
1. Taking care of a family is a big ________(责任).。2.A ________(群) of students are planting trees in the field。


1、Module 9 Unit 5 Inside Advertising Reading,How advertising works,Scan the text and predict the content.,Scanning,Detail reading,We are exposed to ads in our daily life. 1) What kind of ads can we find? 2) Where do ads appear? 3) Why we need to understand how advertising works?,Introduction,What is an ad?,1) Definition (a message or announcement that intends to inform or influence people) 2) Means (words, pictures, music, film) 3) Advertisers (business, individuals, organizations, associations。

2、How advertising works,Enjoy an ad.,Skim the text and predict the content.,Skimming,Listen and pay attention to the following words.,Who? Why? Where? How?,Choose the correct answers.,1. Who advertises?( ) A. business B. individuals C. organisations D. associations 2. Why do they advertise?( ) A. to inform the public B. to sell their goods C. to educate the bad guys D. to fool people,A.B.C.D,A.B,3. Where do they advertise?( ) A. on buses B. on the radio C. o。

3、Unit 5 Inside Advertising Reading,How advertising works,Scan the text and predict the content.,Scanning,Detail reading,We are exposed to ads in our daily life. 1) What kind of ads can we find? 2) Where do ads appear? 3) Why we need to understand how advertising works?,Introduction,What is an ad?,1) Definition (a message or announcement that intends to inform or influence people) 2) Means (words, pictures, music, film) 3) Advertisers (business, individuals, organizations, associations),How do a。

4、Language points,Unit 5 Enjoying novels,1. n. a story of excitement and adventure, often set in the past 2. n. the extreme edge or limit of a place 3. n. a bedroom or private room 4. n. a large impressive house,romance传奇故事 margin 边缘 chamber房间;室 mansion公馆;宅第,margin 1) (C. formal) 边缘;极限;界限 the eastern of the Indian Ocean 印度洋的东岸 2) (C. usually pl.) 边缘部分;非主体部分 people living on the margins of society 生活在社会边缘的人们,1. n. an opinion that all members of a gro。

5、How advertising works,Enjoy an ad.,Skim the text and predict the content.,Skimming,Listen and pay attention to the following words.,Who? Why? Where? How?,Choose the correct answers.,1. Who adv。

6、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Fairness for All 知识点汇总 新人教版选修10 一、核心单词用法例析 1Register v. 登记,注册; 以挂号寄送 Where can I register for the Arabic course?我选阿拉伯语一科到哪里注册。

7、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3Fairness for all教案(1) 新人教版选修10 三点剖析 单词典句考点 【经典例句】 Today we went to church where our minister,Martin Luther King,Jr,announced that a boycott of。

8、2019-2020年高中英语 Fairness for all-Integrating skills教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching goals教学目标 1Ability goals能力目标 Enable students to practice reading skills,emphasize students ability to。

9、2019-2020年高中英语 Fairness for all-writing教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching goals教学目标 1Target language语言目标 重点词汇和短语 a用于开启文章的词或短语: at present,firstly,generally speaking。

10、2019-2020年高中英语 Fairness for all-Language points教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching goals教学目标 1Target language目标语言 重点词汇和短语 trolleybus,tradition,pedestrian,hopeful,separation,submi。

11、Unit 4 Learning efficiently (一)教材分析: 本单元的中心话题是“语言学习策略,如何改进听、说、读、写的技能”,内容涉及“如何成为一名成功的阅读者”、 “你怎样才能学得更好”、 “适用各类人群。

12、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Period 5 Fairness for all-Integrating skills教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching goals教学目标 1Ability goals能力目标 Enable students to practice reading skills,emphasize studen。

13、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1nothing ventured nothing gained教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching Goals: I. Emotional learning: 1) Ss should get to know the thorough meaning of the saying “ No pains, No gani。

14、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Fairness for all 词汇句型语法讲解 新人教版选修10 一、核心单词用法例析 1Register v. 登记,注册; 以挂号寄送 Where can I register for the Arabic course?我选阿拉伯语一科到哪里。

15、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Nothing ventrued-nothing gained教案 新人教版选修10 第一课时Warming Up Do you know “不入虎穴,焉得虎子” in Chinese? How can we say the same meaning in English? Nothing brave。

16、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Learning Efficiently知识点汇总 新人教版选修10 一、核心单词用法例析 1. efficient a. 生效的、效率高的;有能力的 Our efficient new machines are much cheaper to run.我们高效率的。

17、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 King Lear-词汇句型语法讲解 新人教版选修10 一、核心单词用法例析 1. shorten vt. 缩短。 She shortened the skirt by an inch. 她把裙子缩短了一英寸。 2. burden n. & vt.。

18、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 period6 Enjoying novels-Writing教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching goals教学目标 1Target language目标语言 a重点词组 in vain,at length,straight away b重点句子 If 1 were yo。

19、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Period 4 Fairness for all-Listening and speaking教案 新人教版选修10 Teaching goals教学目标 1Target language目标语言 a重点词汇和短语 accuse of,attack,innocent,academic。

20、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Fairness of all-词汇句型语法讲解 新人教版选修10 一、核心单词用法例析 1Register v. 登记,注册; 以挂号寄送 Where can I register for the Arabic course?我选阿拉伯语一科到哪里注。

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