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Unit 3A taste of English humour.单词拼写1Well,youve acted_(愚蠢地)and you will pay for it.2France has many_(多山的)regions for skiing in winter.3On their way back to the campsite they were caught in a _(暴风雪)4Some kids are very_(挑剔的)about food,that is,they dont have a balanced diet.5Scientists were surprised at the_(发现)that bees can communicate with each other.6Soon the news spread_(遍及)the country.7Success came after many_(失败)8Ive been_(幸运的)to have so many good teachers.9He was given a reward for his_(杰出的)work.10The famous actress Zhang Ziyi has_(主演)in many excellent films.答案1.foolishly2.mountainous3.snowstorm4particular/picky5.discovery6.throughout7failures8.fortunate9.outstanding10.starred.翻译句子1从人群中认出自己的老朋友并不是很困难。(pick out)_2我不完全相信他知道实践的重要性。(convince)_3作为音乐家他是个失败者,但作为艺术家,他非常成功。(failure)_4如今越来越少的妇女对呆在家里照顾孩子感到满意了。(content)_5正如我在电话里解释的,下一次会议上将考虑你的要求。(as)_答案1.Its not very difficult to pick out an old friend from a crowd.2Im not completely convinced that he knows the importance of practice.3As a musician he was a failure,but as an artist,he was a great success.4Nowadays fewer and fewer women are content to stay at home looking after the children.5As I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.单项填空1Hi,how about going for a picnic tomorrow?_Lets meet at 9 oclock.AI dont get it BThats a good ideaCI dont think so DThat makes no difference答案B明天去野炊怎样呢?好主意,我们9点见面吧。根据“Lets meet at 9 oclock.”可知答话人赞成说话人的建议,因此选B项,表示赞同,意为“这是个好主意”。A项表示困惑,意为“我不明白”;C项意为“我不这样认为”;D项意为“那没什么作用”。2Hearing that she had passed_driving test,she sighed with_relief.Aa;/ Bthe;/ Cthe;a Da;the答案B句意:听说通过驾驶考试了,她如释重负地叹了口气。此处的driving test是特指,故其前用定冠词the;relief表示“轻松,宽慰”,为不可数名词,此处表示泛指意义,故不用冠词。3(2014宁波效实中学高三二模)When the man came in,gun in hand,we all stood there,_Aastonished BastonishingCbeing astonished Dhaving astonished答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:当那个男人手里握着枪进来时,我们都震惊地站在那儿。astonished“吃惊的”,作伴随状语,描述主语所处的状态。故选A。4I didnt want to drive all the way to New York by myself,so I_ Anna,my best friend of ten years,to ride with me.Aconvinced BconsultedCadopted Dadmitted答案A考查动词辨析。句意:我不想独自一人全程驾车到纽约,所以说服了十年来最好的朋友Anna与我同行。convince意为“说服”,convince sb to do sth意为“说服某人做某事”,符合句意。consult意为“请教,翻阅”;adopt意为“采用,接受”;admit意为“承认,允许”。另外,convince的常见搭配还有“convince sb (of sth)”和“convince sb that.”意思是“使某人相信”。故选A。5(2014杭州二中模拟)I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction_she had come.Aof which Bfrom whereCin which Dfrom which答案D考查定语从句。句意:在黑暗中,我看见一位妇女朝我跑来。我还没有来得及认出她是谁,她又从来的方向跑回去了。这是出错率较高的一个题。因为在高中教学中,老师反复强调的是固定短语in the direction“朝着某个方向”,所以一看到此题,考生会误选C,犯了思维定势的错误。仔细看题后就会发现,定语从句中表达的是从哪个方向来的,而不是朝哪个方向去。关系代词前的介词from与先行词direction在这里是正确的搭配。所以D项符合题意。6While working outdoors,Linda was_by the heat and fell to the ground,unconscious.Aastonished BdepressedCovercome Dhit答案C句意:在户外工作时,Linda热得受不了,倒在地上,不省人事。astonish意为“(使)吃惊”;depress意为“使情绪低落,使沮丧”;overcome意为“受到的极大影响”;hit意为“打击,碰撞”。故选C。7In our daily life,everyone fails now and then.It is how you_that makes a difference.Areact BreplaceCrely Drequest答案A考查动词辨析。句意:在我们的日常生活中,每个人都有不如意的时候。关键是你作何反应。react意为“作出反应”;replace意为“替换,代替”;rely意为“依靠,依赖”;request意为“请求”。所以A项符合句意。8(2014南京模拟)I admire my English teacher.I can remember very few occasions_she stopped working because of ill health.Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich答案B考查关系副词的用法。先行词occasions,在从句中作时间状语,所以用when,相当于on which。句意:我钦佩我的英语老师,在我的记忆中她几乎没有因为生病而不给我们上课的时候。9Mr.Hoffman,aged over 60,has recently_playing golf at weekends,contributing to his rosy face.Ataken to Bslid intoCsubmitted to Dbroken into答案A考查动词短语辨析。take to喜欢;slide into(不自觉地)陷入某种状态;submit to屈服,认输;break into闯入。10Successful people like Mo Yan have some good qualities and above all,they are never_a simple life so they keep fighting until they are top ones.Ainterested in Bcurious aboutCcontent with Dconfident in答案C根据句意“莫言不满足于简单的生活”,故选C项。11(2014嘉兴一中模拟)Why was Jackson searching shop after shop for a sweater?Oh,he was very_about his clothes.Aparticular BspecialCcurious Dunusual答案Abe particular about对挑剔。这里表达的意思是他对衣服特别挑剔。12People are programmed to pay attention to anything that is different or novel.If you make something different it will_Astand out Bleave outCpick out Dput out答案A句意:如果你想使事情不同,它就必须突出。stand out“突出,杰出”;leave out“漏掉”;pick out“选出”;put out“扑灭”。13The audiences were so_by his humorous performance that they kept laughing all the time.Amoved BfrightenedCentertained Dshocked答案C句意:观众被演员滑稽的表演逗得如此高兴,以至于他们一直笑个不停。由后面的kept laughing可知,此处应是“快乐的”,be entertained快乐的。14When I polished his article,I_some of the material which I found to be of little value.Acut out Bcut offCcut up Dcut down答案A考查动词短语辨析。句意:我在修改他的文章时把那些我认为没有什么价值的东西删去了。cut out剪下,删掉;cut off切断,中断;cut up切碎;cut down削减,砍倒。根据句意,选A项。15My father_my brother for driving but he wanted to pick _the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.Aadvised;up Bpersuaded;outCintended;up Dmanaged;out答案C句意:我父亲打算让哥哥学驾驶,但是他想在业余时间学点电脑知识。intend sb for doing sth “打算让某人做某事”;pick up“学会”,均为固定搭配。16We will do everything we can to_him to stay,but if he wants to leave we wont stand in his way.Aconvince Bfrighten Cremind Dconfuse答案A句意为:我们将尽我们所能说服他留下来,但如果他想要离开我们不会阻止他的。convince使信服; frighten使惊吓;remind使想起; confuse使迷惑。 17It is the polices duty to stop anyone whom they see_whatever belongs to others.Asteal Bstole Cstealing Dstolen 答案C考查现在分词作宾语补足语。steal动作和其逻辑主语anyone之间是主动关系,故用stealing。 18How are the things in your village? Modern farming methods have been brought in and the villagers are_now than before.Awell off Bbetter off Cbadly off Dworse off 答案B根据前面的“引进了现代化的耕作方法”和连词than来判断,村民的生活比以前“更富裕了”,所以用well off的比较级better off。worse off是badly off的比较级。19(2013福建卷)The famous musician,as well as his students,_ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.Awere invited Bwas invitedChave been invited Dhas been invited答案B句意为:这个著名的音乐家和他的学生们都被邀请在2012年的台北花卉博览会开幕式上表演。句中“在2012年的台北花卉博览会开幕式上”是过去的动作,因the famous musician和invite是被动关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,又因句中的as well as his students在句中只起伴随的作用,所以用单数was。20Do you like cooking,Sally? _Luckily,Ive never had to worry about it.AI cant agree more BNot really CI dont agree DYou said it 答案B答语语意:我不怎么会做饭,幸运的是,我从来没有为此担心过。根据答语语意可知,应选择表示否定意思的答语,B项符合语境。.信息匹配下面文章有5处(第15题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D,E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。AMake a wellbalanced daily plan BPredict how long tasks will take CKeep records of where your time is going DHandle things in order of importance ELearn to reject others demandsFAnalyze the distribution of your time How to Manage Your Time Effectively It has been said that“ Time is Money” but I disagree.Isnt time really life? At the end of your life,can you even imagine saying to yourself,“I wish Id made more money.” Its more likely youd be thinking“ I wish Id had more TIMEtime to enjoy my life more.” Here are my favorite strategies for managing that most precious of all resourcesTIME.1_You cant find something youve lost when you dont know where you might have lost it in the first place.So keep track of the exact time you begin and end an activity,and write down a few words to describe the activity.This requires you to be really honest with yourself and track your timeso if you spent 23 minutes chatting with coworkers over coffeewrite it down EXACTLY! 2_Review your time logs(记录) and start to classify the tasks into categories(范畴)You will create these categories yourself,as brief as possible.Some examples might be: Administration,Business Development,Sales & Marketing,Computer,etc.You will then sum up how much time you spent doing tasks or activities for each category,in the exact number of minutes.You might also do a little math,to figure the percentage of time each category takes out of each day.3_If you were honest and diligent,chances are that you had suddenly awakened after you reviewed your daily time logs.You no doubt can see where the time is wastedand now youre ready to make a better schedule.Make the best of your time by considering when youre at your best for certain tasks,by grouping similar tasks together for greater efficiency,and by setting aside certain time for doing uninterrupted work.Think where different tasks can best fit into your day.Then actually write this routine down and post it where you see it every day.4_You can create your own easy tools to do this.On own sheet of paper,create 5 sections: High Priorities(优先),Secondary Priorities,People to Contact,Telephone calls,and Schedule.You can fill this out each day,first thing in the morning.Each day,ask yourself,“If nothing else gets done today,what are the one or two items that absolutely MUST be done?” You should also regularly go back to the time logging exercise,so you can determine if you are slipping back into those old bad habits and take immediate steps to get back on track .5_More often than not,we take on more than we should because we dont want to hurt someone elses feelings.When we burden ourselves too much,we are not only creating unnecessary stress in our lives,but we are also creating potential situations where we cannot deliver what weve promised.We also dont realize that when we cant deliver what were promised,we can unintentionally cause more pain than if wed had turned that down in the first place.Remember,youre not doing any favors for yourself or anyone else by taking on more than you can reasonably deliver.【解题导语】本篇阅读介绍了如何正确安排时间。答案1.C本段的关键内容是keep track of the exact time you begin and end an activity,and write down a few words to describe the activity,即说明要记录时间花在哪里。2F本段的关键内容是Review your time logs and start to classify the tasks into categories,即说明要了解时间的分配情况。 3A本段中的make a better schedule,make the best of your time等词都说明每天都要做好权衡,有个好计划。4D本段的关键词是High Priorities,Secondary Priorities,所以讲述的是做事的优先顺序是按重要性来判断。5E本段的关键句是Remember,youre not doing any favors for yourself or anyone else by taking on more than you can reasonably deliver.说明要学会拒绝别人的要求。


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