


1、课时训练 十二 Units7 8 八下 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx自贡改编 How is your work going It will be finished the end of this week We must be on time A at B in C on D for 2 xx唐山滦南一模 Who is the person。

2、课时训练 一 Units1 4 七上 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx保定二模 Where is the girl I want to ask some questions A it B them C her D him 2 xx安徽 Our class are much sure to win the basketball game Class Thr。

3、课时训练 十三 Units1 2 九全 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx唐山路北区二模 Excuse me but is that my passport Oh sorry I took by mistake A yours B mine C hers D his 2 xx石家庄新华区模拟 You know Max got the h。

4、课时训练 十四 Units3 4 九全 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx贵港改编 Some children in the villages must look after because their parents work in the cities A ourselves B himself C yourselves D themselves 2 x。

5、课时训练 十七 Units9 10 九全 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 George how can you prove the earth is round I can t sir I never said it was A Except B Unless C Besides D Including 2 xx深圳改编 Anne the informatio。

6、课时训练 七 Units5 6 八上 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx盘锦 He is afraid of high places so he travels by air A seldom B sometimes C always D often 2 xx呼和浩特 It s Mr Zhang s new movie But I think it s m。

7、课时训练 二 Units5 8 七上 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 2019原创 Excuse me where can I find the book ABriefHistoryofTime please Oh there is only one copy left in our library Do you want to borrow A it B one。

8、课时训练 十六 Units7 8 九全 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx吉林改编 Do you agree my plan Yes it is wonderful A in B with C of D on 2 My neighbor asked me I heard the big noise last night or not A whether B。

9、课时训练 三 Units1 4 七下 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx怀化改编 your help I can t get good grades A With B Without C For D From 2 xx襄阳 Do you like this new kind of mobile phone madam Yes But it s too an。

10、课时训练 五 Units1 2 八上 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 Sally there s a pen on the floor Is it yours Oh yes It s Thank you A mine B yours C hers D his 2 2019原创 Look at dark clouds and the wind is blowing s。

11、课时训练 八 Units7 8 八上 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx十堰 Your sweater looks nice Is it made of wool Yes and it s made Shanghai A by B in C for D from 2 xx苏州 A robot show will be held in July but know。

12、课时训练 九 Units1 2 八下 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx玉林改编 What would you like bread or fish I prefer chicken A Either B Neither C Both D Each 2 2019原创 The boy gave me a and I fell down A hand B li。

13、课时训练 十五 Units5 6 九全 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx包头改编 Are you watching the football matches of the World Cup these days Sometimes and I ll watch the match Japan and Poland tonight A among B ab。

14、课时训练 十一 Units5 6 八下 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx临沂 We couldn t buy anything because of the shops were open A all B both C nothing D none 2 xx温州 What was the of the football match last night A。

15、课时训练 六 Units3 4 八上 限时 30分钟 单项选择 1 xx德阳改编 Do you often help your brother with his English No He learns English by A himself B herself C myself D yourself 2 xx连云港 Bill did you see。

标签 > 河北专版2019中考英语高分复习[编号:717043]

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