
A.takes B.taking C.took D.taken。1.She ________ Robert for a year.。A.he stopped B.did he stop。A.which B.that。C.why D.where。


1、111Book 1Unit 1Friendship.单项填空1When________ into a warm house,a piece of ice becomes smaller and smaller,until in the end it disappears completely.AtakesBtakingCtookDtaken2The police chief advised his men to keep________ and not lose their tempers.AcalmBquietCstillDsilent3I wanted to have a word with her,but she________ me and went away.AsawBcalmedCtoldDignored4There is much chance that Bill will________ from his injury in time。

2、111Unit 3Computers.单项填空1I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction ________ she had come.Aof whichBby whichCin whichDfrom which2Many scientists have believed that there may be a________ of life on the Mar.AsignalBsignCmarkDsigh3I knew ________ John Lennon,but not ________ famous one.A/;aBa;theC/;theDthe;a4She________her eyes from he。

3、111Unit 4Wildlife protection.单项填空1He had a son and a daughter,________taught at the same school.AthatBboth of whomCneither of themDboth of them2This book________ 18 articles,________ three written by my father.Acontains;includesBincludes;containingCcontains;includingDincludes;contained3If you buy more than ten,they will knock 20 percent off ________.Aa priceBpriceCthe priceDprices4Once out of the earths grav。

4、111Book 2Unit 1Cultural relics.单项填空1On no account________do anything that benefits ourselves but harms the interests of the state.Awe shouldBshould weCwe are toDare to we2The biggest whale is ________ blue whale,which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of ________ 9story building.Athe;theBa;aCa;theDthe;a3To________ the long bitter winter,Soppy had tried many ways to get himself arrested by the police,but all in vain。

5、111Unit 2Healthy eating.单项填空1________,I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John.AAs long as I travelledBNow that I have travelled so muchCMuch as I have travelledDAs I have travelled so much2The athlete tried his best to________ his balance in his new shoes while skating.AmanageBkeepCloseDhold3You shouldnt have done it without________ me.Aconsulting onBconsulting withCconsulting forDarguing4。

6、111Unit 4Earthquakes.单项填空1________our earth,or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on.AProtectedBTo protectCProtectingDProtect2What happened?Oh,a bee appeared on Kates dress,and her sudden________ of cry scared us.AbreakBburstCattitudeDexpress3What happened to the priceless works of art?________.AThey were destroyed in the earthquakeBThe earthquake was destroying themCThey destroyed in the earthquakeDTh。

7、111Book 5Unit 1Great scientists.单项填空1I________along the street looking for a place to park when the accident________.Awent;was happeningBwent;happenedCwas going;happenedDwas going;had happened2In ________ review of 44 studies,American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of ________ heart disease by 76%.Aa;theBthe;aCa;/D/;a3When I got there,he was________a wedding party.Aattending。

8、111Unit 2The United Kingdom.单项填空1She ________ Robert for a year.AmarriedBmarried withChas been marryingDhas been married to2Local people said Israeli troops were seen before dawn in________town of Beit Lahiya,________north of Caza City.A/;/Ba;theCthe;theDthe;/3He followed the young girl all the way home,________by her charming smile.AattractBattractionCattractingDattracted4Could I ask you a rather personal question?Sur。

9、111Unit 4Making the news.单项填空1Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture,but when and where________yet.Ahasnt been decidedBhavent decidedCisnt being decidedDarent decided2The headmaster________all the teachers not smoke in the office.AtoldBannouncedCcalledDdemanded3It seems that westerners seldom give their friends financial help.Maybe.For them________friendship is mostly________matter of providing。

10、111Unit 2English around the world.单项填空1________for a long time,but he tried his best to make up for what he missed.ABeing ill staying in hospitalBHaving been ill staying in hospitalCHe was ill staying in hospitalDTo be ill staying in hospital2The film,________ the true story of this Red Army general,attracted peoples interest all over the country.Ais based onBis on the base ofCwhich is the base forDbased upon3A competent speaker of a language must。

11、111Unit 3Travel journal.单项填空1Not until the motorbike looked almost new ________repairing and cleaning it.Ahe stoppedBdid he stopCstopped heDhe did stop2The young lady prefers dressing up for a party to________ by others.Abe noticedBbeing noticedChaving been noticedDhave been noticed3He trusts you,so only you can________ him to give up that crazy idea.AtemptBpersuadeCadviseDtry to persuade4With that calm and。

12、111Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world.单项填空1A growing anxiety is disturbing the public________ the economy will continuously decline.AwhichBthatCwhyDwhere2This book tells ________ life story of John Smith,who left ________ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.Athe;theBa;theCthe;/Da;/3________ tricks________ others is something we should never do.APlay;onBPlaying;onCTake;ofDTaking;of4Ex。

13、111Unit 2The Olympic Games.单项填空1With so much water being used in the bathroom,it is no________ that more environmentally friendly technologies have come out to make better use of water resources.AsurpriseBneedCquestionDdoubt2The girls ________ into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.AacceptedBacceptingCadmittedDadmitting3Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?_____。

14、111Unit 3Life in the future.单项填空1They________ two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.Ahad gotBgotChave gotDget2With his wise thoughts about ______nature and the world,Confucius is a great thinker in______history of China.A/;theBthe;theC/;/Dthe;/3________ I saw him,I knew he was the very man that the police were looking for.Which of the following is WRONG?AThe instantBThe momentC。

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