2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Nothing ventrued-nothing gained教案 新人教版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Nothing ventrued-nothing gained教案 新人教版选修10第一课时Warming UpDo you know “不入虎穴,焉得虎子” in Chinese? How can we say the same meaning in English?Nothing brave, nothing have. Nothing seek, nothing find. Nothing stake, nothing draw. Nothing venture, nothing win (or have or gain). Nothing crave, nothing have. Sow nothing, reap nothing. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. He who risks nothing gains nothing. If you venture nothing, you will have nothing. Tasks:Read and listen to the three stories on P1. And try to think out the characters they have in mon. What do you think helped them out and achieved success in life?King Bruce is watching the spider weaving its web.Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider (蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence from this and to have gone on to beat the English.Anne Sullivan is teaching Helen Keller by feeling or touching.Helen Keller, born a normal little girl, but at the age of 19 months became iii and lost her hearing and her sight. She and her family was in despair until they met Anne Sullivan. Her work with Helen was very successful. After college, Helen gave lecture tours speaking about her experiences and her beliefs. They worked very hard to raise money, to encourage people to educate blind and deaf children. Gou Jian is sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall.Gou Jian was the ruler of the kingdom of Yue, conquered by the neighboring kingdom of Wu. He was made a slave and suff-ered many hardships. But his tolerance earned the trust of the King of Wu and eventually he was set free. But he never forgot his suffering, slept on firewood and straw every night, and tasted bitter gall-bladder until his kingdom was strong enough and he attacked the King of Wu and killed him. Something in mon:make up ones mind, be determined to do sth, persevere with, stick at, persist in, not give up, not be discouraged by, keep going, keep trying, keep positive, etc.Positive adj.patient, resilient, persevering, resourceful, focused, serious, determined, strong-willedNegative adj.obstinate, stubborn, pig-headedDiscussion1. What conclusion can we draw from the three stories?2. By what did they achieve their success?3. How do you regard the behaviour of Gou Jian?4. What can we learn from them?Reading prehensionThe “spider-story” is often told as an example of this. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider (蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence from this and to have gone on to beat the English. Edison, too, the inventor of the light bulb (电灯泡), made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one. So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were you in high spirit then? What can you change so that things will go right the next time? Second, is the goal (目标) you are trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about this question: “If I am successful in this, where will it get me?” This may help to prevent failure in the things you shouldnt be doing anyway. The third thing to remember about failure is that its a part of life. Learn to “live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, “You cant win them all.” 1. Robert Bruce was mentioned in the passage to show that_. A. people who fail are not lonely B. animals can help people sometimes C. nature will help us if we are hard-working D. confidence is important for one to be successful 2. Edisons example shows us that_. A. he liked to do other kinds of work B. he invented many kinds of light bulbs C. failure may be a way towards success D. he was a man of many important inventions 3. If you are not sure about what success will get you, youd better . A. change your goal B. go on with your goal C. not care for that D. work even harder on your goal 4. It can be learned from the passage that . A. one should try not to fail B. ones failure is anothers success C. one should take failure seriously D. one should learn lessons from failure 5. This passage is mainly about . A. two great men B. two sides of failure C. the right attitude (态度) towards failure D. ways to keep away from failure Keys: DCBACHOMEWORK1. Learn the new words and expressions of this unit.2. Preview Reading partUnit 1Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained第二课时READINGA Successful Failure Lead inHave you ever had a hardest experience or faced a greatest challenge?What is it?How did you go through it?What lessons have you learned from it?venture seasicknessScottish suffering strengthen endurance hut stove unbearable cosy breathless Circumstanceblacken rottenblast hoarse bless selfish hook aboard webanyhow冒险晕船苏格兰的痛苦,艰难力量忍受,持久小屋火炉不能承受的舒适的呼吸困难的情况变黑腐烂的一阵风嘶哑的保佑自私的钓钩,上钩到/在船上网格不管怎样steward crush mourn urgent bedding vital cheerful faithrankmorale selectpersevere perseverance framework booming swear advocateblock out give way to give off 管事,服务员破碎,压破哀悼,惋惜紧急卧具生命的欢乐的信仰等级道德精选坚持框架咆哮的发誓提倡遮盖退出;屈服发生;释放Try to skim through the passage and get the main plot of the story.The main plot of the storyThis is the true story of one young man, Perce Blackborow, who hid aboard the ship that took Ernest Shackletons expedition to the South Pole. He was accepted by him, once he was found, and became a steward and cook for the rest of the expedition. When the ship was crushed by ice, Perce was one of those left behind on Elephant Island to wait for rescue. Shackleton and a few others set out through very dangerous seas to South Georgia Island to get help so that they could all be saved. The conditions for those left on Elephant Island were very bad. They had little food, other than penguin or seal, problems keep-ing warm, problems melting the ice for water and protecting their fingers and toes from frostbite. Perce had to have his toes removed because they bad bee affected by the cold. Nevertheless the small group remained loyal to their captains instructions: to remain cheerful and optimistic despite all difficulties. Above all they worked to stay alive till Shackleton returned to rescue them.Answer some questions:1. Where is the reading passage set?2. Why is the title of the passage “A successful failure”? Was the expedition a failure? Was it a success?3. Who does Perce admire and why?Words and expressions explained1 . almost blocking out the memories of happier times.The expression to block out here is used in an idiomatic way. The verb literally means to stop light reaching a place but it is used in this context to mean to stop remembering things.2 Just as I am about to bee self-pitying, the door to our shelter opens and a blast of cold air tears through the hut.This is a pound word that means to feel sorry for oneself and in the story Perce is about to feel very sorry for himself because of the desperate situation they are in.3 I believe Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but he did not waste time on regrets.To mourn for someone or something means that you are very sad that a person has died or a thing has ended.Ideas understood1. Why were Perce and his colleagues left on Elephant Island?2. Why did Perce not apply for the expedition like everyone else?3. Why is he unable to think of happier times as he lies inside his sleeping bag?4. What are his problems?5. Do you think he has a sensible approach to his situation ? Why ?Discussion of ideas 1. Which is more valuable: a mans life or visiting a previously unvisited spot?2. What precautions should have been taken before the expedition in case of emergency?3. Do you think Perce and his panions had any alternative to eating seals and penguins? What would you have done ?4. Are there any circumstances under which you would eat seals or penguins ? Give your reasons.Choose the correct answer to each question. 1. Why did Blackborow think that being young, fit and energetic would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip? A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energetic. B It would be cold and Shackleton would need young, energetic people to do difficult jobs C Shackleton wanted people who were fit but not trained in useful skills. D Blackborow would not have gone unless he was young and energetic.2. Why did Shackleton accept Perce when he found him hiding in the ship after the voyage had started? A He didnt have time to turn round and take him back to England. B He admired his courage and encouraged him to stay. C He felt angry but could not show it so he accepted the boy. D He made the best of the situation.3. Why did Shackleton not show how disappointed he was when the ship sank? A He thought he could always organize another expedition. B He knew it would be easier to cross Antarctica without the ship. C He felt the men would need encouraging after this disaster. D He had already taken all necessary supplies from the ship.When the ship sank, Shackleton encouraged each sailor to collect three personal things (camera, banjo, diary, family album, etc) to take with him. Try to make a dialogue between Shackleton and three of his men about what to leave, what to take and why.What Sailor 1 keep any whyWhat Sailor 2 keep any whyWhat Sailor 3 keep any why123123123Hints:.want to take something to read take my gameboy with me to play with. need a battery cannot buy batteries at the South Pole! choose a pack of cards play with that. take my diary write about how it feels and what happens to us every day taking a bar of soap try and keep clean those are good choices and reasons.What qualities do you think Shackleton and Perce show? Find some examples to support your ideas.NameQualitiesExamplesShackleton1Perseverance,unselfishness,calmness2 Concern and responsibility for others Blackborrow1determined,adventurous2 Cheerful, hard-workingShackleton: never gave way to disappointment with ship sank and expedition failed; was always honest with his men;no differences in rank or in social status; a fair division of food as well as work planned a rescue plan as soon as the ship sank Blackborrow:when he thought he could not go he did aboard the ship; served 28 meals three times a day despite problems with food HOMEWORK1. Review the passage and do some exercises on Workbook.2. Try to grasp the words and expressions in the passage.Unit 1Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained第三课时ListeningI. Listen to the tape on page 7.Listening materialTHE RESCUE1 Read these questions and listen to the tape for the first time.Why did Shackleton have to attempt the journey to South Georgia?There were two reasons: he felt his men were too weak to last very long without rescue; no ships passed that way. So Shackleton knew he would have to go for help himself. Do you think there was any alternative?2 Listen to the tape again. Write down the problems that Shackleton faced on the rescue attempt and how he overcame them.Shackletons problem How he overcame them 1 To make sure that the group left behind had the best chance of survival 2 How to arrive safely on South Georgia the navigator 3 He arrived on the wrong side of South Georgia. 1 The choice of his party: He took the best navigator and the most difficult crew members so that he left the optimistic and most co-operative people behind. 2 The quality of the navigation: Despite terrible seas checked the ships position only three .times but managed to arrive safely. 3 The perseverance of the party: They crossed the mountains sometimes sliding on their bottoms and arrived safely. ll. Listen to the tape on page 51 on Workbook.LISTENING TEXTWHERE DID HUMANS E FROM?Ex,1. Questions before listening:1.What theories on the origin of species existed before Darwins idea?2.What is Darwins idea?3.What was the public reaction to his idea?4.Does everyone believe in his idea now?5.What do you think of his idea?Ex. 3 Fill in the information in the chart.Old theoryNew theoryWho made the different animals and plants?GodThe theory of evolution that animals developed from earlier speciesHow do you know?From the BibleBy collecting evidenceHow long did it take?Six daysMillions of yearsWhere did people e from?God made them.Developed from monkeysEx. 4 Answer these questions1 What made Charles Darwin change his mind and explain his new theory?1 After twenty years Charles Darwin changed his mind and explained his new theory because another biologist also had the same idea. The two of them worked together.2 What was the public reaction to his book The Origin of Species?2 The public reaction to the new theory was very fierce. (Everybody was forced to take sides in the debate between the biologists and the Christian Church. Even the Prime Minister of the day, Benjamin Disraeli, was asked his opinion. He said Is man an ape or an angel? Now I am on the side of the angels.)3 Who did he upset? Why did he upset them?3 He particularly upset all the followers of the Christian church who believed that the Bible came directly from God and therefore every word must be true.4 How did he handle the criticism?4 He handled the criticism with tact and patience.Unit 1Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained第四课时LEARDING ABOUT LANGUAGEEx 1, p 5 April 16th, 1916Moving to Elephant Island was a dangerous under-taking, but it was not our first. We had _ onto the ice to make camp when the Endurance was stuck. The ice constantly broke up at night because of the warmth of our bodies and we often dropped into the freezing water while sleeping. Though we were in an _ situation, we tried to make our daily life_ with singing and making fun of each other. Our_ improved when we saw the solid land of Elephant Island appear on the horizon. Shackleton gave us no time to _ the failure of our expedition. He encouraged us all with advice to prevent _ . Without his_ that we would indeed survive, we might all_ to despair. _ we prepared to follow his advice and on this day climbed into the three small open boats ready for the journey.EX. 2, p 6Gou Jian, King of Yue, was captured by his enemy, Fu Chai, the King of Wu. His _ lasted for three_ years, which to him seemed like a lifetime. One day the King of Wu fell ill. After tasting the Kings stool(大便), Gou Jian announced that Fu Chai would soon_. Fu Chai was moved by his act and he let him return to Yue. Remembering how _ his life as a slave had been, Gou Jian took no interest in _ and continued to live in the same way as he did in Wu. He wanted to_ his lost land. But he also knew it was _ to_ the chance with care. So first he introduced the King of Wu to a beauty called Xi Shi. While Fu Chai was trying to entertain Xi Shi, Gou Jian attacked and defeated him.Ex. 3, p 6, creating a word web of adjectives to describe peoples charactersUseful structures-attributes: Ex. 1, p 6warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom, sunny days, my mothers face and tire celebration we will get when we return .Ex. 2, p 7freezingwho liked to visit sites of historic placeslandingwhere they had struggled to land soft-eyed which looked grey and forbidding that surrounded the camp on two sidesunfair coldest, most unfriendly to eat of menlike a baby rescueEx. 3, p 7A Tile tall girl who had long, black hair carried a large handbag.B The girl carrying an empty handbag did not look rich enough to buy a necklace.C Her green coat was too thin for the cold weather.D The girl wearing glasses looked carefully round the shop.E She looked at the necklace given by the assistant.F The assistant turned back and the necklace that had been on the counter was gone.G The girl who left the shop in a hurry said she must catch a train.Workbook, p 52, Ex 1Odysseus is a literary figure in the Odyssey written by Homer. He rejected the_ life of a Greek king and made a _to help another Greek leader, Menelaus, get his wife back. But the war dragged on and on and he was away from his family for ten years. During this time the fortunes of the war were so_ that no one could predict who would win. Odysseus became tired of the war and the _ in Troy. He _ wanted to return home, so when the Greek kings had their _ weekly meet-ing he suggested that they _an opportunity to trick the Trojans. The Greeks built a giant wooden horse so that men could hide inside it. The Greeks then pretended to leave _ their ships as if they were _ by the length of the war. The Trojans_ their Gods for their good fortune and prepared to celebrate. That night the men climbed out of the horse and opened the city gates to the Greek army. The Trojans awoke to the _ of their warn- ing bell announcing a Greek victory. So the war ended but the _ of the Trojan people was only just beginning.Ex 2 Find the words in the text that have these meanings. DefinitionWordMeaning1A to show fondness for someoneB to make something holy2A the quality of being very carefulB an official warning3A continuously movingB full of energy and new ideasC a force or power that causes movementEX 3 Translate these sentences into English, using the words in brackets.1 我建议你做出这个决定,因为这是合法的。(advocate)I would advocate that you make this decision because it is legal.2 在电影放映过程中他感到极端无聊,因为那部电影是那么愚蠢可笑。(bored)He was extremely bored during the film show because it was so silly.3 那块肉散发出一股臭味,因为它变质了。(give off)That meat is giving off a bad smell because it is bad / rotten.4 她是一位值得尊敬的人,她总是把别人的需求放在第一位。(admirable)She is an admirable person who always puts other peoples needs first.5 如果你说那件事是真的,你得发誓保证你是在说实话。(swear)If you say it is true, you must swear you are telling the truth.Ex 4 Replace the underlined phrases with words similar in meaning from this unit.1 My failure in that exam was so painful that I stopped myself from remembering it until many years later when I could consider it more rationally.2 This is an ancient kind of camp fire for cooking. 3 That kind of behaviour is not considerate and makes me feel upset. 4 The water in my bath is extremely cold so it is unfortable for me to get into it.Listing structures workbook p 541 Underline the attributes.2 Join these sentences together into one1 Toad had many accidents in cars. They were caused by his careless driving. 2 The girl is called Mary. She is going to play the piano in the concert.A B 3 He was sent to a prison. It was well-designed to prevent escapes.4 The thief stole a painting. He sold it to a foreign artist.5 She has got the license. She can drive now.Unit 1Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained第五课时TalkingWorkbook, p 51Now you are expected to tell a story using one of these four pictures. In your plan you should include three parts: The beginning should

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