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高考英语常用动词词组串讲一、add(1)If you add 5_5,you get 10.Five added to five is/makes 10.(2)This will _our trouble.The balloons added to the festival atmosphere.(4)Add up the numbers,and you will get 1155.用与add相关的短语填空:1、The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather added _the helplessness of the crew at sea.2、The numbers add _95.3, His whole school education _ no more than one year.二、agree(1)agree on(2)agree to do sth. agree to the plan/_/_/_(3)I dont agree with you/what you said/your advice.The climate here doesnt _ me.Your story agrees _what I have already beard.用与agree相关的短语填空:1、Mutton doesnt agree _ him.2、The verb agrees _ its subject in number and person.3、We couldnt agree _ a date.三、break(1)I am sorry that I broke my promisebreak ones word/break the law/break the rule翻译:(2)Her health broke down under the pressure of work. =become very bad)(3)He broke away from all his old friends.(4)I should break away from such habits.(5)All our plans broke _. The peace talks have broken down.The telephone system has broken down.(6)The thieves planned to break _a bank.(7)The Second World War _ in September 1939.(8)After midnight,the party _.(9)I broke _ the candy and gave each child a small piece.The police _ the crowd.(10)broken English(11)Our troops had little difficulty in breaking _ the lines of the police.用与break相关的短语填空:1、News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken _ with no agreement reached.2、Fire broke _ last night.3、Sentences can be broken _ into clauses:4、Youve been working so hard for nearly a month. Relax yourself, or you will break _sooner or later.5、While we were watching TV,a voice broke _the programme to announce the election results.四、bring(1)He brought about a quarrel between his parents.(2)She made every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem.(3)Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches.(4)bring down prices(5)The sale brought in over200.(6)Dirt often brings _ disease.The fine weather is bringing the crops _ nicely.(7)Can you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the phrase.(8)Joe was born in Texas but _in Oklahoma.(9)He was so ill that he _ everything.(10)This brought me into touch with various kinds of workers.(11)Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.用与bring相关的短语填空:1、The war in Iraq was _ by the American President Bush.2、The work can _ 2000 a year.五、callThe trouble calls for quick action by the government.(1)I will call for you at five oclock.(2)We called for the packages at the post office.(3)I formed the habit of calling _ him in the evenings.(4)Your father is ill,you should call _ a doctor at once.(5)People dont like being called names.(6)Theyve called _ the game because of the thick fog.(7)He called upon me to speak immediately after him(8)I called _the people of this country to work hard for national unity.(9) A notice displayed in the shop window called attention _he recent increase in prices.(10)The army was called_to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths.(11)call at some place/call on sb. /call back/call up/give sb. a call/make a call(a longdistance call)用与call相关的短语填空:1、The situation calls _ immediate action.2、The sound of happy laughter called _ memories of his childhood.3、Could you call _ Mum on your way home?六、carry(1)He had learned enough German to carry _ a conversation.(2)One person should carry on where the other had left off.(3)I was chosen to carry _our experiment.(4)He did not carry out his promise to us.(5)After destroying the village,the enemy carried off all the cattle(6)The work is tough,but it is the person to carry it through.(=to complete sth. successfully)用与carry相关的短语填空:1、They are trying to carry _ a new policy.2、What a pity!They should have carried _ the.good business.3、Its a good idea. But whos going to carry _ the plan?I think Tom and Greg will七、come(1)How come that you didnt get here in time?(2)He came to realize that he was mistaken.(3)My dream has _,(4)He talked about his _trip to the United States.(5)How did the accident_?(6)I came _(came upon/ran across)this book in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue.He came suddenly across an idea.(7)He just asked me to come round for supper.(8)Come along!Arthur,we cant wait all day!(9)Come along!Someone must know the answer to my question.(10)This paper comes _ every Friday.(11)I think the roses will come _next week.(12)I came _first in the examination.(13)The bill comes _$5.(14)When it _mathematics,I know nothing about it.(15)The robbery did not come to light until the next day.(16)The question hasnt _yet.(17)He _ an idea.(18)come to oneself (19)come to an end(20)come into effect(force)(21)come to a conclusion(decision(22)come into being(existence)(23)come into power根据句意完成句子:19、Im as good a cook as she is except when it _(making)pastry.我做饭做得和她一样好,就是不会做油酥馅饼。20、The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly _ again.这一打击使她踌躇了片刻,但很快就又恢复正常了。21、Can you tell me how the accident _ ?你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?八、care(1)I dont care what they say. I shall go on just the same.(2)If you care to hear it,I will tell it to you.(3)Albert Einstein cared little for money. He was seen using a cheque for1500 as a bookmark.Would you care _ a cup of coffee?(Would you like.?.(4)He cared about money.(5)The mother card _ the sick child day and night(6)The professor said that he was interested only in research:he didnt care _ his students.(7)In this way we could give them timely medical _九、catch(1)catch fire(to start burning)(2)catch ones breath(3)That car caught his _.(4)The police caught him _(steal) a car.(to discover suddenly and by surprise especially when someone is doing something bad)(5)That style has never caught _ in China.(become popular)(6)He was caught_ the rain.(be stuck)Her skirt got caught in the door.(be hooked)(7)I suddenly caught _ him in the crowd.十、clear(1)She made_clear that she would support Australia.(2)After the storm the sky cleared.(3)The waitress will clear_these dishes in a moment.(4)How can we clear _these doubts?(5)The weather has cleared _;we can go out.(6)Youll have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.十一、compare(1)Car production rose by 25,_ the first 3 months of this year.(2)_ this with that,and you will see which is better. (3)Shakespeare compared the world _a stage.十二、cover(1)They covered 12 miles yesterday.(2)How many pages have you covered?(3)The city covered ten square miles.(4)The professors talk covered the subject.(5)The mountain was covered _ snow all the year round.(6)The best reporters were sent _ the 27th Olympic Games.十三、cut(1)cut off(2)cut out(3)cut in (4)cut up(5)a short cut (6)They want to cut down a large forest in this area.(7)George is trying to cut his weight _.(8)The army was called in to cut _the fallen trees on the road.十四、deal(1)Id rather deal _ a man than a woman. Women are sharp.(2)Im used to _(deal) with matters of this sort.(3)This book deals with questions on politics.(4)What shop do you deal _?十五、diedie of,如:die of illness/a fever/hunger/sadnessAs a result,many westerners die _an early age _heart disease.(2)die from,如:die from an accident/the polluted air/a bad habit(3)Ronnys steps had died _,and there was a moment of silence.(4)The wind has died away/down again.(5)It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 _ average of one kind of living thing died out each year.(6)Im _something to eat.(have a strong desire for sth.)用与die有关的短语填空:1、The wild population of koalas is in danger of _ .2、Do you fancy a cup of tea? Im _ thirst.3、I am _ a cup of coffee.十六、 do(1)I have some difficulty in _(pronounce) some of the words in English.No,youre doing fine.(2)Im happy in my work in the garden. Im doing well.Will it do if we let you have an answer by Friday? (3)Lets do_ this room first.(4)They tried to do _ slavery.(5)Mary has done herself _for the party.(6)Please do _ these books and post them for Mr. Smith.(7)do ones hair (8)do the room(9)do the bed (10)do wrong to sb.(11)do business, (12)do right(13)do wrong(14)have _/nothing/ a lot to do with用与do有关的短语填空:1、_ your buttons!2、He has nothing _ the case.3、The school has _ the rules.4、I havent enough money to buy a car,so Ill have to _ without it.十七、end(1)Even if none of this is true for us today,it is probable that one day we will end up _ a disability.(2)If you drive your car like that,youll end up _ hospital.(3)(4)The politician finally ended _his speech.(5)We ended up the dinner _fruit and coffee.(6)The match ended_ a win for us.(7)It rained for three days _.(=continuously)(8)We must put_ end to this foolish behavior.(9)The meeting came _ an end at last.用与end有关的短语填空:1、He _ his letter _ good wishes to the family.2、The battle _ victory.3、Their marriage _ divorce.十八、fall(1)We cant afford _behind our competitors in using the new technology.(2)She has _ him/the dress.(3)Where does the plan fall down?(=fail or to be ineffective)(4)This topic falls naturally into three sections.(=be divided into)(5)I am quite happy to fall in with you/your suggestions.(=agree with or to)十九、fix(1)fix(on) a time for sth.,如:Lets fix a time _ discussion. Theyve fixed the time and date for the party.(2)fix ones eyes on,如:He fixed his eyes on the clock.(3)fix ones attention onmmmm(4)fix supper(5)fix tea= make tea(6)fix the broken machine二十、follow(1)You should follow the rules of the lab when youre doing experiments.(2)The child follows her mother about all day long.(3)Follow this road until you get to the church.(4)May follows April.(5)Do you follow what Im saying? 二十一、get(1)The operator finally got me _(2)He has got through1,000 in less than a year.(3)John has got through the examination.(4)Ill be with you as soon as I get through the work.(5)The story has got _everybody knows about it. (6)My work is getting _better now.(7)She didnt get _ until nine last night.(8)The bank robbers used a stolen car to get_.(9)Now he was dead,and I could not get away _ my sadness.(10)He got down and began to pray.(11)Dont you think its time we got down to business?(12)At what time do you get o_(from)work?(13)He used to be afraid of height, but he has got _ that now.二十二、give(1)He gave_most of his fortune to the poor.(2)They suspected(怀疑)that the secret had _ by one of their friends.(3)I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits.(4)He has given_ my views.(5)The gas gave _ an unpleasant smell.(6)He gave his life to the study of art.(7)Please give my _ to Miss Smith.(8)The teacher gave _ the examination papers.(9)It was given out that the Prime Minister had died sudden1y.(10)After two days our food gave _t,and we had to return to the camp.(11)The swimmer gave out after ten laps.(12)The cowboy gave_ a yell.(13)Ive given _ smoking.(14)Billy kept asking his mother if he could go to the movies and she finally gave _.用与give有关的短语填空:1、Smoking is bad for your health. Yes,I know. But I simply cant give it _ .2、Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may give _ the shocking ending.3、Cheap coal gives _ a lot of smoke.二十三、go(1)But if you go _nature and do things at the wrong time of year,you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good.(2)How is everything going? Things are going very well.(3)The black hair was going grey.(4)That is to say,the doctors been gone for two hours and thirteen minutes.(5)The engine went well.(6)How does the old saying go?(7)If you think you can solve the problem,go_ .(8)Go ahead,were all listening.(9)Work is going ahead.(10)May I start? Yes,go ahead.(11)News of the plane crash went _ like wildlife.(12)Time went _ quickly.(13)Shares have gone down again by ten points.(14)She had no time to go deeply _ the matter just then.(15)Why not buy some English tapes and some books to go _ them?(16)When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two,they begin to feel bad.(17)Let me have a_ at fixing it.(18)My family goes _300 years,while his family goes back to the 15th century.(19)He always likes to go back to his younger days.(20)Go _ your work before you hand it in.(21)He doesnt go_ team games.(22)go out用与go有关的短语填空:1、Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to go _ .2、lf you had gone _ your test paper carefully before handing it in,you would have made fewer mistakes.3、As time goes _ ,my memory seems to get worse.二十四、hand(1)When he writes,he always keeps a dictionary _ hand.(2)The examinations are at hand.(3)My shoes were made _ hand.(4)Could you give me _ with this parcel?(5)This custom has _(hand) down since the 18th century.(6)The teacher handed _the books at the beginning of the lesson.(7)The thief was handed _ to the police.(8)on(the)one hand.,on the other(hand)(9)hand in)用适当的介词填空:1、I am resigning as chairman and handing _ to my deputy.2、Dont worry,for help is _ hand!3、He was handing _ leaflets(传单)to members of the audience.二十五、hold(1)She held back,not knowing what to do or say.(2)Dont hold anything back,you must tell me everything.(3)If they hadnt held him back,he would have beaten you.(4)I made my choice and I will hold on to the end.(5)You should hold on to your oil share.(6)He asked me to hold _ while he left the telephone to find a pencil.(7)Could he hold _ in spite of the difficulty? (8)The pupil held _ his hand to ask the teacher a question.(9)hold office (10)hold ones position(11)hold an opinion (idea)(12)They held their heads up and walked into the hall.(13)Please hold yourself still while I am taking your photograph.(14)He held a cigarette between his lips.(15)A lot of cars were held _ in the accident,用与hold有关的短语填空:1、We thought of selling this old furniture,but weve decided to hold _ it. It might be valuable.2、The dam was not strong enough to hold _ the floodwaters.3、I missed the lecture because my car was held _ in the traffic jam.4、Tell me all about itdont hold anything _ !二十六、keep(1)He keeps _liquor and tobacco.(2)The Englishman will move back in order to keep a certain distance away.(3)He may be telling the truth but he is keeping something back.(4)Finally,he did not give her the right change,but kept back five pounds.(5)You have to be home by I1 oclock. Keep that in mind,Bob.(6)Keep o_the grass.(7)He didnt stop running. He just kept _.(8)Keep _until you reach the traffic lights.(9)The coat should keep_the cold.(10)They have shut the door and meant to keep us out.(11)You should keep out of these things.(12)I hope such fine weather will keep _.(13)Weve kept up our friendship for over twenty yea


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