


1、2009中国移动通信集团公司技术部 /研究院 2010年 4月 长沙 目录 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 总体 业务网 接入网 传送网 核心网 终端和卡 2 移动 &移动互联网战略 移动网和互联网深度融合, 催生移动互联网 强大的管理控制和随 强大的信息库和创新业务 时随地的接入能力 但是网络开放性不够, 业务较为单一 移动网 互联网 能力 无法做到随时随地移动接 入和缺乏良好管理控制 240k) 引入 3G/2阶段一 阶段二 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段一 阶段二 提供互联网接入能力 手机上网、手机报和手机邮箱 业务丰富,业务体验趋同 11M)与 2G/3G 移动电子商务、移动社 。

2、中国移动技术发展路标( 2008版) 中国移动通信集团公司技术部 /研究院 2009年 4月 内部资料,注意保密 2/52 主要内容 内部资料,注意保密 3/52 以统一、融合为原则,完善 现统一客户服务、统一服务开通、统一资源管理和全网业务融合计费 业务支撑系统 分组域: 推动向 引入 步实现固定、移动多种接入的统一控制,提升网络多媒体及融合业务提供能力 核心网 扩大城域规模,加强数据业务承载能力 建设业务控制子层,加强集团和家庭业务的控制和管理能力 汇聚 /接入层建设融合传送和数据能力的一 /二层网络,满足全业务接入目标 城域网 无线。

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6、天津科技大学外文翻译 1 s in he is an is in ur to USs in to is is to to S to ur to is 995 1976to 80,000,000 US 60,000,000 US 5,000,000 US 65,000,000 US 16,000,000 US 00,000,000 US In 5to 5to 0% to to to 972 ,000,000,000 US 995 1,700,000,000 US % to %. to (1) 津科技大学外文翻译 2 in is is in to is in to on is is a is to is to is to on USs to in 0s 997 0s to in 0s. in to in (2) in to 1. s to a of 19854% 0%. to s 5%. 1985 995, he so on in 6% to s in is 997, 7% 50s At 津科技大学外文翻译 3 of in a 2. 。

7、参阅外文资料节选 of In of of in is of in is of a AM to of of of at a to by to to it is to to to be it is to In is is an is of of at a 3% - 15% of of of is In of of is up on of is s in of of of of by in is of to do 2316 is to on as of of On do a a of to on by of of at of in s to a of to a s so in in of By of it is of is in in a to a of in of of of to is It is to of to to of of to , to on of a 00 it is to to of of t is in in as of of by of is to of to to at 0% - 45% 0% - 80。

8、报告名称】 2010 年云计算技术发展研究报告 【关键词】 云计算,信息技术,互联网,通信,商业模式,行业趋势 【内容提要】 自 2007 年提出以来,云计算的概念被众多的参与者和市场业界炒得炙手可热。云计算的本质,在于基于互联网传输能力和网络资源调配运算能力相对于单一终端运算能力的提高,从而实现以互联网为环境实现用户运算和任务处理能力的运作模式。云计算这一特质,使得其不仅仅在技术层面上实现了质的飞跃,也对商业应用模式和产业市场结构产生了根本性质的影响。其带来的变革和变化 所产生的巨大的全新潜在市场,吸引了多个。

9、附 录 n in a vi is to of is In NC as on NC so on of is is he is is 1. he of to is is 0,000 100000r/to At to be as as to to be to of in is 2. he so on as as to on 1 of to be to to to be if is to to be to = to be as of by as of s NC 0050of 45000r/a XY =1.5 of a 4. n in (to to to of in to on by is 5. to NC up NC in on on NC to to so on up NC to be to in to 孔加工技术发展动向 在机械零件加工作业中,孔加工所占比例相当大,与高速铣削相类似的高速、高精度钻削加工已提上议事日程,高效率孔加工对于促使零部件。

10、天津科技大学外文翻译 1 s in he is an is in ur to USs in to is is to to S to ur to is 995 1976to 80,000,000 US 60,000,000 US 5,000,000 US 65,000,000 US 16,000,000 US 00,000,000 US In 5to 5to 0% to to to 972 ,000,000,000 US 995 1,700,000,000 US % to %. to (1) 津科技大学外文翻译 2 in is is in to is in to on is is a is to is to is to on USs to in 0s 997 0s to in 0s. in to in (2) in to 1. s to a of 19854% 0%. to s 5%. 1985 995, he so on in 6% to s in is 997, 7% 50s At 津科技大学外文翻译 3 of in a 2. 。

11、参阅外文资料节选 of In of of in is of in is of a AM to of of of at a to by to to it is to to to be it is to In is is an is of of at a 3% - 15% of of of is In of of is up on of is s in of of of of by in is of to do 2316 is to on as of of On do a a of to on by of of at of in s to a of to a s so in in of By of it is of is in in a to a of in of of of to is It is to of to to of of to , to on of a 00 it is to to of of t is in in as of of by of is to of to to at 0% - 45% 0% - 80。

12、n in a vi is to of is In NC as on NC so on of is is he is is 1. he of to is is 0,000 100000r/to At to be as as to to be to of in is 2. he so on as as to on 1 of to be to to to be if is to to be to = to be as of by as of s NC 0050of 45000r/a XY =1.5 of a 4. n in (to to to of in to on by is 5. to NC up NC in on on NC to to so on up NC to be to in to in to is on so on so on of to In at in by so on LC or In be to on In of to so on is is to 00 300m/he is to be to on to of to be on At of 0mm。

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14、物联网的技术发展 中国移动通信有限公司 2010年 10月 1 2 3 4 物联网概念及介绍 物联网的技术 物联网国内外现状及趋势 物联网应用及发展趋势演进 物联网的概念:不同的定义 国际电信联盟( 005:物联网 报告指出,“物 联网”通信时代 即将来临:世界上所有的物体从轮胎到牙刷、从房屋到纸 巾都可以通过因特网主动进行交换。射频识别技术( 传感器技 术、纳米技术、智能嵌入技术将到更加广泛的应用。 物联网,英文为: 字面含义是“物物相连的互联网”,最初是 由麻省理工学院 1999年提出的,其原始含义是指把 所有物品通过射频识别等信息。

15、保护性耕作是国际农业技术发展 保性耕作是国际农业技术发展的重要趋势 ,秸秆还田技术是机械化保护性耕作中关键的一项技术。使用机械化秸秆还田技术可以有效地解决农忙期间争农时、争劳力的矛盾 ,有力推动秸秆还田的农业全程机械化进程 ,避免由于焚烧秸秆产生的环境污染。本着一机多用、降低生产成本的原则 ,研制了既能满足玉米秸秆、根茬直接粉碎还田 ,又能单独实现旋耕作业的新型多功能玉米秸秆还田机。 (1)在对秸秆粉碎及灭茬基本理论分析的基础上 ,提出多功能玉米秸秆还田机总体结构设计方案。 采用卧式结构 ,主要由悬挂装置、变速箱、。

16、外文翻译资料1一、机电一体化技术发展历程及其趋势自电子技术一问世,电子技术与机械技术的结合就开始了,只是出现了半导体集成电路,尤其是出现了以微处理器为代表的大规模集成电路以后,机电一体化技术之后有了明显进展,引起了人们的广泛注意.(一)机电一体化的发展历程1.数控机床的问世,写下了机电一体化历史的第一页;2.微电子技术为机电一体化带来勃勃生机; 3.可编程序控制器、电力电子等的发展为机电一体化提供了坚强基础;4.激光技术、模糊技术、信息技术等新技术使机电一体化跃上新台阶.(二)机电一体化发展趋势 1.光机电一体化.一般的机。

17、组合机床和自动线的技术发展组合机床和组合机床自动线是一种专用高效自动化技术装备,目前,由于它仍是大批量机械产品实现高效、高质量和经济性生产的关键装备,因而被广泛应用于汽车、拖拉机、内燃机和压缩机等许多工业生产领域。其中,特别是汽车工业,是组合机床和自动线最大的用户。如德国大众汽车厂在 Salzgitter 的发动机工厂,90 年代初所采用的金属切削机床主要是自动线(60%)、组合机床(20%)和加工中心(20%)。显然,在大批量生产的机械工业部门,大量采用的设备是组合机床和自动线。因此,组合机床及其自动线的技术性能和综合自动。

18、保护性耕作是国际农业技术发展保性耕作是国际农业技术发展的重要趋势,秸秆还田技术是机械化保护性耕作中关键的一项技术。使用机械化秸秆还田技术可以有效地解决农忙期间争农时、争劳力的矛盾,有力推动秸秆还田的农业全程机械化进程,避免由于焚烧秸秆产生的环境污染。本着一机多用、降低生产成本的原则,研制了既能满足玉米秸秆、根茬直接粉碎还田,又能单独实现旋耕作业的新型多功能玉米秸秆还田机。(1)在对秸秆粉碎及灭茬基本理论分析的基础上,提出多功能玉米秸秆还田机总体结构设计方案。 采用卧式结构,主要由悬挂装置、变速箱、皮带传动。

19、附 录Hole processing technological development trendIn the machine parts processing work, the hole processing accounts for the proportion quite in a big way, with high speed vi state similar is high speed, the high accuracy drills truncates the processing to propose the agenda, the high efficiency hole processing regarding urges the spare part rationalization of production is the indispensable important technological process. In recent years, the spare part production mostly used take the CNC e。

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