
1.By the 1940s I ____________(grow) as large as a room。1.My hometown is surrounded with mountains.I like the ____________(surround) very much.。


1、句式填空 1. 祈使句+and+简单句 Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time (只要你招招手, 马上就会有出租车开过来). 2. be worth doing值得 Tricycles are worth using (值得用)if you want to explore the narrow alleys(hutong) of old Beijing.,3. it作形式主语 Its a good idea to have your destination written in Chinese (把你的目的地用汉语写出来是个好主意). 4. not only. . . but also. . . 不但而且 You should not only listen to the teachers and your classmates pronunciation, but also (不但应听你老。

2、句式填空 1. the key to (doing) sth. (做)某事的关键; 的钥匙 He thought that the key to feeding people (养活世人的关键) was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.,2. a way to do sth. /of doing sth. 做的方法/方式 by doing sth. 通过做某事 He thought there was only one way to do this (做这件事的一种方法) by crossing different species of rice plant (通过使不同种类的水稻杂交), and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.,3. v.-i。

3、句式填空 1. see sth. doing sth. 目睹正发生 We could see the sun setting (目睹太阳西沉)behind the white pagoda. 2. 单个过去分词作后置定语 “Oh, well, ” my friend said, “ at least we have two more left (至少我们能看见另外两个峡谷)”.,3. look like看起来像 Every rock looked like (看起来像)a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill was heavy with the past.,4. 表方位的介词短语放于句首引起的倒装句 On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters。

4、111高三一轮英语课时作业.单项填空1It is reported that a man ________off an old lady in the street yesterday.ArippedBrobbedCstole Dput2Without the mobile phone and Internet,communicating with each other ________ quite difficult today.Ais Bwill beCwould have been Dwould be3I ________ a book on fashion at this moment,and it ________ in the book that Europeans started to wear top hats in the early 1800s.Aread;is said Bam reading;is sayingCwas reading;was say。

5、111Module4 Great Scientists 教学说明教学设计说明话题介绍本模块主题是”大科学家”。 Period 1 ReadingINTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时”阅读课”。课文”The Student Who Asked Questions “ 讲述的是中国当代科学家袁隆平。袁隆平,男,1930年 9月出生于北京,1953年毕业于西南农学院农学系。毕业后,一直从事农业教育及杂交水稻研究。 19801981年赴美任国际水稻研究所技术指导。1982年任全国杂交水稻专家顾问组副组长。1991年受聘联合国粮农组织国际首席顾问。1995年被选为中国工程院。

6、111MODULE5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 教学说明教学设计说明话题介绍本模块主题是“A Trip Along the Three Gorges”。 三峡是瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡三大峡谷的总称。美国人罗斯福曾说,每个美国人都一定要去看看科罗拉多大峡谷,因为峡谷是用时间缓慢雕刻出的惊心动魄。和科罗拉多大峡谷纯粹沙石沟壑的粗犷相比,三峡更完美地将山、水、文化景观结合到了一起,而且三峡是全球排名前五位的大峡谷中唯一可以乘船在大江上游览的大峡谷。Period 1 ReadingINTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时“。

7、1111.(2011 湖北)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also ________ our thinking.A.direct B.limit C.change D.improve2.(2010江西) Parents _________ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A.attach B.payC.linkD.apply【解析】考查动词搭配用法。句意为:父母们非常重视教育。他们会尽其所能来给他们的孩子那份无价的礼物。attach importance to重视;认为有重要性。link.to.把与联系起来;apply(.)to运用;应用。【答。

8、111.单词拼写1.His strange behaviour arose our c .2.They have reached an a between them finally.3.The foreign minister__________(代表) the country at the conference.4.Charlie Chaplin directed some c__________and tragedies.5.In the conference he made an__________(简介) of his book at first.单项填空3.The suggestion that the 50th anniversary of the founding of our school__________put off till Saturday has been__________at the meeting.A.was;adaptedB.be;adoptedC.is;recoveredD.不填;made。

9、111知识感悟一、词汇详解1.attend vt.参加;出席;管理;照管vi.专心;留意【典型例句】Well attend to that problem later.稍后我们将关注那个问题。Could you attend to this matter immediately?你能不能立刻处理这件事?He attended a meeting yesterday.他昨日参加了会议。She attended to the wounded day and night.她日夜护理伤员。【知识小结】 attend to sb./sth.(to deal with sth. or help sb.)关照(某人、某事);处理;注意【相关链接】 attend church 上教堂;attend school 上学。2.used to/be used to doing/be used to。

10、111Module 2Highlights of My Senior Year 单元概览重要词汇词汇相关提示highlight n. 最重要的部分; 最精彩的部分请注意该词的意义并不是指“灯光”以及它作为动词的意义和用法:highlight v. 使突出; 使注意力集中于suit v. 合适; 适合请注意辨析adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match;掌握suit的相关词组。issue n. 问题请掌握issue作为名词和动词的不同意义及用法。sob v. 啜泣, 呜咽, 抽噎请掌握sob作为不规则动词的词形变化。multiply v. 乘, 使相乘请记住该词的另一含义:增加,增大;体会multiply, increase, enlarge之间的不同点。lo。

11、111知识感悟一、词汇详解1.technique n.技术;技巧;工艺【典型例句】 Dick Fosbury had a new technique for doing the high jump.迪克福斯贝里有一种跳高的新技术。【典型例句】 (1)technical adj.技术的;技能的Everyone of us is active in technical innovation.我们每个人都积极参加技术革新。(2)technology n.(科学)技术We should master the basic advanced technology of the 90s within a few short years.我们必须在短短的几年内掌握90年代基本的先进技术。(3)technique n.技术,技巧;技法,手法;工艺学(复数)(4)technician n.技。

12、1111.(2009湖北)As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _______ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.A.primaryB.alternativeC.instantD.unique2.(2009江西)It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children.A. look uponB.look afterC.look intoD.look out【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为:据报道,警察将很快调查两个失踪孩子的案件。look into“调查,研究”,符合语境。look upon=look on 常和as搭配。

13、111.单词拼写1.Most boys love playing football in p .2.I was no longer satisfied with the life that had once c__________ me.3.Young as he is,he has o__________a lot of difficulties.4.Charlie Chaplins__________(愉快的,有趣的) silent movies are still popular today.5.He was very__________(幸运) in meeting his missing son again.单项填空3.The shop manager always says to her assistants,“We can never be__________polite to our customers.”A.soB.moreC.tooD.that4.In the earthquake,parents were。

14、1111.(2008全国)Stand over there _______ youll be able to see the oil painting better.A.but B.till C.and D.or2.(2008湖北)The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. let outC. leave outD. make out3.(2007江西) Experts have been warning _________ of the health risks caused by passive smoking.A.at a timeB.at one timeC.for some timeD.for the time【解析】本题考查time构成的短语的辨析。从句。

15、111名师导航四点剖析单词典句考点巧记提示high (n. 高)+light (n. 光) :以强光使显著经典例句The weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip. 在威尼斯度过的那个周末无疑是我们这次旅行最愉快的时光。The highlights of the match will be shown on TV tonight. 比赛的最精彩场面将在今晚的电视节目中播放。The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. 我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿。考点聚焦highlight v. 使突出; 使注意力集中于。如:The exhibition highlights the result of the reform. 该展览突。

16、111Module1 Life in the Future 教学说明教学设计说明话题介绍你是否曾想象过我们未来的生活将是什么样的呢?随着科学技术的发展和普及,我们周围的一切都将发生天翻地覆的变化。这就是本模块的主题:“Life in the Future”。 Period 1 ReadingINTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时”阅读课”。课文”The City of the Future” 是说明文,在它的帮助下,我们将尝试着去了解我们未来的家,看看我们未来的城市将会是什么模样,我们的生活又将会发生什么变化。当然,提前几十年感受未来绝非易事。。

17、1111.(2011天津) Passengers are permitted _______ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.A.to carry B.carrying C.to be carried D.being carried2.(2010四川)If you have a job, _______ yourself to it and finally you ll succeed.A.do devoteB.dont devoteC.devotingD.not devoting【解析】句意为:如果你有工作并全身心地投入,那么你将会成功的。本题考查祈使句式及动词的强调。由句意可排除表示否定意义的B和D两项;再分析句子结构可知逗号后和and之前的部分须是完整的句子,C项为现在分词,被排除;A项填入后构成了。

18、111名师导航四点剖析单词典句考点巧记提示motivate (v. 激发)+(去掉e)-ion(名词后缀)motivation经典例句The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人学外语的内在动力越高, 那么他就学得越快。考点聚焦1)motivate v. 给予动机, 刺激, 提高的学习欲望,如:Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge. 考试不能激发学生去获取更多的知识。2)常用词组:achievement motivation 成就动机learning motivation 学习动机motivation of learning 学习动机a powerful mo。

19、111Module2 Traffic Jam 教学说明教学设计说明话题介绍城市道路交通堵塞是现代城市发展中的一大难题, 城市交通堵塞的原因在于,城市道路交通的供需矛盾突出、道路交通管理不善以及城市道路交通的结构性失衡。这就是本模块的主题:”Traffic Jam”。 Period 1 ReadingINTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时”阅读课”。课文”Getting Around in Beijing” 是说明文,在它的帮助下,我们将乘坐出租车、公交车、小巴、地铁或人力车周游北京,感受北京的交通问题,观赏北京的美丽景象。 Period 2 FUNC。

20、111名师导航四点剖析单词典句考点巧记提示rise (v. 升起)arise经典例句Accidents often arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于粗心。How did this quarrel arise?这场争吵是由于何种原因引起的?The problem may not arise, but theres no harm in keeping our powder dry. 问题不一定会发生, 但有备无患并无害处。考点聚焦1)arise是不规则动词, 其过去式:arose; 过去分词:arisen; 现在分词:arising 第三人称单数:arises。2)常用词组:arise from 由而引起, 由而产生; 从中产生arise out of 由而引起, 由而产生; 从中产生经典例句Busi。

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