


1、- 1 - 数控机床 数控机床是 20世纪 50年代初期发展起来的一种应用数控技术解决机械加工过程的新型自动化机床。随着现代机械制造业向更高层次发展,它已成为柔性制造单元 ( )、柔性制造系统 ( )以及计算机集成制造系统 ( 的基础装备之一。作为数控机床的关键技术,数控技术是机械专业的工科大学生必备的专业技能之一。 一、数控机床的组成 机床的数控技术包括机床、数控系统和外围技术,其组成见表: - 2 - 数控机床一般由控制介质、数控装置、伺服系统、测量反馈装置和机床主机组成。现对各组成部 分简介如下: 1、控制介质 数控机床加工。

2、M 946 in to to It in is to up to 952, to S. of 1952 1970) is to to to an to is C), 952 - 1959 - 1965 - 970 970, it on in of to 971, in - on it be to be is 974 in is an to in at it to to be is 990, PC to on C In 970 - 1974 - 990 - (C. as as we 1.3 to on C of C so on C to at so on by PC to be is to be to to in (1) in (2) s in as (3) to (4) to 2.1 at on to so on to be of or is 7 to to so as a of is to be no to in so on of to by s a to be to。

3、河北建筑工程学院 毕业设计计算书 指导教师:孙长山 设 计 题 目 : 前 板 连 续 模 设 计 及 冲 压 工 艺 分 析英文原文 .M 946 in to to It in is to up to 952, to S. of 1952 970) is to to to an to is C), 952 - 1959 - 1965 - 970 - 970, it on in of to 971, in - on it 北建筑工程学院 毕业设计计算书 指导教师:孙长山 设计题目: 前板连续模设计及冲压工艺分析2 be to be is 974 in is an to in at it to to be is 990, PC to on C In 970 - 1974 - 990 - (C. as we , 1.3 to on C of C so on C to at so on by PC to be 河北。

4、毕业设计 (论文 )外文资料翻译 系 部: 机 械 工 程 系 专 业: 机械工程 及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: 附 件: 料翻译译文; 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日 附件 1:外文资料翻译译文 数控机床 虽然各种数控机床的功能和应用各不相同,但它们有着共同的优点。这里是数控设备提供的比较重要的几个优点。 各种数控机床的第一个优点是自动化程度提高了。零件制造过程中的人为干预减少或者免除了。整个加工循环中,很多数控机床处于无人照 看状态,这使操作员被解放出来,可以干别的工作。数控机床用户得到的几个额外好处是:数控。

5、CNC machining accuracy of the abnormal fault diagnosis and treatmentProduction often encounter unusual precision CNC machining of the fault. Such failure concealed strong, and the diagnosis more difficult. Such a failure of the main reasons there are five areas: (1) machine tool unit to be altered or changed. (2)-axis machine tools all the 0.1 bias NULL OFFSET anomaly. (3) axial reverse the gap BACK LASH anomaly. (4) abnormal motor running, electrical and control of the anomaly. (5) mechanic。

6、英文原文 NC he a NC on C on AD of is C C as a of of NC NC of a of it be to NC 2005 NC 1. NC in NC in 1,4,6,7. C in So it to a C In we 2 NC be to NC 5, 4, of in to in in In C as C on of on is to be on in of . of is of C of of of NC NC of of of 2. NC A of is to of to of is of of of of of in is in a of it he of be on 1 in of is in of in of of in to to it to or In of in of x, y z. to of is in of 1 ). to be is of in 1 of of of at 1 of to of it is to or 3 of NC in it is to on In is AD。

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8、外文资料 CNC machine tools While the specific intention and application for CNC machines vary from one machine type to another, all forms of CNC have common benefits. Here are hut a few of the more import。

9、外文文献 The Numerical Control Engine Bed Transforms numerical control system development summary brief history and tendency In 1946 the first electronic accounting machine was born in the world, this。

10、数控机床几何误差及其补偿方法研究 摘要:对数控机床几何误差产生的原因作了比较详细的分析,将系统误差的补偿方法进行了归纳,并在此基础上阐述了各类误差补偿方法的应用场合,为进一步实现机床精度的软升级打下基础。 关键词:数控机床;几何误差;误差补偿 前言 提高机床精度有两种方法。一种是通过提高零件设计、制造和装配的水平来消除可能的误差源,称为误差防止法 (该方法一方面主要受到加工母机精度的制约,另一方面零件质量的提高导致加工成本膨胀,致使该方法的使用受到一定限制。另 一种叫误差补偿法 (通常通过修改机床的加工。

11、英文原文 NC to NC a of NC by NC is to be or NC to do NC by be NC to is as to a NC is s a is or be A by NC is a is as as a a it be is to be to to up is s of NC is to as is in a NC or of be of a a of by as is on to be to of NC A to a of of in A on to of a be on a As a in on By a on a is of of is It be NC to by to to in to a (be to of on a to NC to be in a by of NC By of is of in a to a is be if to be to a to of is If to is to to in a to。

12、毕业设计 (论文 )外文资料翻译 系 部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: 附 件: ; 指导教师评语: 此翻译文章 详细描述了 数控机床几何误差及其补偿方法研究 ,翻译用词基本准确,文笔也较为通顺,具备一定的英语基础,为在以后工作中接触英文资料打下了基础 签名: 年 月 日 注: 请将该封面与附件装订成册。 附件 1:外文资料翻译译文 数控机床几何误差及其补偿方法研究 摘要:对数控机床 几何误差产生的原因作了比较详细的分析,将系统误差的补偿方法进行了归纳,并在此基础上阐述了各类误差补偿方。

13、1 数控机床润滑系统控制的改进 机床润滑系统的设计、调试和维修保养,对于提高机床加工精度、延长机床使用寿命等都有着十分重要的作用。但是在润滑系统的电气控制方面,仍存在以下问题:一是润滑系统工作状态的监控。数控机床控制系统中一般仅设油箱油面监控,以防供油不足,而对润滑系统易出现的漏油、油路堵塞等现象,不能及时做出反应。二是设置的润滑循环和给油时间单一,容易造成浪费。数控机床在不同的工作状态下,需要的润滑剂量是不一样的,如在机床暂停阶段就比加工阶段所需要的润滑油量要少。针对上述情况,在数控机床电气控制。

14、英文翻译 946 in to to It in is to up to 952, to S. of 1952 1970) is to to to an to is C), 952 - 1959 - 1965 - 970 970, it on in of to 971, in - on it be to be is 974 in is an to in at it to to be is 990, PC to on C In 970 - 1974 - 990 - (C. as as we he to on C of C is so on C to at so on by PC to be is to be to to in (1) in (2) s in as (3) to (4) to 2.1 at on to ay so to be of or ay is 7 to to so as a of is to be no to ay in so on of to by s a to be。

15、英文翻译 946 in to to It in is to up to 952, to S. of 1952 1970) is to to to an to is C), 952 - 1959 - 1965 - 970 970, it on in of to 971, in - on it be to be is 974 in is an to in at it to to be is 990, PC to on C In 970 - 1974 - 990 - (C. as as we he to on C of C is so on C to at so on by PC to be is to be to to in (1) in (2) s in as (3) to (4) to 2.1 at on to ay so to be of or ay is 7 to to so as a of is to be no to ay in so on of to by s a to be。

16、附录 A 数控系统与数控机床技术发展趋势 摘要 :本文主要阐述了数控系统及数控机床的产生、发展以及其将来,较全面的说明了现阶段及未来的发展趋势。 关键词:数控系统;数控机床 1 数控系统发展趋势 从 1952 年美国麻省理工学院研制出第一台试验性数控系统,到现在已走过了46 年历程。数控系统由当初的电子管式起步,经历了以下几个发展阶段: 分立式晶体管式小规模集成电路式大规模集成电路式小型计算机式超大规模集成电路微机式的数控系统。到 80 年代,总体发展趋势是:数控装置由 展;广泛采用 32 位 成多微处理器系统;提高系统的集。

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