英语八年级下冀教版Unit 3 lesson 14 课件

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Lesson 14: Amazing Animals,1) remind的用法 2) lay的用法,I. Learning aims:,Know about the words: long-eared, jerboa, mouse, kiwi, lay, eggplant, shake, flap, avoid,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,long-eared jerboa mouse kiwi lay eggplant shake flap avoid,Think About It !, Can you name some animals you have never seen before? What animals do you think are amazing? Why?,Language Points,1. With their long ears, they also remind people of rabbits. 他们有长长的耳朵,使人们想起了兔子。,remind作动词,意为“使想起”,常用结构为remind sb. of / about sth. 或remind sb. that从句。remind还可意为“提醒”,remind sb. to do sth.,意为“提醒某人做某事”。如:,Please remind me to call him back. 请提醒我给他回电话。,2. Like all birds, they lay eggsbig eggs. 像所有鸟一样,他们也产蛋,很大的蛋。,lay作动词,意为“放置;产(卵)”,过去式laid,过去分词laid,现在分词laying。如:,The black hen lays an egg a day. 那只黑母鸡每天产一个蛋。,lie 意为“躺”,常与表示场所的短语连用。过去式lay,过去分词lain,现在分词lying。如: He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。,Exercises,1. We all like the basketball player _ (name) Yao Ming. 2. The dog is _ (run) behind the man. 3. Yesterday we _ (eat) some bread for breakfast. 4. That girl is _ (scare) of snakes. 5. What _ you _ (do) at three oclock yesterday afternoon?,were doing,I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,named,running,ate,scared,Dont forget to close the window. (改为同义句) _ _ close the window. 2. I think he likes dancing. (改为否定句) I _ _ he _ dancing. 3. I was late for school because my bike was broken. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ late for school?,Why were you,II. 句型转换,每空一词。,Remember to,dont think likes,1. 那位母亲细心地照料她的孩子。 The mother _ _ her child carefully. 2. 木材来源于树木。 Wood _ _ trees.,comes from,III. 根据所给汉语意思,翻译下列句子。,looks after,Homework,Would you like to have a pet? Why or why not?,Write a paragraph.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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