


1、第一部分 Grade 7 Book 1 Units 1 4 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 Dont stand against 靠着 站 my car 2 Tom has a headache today The doctor asked him to get enough rest 充足的休息 3 Please take your books out of。

2、第一部分 Grade 7 Book 1 Units 5 8 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 We have a big library with lots of a lot of many 很多 useful books 2 They are talking in front of 在 前面 the house 3 Look out 小心 There is a。

3、第一部分 Grade 9 Units 7 8 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 The two sisters have nothing in mon 共同的 2 Susan and her sister take turns 轮流 to do the dishes 3 We cant repay the money according to 根据 the sch。

4、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 5 6 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 He began to make money 赚钱 by selling newspapers when he was a child because his parents both died 2 A beautiful girl caught peoples eye 吸引。

5、第一部分 Grade 9 Units 1 2 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 He had got a high fever 发高烧 and went to the hospital 2 My little brother is too young to dare to 敢于 go out alone 3 We should get into the habit o。

6、第一部分 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 1 4 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 For example 例如 Ill help you with your study 2 He cant wait to 迫不及待 see you again 3 Dont give up 放弃 your hope 4 There are different kind。

7、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 1 Units 3 4 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 The bookstore is across from 在 对面 the school 2 You should try on 试穿 the coat before buying it 3 We Chinese people always get together 聚会。

8、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 7 8 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 The citys population is over 6 million in total 总计 2 If you arrive please ring call me up 给我打电话 3 No one can draw her attention 吸引她的。

9、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 1 Units 1 2 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 I agree with 同意 you about it 2 We dont want to be late for 迟到 class 3 How many students in your class can play the piano 弹钢琴 4 My fever。

10、第一部分 Grade 9 Units 9 10 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 She never really gets along well with 与 和睦相处 her sister 2 They seemed to be satisfied with 对 满意 our work 3 He fell down 摔下 the stairs and w。

11、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 3 4 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 Real friendship 友谊 is more valuable than money 2 Where should we go on a vacation holiday 度假 this year 3 The doctors pronounced that he was。

12、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 1 Units 7 8 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 I like toys very much There are all kinds of 各种各样的 toys in my home 2 I feel proud 感到骄傲 of wearing this uniform 3 How long were you in。

13、第一部分 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 5 8 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 You must eat less to stay keep healthy 保持健康 2 My ideas are different from 与 不同 yours at times 3 Last week we had a picnic 野餐 on the to。

14、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 1 Units 5 6 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 I cant think of 想起 his name 2 Please dont turn on 打开 the TV without asking 3 My mother goes to work on foot 步行 every day 4 We will not gi。

15、第一部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Units 1 2 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 The teacher asks us to answer the questions one by one 一个接一个 2 Hundreds of 数百的 people lost their lives in the accident 3 Does your moth。

16、第一部分 Grade 9 Units 3 4 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 Firemen reached the burning house in time 及时 2 If you run after 追赶 two hares you will catch neither 3 She makes her living 谋生 by selling fruit 4。

17、第一部分 Grade 9 Units 5 6 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 They divided up 分配 the money between them 2 A new movie named Mechanic Resurrection 机械师2 复活 has been on 上演 in many big theatres 3 Ill be back。

标签 > 陕西省2019年中考英语复习[编号:716714]

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