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Module 4A Social SurveyMy NeighbourhoodSectionA.品句填词1The president makes a general _(调查)of the present situation.2Every year,there are lots of _(旅游者)seeing sights.3That man is always _(打扰)me to lend him money.4As the bus _(接近)the village,they cheered immediately.5He has made many friends in this _(街区)since he moved here from New York.6I dont often go to see my grandparents because they live in the _(郊区).选词填空1The landlord came around to collect the months _.2The flowers here do not _ with those at home.3Your new glasses are very _.4I couldnt find anywhere to _ the car.5Shes _ enough to enjoy good health.单项选择1The rent _ a flat is very high in this district.Aat Babout Cfor Dof2The factory has _ a night school to train the workers.Afound Bput up Cset up Dbuilt3I was approaching _ the garden when a dog ran out.Ato Btowards Cfor D/4Although it was only a _ war,it lasted quite a number of years.Acentral Blocal Cserious Dcomplete5Two middleaged passengers fell into the river._,neither of them could swim.AIn fact BLuckily CNaturally DUnfortunately6Your father is sleeping.Dont _,will you?No,I wont.Ainterrupt Bbother Cexcuse Dbreak7It was the third time that she _ to this mountain village to see the children.Acomes Bcame Chas come Dhad come8He was told that it would be at least three more months_he could recover and return to work.Awhen Bbefore Csince Dthat9What do you think of the girl?She is _ too sure of herself.Afairly Bquite Crather Dpretty10How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight? _,but Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows exam.AAll right BSounds great CI cant DNo,I am terribly sorrySectionB.品句填词1Youd better avoid the rush hour because the _(交通)is very heavy during that time.2My brother was pleased to announce that he had joined the _(组织)3We have nine years experience on making skates,so we have many _(专业的)designers.4Since he became _(失业的),he has been busy looking for a job.5The painting is so expensive that I cant _(买得起)it.6The old man is the only one in his family who has _(死里逃生)the earthquake.选词填空1After graduation,she found _ with a local company.2I tried to _ him at his office,but he wasnt in.3There are _ reasons why you shouldnt accept it.4The temperature _.5She couldnt _ the trouble she was in.单项填空1It remains _ whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.AseenB to be seen Cseeing Dto see2Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the years to come?Sorry,I have no idea.Alifting up Bgoing up Cbringing up Dgrowing up3Ive been made manager of our company. _AGood luck BThats OK .CGo ahead! DCongratulations!4We had great difficulty building the stadium within three months,but we finally _it.Amade Bput Cgot Dsaid5In winter some rich people fly south to _ cold weather in the north.Aget close to Bget away from Cget off Dget down to6Id like to have a holiday with you for the weekend,but with two exams to take I cant _ the time at present.Awaste Bspend Coffer Dafford7The number of people invited _ fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.Awere;was Bwas;was Cwas;were Dwere;were8The lucky wolf _ the hunters shot.Aremoved Bsurvived Cgot Ddesigned9Have you been _ him recently?No.Ive been very busy all the time.Ain contact with Bkept in touch with Clost touch with Dout of contact with10I have offered to paint the house_a weeks accommodation.Ain exchange for Bwith regard to Cby means of Din place ofModule 5A Lesson in a LabSectionA.品句填词1When ice is put in a warm place,it will turn into _(液体)2Man and other animals can not live without _(氧气)3Be careful when you do with these dangerous _(物质)4Things that weigh less than water will _(漂浮)on it.5Put the eggs into the pot,add some water,cover the eggs,and _ (煮)them for about 10 minutes.6They did not come to any _ (结论)until about midnight.选词填空1Your absence will _ our difficulty.2We _ going to the West to work.3_,Id like to thank you for all youve done for me.4Iron _ with water and air to produce rust.5A lot of money was spent on the _ of the new hospital.单项填空1As we all know,the eye reacts _ light.Awith Bon Cto Dupon2It is said that this old building has _ for more than three hundred years.Aexisted Bappeared Cbeen built Dcome into being3Most students in our class prefer taking pains in our studies to _ with a better education.Aequip Bequipping Cbe equipped Dbeing equipped4I dont know how to _ the flies _ the room.Akeep;out Bkeep;away Ckeep;out of Dkeep;from5Dont throw your clothes about.Put them _.Ain public Bin peace Cin need Din order6Mum,the soup is a little salty. Try_some water to it.Aapproaching Bdevoting Cadding Dreferring7This kind of dance show is very _ on TV and is popular with _ young people,especially with high school students.Acommon;usual Busual;ordinary Ccommon;ordinary Dordinary;usual8_ where we can stay for a week.ANext is another hotel to it BNext to it another hotel isCNext to it is another hotel DIt is next to another hotel is9Does_ please you to give gifts to others?Sure.Ait Bthat Cone Dhe10He is very tired working all day.Dont _ him waiting outside in the rain any longer.Acontinue Bleave Cmake DremainSectionB.品句填词1Lighting the _(火焰)has been an important part of every Olympic Opening Ceremony.2He was glad to be made head of the English_(系)3In fact,Im rather _(吃惊的)that you havent done as what I told you to.4It will take the new hospital a whole year to buy all the _(设备)needed.5The professors _(演讲)made us all sleepy.6These are new _(科学上的)discoveries.选词填空1I was _ to see Miriam there.2We were advised to _ the water before drinking it.3What time are you _ to be there?4I am _ to be a Chinese.5Its your _ to do the washing up!6_ your voices _; your mothers trying to get some sleep.单项填空1You should apologize to her,Barry._,but its not going to be easy.AI suppose so BI feel so CI prefer to DI like to2Going out for a trip with friends_ popular in the last few years.Ais Bwas Chas been Dhad been3In my opinion,life in the twentyfirst century is much easier than _.Athat used to be Bit is used to Cit was used to Dit used to be4Why did you eat your words,Jane?Sorry,dear.But I forgot where I was _ to meet you.Ademanded Bimagined Csupposed Dguessed5My father is proud _ his great achievement in the company now.Aof Bwith Cfor Dat6She seemed _ that none of us liked the play.Aastonished Bdelighted Cinterested Dexcited7Could I ask you a rather personal question?Sure,_.Apardon me Bgo ahead Cgood idea Dforget it8Do you go to school on foot?_.AYes,but I did BNo,but I do CNo,but I used to DNo,but I did to9Theyd like to employ a girl who has a gift to head the PR._.Aappointment Bsettlement Cenjoyment Ddepartment10_ the temperature is,_ water turns into ice.ALower;slower BLower;faster CThe lower;the slower DThe lower;the fasterModule 6The Internet and TelecommunicationsSectionA.品句填词1The new model of the car _ (设计)by the engineer is popular with the youth.2With the _(发明)of the computer,the world is becoming smaller.3The main_(来源) of the money of the farmer depends on his crops.4Without the _(许可)of the police,you will be shot to death if you break in.5You can get plenty of information by surfing the national computer_(网络)6If the_(防御)of our country are not powerful,we will be in danger of being attacked.选词填空新|课|标|第|一|网1Computers have _ in price.2You were wrong to take the car without _.3Have you seen the _ for the new shopping centre?4His breakfast _ dry bread and a cup of tea.5He could not _ a proper answer.单项填空1My computer must be infected with virus,for it will _ immediately when I _.Acrash;log Bbreak;log on Cdie;work Dcrash;log on2He left home ten years ago,and _,he was never heard of.Afrom then on Bup to now Cso far Dfrom now on3One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _ healthy eating habits.Agrow Bdevelop Cincrease Draise4In our school,every student had free _ to the library.Aaccess Bchance Cright DuseX|k |b|5The classroom is big enough_,but well have to move if we have more students.Afor the moment Bon the moment Cin a moment Dfor a moment6Every student as well as teachers who _to visit the museum _asked to be at the school gate on time.Ais;is Bare;are Cis;are Dare;is7Do you think_necessary to go all the way to Beijing to buy that computer?Ait B/ Cthis Dthat8The newlybuilt airport will be _ to all kinds of vehicles from all directions.Aavailable Baccessible Ccomfortable Dfavourable9Although the soldier was quite thirsty,he didnt drink the water _ in the bottle.Abrought BcontainedCincluded Dconcluded10Have you_some new ideas?Yeah.Ill tell you later.Acome about Bcome intoCcome up with Dcome out withSectionB.品句填词1A car_(超过)me at 90 mph on the motorway.2You didnt answer my question _(明确地)I want a clear answer right now.3As we all know,China is an_(独立的) country,and Taiwan is a part of it.4The computer games were so_(美妙的) that the teenager didnt realize it was already midnight.5The coat is a bit large for me,so please _ (缩小)it by an inch.6I regret to tell you that the washing machine has two serious _(缺陷).选词填空1Can you turn down the radio? I cant _ my attention on my homework.2Jim insists that it is people who _ history.3_ with the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.4I should _ that not one of these paintings is original(真品)5You can _ six books at a time.单项填空1The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke down Bbroke out Cbroke up Dbroke in2The tree is so big that it takes forty children to make a ring_ it_ holding hands.Aacross;with Bthrough;by Cover;with Daround;by3The advertisements say 2046 is the most romantic film.But Im sure it wont interest _.Asomebody Banybody Ceverybody Dnobody4The cost of the hotel room doesnt usually _ the price of breakfast.Ahold Bcontain Cshare Dinclude5We often communicate _ each other _ the telephone.Awith;on Bto;through Cwith;by Dto;with6I have met with the famous singer,who is very _;she writes and plays.Asociable Blovely Csympathetic Dindependent7As the most _ spoken language in the world,Chinese is taught in many schools in Europe.Afrequently Bproperly Cslightly Ddifferently8Did our boss agree with your plan to expand the business?He only made some remarks on it,but didnt give a _ answer.Adefinite Bproper Ccertain Dsure9Her height will be very much _ her disadvantage if she wants to be a dancer.Afor Babout Cof Dto10You can shorten your article by _ some unimportant information.Ataking down Btaking offCtaking up Dtaking out答案Module 4A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood.品句填词1survey2.tourists3.bothering4.approached5.neighbourhood6.suburb.选词填空1rent2.compare3.attractive4.park5.fortunate.单项填空1【解析】选C。句意:这个地区的房租很高。表示某物的租金,常用for。2【解析】选C。句意:这家工厂开办了夜校来培训工人。found意思是“发现,找到”,作创立讲时,过去分词为founded;put up和build多指建立具体的建筑物。set up可指开办、建立组织、机构等,符合语意。3【解析】选D。approach后接宾语时作及物动词,不需加介词。4【解析】选B。句意:虽然这只是场局部战争,却持续了许多年。其他三个词均不符合句子意思。5【解析】选D。掉进河里又不会游泳,肯定是很不幸运的事情。unfortunately“不幸地”。in fact“事实上”;luckily“幸运地”;naturally“自然地”。6【解析】选B。bother意为“烦扰,打扰”。interrupt“打断(某人的谈话)”;excuse“原谅”;break “折断”,均不符合题意。7【解析】选D。在该句型结构中,主句用一般过去时,从句要使用过去完成时。8【解析】选B。“it will/would be时间段before句子”表示“要过多久才”。这句话的含义是“至少要过3个月他才能身体康复回去上班”。9【解析】选C。只有rather一词能和too连用,意为“稍微;相当”,所以答案是C项。10【解析】选B。考查情景对话理解。这里用sounds great是对这个建议的肯定,后面用but说明我不去的理由。其余几项不合语境。.品句填词1traffic2.organisations3.professional4unemployed5.afford6.survived.选词填空1employment2.contact3.a great many4has gone up5.get away from.单项填空1【解析】选B。句意:吉姆是否能够完全恢复参加决赛还有待观察。it代替whether引导的主语从句,作形式主语;remain在这里相当于系动词,后接不定式的被动式作表语,表示被动、将来。It remains to be seen.意思是“尚待确定;说不准”。2【解析】选B。句意:“你觉得房价明年还会持续上涨吗?”“对不起,我不知道。”go up意为“上涨,上升”,符合题意。lift up意为“提起来”;bring up意为“培养;提出”;grow up意为“长大,成长”。3【解析】选D。congratulations为别人取得进步或成就后自己所表示的祝贺。Good luck“好运”;Thats OK“行啊”;go ahead“干吧”。4【解析】选A。make it“成功做成”,为习惯搭配。5【解析】选B。get away from“躲开”。6【解析】选D。afford和can或be able to连用,表示“能承受得起,能花得起,能负担得起(钱、时间等)”。7【解析】选C。句意:被邀请的人们的数目是50人,但是许多人因为各种原因没有出席。第一空的主语是the number of people,应用was;第二空主语是a number of them,应用were。8【解析】选B。survive意为“幸免;幸存”时为及物动词,符合题意。remove“移动;搬开”;get“得到”;design“设计”。9【解析】选A。从后面的答语的意思可以看出,此处应该表示“你最近和他一直保持联系吗”的意思。而keep in touch with在此不能用被动语态。10【解析】选A。本题考查介词短语。in exchange for意为“交换”;with regard to意为“关于”;by means of意为“通过”;in place of意为“代替”。根据句意,只能选A。Module 5A Lesson in a Lab.品句填词1liquid2.oxygen3.substances4.float5boil6.conclusion.选词填空1add to2.are thinking of3.In conclusion4reacts5.equipment.单项填空1【解析】选C。react to意为“对有反应”;react with表示“与起化学反应”;react on表示“对有影响,使某事物产生变化”。根据题意选C。2【解析】选A。appear出现;built建造;come into being形成、诞生,三项均为非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,所以答案为A。exist存在,为延续性动词。3【解析】选C。注意分析此句话的句子结构,prefer和后面的to没有任何关系,to和后面的动词一起作状语,表示taking pains in our studies的目的。且此处应该使用被动形式。4【解析】选C。短语keep.out of “不让进入”。5【解析】选D。put.in order意为“把放整齐”,为固定搭配,符合题意。in public“当众,公开”;in peace“安静,宁静”;in need“需要”。6【解析】选C。add.to.“往中加入”,为固定搭配。approach“接近”;devote.to.“把奉献于”;refer“谈及,参考”,常与to构成搭配,但是refer后不能直接跟宾语。7【解析】选C。common常见的,普通的;ordinary普通的,不特殊的。ordinary young people普通的年轻人。usual和往常一样的。句意:这种舞蹈秀在电视上很常见,很受普通年轻人尤其是中学生的欢迎。8【解析】选C。考查倒装句。当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,常常引起全部倒装。该句的正常语序为:Another hotel is next to .。9【解析】选A。考查it作形式主语的用法。句意:送礼物给别人让你高兴吗?当然!这里it是形式主语,真正的主语是to give gifts to others。10【解析】选B。本题考查动词的辨析。根据本句话的意思“他工作累了一整天了,不要让他再在外边雨中等着了”分析,此处用动词leave,构成短语结构leave sb.doing sth.表示“使某人处于某种状态或从事某一动作”的意思。宾补除了用v.ing形式外,还可用介词短语、形容词、过去分词等。.品句填词1flame2.Department3.astonished4.facilities5lecture6.scientific.选词填空1astonished2.boil3.supposed4.proud5turn6.Keep;down.单项填空1【解析】选A。句意:巴里,你应该向她道歉。我想这样做,但是不容易。I feel so我感觉是这样;I prefer to我更喜欢;I like to我喜欢。根据题意,答案为A。2【解析】选C。根据后面的时间状语in the last few years判断,此处应该是用现在完成时态。注意比较:in the past“在过去”,使用一般过去时态。3【解析】选D。句意:依我看,21世纪的生活比过去要轻松得多。used to过去常常,据此排除B、C两项;it在这里指life,故答案为D。4【解析】选C。be supposed to do sth.相当于should do sth.,意为“应该做某事”。5【解析】选A。be proud of为固定搭配,意为“以而自豪”。6【解析】选A。astonished“惊讶的”,符合题意。delighted“高兴的”;interested“感兴趣的”;excited“激动的”。7【解析】选B。go ahead在这里意思是“问吧;说吧”,符合语意。pardon me请再说一遍;good idea好主意;forget it没关系,不必在意。8【解析】选C。答语句意为:“我现在不步行上学,但过去曾经是。”9【解析】选D。句意:他们想雇用一个有才能的女孩子当公关部主任。department“部,科,系”,符合题意。appointment“约会;指定”;settlement“定居”;enjoyment“享受;乐趣”。10【解析】选D。句意:温度越低,水结冰越快。“the比较级,the比较级”表示“越;(就)越”;且根据实际情况,第二个空应为“越快”,用faster,故选D。Module 6The Internet and Telecommunications.品句填词1designed2.invention3.source4.permission5network6.defence.选词填空1gone down2.permission3.designs4.consists of5.come up with.单项填空1【解析】选D。句意:我的电脑肯定感染上病毒了,因为我一登录就死机。crash(电脑)死机;log on登录。2【解析】选A。句意:他十年前离开了家,后来再也没有了音讯。from then on在句中作状语时,一般用过去时态;B、C选项作状语,句子用现在完成时;from now on从现在起,表示将来,不合题意,故选A。3【解析】选B。develop a habit“逐步形成一个习惯”。4【解析】选A。考查名词搭配。access to为固定短语,意思是“有权使用”。5【解析】选A。for the moment“暂时;目前”;in a moment“一会儿;立刻”;for a moment“一会儿”。根据题意得出答案。6【解析】选D。考查主谓一致。第一处为who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词teachers,所以用复数;第二处为主句的谓语,因主语every student是单数,所以用is。7【解析】选A。考查代词it的用法。在这里it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。8【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。A项“可以得到的,可以被利用的”;B项“易到达的,易进入的”;C项“舒服的”;D项“有利的”。语境说各种车辆都能进入这座新建的机场,从选项的含义和语境判断选B。9【解析】选B。contain通常指一个整体中所包含的或含有的全部内容,或在一个容器的全部东西,强调包含的整体内容。bring“带来”;include侧重作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,强调整体包含部分;conclude“得出结论”。10【解析】选C。考查动词词组辨析。come about发生,产生,为不及物动词词组;come into进入,得到,继承;come up with想出,提出;come out with突然说出(通常指令人震惊的事)。根据句意:“你有了(想出)一些新主意了吗?”“是的,我稍后告诉你。”可推断C为正确答案。.品句填词1passed2.definitely3.independent4.fantastic5shorten6.disadvantages.选词填空1concentrate2.create3.Compared4.point out5take out.单项填空1【解析】选A。句意:他在互联网上浏览信息的时候,计算机突然出现了故障。break down(机器等)出故障,(计划等)失败;break out(战争、火灾)发生;break up(物理方面)分解,驱散(人群);break in闯入,打断(break in on sb.打断某人谈话)。根据题意选A。2【解析】选D。考查介词。通过手拉手环抱这棵大树。ring around“环抱”;by doing sth.“通过做”。3【解析】选C。本题考查代词的用法。注意but的转折意思,此处用everybody和not连用,表示部分否定“不是每一个人”。4【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:旅馆住房的价格通常不包括早餐的费用。A、C两个选项明显不合题意。include侧重于某一部分,符合语境,故选D项。5【解析】选A。communicate与with搭配,表示“与某人交流”;表示“通过电话”可用on/through the phone或by phone。综合两个方面,应选A。6【解析】选D。由题干中的“she writes and plays”可知那位著名的歌手是一位很自立的人,故independent“独立的”符合题意。7【解析】选A。由题意可知所填副词用于修饰动词spoken,说明汉语在世界上是很常用的,故用frequently,意为“经常地”。8【解析】选A。句意:老板同意你扩大经营的计划了吗?他只对计划进行了评论,但没做明确答复。definite肯定的,明确的;proper恰当的;certain某一个,必然的;sure肯定的,有把握的,一定的,根据题意答案为A。9【解析】选D。句意:如果她想当舞蹈演员的话,她的身高将对她不利。be to sb.s disadvantage是固定搭配,意思是“对某人不利”。10【解析】选D。你可以通过删除一些不重要的信息来缩短你的文章。take out除掉,这里引申为“删除”,符合题意;take down记下,取下,拆除;take off脱掉(衣服等),起飞;take up拿起,占(时间、空间);开始从事,均不符合语境。


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