广东英语 my new home


广东英语 my new homeTag内容描述:

1、人教精通版四年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson 4 study computer picture Guess! What is in Li Yans study? Question: Whats in Kates study? 3 1 2 4 5 11 8 12 6 10 9 7 Homework A. Read the new le。

2、人教精通版四年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson 6 Fun story Picture 1. 2 Fun story Picture 3. 4 Fun story pipcture 3.4。

3、Unit 1 Welcome to my new home Lesson 2 living room 客厅 armchair 扶手椅 sofa 沙发 TV 电视 ball 求 balloon 气球 Welcome to my home li。

4、人教精通版四年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson 5 bathroom DVD player clock Guess! What is in Li Yans bathroom? Question: Whats in Kates bathroom? 3 1 2 4 5 11 8 12 6 10 9 7 Homework A. Read th。

5、Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson 1 Look at my new bedroom. This is my new home. Guess! What is in Li Yans bedroom? Its very big. We sleep on it every day. Whats this? Its a bed. It has four le。

6、人教精通版四年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson 3,living room,客厅,kitchen,厨房,refrigerator,fridge,冰箱,chopsticks,筷子,spoon,汤匙,knife,knives,刀,Guess! What is in Li Yans kitchen?,Question: Whats in Kates k。

7、人教新版小学英语四年级下册 Unit1 Welcome to my new home! Lesson3,living room,bedroom,Whats in the living room?,Whats in the bedroom?,kitchen,Come into the kitchen.,table,on the table,sandwich,some sandwich。

8、英语四年级下册Unit 1 Welcome to my new home! 单元测试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . So many ducks. Four ________ big and one is little. (。

9、Unit 2 Our new home,Welcome to our new home .Our home is big and bright(又大又明亮). Do you want to visit it?,bedroom,bedroom,pen,/e/,ten,/u:/,school,我的卧室 两个卧室 在卧室,in the bedroom,my bedroom,two bedrooms。

10、1,P19,Unit 2 Our New Home Sound and words,Whats this?,Its an arm.,What subjects do you like?,I like art.,Whats the same thing (相同之处) between the word arm and art?,arm,art,ar,ar,/a:/,ar,/a:/,ar,/a:/,p。

11、Unit 2 Our new home 单词掌握living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, garden 重点句型1 Were moving to a new home. 句型2 Is there a bedroom for me? 句型3 What about a garden? 句型4 T。

12、Our New Home 1. 选择最佳答案 A. kitchen B. bedroom C. bathroom D. living room 2. 选择最佳答案 A. kitchen B. bedroom C. hall D. bathroom 3.选择拼写错误的一项 A. bining room B. bedroom C. garden D。

13、Our New Home 1.选择最佳答案 A. bathroom B. bedroom C. garden D. living room 2. 选择最佳答案 A. kitchen B. bedroom C. garden D. living room 3.看图,选择适当的一项 I love my new_____. A. school B.h。

14、1,P19,Unit 2 Our New Home Sound and words,Whats this?,Its an arm.,What subjects do you like?,I like art.,Whats the same thing (相同之处) between the word arm and art?,arm,art,ar,ar,/a:/,ar,/a:/,ar,/a:/,p。

15、厨房 客厅 卧室 卫生间 Unit2Ournewhome What sinyourschool 你们学校有哪些场所 classroom playground teacher soffice library Review Thisisournewhome Let slearn Let sguess Room1 Room2 Room3 Room4 Room5 Let slearn What sinyo。

16、Unit2Ournewhome Welcometoournewhome Ourhomeisbigandbright 又大又明亮 Doyouwanttovisitit bedroom bedroom pen e ten u school 我的卧室两个卧室在卧室 inthebedroom mybedroom twobedrooms abed Where sthebed It sinthebedroo。

17、人教精通版英语四年级下册Unit 1 Welcome to my new home! 单元测试卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Is this ________jacket?AyouByourCme。

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