
a ball。a ball。Its a。picture。Unit 5 Its a Lemon。Its an apple.。Its a banana.。Its。Hello。Miss Liu。Max Rex Miss Liu Mr.White。Good afternoon。a。Its a car.。Its a c。bear。


1、Unit 2 Look, a ball!,酉水河中心校 张漫,Lets sing,Lets review,dog,ball,cat,car,Play a game! (火眼金睛),cat,Its a,Whats this?,这是什么?,它是.,Whats this?,dog,Its a,car,Its a,Whats this?,b。

2、apple,The one.,banana,/b/,orange,/,picture,/pk/,apple,/,lemon,/le/,Unit 5 Its a Lemon,2020/8/27,Whats this ?,Its an apple.,Whats that ?,Its a banana.,2020/8/27,Show me your picture,p。

3、Unit 4,What Colour Is It?,Goals(目标):,1.听说认读关于颜色的5个单词: red, white, yellow, green, blue,2.掌握并使用句型:,Its ,Sing a song (五颜六色),变魔术,flowers花,red,white,yellow,blue,green,red,green,white,blue。

4、Hello, Miss Liu !,重庆长寿区第一实验小学 Yang Gao,2020/8/27,Hello,Mr.Yang,Hello,Class,2020/8/27,Miss Liu,Lu Hua,Rex,Max,2020/8/27,Miss Liu,Lu Hua,Rex,Max,2020/8/27,Miss Liu,Lu Hua,Rex,Max,2020/8/27。

5、Look, a ball !,nin,Review,Our friends: Max Rex Miss Liu Mr.White,Good morning !,Good afternoon !,car,a,ball.,a,Its,它是一个球。,Its a car.,Its,Its,a,Its,a,Its,Its,a,Its,ball.,a,Its,Its a car.,Its a c。

6、Unit 6 Lesson 2,Happy new year,bear,Bear ,bear ,I love bear.,balloon,Balloon ,balloon, a balloon for you.,plane,Plane ,plane ,it is a big plane .,boat,Boat ,boat ,this is a lovely boat.,boat,plane,ba。

7、Unit 1 Hello, Miss Liu Yong Xing Primary School Tan Hui Do you know them? Do you know them? Do you know them? Do you know them? Lets talk Lets talk Lets talk Lets talk Lets talk Hi, Im. Lets act morni。

8、Unit 2 Look, a Ball! Look,a ball Yes,its a ball. Look,a dog Yes,its a dog. Look,a car Yes,its a car. Look,a car No,its a ball. Look,a cat. No,its a dog. Look,a ball No,it isnt. pen p-en pencil pen-cil。

9、Whats your number 0 1 2 3 4 5 zero one two three four five Good morning , class ! 早上好,同学们! Good morning ,Mr.Li ! 早上好,李老师! Number off ,please . 请报数。 One ,Two ,Three , Three . 1, 2, 3, 3。 Three。

10、长岭中心小学 Miss Wang Unit 4 What Colour is it? 1 2 3 4 Greeting Review Presentation Consolidation Greeting Sing an English song Good afternoon Nice to meet you. How old are you? Review blue yellow gre。

11、Task1:Review the words 1.Read the words by yourself.(1min) 完成导学单任务 1,先自己读一读并在你会读的单 词后打“ ” 2.Check in group.(3mins) 请一号同学拿出你信封里的单词卡片,与小组成员 用问答的形式交流单词,并在“他能读”栏目里 打根据情况打“ ” Tips: 1.help each other(同学读时。

12、Unit 6 Happy New Year Lesson 3 New year is coming 注意: 要更改此幻灯 片上的图像, 请选择图片并 将其删除。然 后单击占位符 中的插入图片 图标 以插入您自己 的图像。 Tasks for。

13、Unit 2 Look, a ball Lesson 1 ball cat dog car ball cat car dog Its a ball, ball, its a ball. cat, cat, its a cat. dog, d。

14、What colours are there in the picture 图片上有些什么颜色 高治小学 :唐雯 red white yellow green blue red green white blue What colour is。

15、Unit 3 whats your number Lesson 2 How old are you How many 听掌声说数字 listen carefully video This My Cake. 考考你 1 can you gue。

16、Unit 5 Its a Lemon Lesson 2 重大版小学英语三年级上册 Whats this Its a . Sharp eyes: Its a birthday cake Welcome to the birthday part。

17、Number Song Unit 3 Whats Your Number 斑竹小学:周婷婷 Lets Learn words one two three four five 0 zero 0 1 2 3 4 5 practice 规则。

18、重大版三年级上册 Unit 6 Tips: 1.I can t read.找出不会的单词 2. Who can help me向组员求助 3.Lets check.小组长抽读 Group work 小组互学单词 Click it by yo。

19、Show me your crayon. red . Come here , Rex. Ok, Miss Liu. Here you are. Thank you. Go back to your seat , please. Ok ,。

20、长寿实验一小 李莹 Tips :Find the difference 找到两张图片的不同之处,指出来。 pen pencil book ruler Find the ruler.找到尺子1.请一学生来找尺子,只有两次机会。2.其他人齐说。

标签 > 重大版英语三年级上册Unit[编号:1929196]

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