
Look at the tomatoes. They’re round.。They are carrots.。I like potatoes. They are big.。Look at the .They’re big.。They’re so big.。They’re carrots.。


1、A Lets learn,fruits,a,b,c,g,o,p,s,w,Whats the song about? 这首歌曲是关于什么的?,t,vegetables,Healthy Farm(健康农场),What are the main vegetables in Healthy Farm? Listen and tick. 健康农场主打蔬菜是什么?在你听到的蔬菜图片下打“”。,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),cat,ca-rrot-s,ca-rrot,Look at the ______________. Theyre ______. (big/long/good/yummy),white turnip,red carrots,orange carrots,to-ma-to-es,to-ma-to,Look at the ____________________. Theyre _____. (small/big/good/juicy),purple tom。

2、ruler,bag,pencil,eraser,crayon,pen,book,pencil-box,hand,arm,apple,bird,pig,box,foot,body,I have a bird. It flies everywhere every day. Sometimes it cant be found. Can you help me?,我有一只鸟,它每天到处乱飞,有时候找不到它,你能帮帮我吗?,Where is the bird? Its the box.,Its_ the .,Where is the bird?,On the pencil-box,Where is the bird? Its _____ the _______.,On the hand,Where is the bird? Its _____the hand,Its_ the _____.,Where is the bird?,desk,desk,On the desk,in 在里面,Where is the bird?,Where i。

3、Unit 3 Weather,cool,warm,cold,hot,sunny,windy,cloudy,snowy,rainy,Whats the weather like today? Its,Whats the weather like today?,Its warm.,Whats the weather like today?,Its hot.,Whats the weather like today?,Its cloudy.,Whats the weather like today?,Its rainy.,weather report,Whats the weather like in Hong Kong?,Its hot in Hong Kong.,Hong Kong,hot,hot,cool,warm,warm,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its warm in Beijing.,Is it hot today?,Yes, it is.,Is it rainy in Shanghai?,No, it。

4、Recycle 2,人教PEP四年级下册,0,0,My Clothes,Lets go shopping,99 yuan,88 yuan,100 yuan,65 yuan,88 yuan,Read and tick or cross,Whats in the first picture?,How much is the noodles?,Its a hat.,Its 18 yuan.,0,0,Look at the pictures and answer the questions. (看图片并回答问题。),Hows the dog ?,How many ducks are there?,He is so friendly and cute.,I dont know.,0,Read and tick or cross,0,Read aloud and then answer the questions. (大声朗读短文并回答问题。),0,Read and tick or cross,答案,0,Read it again a。

5、Unit 3 My school calendar,Part A Lets spell,Lets know about each other,an English teacher,chicken fish,summer,Archer,China,shirt,shorts,Youre a ______.,Youre from _____.,Lets have _____. Eat some ______.,Do you know me?,teacher,China,chicken,lunch,Can you find? They all have _____.,ch,You wear ______.,You see ____.,You see _____.,On May Day, Lets go to the zoo.,You wear a _____.,shirt,shorts,fish,sheep,Can you find? They all have _____.,sh,Listen, number and say,1,2,3,4,5。

6、Part A Lets spell,Im from Ganzhou.,Im forty years old.,I like sports.,I have a son.,He is riding a horse.,Know about me:,Im from Ganzhou. Im not forty years old. I like sports. I have a son. He is riding a horse.,What do you find out?,forty sport horse,forty sport horse,O r,or,or,/,Lets chant!,This is York. He is short. He has a fork. He eats some pork.,York is only four, but he is very busy(忙的)!,I read a word.,I play with worm. I want to know the worl。

7、Unit3 Weather Lets spell,Lets do!,Sharp eyes!,What can you find?你发现了什么?,ball,card,card,card,car,arm,tall,wall,ar, ar, / a: / / a: / / a: /,“ar”在单词中发什么音?,Lets read!,ar-ar-/a:/ arm car card,ar,b,d,f,k,l,m,t,h,p,Can you read?,t,d,f,k,ar,Can you read?,Can you read?,Game rules: 1. 小组内保持安静,听老师说单词。 2. 小组成员轮流摆单词。 3. 摆好请快速举起单词。 辅音字母+ ar ar+辅音字母 辅音字母+ar+辅音字母,Lets play,A ____ is on the ____ ____.,ball,tall,wall,al, al, / : / / : / / : /,。

8、Unit4 At the farm Review,Lets chant,I like tomatoes. I like potatoes. Carrots I will try. I love to eat green beans, But onions make me cry.,Quick response-What are they?,If you know the answer, just stand up and say. 如果你知道答案,就马上站起来回答。,The farm wakes up in the morning.,wake,up,醒来,The hen wakes up.,Cluck, cluck.,The cow wakes up.,Moo, moo.,The horse wakes up.,Neigh, neigh.,The sheep wakes up.,Baa, baa.,Cluck, cluck, hen. Baa, baa, _____. Moo, moo, _____. Neigh, neigh, _____.,sh。

9、A Lets learn (新课标四年级下册),五和镇中心小学 欧秋霞,Unit 4 At the farm,vegetables,tomato,potato,carrot,green bean,tomatoes,potatoes,carrots,green beans,Lets make a chant:,What are these? What are these? Potatoes , potatoes. They are potatoes. .,Group work:,1,2,3,4,onions,Look at the green beans. Theyre so long.,Look at the patatoes. Theyre so big.,Look at the tomatoes. Theyre round.,And the carrots are red.,Guess: What are they?,1,2,3,4,I go to the farm. I see many。

10、Unit4 At the farm,A Lets talk,Langya Road Primary School,Yao Jun,看谁说得快,banana,apple,orange,lng,big,Welcome to my farm!,Fruits(水果),Vegetables(蔬菜),What are these?,They are ________.,apples,What are these?,They are.,What are these?,They are ________.,carrots,Lets chant,What, what, what are these?,Carrots, carrots! They are carrots.,Are these ?,What are these?,tomatoes,Tomatoes are red.,Tomatoes are yellow.,Some are big.,Some are small.,They are yum!,They are good!,Great!,Eat more vegeta。

11、Unit 4 At the farm,Today is sunny. The weather is good. We will go to the farm with Sarah, John and Mike.,Step 1,Step 1,Step 1,What is this? -It is an apple. It is red.,What are these? -They are oranges. They are yummy.,Step 1,What are these? -They are_________. They are______. (watermelons, pears) (big,yummy),Step 1,What are these? -They are_________. They are______. (oranges, bananas) (yellow, yummy),Step 2,Step 2,Step 2,What are these? -They are tomatoes. They are red and yellow.,tom。

12、Dictation,听写,),),vegetables,Where are they ?,蔬菜,At the farm,Part A lets learn,在农场,Unit 4,?,tomato,es,I like tomatoes.,tomato,They are red.,?,potato,es,potato,I like potatoes.,They are so____,big.,?,green bean,s,green bean,They are so______,They are so ______,long.,short.,?,carrot,s,carrot,They are _______.,orange,Carrots, carrots, I like carrots.,两人一组,用你喜欢的方式说说你喜欢的蔬菜。,I like potatoes. They are big.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意。

13、人教版PEP 小学英语 四年级下册 Unit 4 At the farm A. Lets learn,Look at the cat. It is fat.,Look at the pig. It is big.,Look at the dog. Its on the log.,Look at the duck. Its in the truck.,Look at the cats. Theyre fat.,Look at the .Theyre big.,Look at the . on the log.,Look at the . in the truck.,Theyre,Theyre,dogs,ducks,pigs,Whats in it?,Task1: listen and tick. (在听到的图片下打“”),?,Task2: Look and Guess (看一看,猜一猜),yellow,round (圆),o a o,p,t,t,French fries (薯条),potato,es,a,tw。

14、Unit 4 At the farm A Lets learn,Lets learn,tomato,I like tomatoes. I dont like tomatoes.,Lets learn,tomatoes,Lets learn,green bean,green beans Look at the green beans. They are so long!,Lets learn,I like . I dont like .,potato,potato,Lets learn,The potato is big.,potato,potatoes,The potatoes are big.,Lets learn,I like .I dont like .,The carrot is big.,Lets learn,carrot,The carrots are big.,Lets learn,carrots,I like .I dont like .,Lets learn,听录音,跟读单词。,练习使用。

15、Unit 4 At the farm PA Lets talk,人教(PEP)四年级下册,apple,pear,strawberry,orange,watermelon,banana,apples,pears,watermelons,bananas,strawberries,oranges,Mr Black is a farmer.,He has a big farm.,Lets go and have a look.,What are these?,Look at these!,They are apples.,Wow! Theyre so big.,这些是什么?,Are these pears?,Yes. Try some! They are good.,Thanks. Yum.,这些是吗?,Are these strawberries?,No, they arent. They re tomatoes.,What are these?,Theyre carrots.,Oh! I love carrots.,A: What are these。

16、Unit 4 Then and now,Part A Let s learn & Find the mistakes,山西省朔州市应县第一小学 石中伟,Deng yue,现在时,There be 句型,There is +单数 There are+复数,过去时,There was +单数 There were+复数,Tips: There是个近视眼,只能看到最近的, 最近的是单数用is,是复数用are; 如果是表示过去的,单数用was,复数用were,Review2,三月前 three months ago .,一天前,one day ago,五周前,five weeks ago,两年前,two years ago,多久以前,(时间名词+ ago),What are the differences in our school?,There was noin our school.,Find the。

17、Unit 6 Shopping,A Lets learn,Whats this? Its a _____.,Whats missing?(少了什么?),What are these?,What is this?,Theyre ________.,Lets chant,What is this? Shirt, shirt, its a shirt. What, what, what is that? Sweater,sweater,its a sweater. What are these? Pants, pants, theyre pants. What, what,what are those? Shorts, shorts, theyre shorts.,sun,The sunglasses are nice.,good,cool,beautiful,=sunglasses,+ glasses,Its sunny. Its hot. Put on my sunglasses. Cool! Cool。

18、At the farm,Look at this!,Look at these!,What is it?,What are these?,Its an apple.,Theyre .,Its red.,Theyre .,red,green,apples,tomatoes,What is it?,Its a tomato.,Its red.,What are these?,Theyre tomatoes .,Theyre healthy /good .,tomatoes,Chant:,Tomatoes are red, tomatoes are yellow, I like tomatoes. They are _______.,good,Try some! Theyre good!,根据农民伯伯的描述,猜猜盘子里装着什么?,Theyre yellow. Monkeys like them very much. What are these?,Theyre .,Theyre green. Theyre very big.。

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