2019-2020年高中英语 Fairness for all-writing教案 新人教版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Fairness for all-writing教案 新人教版选修10Teaching goals教学目标1Target language语言目标 重点词汇和短语 a用于开启文章的词或短语:at present,firstly,generally speaking,first of all,now b用于承接上旬的词或短语 for example,meanwhile,besides,what is more, worse still,whats worse, in addition, to make things worse,in fact,as a matter of fact 2Ability goals能力目标 Enable students to master the practice of the three-paragraph organization and put the conjunctions into use in the real writing. 3Learning ability goals学能目标 Help students 1earn passage development skills and use conjunctions in the practice of writing to make positions readable and logical Teaching important points教学重点 By following reading ,reciting imitating writing process enable students to write logically Teaching difficult points教学难点 Intensify students sense to list facts and use practical conjunctions to make students work more readable Teaching methods教学方法 Team work learning,taskbased 1earning and co-operation Teaching aids教具准备 A projector and some slides Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionT: At the beginning of this class I will check your homework I gave you yesterday. First I will call some students to e to the front and read your plans and speeches. Next please tell me in what way you organized your writing.Some students e to the front to read their works.T: How do you organize your writing and what techniques do you use to make your writing readable and logical?Students present their answers.Step Reading aloud and recitingTask one: Read and findT: Here is a beautifully written passage. Read the passage and find the answers to the following questions.Show the passage on the screen.Less Divorce For the Sake of Our Kids At present, more and more families rush into divorce, and this has caused a serious problem. The children from these broken families suffer a lot. Studies show that parents are great teachers for children and they influence them a lot. Without care and love of both parents, children may easily develop bad behavior and form bad habits. Besides, childrens interest is often neglected and many of them are both mentally and physically weak. Whats worse, these children will find less fun in their family and they will feel lonely. If they develop friendship in an improper way, they may bee young criminals. They may cause trouble and do harm to the society. In fact most of young criminals lack their happy childhood. Effective measures should be taken by the society to prevent the high rate of divorce. Government should educate the married people and persuade them to solve family problems in right ways. Young lovers should consider their choice of marriage as a lifelong promise. Thus they would value their relationship and they would try their best to keep their promise to each other.Questions:1. What problem is mentioned in the first paragraph?2. What do children from broken families suffer?3. What are possible solutions to the problem?4. In what way is this passage organized?5. What conjunctions are used in this passage?6. Whats the use of these conjunctions?Possible answers:1. Children from broken families suffer lot.2. They lack love and care, thus they may develop bad behaviors and even bee young criminals.3. By educating the married people to value their marriage and with joint efforts from the society the divorce rate will reduce.4. This passage is organized in the following way: State problemAnalyze problemSolutions.5. At present; besides; whats more; in fact.6. They are used to make the whole passage readable and logical.Step III Pre-writingTask one: Present writing taskT: You are required to write a report to the council of Lakeside Town. In your report the following points should be included.Main points:1. Present the living conditions of the campsite.2. Your reasons to improve the campsite.3. Your plan and suggestions to improve the campsite.Go through the task and find out what is required to write.T: Look at the task and see how you can organize the passage.Ss: We can organize the passage by following the three-paragraph organization pattern.Task two: List the major pointsT: Before writing you are required to consider what major points should be concluded in your position.Possible points:Present problems:1. Poor facilities.2. Inconvenient for children to go to school.3. Circus people are looked down upon.Analyze the problems:1. Circus people should enjoy equal rights as other people do.2. Bad living conditions may cause diseases.3. The town council didnt notice how serious the problem is.Solutions to the problems:1. Improvement on some of the facilities.2. Find a good position.3. Change peoples attitude toward circus people.Task three: Write topic sentencesT: Since you have listed all the facts that should be included in your passage, next you are to write down topic sentences that can generalize the points of each paragraph.Possible topic sentences:1. Circus people are living a hard life and their children are looked down upon.2. The problems are caused by neglection of the council and it may lead to serious results.3. Improvement is needed and we should take some measures.Step IV WritingT: Write a passage following the three-paragraph pattern and use the conjunctions to make your positions readable.Sample passage: Give a Hand to the Campsite At present, circus people are living a hard life. They suffer a lot and they are looked down upon by other people. Wherever you go you can find rubbish all around. Besides, there is only one tap water and people dont have enough water to keep clean. Whats worse, circus children feel very inconvenient to go to school because the bus stop is far from their living area. Thus these children are looked down upon by other students. We are equal as citizens. But up to now, our town council hasnt noticed the suffering of these people. If the situation continues like this, infectivedisease may arise. If so the whole people in the town may get infected. Since circus people should enjoy equal rights as we do, their living conditions should be improved. Effective measures should be taken by our council. We need to find a good position to rebuild the campsite. It should be a place which is near bus stops, whats more, the facilities should be improved. If so, the circus people will enjoy a clean and better life. They will not be discriminated and share equability with us.Step V Post-writingTask one: self checkT: Check your position to see if you have met the following standards.Standards:1. Include all the points in your list.2. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.3. Properly use the conjunctions in your passage.Task two: Pair check and improvementT: Work in pairs and check your partners position. Make sure to give some ments on your partners work. You can assess your partners work by following the chart.Check in pairs and give ments.Readable and logical Excellent Good Less goodGrammar mistakes Few Some ManyStructure Well-designed Middle BadFinal ments:Step VI HomeworkTask one: Recite new words and expressions. Task two: Check how well you know about Martin and the Civil Rights Movement


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