclockC . At twelveD . In twelve36. (2分) (2019眉山) Linda has to Paris. How can I get in touch with her? Dont worry. She will call you as soon as she there.A . been;will getB . been;getsC . gone;will getD . gone;gets37. (2分) The mud can be made_ different shapes if you know how to do it properly. A . ofB . fromC . inD . into38. (2分) (2017黑龙江模拟) I havent seen _ before. A . so an interesting filmB . such interesting a filmC . such an interesting film39. (2分) (2017八下揭西期中) Is there _ in your exercise book today? No, Mom. I did it very carefully.A . something wrongB . wrong somethingC . anything wrongD . wrong anything40. (2分) (2016九上曲阜开学考) After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually _ some weight when they return to school. A . put awayB . put upC . put inD . put on41. (2分) (2017河北) Grandfather lives with us. We all _ him.A . look atB . look forC . look afterD . look like42. (2分) (2017八上西宁月考) We must cut _ the tomatoes and then put them _ the blender. A . down;atB . down;intoC . up;intoD . up;at43. (2分) (2018八上西安期中) At the party, Lucy _ as a pirate to make us _. A . dressed up; laughB . dressed up; to laughC . dressed on; laughD . dressed on; tot laugh44. (2分) (2015八上永胜期末) You _ any noise in the room. We are reading now.A . had better not to makeB . had not better to makeC . had better not make45. (2分) Could you give me a hand? The boxes are too heavy. A . teach meB . visit meC . help me46. (2分) (2019八下顺德月考) Can you move away the piano? Because it _ too much room. A . makes upB . takes upC . takes awayD . puts up47. (2分) (2019南岗模拟) Never _ till tomorrow what may be done today. In this way, you can get most and learn best. A . put onB . put downC . put off48. (2分) (2017九上临沂期中) I couldnt _ these new words because I had no dictionary.A . look upB . look forC . look afterD . look like49. (2分) Please dont _ waste paper everywhere.Sorry, I wont.A . throw awayB . put upC . take off50. (2分) (2017罗湖模拟) Liz, turn off the light in your bedroom. Oh, sorry, daddy. I forgot it.A . get offB . take offC . switch off第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略38、答案:略39、答案:略40、答案:略41、答案:略42、答案:略43、答案:略44、答案:略45、答案:略46、答案:略47、答案:略48、答案:略49、答案:略50、答案:略


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