


1、第15课时 九年级 Units 12 一、单项填空 1(2019原创)Dad, please dont tell Mom that I will come back next Sunday. I want to keep it a and give her a surprise. Achance Bchoice Csecret。

2、第10课时 八年级下册 Units 12 一、单项填空 1(xx江西南昌高安三模) of the hats suited him, so Jack had to try on a third one. ANeither BEither CBoth DNone 2(xx山东菏泽牡丹中学三。

3、第1课时 七年级上册Units 1 2 一 单项选择 1 xx山东济南天桥一模 Whos your favorite actor Wu Jing is a famous action actor A he B him C his D she 2 xx福建福州杨桥中学模拟改编 Hey Mike is this your watch N。

4、第17课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 单项填空 1 2019原创 Dad please dont tell mom that I will e back next Sunday I want to keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret D idea 2 2019原创 How di。

5、第10课时 八年级下册 Units 1 2 一 单项选择 1 xx江西南昌高安三模 of the hats suited him so Jack had to try on a third one A Neither B Either C Both D None 2 xx江苏连云港中考 National Treasure quickly ro。

6、第一部分 Grade 9 Units 1 2 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 He had got a high fever 发高烧 and went to the hospital 2 My little brother is too young to dare to 敢于 go out alone 3 We should get into the habit o。

7、第8课时 八年级下册 Units 1 2 单项选择 1 2019预测 Whats the matter you I have a sore throat A with B on C in D about 2 xx四川眉山青神教学质量监测 I didnt take your advice at that time so I am in such a。

8、第13课时 九年级 Units 1 2 单项选择 1 2019原创 Dad please dont tell mom that I will e back next Sunday I want to keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret D idea 2 xx广东深圳龙岗模拟。

9、第8课时 八年级下册Units 1 2 选择填空 1 Whats the matter you I have a sore throat A with B on C in 2 Look I found a wallet in the classroom You should give it to its He must be upset about losing it A。

10、第13课时 九年级Units 1 2 选择填空 1 Dad have you told mom that I will e back next Sunday No Lets keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret 2 2019预测 We are going to the movies this。

11、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 1 Units 1 2 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 I agree with 同意 you about it 2 We dont want to be late for 迟到 class 3 How many students in your class can play the piano 弹钢琴 4 My fever。

12、第1课时 七年级上册Units 1 2 选择填空 1 xx山东济南天桥一模改编 Whos your favorite actor Wu Jing is a famous action actor A he B him C his 2 xx福建福州杨桥中学模拟 Hey Mike is this your watch No it isnt。

13、第12课时 八年级下册 Units 1 2 一 单项填空 1 xx江西南昌高安三模 of the hats suited him so Jack had to try on a third one A Neither B Either C Both D None 2 xx江苏连云港中考 National Treasure quickly ro。

14、第8课时 八年级下册Units 1 2 一 单项选择 1 2019预测 What would you like mutton or fish I prefer chicken A Either B Neither C Both D Each 2 xx江苏连云港中考 National Treasure quickly rose to the top tel。

15、第13课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 单项选择 1 Dad have you told mom that I will e back next Sunday No Lets keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret D idea 2 We are going to the movies th。

16、第13课时 九年级Units 1 2 一 单项填空 1 Dad have you told mom that I will e back next Sunday No Lets keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret 2 2019预测 We are going to the movies t。

17、第10课时 八年级下册Units 1 2 单项选择 1 xx江西南昌高安三模改编 of the hats suited him so Jack had to try on a third one A Neither B Either C Both D All 2 xx江苏连云港中考 National Treasure quickly ros。

18、第15课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 单项选择 1 2019原创 Dad please dont tell mom that I will e back next Sunday I want to keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret D idea 2 2019原创 How di。

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