
Think About It。1. What do you think is the same in every Olympics。2. What is the most important part of a team。Lesson 36 Classroom Olympics。


1、Lessons 1 6,Spring Is Coming !,You Will Learn,Functions,Talking About the Weather and Spring,Grammar,Word Building,Structures,It will be 100C during the day. My class is also planning a field trip to the countryside. Everyone longs for spring. The temperature drops below zero on those snowy days.,Talking About Outdoor Activities,Lesson 1: Hows the weather?,I. Learning aims:,The words and phrases: shower; thunderstorm; thunder; sunrise; sunset; rise; set; exact 2) The important sentence。

2、Lesson 2: Its Getting Warmer!,I. Learning aims:,The words and phrases: neither; nor; boot; jasmine; blossom; sunshine; swing 2) The important sentences: Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang. I see many people in the park exercising.,1) 区分 arrive 与 reach 2) neither nor e.g. I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,neither,boot,jasmine,sunshine,blossom,swing,Tai Chi,nor,Language Points,arrive in 到达某地,通常指到达较大的地方;到。

3、Lesson 3: The Sun Is Rising,I. Learning aims:,II. Learning important and difficult points:,1) The words and phrases: melt; hillside; wind; gently 2) The important sentences: Weather is warming. Through the trees.,1) Sun is rising. 2) one by one/year by year/day by day,gently,hillside,wind,New Words,melt,blossom,hillside,Lets Do It !, In a group of three, read the song aloud as a poem. Each of you should read one part., How do you know when spring is coming?,Talk with your partner about th。

4、Lesson 4: The Spring City,Learning aims:,1) The new words: budding, nearly, millimetre, plenty, anytime 2) The important sentences: Everyone longs for spring. But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round. The average winter temperature is 150C. Theres plenty of sunshine too, with about 2250 hours of sunshine every year.,New Words,budding nearly millimetre plenty anytime,Language Points,But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round.。

5、Lesson 5:,Babysitting on a Spring Day,I. Learning aims:,(1) The words and phrases: babysit, bar, instead, push, soccer, shall, rabbit (2) The important sentences: Danny is babysitting his cousin Debbie on the playground. Its time to stop swinging. Debbie gets off the swing.,(1) stop doing sth./to do sth. (2) Its time to stop doing sth. (3) get off, get on (4) come on/some down,II. Learning important and difficult points:,babysit,Debbie,bar,instead,soccer,shall,push,New Words,rabbit,swing。

6、Lesson 6: Stories about Spring,I. Learning aims:,The words and phrases: low, below, zero, until, groundhog, bush 2) The important sentence: We probably wont see any flowers until May or June!,notuntil “直到才” e.g. They didnt leave until they finished the work.,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,low below zero until groundhog bush,Language Points,We probably wont see any flowers until May or June. 直到五月或六月我们才能看到花。,They didnt work out the ma。

7、Lesson 7 12,Plant a Plant !,Functions:,Grammar:,Structures:,Talking about Plants and Gardening,Word Building,Its fun and important to plant plants. Gardening is a very enjoyable hobby. That is the whole purpose of growing a garden.,We Will Learn,Lesson 7: Planting Trees,1) must情态动词的用法 2) be filled with 3) suppose的用法,I. Learning aims:,The words and phrases: hole, large, root, seedling, cover, fill, dirt, pack, dust, storm, dirty, northern, bottom,II. Learning important and difficult poi。

8、Lesson 8: Why Are Plants Important?,I. Learning aims:,Master the new words and phrases: pleasant, shade, basic, soil,II. Learning important and difficult points:,1) be made of / in / from / by 2) without的用法,pleasant,shade,basic,soil,New Words,Which do you eat more, plants or meat? Can we live without plants? Why or why not? What do people use plants for?,Think About It !,Lets Do It !,In a small group, make a list of the plants you eat everyday. What would happen to us if there were no plants。

9、Lesson 9: Gardening with Mary,I. Learning aims:,Master the new words and phrases: channel, gardener,II. Learning important and difficult points:,1) grow的用法 2) have fun doing sth.,channel n. 频道 gardener n. 园艺家;花匠;园丁,New Words,Lets Do It !,Do you have a favorite plant? Describe your plant or describe a plant you would like to have. You can draw a picture and show it to your class. Use your imagination!,Language Points,grow 当不及物动词时, 表示“ 种植,生长,增长”。当及物动词讲时,。

10、Lesson 10: Make Your Garden Grow!,I. Learning aims:,Master the new words and phrases: consider, sunlight, test, compost, dry, nearby, squirrel, fence, purpose,II. Learning important and difficult points:,1) consider的用法 2) decide的用法 3) keep 的用法 4) keep away from,consider sunlight test compost dry nearby squirrel fence purpose,New Words,Lets Do It !,Have you ever tried to care for a plant? With a partner, share your good or bad experiences in looking。

11、Lesson 11: Amazing Plants,1) when it comes to 2) hear sb. doing 和 hear sb. do 的区别 3) asas的结构,I. Learning aims:,Remember the new words: egret, eastern, shy, tightly, fossil, southwest, living,II. Learning important and difficult points:,egret,tightly,eastern,fossil,southwest,living,shy,New Words,Think About It !,How many plants can you name? Have you ever heard about any special plants?,Language Points,when it comes to 这个是固定结构,意为“当提到;就而论”,这里的 to 是介词,所以后面是动。

12、Lesson 12: Dannys Plant,I. Learning aims:,Master the words and phrases: agriculture, seed, pot, sprout, stem, bud, carefully, yard,II. Learning important and difficult points:,不定代词作主语的情况,New Words,agriculture seed pot sprout stem bud carefully yard,Date: March 28 Weather: Sunny and warm,Lets Do It !,Play a game! “Word Race” is a competition between groups. Which group can name more plants in English? Which group can do it faster? Write the plant names on t。

13、Animals Are Our Friends,Lesson 13 18,Functions:,Grammar:,Structures:, Talking about Animals, Indefinite Pronouns (some, any ), Dogs are friendly and loyal. When animals are scared, they can be dangerous. For this reason, tigers are important to the environment.,We Will Learn:,Lesson 13: Dannys Big Scare,1) yet的用法 2) ask sb. to do sth. 的用法,I. Learning aims:,New words: scare, doorbell, scream, tiny, sofa, vacation, gentle, loyal,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,sca。

14、Lesson 14: Amazing Animals,1) remind的用法 2) lay的用法,I. Learning aims:,Know about the words: long-eared, jerboa, mouse, kiwi, lay, eggplant, shake, flap, avoid,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,long-eared jerboa mouse kiwi lay eggplant shake flap avoid,Think About It !, Can you name some animals you have never seen before? What animals do you think are amazing? Why?,Language Points,1. With their long ears, they also remind people of。

15、Lesson 15: The Zoo Is Open,take photos nearly的用法,I. Learning aims:,Master the new words: danger, dangerous, mainly, bamboo, giraffe,II. Learning important and difficult points:,dangerous,danger,mainly,bamboo,giraffe,New Words,Think About It !,Have you ever been to the zoo? What animals do you think are dangerous? Why? What rules should we obey at the zoo?,Lets Do It !,In a group of three, act out a trip to the zoo. Each group member takes one of the three roles (Brian, Jenny or Danny). Try。

16、Lesson 16: The Bear Escaped!,escape的用法 if的用法 wake up,I. Learning aims:,The words and expressions: escape, fierce, protect, fool,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,escape fierce Protect fool,Think About It !, When is April Fools Day? What do people do on that day? Have you ever played a trick on a friend? What did you do?,Lets Do It !,What do you think of the idea of April Fools Day? Have you ever played a trick on someone? Share a trick with you pa。

17、Lesson 17: Save the Tigers,1) the number of 2) balance的用法 3) danger的用法,I. Learning aims:,Master the new words: century, fur, symbol, courage, brave, chain, balance, reason, disappear, kill, cut, decrease,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,century fur symbol courage brave chain balance reason disappear kill cut decrease,Think About It,Where can you usually see a tiger? Do you think tigers need our help? Why or why not?,Langu。

18、Lesson 18: Friendship Between Animals,1) use的用法 2) warn的用法,I. Learning aims:,Remember the new words: friendship, rhino, skin, warn, insect, relationship, survive, mzee, hippo, tortoise, truly, boundary,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,friendship rhino skin warn insect relationship survive mzee hippo tortoise truly boundary,Think About It,Do you think there is friendship between animals? What。

19、Unit 4,The Internet Connects Us,We will learn:,Functions,Talking about the Internet,Grammar,Adverbial Clause with “if”,Structures,How does the Internet help you? If you have the Internet, you can learn a lot about many different topics. It is quite easy to find information on the web.,Lesson 19: How Do You Use the Internet?,Learning aims: 1. Learn about the development of the computer. 2. Know about how to use the computer. Learning important points: 1. How to connect the computer to the Inter。

20、A Computer Helps!,Lesson 20:,Learning aims: Grasp the Simple Past Tense. Learning important points: Learn more about the computer. Learning difficult points: Read and master the main idea of the passage.,laptop Easter enter key depend bunny hide,New words,Language Points,Its one of the biggest holidays in many countries. 这是许多国家重大的节日之一。 one of 结构表示“其中之一”,后接形容词的最高级形式,再接可数名词的复数,但谓语动词用单数。如: This tower is the tallest building in China and one 。

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