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课时跟踪检测47(B7Unit 5).单项填空1To qualify you for this kind of new job, I recommend that you _ some online courses.Ato takeBtakingCtake Dwould take答案与解析:C句意:为了使你具备做这种新工作的能力,我建议你修一些在线课程。recommend“推荐”,其后跟的that从句常用虚拟语气,从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”,故选C项。2Jane has been so _ in doing her business that she hasnt had time for social activities.Aconfused BworriedCdevoted Doccupied答案与解析:D句意:Jane忙于自己的生意以至于没时间进行社交活动。be occupied(in) doing sth.“忙着做某事”,所以答案是D项。3_ I can see, there is only one way to solve this problem.AAs far as BEven ifCAs long as DAs soon as答案与解析:A句意:就我所知,只有一种方法能解决这个问题。as far as I can see“据我所知”;even if“即使”;as long as“只要就”;as soon as“一就”,所以答案是A项。4How can I wake up so early?Set the alarm at 500 am., _ you will make it.Aand BbutCor Dso答案与解析:A句意:我怎样才能起这么早呢?把闹钟定到上午五点你就能做到了。这里是“祈使句and/or陈述句”句型,此空前后的逻辑一致,所以选A项。5The old computer doesnt work. We must _ a new one for it.Areplace Binstead ofCsubstitute Dtake the place of答案与解析:C根据第一句中提到的电脑坏了可推测出,这里指“我们用一台新的来换掉它”,故用substitute“用代替”。若用replace则应表达为replace it with a new one。6Having won the game, Zhang Yining waved her hands to _ the cheers of the crowd.Aadmit BacknowledgeCabsorb Dconsider答案与解析:B句意:获胜后,张怡宁挥手对观众的欢呼表示感谢。acknowledge在这里表示“感激”。admit“承认”;absorb“吸收,使全神贯注”;consider“考虑,思考”。7Since his retirement, having a walking along the river after supper has become part of his daily _.Atradition BcustomCconvention Droutine答案与解析:D句意:退休后,晚饭后沿着河边散步就成了他每天例行要做的事情。每天晚饭后沿着河边散步对他而言已是惯例,故用routine“常规,惯例”。tradition“传统”;custom“习惯;风俗”;convention“协定;约定”。8Sunny day, isnt it?Lets hope the sunny weather _ for Saturdays tennis match.Acarries on Bmoves onCkeeps up Dgoes up答案与解析:C句意:今天阳光很好,对吧?希望这样晴朗的天气可以持续到周六的网球比赛。keep up“(使)不停止;保持”,此处强调保持状态。carry on“继续”;move on“继续前进;出发”;go up“上升;被建造起来;被焚毁”。9I want to go to Beijing with you.If so, your holiday arrangement must _ mine.Acatch up with Bcome up withCput up with Dfit in with答案与解析:D根据语境可知,答句句意:你假期的安排必须和我的相一致,故用fit in with“与相适应/一致”。10Im very glad that you come and see our new house when we have settled _.Ain BtoCdown Don答案与解析:A根据句意应为“搬进新居后安顿下来”。settle in“(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来”。settle to“开始认真对待”;settle down“(在某地)定居下来;过安定的生活”;settle on“降落在之上”。11Without a passport, leaving the country is _.Aout of the question Bbeyond questionCin question Dout of question答案与解析:Aout of questionbeyond question“无疑地,的确”;out of the question“不可能的”。12At the new supermarket there was food _.Ain abundance Bwith abundanceCof abundance Dat abundance答案与解析:A本题考查固定用法,in abundance“丰富”。句意:新超市食品很丰富。13The rise and fall of the tide is _ by the movements of the moon.Agoverned BarrangedCdelivered Dcommanded答案与解析:A考查动词辨析。句意:月球的运动控制着潮涨潮落。govern“控制”;arrange“安排”;deliver“发表,传送”;command“要求”。14Its the third time I _ her this month.Ahad seen BseeCsaw Dhave seen答案与解析:DIt/ This is the third time.这是第三次,其后从句中应用现在完成时,故选A项。15There is a need for the _ of trees, or there will soon be no forests.Aconversation BconservationCqualification Doccupation答案与解析:Bconservation“保护”;conversation“会话”;qualification“执照”;occupation“工作;职业”。.阅读理解AA few years ago, when I was still in high school, I met a wonderful and warm teacher. At that time in my life, there were many changes to adjust to, apart from the usual teenage troubles. My parents had divorced, so my elder brother and I had chosen to stay with my dad. Due to the fact that he was keeping the house, we didnt have to move.During this time, my teacher took a special interest in me. Being my English teacher, she encouraged my mind to travel to creativity I had long given up. She brought me out of the shell I built.She became my mother, my older sister, my friend and my teacher. The one thing she couldnt do though was to make me more girly as growing up with only my dad and brother made me a real tomboy.Sometimes, I would be really immature (不成熟的), especially if she was scoring me less than others on purpose. She knew I could do better than what I was handing in and so pushed me to extend further than limits.When I finished school and then I was about to leave my hometown, she gifted me a watch that every second, with my pulse, should remind me of the one person who will forever wait and love me without reservation.Time has passed and our friendship is distant, but in my heart, soul and mind, she is the closest I ever got.16. The writer and her elder brother chose to live with their father simply because _.A. their mother was expecting to have another babyB. they didnt have to move out of their houseC. they hated their mother remarriedD. they had a closer relationship with their father17. How did the writer get along with her studies before she met her English teacher?A. She was hopeless and had given up her studies.B. She was getting along well with her studies.C. She had some trouble with her studies.D. She lacked interest in creativity.18. The writer behaved herself like a boy because _.A. she needed the love of motherB. she wanted to learn from her father and brotherC. she lived with only men all the timeD. her English teacher didnt care about her19. What was the writers attitude to the watch given by the teacher?A. She considered it to be very useful.B. She valued it very much.C. She kept it very well.D. She wanted to do something later in return for it.答案与解析:我永远都不会忘却那位亦母、亦姐、亦友、亦师的中学老师,是她帮我度过了父母离异后的那段艰难时光。16B细节理解题。由文中第一段最后一句“Due to the fact that he was keeping the house, we didnt have to move.”可知作者和哥哥选择与父亲同住是因为父母离异后,父亲拥有房子,他们不必搬家。17D细节理解题。由第二段第二句“Being my English teacher, she encouraged my mind to travel to creativity I had long given up.”可知,我早已放弃了这种创造性思维,换言之,就是在遇到这位老师之前她缺乏对创造性思维的兴趣。18C细节理解题。由第三段最后一句中的as从句可知,我之所以行为如同男孩儿,是因为我总是和父亲、哥哥一起生活。19B推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中的“she gifted me a watch that every second. without reservation.”可知,这块表能时刻提醒我记起那位永远等待且毫无保留地爱我的恩师,说明我是非常珍惜这块表的。BThe crops we produce in the UK and around the world could alter significantly with climate change. The weather is an important part in farming and changes in temperature will strongly affect crops growth.For the UK, temperature rises are likely to mean the crops normally growing in the south of the country will be able to be grown further north. The UN believes there will be a shift northwards of between 200 and 300 kilometers for every degree of warming. This would be similar to the south of England in 2060, having the kind of weather the Loire Valley, in France, experiences now.Due to an increase in drought and heatwaves, the types of crops grown in the UK will have to change, which doesnt have to be a bad thing for us. Products which havent been farmed over here before, such as sweetcorn, sunflowers and maize for cereals, could all provide new business for farmerscertainly in the southeast.However,if farming practices do change in this country, the farming procedures will have to be put in place beforehand as introducing something new to farmland involves a lot of preparation. Also, with increasing demands made on water, irrigation systems may need to be implemented so that the rain from the winter can be stored for the summer.Researchers have already found that pests, such as aphids, are starting to hatch earlier in the year. In the last 1015 years theyve been arriving in springtime and the population of aphids appears to be growing, too.Aphids are a real problem as they can cause so much damage to crops, and if theyre arriving earlier in the year especially when the crops are fragile, they can cause more damage than they used to.20. The underlined word “This” in the second paragraph refers to _.A. the kind of weather the Loire Valley,in France, experiences nowB. the kind of weather the south of England in 2060 will haveC. the UNs belief that there will be a shift northwards of between 200 and 300 kilometers for every degree of warmingD. the UKs temperature rises meaning the crops growing in the south will be able to be grown further north21. The main idea of this passage is _.A. the crops raised in the south will be transplanted to the north in 2060B. temperature rises will bring about either good or bad effectsC. the climate has a strong influence on cropsD. the global warmth causes more positive effects than negative ones22. To go well with the changes of farming practices as a farmer, _.A. one must be prepared beforehand for farming proceduresB. one can do nothing but beg for the Gods mercyC. one should build more irrigation systemsD. one will have to kill more pests,for example, aphids23. Which is the correct order of the following things according to the article?a. The temperature goes up.b. The aphid hatches earlier.c. The aphid population increases.d. The fragile crops are eaten up.A. a,b,c,d B. b,c,a,dC. a,c,d,b D. a,b,d,c答案与解析:本文是一篇说明文。气候对世界粮食生产有很大的影响,气温的变化会引起作物种植区域的变化,增加虫害发生的可能性等。20D词义指代题。“This”指代上文所讲的“temperature rises are likely to mean the crops normally growing in the south of the country will be able to be grown further north.”。联系上下文可以推测出其指代的意思。21C主旨大意题。A项和B项表述正确,但不是对本文大意的概括,具有片面性。D中内容在文中没有体现。从文中所讲气温上升造成作物种植区域的变化以及昆虫孵化提前造成作物受害可以推断出气候对作物有着重要的影响,所以选C项。22A细节理解题。第四段中的“the farming procedures will have to be put in place beforehand as introducing something new to farmland involves a lot of preparation.”说明人们必须提前作好准备;B项所述观点错误;C项和D项所述观点正确,但表示的意思只是一个方面。23A细节理解题。仔细阅读文章并根据第六段内容,考生很容易选出正确答案。.书面表达假如你是李华,一位18岁的男孩,英语成绩非常突出,有两年英语家教的经验,现在是学校“爱心俱乐部”的成员,认为志愿工作能够使人树立信心,培养良好的交际技能。看到下面这则招聘信息,你愿意利用这次机会,为需要帮助的儿童献出自己的微薄之力,同时增长见识,了解社会。请根据所给中、英文提示完成下面的英文邮件。注意:1.110词左右。2邮件开头和结尾已为你写出,不计入总词数。3可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。提示词:tutor vt.&n.家教Loving Heart Club 爱心俱乐部A Voluntary ActivityIn the winter vacation5 Volunteers WantedAs English teachersAt SO.S Childrens VillagePurposes for applyingThose who are interested in taking part in the activity, please send an email to studentunionbjsz.cn before Jan.24th,2012.Student UnionDear Student Union,I have just read the ad on the school bulletin and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteer English teachers of the five. Now Im writing here to apply for this opportunity._Id appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. Im looking forward to your early reply and please email me at lihua 163.com.Yours sincerely,Li Hua范文:Dear_Student_Union,I_have_just_read_the_ad_on_the_school_bulletin_and_the_moment_I_saw_it_I_took_an_interest_in_becoming_one_of_the_volunteer_English_teachers_of_the_five._Now_Im_writing_here_to_apply_for_this_opportunity.Im Li Hua, a boy of 18, and I have a good command of English. For two years I have been tutoring two kids. Presently I work as a member of Loving Heart Club in our school. Voluntary work has helped me build confidence and good communication skills.In my opinion, being a volunteer teacher at the SOS village is obviously more than just teaching; furthermore, it is helpful to broaden our horizons and improve our understanding of the world. Thats why Id like very much to take this opportunity and make the most of my special talents and interests. By helping those kids, I feel I can make a big difference to their future and make a small contribution to society.Id_appreciate_it_so_much_if_you_could_possibly_consider_my_application._Im_looking_forward_to_your_early_reply_and_please_email_me_at_lihua_163.com,Yours_sincerely,Li_Hua


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