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高一名词性从句专练1. Well, _ I dont like the newcomer is none of your business.A. what B. that C. who D. how2.-Dad, can you give me some advice?-Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? Thats _ the best jobs are. A. where B. what C. when D. why 3.-Could you do me a favor, Mr. Brown?-It depends on _ it is.A. which B. that C. what D. who4. It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe in yourself. A. how B. what C. which D. when5.People in Chongqing are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten years. A. that B. which C what D. how 6.-Are you still thinking about yesterdays game?-Oh, thats _.A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited 7.Please remind me _ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. A. where B. when C. how D. what8. _ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A. It B This C. What D. As9. The little girl who got lost decided to remain _ she was and wait for her mother.A. where B. what C. how D. who10. She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to save her life.A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever11. Is _ the cowboy said really true? A. that B.what C. why D. whether12. _ the meeting should last two days or three days doesnt matter. A. That B. Whether C. If D. Where13. It worried my mother a bit _ her hair was turning gray. A. what B. if C. that D. for14. _ more countries can use natural energy in the future remains to be seen. A. Whether B. That C. Who D. If 15._ he will go to work in a mountain village surprises all of us. A. What B. That C. Whether D. If 16. The how-to book can be of help to _ wants to do the job.A. who B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever17. _ is not a dream that we can travel abroad easily. A. What B. As C. That D. It 18. _ is troubling me is _ I dont understand what he saidA. What; that B. What; what C. That; that D. Why; that 19. -Why does the seaside here draw tens of thousands of tourists every summer?-I think warm sunshine and soft sands make _ it is.A. what B. which C. how D. where 20. _ stole the MP3 player is still a complete mystery. A. Who B. That C. How D. Whom21. _ he always serves the people very well is known. A. What B. That C. Which D. Who22. Great changes have taken place here, and _ wasnt possible years ago is now possible.A. where B. that C. what D. it23. Is _ true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week? A. that B. it C. his D. he24. It has not been decided _ they will leave for New York. A. when B. why C. that D. what25. _ worries me is the way he keeps changing his mind. A. Which B. That C. What D. It 26. _ he wont go abroad for further education is clear to all of us.A. How B. What C. Why D. This27. “_ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights,” said the teacher. A. Who B. Whom C. Those who D. Whoever28. _ moved us most was _ he looked after the old man for more than twenty years. A. That; that B. What; that C What; what D. That; what29. _ you did it is not known to all. A. Who B. What C. How D. Which30. It is widely believed _ smoking can cause cancer.A. that B. whether C. why D. how31. The reason why I decided to go outing is _ she will be disappointed if I dont. A. because B. that C. thanks to D. what32. -I drove to Beijing for the air show last week. -Is that _ you had a few days off ?A. why B. when C. what D. where 33. David Beckham has _ it takes to become a professional football player.A. who B. what C. which D. that34. _ is still a question _ will win first prize in the speaking competition. A. It; that B. It; who C. That; who D. This; that35. If you know _ it was that wrote A Tale of Two Cities, raise your hand. A. whom B. which C. who D. that36. -The patient looks much better. _ is it that has made him _ he is today?-Perhaps the special medicine and his familys patient care. A. What; that B. That; that C. What; what D. What; which37. Thinking _ you know _ in fact you dont is a terrible mistake. A. that; that B. what; what C. that; what D. what; that38. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _ worries the public. A. why B. which C. that D. what39. Why dont you bring _ to his attention that you are too busy to do it? A. that B. what C. that D. it40._ David says sounds right to Helen. Thats _ shes made up her mind to marry him. A. Whatever; why B. No matter what; why C. What; because D. Whatever; how41. That is_ my grandfather was born and grew up. A. There B. in which C. where D. the place42. _ Jenny was invited to the ball made her very happy. A. What B. That C. When D. Because43. Thomas drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed.A. as B. which C. what D. that44. -Have you found your dictionary yet? -No, Im not sure _ I could have left it. A. whether B. where C. when D. why45. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree. A. why B. where C. what D. How46. -I dont know how to choose the right dictionary. -I think choosing the right dictionary depends on _ you want to use it for.A. how B. why C. what D. whether47. -What were you trying to prove to the police? -_ I was last night. A. That B. When C. Where D. What48. I think, though I could be mistaken, _ he liked me. A. who B. which C. that D. what49. The road is covered with snow. I cant understand _ they insist on going by bike.A. why B. whether C. when D. how50. -Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales, please? -Hold on, please.A. anyone B. someone C. whoever D. no matter who51. I am sure _ he said at the meeting is of much value.A. that B. about that C. of that D. that what52. Many people wrote articles on _ Liu Xiang had failed to compete in the event. A. why B. what C. who D. that 53. -What did your parents think about your decision?-They always let me do _ I think I should.A. when B. that C. how D. what54. A modern city will be set up in _ is still a wasteland now. A. what B. which C. that D. where 55. The book is meant to _ needs it. A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. whom56. This is _ the question lies.A. what B. that C. where D. how57. _ people spend so much money on their pets _ us a lot.A. How; are surprised B. What; surprising C. That; surprises D. That; is surprised58. These shoes look very good. I wonder _. A. how much cost they are B. how much do they costC. how much they cost D. how much are they cost59. He is absent from school. It is _ he is seriously ill. A. why B. because C. that D. the reason60. My suggestion is _ our teacher _ strict with us.A. what; should be B. that; be C. which; would be D. where; was61._ has a good education can apply for the job. A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Whoever62._ is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad. A. He B. It C. That D. What63._ worries me is _ were going to pay off all the debt.A. It; that B. That; how C. What; how D. As; that64. _ is widely believed that paper was invented in China. A. As B. Which C. It D. That65. -Do you remember _ he came? -Yes, I do, he came by car. A. how B. when C. that D. if66. Jane is no longer _ she was four years ago.A. what B. which C. that D. when 67. _ caused the accident is still a complete mystery.A. What B. That C. How D. Where68. Please tell me _ you would like to have your coffee-black or white?A. what B. where C. which D. how69. Last Sunday my father made a promise _ he was free he would take me to Shanghai.A. if B. that C. that if D. whether70. Some of the scientists held the point _ the book said was right.A. what what B. what what C. that that D. that what71. The news _ Lincoln was murdered filled the American peoples hearts with deep sorrow. A. which B. when C. that D. how 72. I dont trust his promise _ he will buy me a new car. A. which B. what C. when D. that 73. She received the message _ he would come by plane. A. that B. which C. what D. when74. _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It75. The fact _ she works hard is well known to us all. A. that B. what C. why D. which 76. The fact _ he was successful proves his ability. A.that B. what C. which D. why 77. The news _ he was made Chairman of the Students Union surprised us greatly. A. what B. that C. why D. when78. His suggestion _ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A. which B. that C. / D .it 79. Ive come from the government with a message _ the meeting wont be held tomorrow. A. if B. that C. whether D. which 80. The thought _ he might fail in the exam worried him. A. when B. which C. what D. that 81.Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me this coming Christmas.A. which B. what C. that D. whether82. The order _ the political prisoner should be set free arrived too late. A. which B. whether C. that D. what 83. The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of the disease. A. that B. as C. of which D. which84. He often asked me the question _ the work was worth doing. A. whether B. where C. that D. when 85. We all know the truth _ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things.A. where B. wherever C. that D. that wherever 86. -Its thirty years since we last met. -But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rainy night.A. which B. that C. what D. when87. The doctor couldnt answer the question _ the patient could survive that night. A. if B. that C. whether D. what 88. At the meeting, we discussed the problem _ we should employ more workers. A. if B. whether C. that D. /89. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A. that B. which C. until D. if90. Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales, please?A. anyoneB. someone C. whoever D. no matter who91. The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.A. what B. which C. that D. though92. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.A. what B. which C. that D. how93. News came from the school office _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.A. which B. what C. that D. where94. There is a common belief among them _ rubbish can and should be put to good use.A. which B. if C. whose D. that 95. Nobody would stand out admitting the fact, for some reason, _ they lost the game.A. that B. which C. what D. why96. In fact, much of _ we read on the Internet every day is groundless or nonsense. A. that B. which C. what D. it97. After three hours climbing, they reached _ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.A. what B. which C. where D. that98. A plan has been put forward _ more graduates should go to work in the country.A. when B. that C. whether D. how99. -I believe we will have a good time with Miss Green in your birthday party. -Maybe. But it is still a question, you know, _ she can spare time to come. A. whether B. where C. that D. which100. We didnt settle the problem _ would be sent to the Middle East on business. A. that B. who C. when D. which101. I am wondering _ he expects will win the gold medal in Mens Single. A. whom B. who C. which D. what102. I dont care _ your pocket money goes, but the money spent must be worthwhile. A. why B. when C. where D. how103. -Excuse me, but have you ever seen my book?-Sorry, I am not sure, a person just took a book away, but I dont know _. A. where B. which C. what D. whose104. The whole family were worried about Jane because no one was aware _ she had gone. A. that where B. of the place which C. of what D. of where105. When asked _ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.A. what B. that C. whom D. which106. It is _ you deal with difficulties that shows _ you are really like. A. what; what B. how; what C. how; that D. which; how107. _ is known to us is that time is limited and precious. A. What B. That C. It D. As108. When you get your paper back, pay special attention to _ have been marked. A. where B. which C. what D. that109. _ surprises us most is that she doesnt tell the difference between her own children. A. What B. All C. That D. Which110. I dont say I am against their plan. But the trouble is _ they do doesnt agree with what they say.A. what that B. that what C. if what D. what if 111. Being a good listener is a kind of quality and thats _ it takes to keep friendship. A. how B. what C. which D. where112. Jessica came back, only to find her old house was not _ it used to be. A. which B. what C. when D. how113. The North Pole isnt _ people consider a pleasant place for creatures to live in as the average winter temperature there is -40. A. which B. that C. how D. what114. After _ seemed hours of waiting in line, finally it was my turn to take the oral exam.A. that B. it C. what D. which115. After _ was about ten minutes, the teacher gave the students the correct answer.A. that B. it C. which D. what116. Five hours later, they reached _ the local called Paradise theyd been dreaming of. A. that B. where C. which D. what117. -You cant imagine _ wonderful fun web chatting is. -Really? But it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes. A. what B. how C. why D. whether118. Sorry Im so late, but you cannot imagine _ great trouble I took to find your house. A. what B. how C. why D. when119. Having checked the doors were closed, and _ all the lights were off, she took a bath.A. why B. that C. when D. where120. It has been proved _ taking regular exercise benefits us a lot. A. whether B. when C. what D. that121. Please put the medicine on the top of the shelf. Its _ our children cant reach it. A. what B. that C. where D. how122. _ life began on the earth is one of the biggest puzzles to scientists. A. How B. What C. Where D. That123. -Are you firmly against any independence move by Taiwan?-Of course. This is _ our basic interest lies. A. why B. when C. where D. what124. Thomas set off, leaving word with his daughter _ he would come back soon. A. who B. when C. what D. that125. -Its reported that the new underground line has been completed. -Yes, but it hasnt been made clear _ its to be opened to traffic. A. that B. who C. what D. when126. Danby left a message with the professor _ he would call again in the afternoon. A. who B. that C. as D. which127. The question came up at the meeting _ we had enough money for our research. A. whether B. that C. which D. what128. What the doctors really doubt is _ the famous actor will recover from throat cancer.A. which B. whether C. that D. why129. Have we decided to turn to _ can help us out of trouble?A. whom B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever130. -I think this accident happened for many reasons. -Richard is partly to blame, _ way you look at it. A. what B. which C. whatever D. whichever131. Actually, anyone can be _ he wants to be, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a scientist or a manager so long as he sets his mind on it. A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. whatever132. Theyre discussing in the next room _ will go to the medical conference.A. whoever B. who C. what D. whomever133.-Have you finished the book?-No. Ive read up to _ the children discover the secret cave.A. which B. what C. that D. where134. -I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.-Thats _ I dont agree. You should have a more active life.A. where B. how C. when D. what135. -How about camping this weekend, just for a change?-OK, _ you want.A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever136. As a new graduate, he doesnt know _ it takes to start a business here.A. how B. what C. when D. which137. Pupils usually would like to take _ advice their teachers give. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever138. What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a charming smile.A. what


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