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人教版中考英语专题复习数词(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)There are people in Dales family. They live on the floor. A . five; nineB . fifth; nineC . five; ninthD . fifth; ninth2. (2分)There are _ books on the desk and the _ book is about the history of the Eiffel Tower. A . five; fiveB . fifth; fifthC . five; fifthD . fifth; five3. (2分)How do we read the number 40, 392? A . four thousand three hundreds and ninety-twoB . four and thousand three hundred and ninety-twoC . forty thousand three hundred and ninety-twoD . forty thousand and three hundred and ninety-two4. (2分)The number of people in the village is about six _.A . hundredB . hundred ofC . hundredsD . hundreds of5. (2分)There are more than students in Grade 9 in my school. A . hundredsB . two hundredsC . hundreds ofD . two hundred6. (2分)About _ of the engineers in my company seem to be in their _.A . second-nines; fortiesB . two-ninths; fortiesC . second-ninths; fortiethD . two-ninths; fortieth7. (2分)A new art museum opened in our city yesterday, and _ people went to the opening. A . two thousandsB . two thousand ofC . thousands ofD . two thousands of8. (2分)This song _ by the girls after class. A . often singsB . often sangC . is often sangD . is often sung9. (2分)Wow! beautiful the music is! Yes. Thats my favorite.A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a10. (2分)We gave away _ books to the school library last year. A . six thousandsB . six thousandC . six thousands ofD . six thousand of11. (2分)David Beckham has _ sons. Brooklyn is his _ son. A . third; firstB . three; oneC . three; firstD . third; one12. (2分)It is said that of the students like to talk with friends online. A . two thirdsB . two threeC . two third13. (2分)We planted _ trees last year. A . hundred ofB . hundreds ofC . five hundreds14. (2分)About _ of the engineers in my company seem to be in their _. A . second-nines; fortiesB . two-ninths; fortiesC . second-ninths; fortiethD . two-nine; fourth15. (2分)Our school is going to hold the Cultural Festival? Yes. And each of us can take part in activities.A . Third; thirdB . Three; thirdC . Third; threeD . Three; three16. (2分)Food Safety has become one of the hottest topics recently. Yeah, it receives Internet hits a day.A . thousandsB . thousands ofC . thousandD . hundreds17. (2分)of the students in our class _going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A . Two fifths, isB . Second fifths, areC . Second fifths, isD . Two fifths, are18. (2分)These kinds of movies were popular A . in 1970sB . in the 1970C . in the 1970sD . in the 1970s19. (2分) What is 32 in English? Its .A . thirty-twoB . thirty and twoC . thirty twoD . threety-two20. (2分)There are months in a year and December is month. A . twelve, twelfthB . twelve, the twelfthC . twelfth, the twelfthD . twelfth, twelve21. (2分)The boy is only _ and today is his _ birthday.A . nine; nineB . ninth; nineC . nine; ninthD . ninth; ninth22. (2分)Everyone in my class TV.A . like watchingB . likes watchingC . likes watchesD . like to watch23. (2分)There are _ of books in our school library. Two _ of them are on science. A . hundred; hundredsB . hundred ; hundred C . hundreds; hundredsD . hundreds; hundred24. (2分)There are _ months in a year. My birthday is in the _ month. A . twelve; twelveB . twelfth; twelfthC . twelve; twelfthD . twelfth; twelve25. (2分)Nowadays, _ people like HUAWEI phones better, and about _ of them are adults. A . the number of; four-fifthsB . a number of; four-fifthC . a number of; four-fifthsD . the number of; four-five26. (2分)Do you know the man _ visited France in March? Yes. He is our president. He said it was his _ visit to France.A . who; fifthB . that; fiveC . /; fiveD . which; fifth27. (2分)At the festival, _ people get together, laughing, dancing and throwing tomatoes at each other. A . three thousands ofB . thousands ofC . three thousandsD . thousand of28. (2分)Its reported that over eight _ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal. A . thousandB . thousandsC . thousand ofD . thousands of29. (2分) visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation. A . ThousandB . Thousand ofC . ThousandsD . Thousands of30. (2分)_ of the teachers are women in our school. A . Two thirdB . Two threesC . Two thirdsD . Two31. (2分)Which month of the year do you like best? July, the _ month, because summer vacation begin in this month.A . sevenB . sixC . seventhD . sixth32. (2分)_ , Coca Cola began to enter Chinas market again. A . In the 1970sB . In 1970C . In the 1970s33. (2分)Is this your _ time to visit my mother country, China?Yes, so Im really, really excited.A . oneB . the oneC . firstD . the first34. (2分)I prefer _ her some presents _ her some money. A . to buying; to givingB . to buy; to giveC . buy; giveD . buying; to giving35. (2分)How old is your daughter? _. We had a special party for her _ birthday.A . Nine; nineB . Nine; ninthC . Ninth ;nine36. (2分)Nowadays, of the old people in the area used to dancing in the square after supper. A . two third;isB . two thirds;isC . two thirds;are37. (2分)It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ Spring Festival holiday each year. A . ten daysB . ten-daysC . ten dayD . ten-day38. (2分)I live in Room 403. Sam lives in the room just above(在.上面) mine, on the _ floor. A . threeB . thirdC . fifthD . five39. (2分)We are proud of our country. The year 2019 is her _ birthday. A . seventyB . the seventyC . the seventiethD . seventieth40. (2分)Where is Class _? Its on the _ floor.A . Six; thirdB . Sixth; thirdC . Six; threeD . Sixth; three41. (2分)We have classes in the morning and class is music. A . four;fourthB . four;fourC . four;the fourthD . fourth;the fourth42. (2分)_people visited Hongyadong, Chongqing on May Day this year. A . ThousandB . Thousands ofC . Thousand of43. (2分)Its reported that there are more than 300 smokers in China. A . millionB . millionsC . million of44. (2分)What time is it? Its_.A . half to threeB . five past fortyC . twenty past oneD . twenty four45. (2分)I have two books, and Jenny has five books. We have _ books in total (一共).A . sixB . sevenC . eightD . nine46. (2分)Two _students are from Korea. A . hundreds ofB . hundredC . hundredsD . hundred of47. (2分)Lucy, how old is your father? _. We just had a party to celebrate his_ birthday last weekend.A . Fortieth; fortyB . Forty; fortyC . Fortieth ; FortiethD . Forty; fortieth48. (2分) A recent survey shows that 35 out of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire. About of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important, isnt it?A . halfB . one thirdC . three quarters49. (2分)Its said that _ of the water around the world _ polluted. A . two thirds, hasB . two thirds, wasC . two third, wereD . two thirds, had50. (2分)We have made a survey among 1,000 students from a middle school about their favorite food. students like fruits according to the form.Kind of foodChocolateBananaCookieApplePercentage(百分比)Of the students203015?A . 350B . 650C . 800第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、


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