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2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Nowhere, however, is the importance of the nation more dramatically demonstrated than ( ) nationalism as a political creed.问题1选项A.the potency ofB.the potent ofC.in the potency ofD.in the potential【答案】A【解析】语法题。根据定冠词the,可知其后接名词,potent “有效的”为形容词,选项B可排除。根据题意,可知the importance of “的重要性”与空格中形成相互呼应的成分,选项C和D可排除。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题The economic crisis must prompt a profound reflection among the summit participants, since those ( )voice has least force in the political scene are precisely those ( )suffer most from the harmful effects of a crisis for which they do not bear responsibility.问题1选项A.X. XB.whose.whoC.which.whoD.which. X【答案】B【解析】语法题。根据题意,第一个空为定语从句关系代词,those为先行词,指 “那些人”,定语从句的主语应该为“那些人的声音”,缺定语,所以选用关系代词whose在定语从句中充当定语。第二个空先行词为those,所以先行词为人,而且定语从句缺主语,选用关系代词 “who”,选项B符合题意。3. 单选题Conversely, it ( ) that apparently similar domains make radically different use of those constituent words and hence demonstrate extremely different collocational patterns.问题1选项A.transpiredB.is transpiredC.may transpireD.may be transpired【答案】C【解析】语法题。transpire在本题中作不及物动词,意思为 “发生”,不及物动词无被动语态。选项B和D可排除。又根据整个句子的时态为一般现在时态,所以谓语动词不需要用过去式,选项A可排除。根据情态动词后接动词原形,可知选项C符合题意。4. 单选题She says the files she looked at werent confidential and were ( ) for consultation by any senior member of staff.问题1选项A.free availableB.freely availingC.free availablyD.freely available【答案】D【解析】语法和固定搭配。根据空格前的be动词were可知,空格处的中心词应该是一个形容词。available “可获得的,可购得的”;availably “有效用地,可获得地”;availing为动词avail的现在分词形式。所以排除选项B和C。形容词前可有副词修饰,freely “免费地,自由地”,free “免费的,自由的”。句意:她说她看的文件不是机密的,并且任何高级职员都可以免费获得这些文件的咨询。选项D符合题意。5. 问答题No thinker in the nineteenth century has had so direct, deliberate and powerful an influence upon mankind as Karl Marx. Both during his lifetime and after it he has exercised an intellectual and moral ascendancy over his followers, the strength of which was unique even in that golden age of democratic nationalism, an age which saw the rise of great popular heroes and martyrs,romantic, almost legendary figures, whose lives and words dominated the imagination of the masses and created a new revolutionary tradition in Europe. Yet Marx could not, at any time, be called a popular figure in the ordinary sense: certainly he was in no sense a popular writer or orator. He wrote extensively, but his works were not, during his lifetime, read widely; and when, in the late eighteen seventies, they began to reach the immense public which several among them afterwards obtained, the desire to read them was due not so much to a recognition of their intrinsic qualities as to the growth of the fame and notoriety of the movement with which he was identified.Marx totally lacked the qualities of a great popular leader or agitator, was not a publicist of genius like the Russian democrat Alexander Helen, nor did he possess Bakunins marvelous eloquence; the greater part of his working life was spent in comparative obscurity in London, at his writing-desk and in the reading-room of the British Museum. He was little known to the general public, and while towards the end of his life he became the recognized and admired leader of a powerful international movement, nothing in his life or character stirred the imagination or evoked the boundless devotion, the intense, almost religion, worship, with which such men as Kossuth, Mazzini, and even Lassalle in his last years, were regarded by their followers.His public appearances were neither frequent nor notably successful. On the few occasions on which he addressed banquets or public meetings, his speeches were overloaded with matter, and delivered with a combination of monotonousness and brusqueness, which commanded the respect but not the enthusiasm of his audience. He was by temperament a theorist and an intellectual, and instinctively avoided direct contact with the masses, to the study of whose interests his entire life was devoted. To many of his followers he appeared in the role of a dogmatic and sententious German schoolmaster, prepared to repeat his theses indefinitely, with rising sharpness, until their essence became irremovably lodged in his disciples minds. The greater part of his economic teaching was given its first expression in lectures to working men: his exposition under these circumstances was by all accounts a model of lucidity and conciseness. But he wrote slowly and painfully, as sometimes happens with rapid and fertile thinkers, scarcely able to cope with the speed of their own ideas, impatient at once to communicate a new doctrine, and to forestall every possible objection; the published versions were generally turgid, clumsy, and obscure in detail, although the central doctrine is never in serious doubt. He was acutely copious of this and once compared himself with the hero of Balzacs Unknown Masterpiece, who tries to paint the picture which has formed itself in his mind, touches and retouches the canvas endlessly, to produce at last a shapeless mass of colors, which to his eye seems to express the vision in his imagination. He belonged to a generation which cultivated the emotions more intently and deliberately than its predecessors, and was brought up among men to whom ideas were often more real than facts, and personal relations meant far more than the events of the external world; by whom indeed public life was commonly understood and interpreted in terms of the rich and elaborate world of their own private experience.1.What kind of person was Karl Marx according to the passage?2.How could you describe the age when Marx lived according to the passage?3.What did the author think of Marxs popularity?4.Why was the audience not enthusiastic about Marxs speeches?5.For what purpose was Balzacs Unknown Masterpiece mentioned?【答案】1.Karl Marx was a great thinker who brought direct, deliberate and powerful influence upon mankind. But he totally lacked the qualities of a great popular leader or agitator. His public appearances were neither frequent nor notably successful.2.It is a golden age of democratic nationalism, an age which saw the rise of great popular heroes and martyrs, romantic, almost legendary figures, whose lives and words dominated the imagination of the masses and created a new revolutionary tradition in Europe.3.The reason of Marx popularity was due not so much to a recognition of intrinsic qualities contained in his works as to the growth of the fame and notoriety of the movement with which he was identified.4.Because his speeches were overloaded with matter, and delivered with a combination of monotonousness and brusqueness.5.Karl Marx once compared himself with the hero of Balzacs Unknown Masterpiece to explain his special ways of writing and thinking.6. 单选题The Niger President had caused unease in the West African country following his failure to organize elections when his ( )elapsed.问题1选项A.tenancyB.tensionC.territoryD.tenure【答案】D【解析】名词词汇辨析。tenancy “租用,租赁,租赁期”;tension “紧张局势”;territory “领地,领土”;tenure “任期”。句意:尼日尔总统任期结束后未能组织选举,在这个西非国家引起了不安。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题Much as officials still say that China cannot carry the burden of international governance, they are ( ) the idea that it should sign up as a stakeholder in a set of rules made in Washington.问题1选项A.dismissive ofB.disincentive toC.disturbingD.dissipating【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析和固定搭配。be dismissive of “不屑一顾”;be disincentive to “阻碍因素”;disturb “打扰”;dissipate“使驱散”。句意:尽管官员们仍然说中国不能承担起国际管理的责任,但是他们也会对这样的想法不屑一顾:中国在制定一套规则中成为利益相关者。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Just as the United States must change, so too must those economies that have previously relied on exports ( ) weaknesses in their own demand.问题1选项A.to offsetB.by offsettingC.in offsettingD.offsetting【答案】A【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配rely on sth. to do “依靠做某事”,句意:正如美国必须做出的改变一样,那些经济体以前也依赖出口来找消除内需不足的弱点。选项A符合题意。9. 单选题It is reported that he means to exchange into another regiment, ( ) for the purpose of separating himself from me.问题1选项A.avowinglyB.avowingC.avowedD.avowedly【答案】D【解析】语法题。avowing “承认,公开宣称”;avowed “公开宣布的”;avowedly “公然地”。空格应该用副词来修饰整个句子。句意:据报道他打算调到另一个政权,目的是公然地和我划清界限。选项D符合题意。10. 单选题For some leaders in the tea party movement, the ongoing skirmish over whether presidential contender Mitt Romney should speak at a Tea Party Express rally in New Hampshire on Monday is ( )but an ( ) quarrel.问题1选项A.anything internecineB.something interestingC.anything intermediaryD.something interagency【答案】A【解析】固定搭配和形容词词义辨析。根据固定搭配“anything but”,选项B和D可排除。internecine “两败俱伤的”; interagency “跨部门的”。句意:关于总统候选人Mitt Romney周一是否应该在新罕布什尔州的茶党集会上发表讲话的争论,绝对不是一场两败俱伤的争吵。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题The Great Panic of 2008 may have destroyed blind optimism. But if excessive optimism was the near-fatal pose in 2008, blind pessimism has emerged as the reflexive post-bust crouch. And it has led the economic establishment to miss yet another inflection point. While we were wringing our hands about Americas financial and industrial crisis, we ignored a parallel narrative that was emerging: the repairing of balance sheets, an embrace of reality, a nascent recovery. The same folks who chased the recession down now are likely to chase the recovery up.Even as the economy started improving, corporate America continued to prepare for Armageddon for much of 2009. Inventories of manufactured goods fell in 10 of the first 11 months of 2009. Between October 2008 and October 2009, retailers slashed inventories from $500 billion to $432 billion. Translation? Pessimistic about their ability to sell stuff, companies cut way back on their orders. But when consumer demand finally materializes, retailers will be caught flat-footed and miss out on sales.Excessive pessimism in other areas has been more costly. Virtually all the market geniuses who hung on as the Dow was scythed in half between October 2007 and March 2009 failed to call the market turn. Most hedge-fund managers have chased the 60 percent rally since March, not led it. Economic forecasters similarly missed the dramatic turn in the overall economy this spring. Having failed to forecast that the economy would shrink at a 6 percent annual rate through the first quarter of 2009, economists also failed to project it would start growing again at a decent pace in June. And theyre still behind the curve. My bold prediction for 2010 is that the consensus of the forecasters surveyed by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, which projects the economy will grow only 2.4 percent in 2010, is too pessimistic, perhaps by half.Then theres a large population of non-ideologues who may not fully embrace the narrative of economic recovery because they dont feel it yet in their paychecks, portfolios, or home values. Try telling a laid-off autoworker in Michigan or a laid-off magazine editor in Brooklyn that things are better. But they may soon be in for pleasant surprises, too. For all the advances of information technology, big economic turns always take us unawares. In 2007 all indicators flashed greenuntil the bottom suddenly fell out. In this environment, things can look awful, until a new order unexpectedly comes in or a few deals break in your firms favor. All of a sudden, things seem much better.Were in a Missouri economy now, one in which recovery has to be shown, not told. Economic conditions may be improving, but it still may take more than a few quarters of growth before people fully commit to recovery, both financially and psychologically. If credit means belief, since the credit crisis began two years ago, belief has been in short supply. Maybe its time for a little blind faith.1.Which could be the best title for this passage?2.The last sentence of the second paragraph most probably implies that ( ).3.The word non-ideologues in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to( ).4.We can infer from the last paragraph that( ).5.Which of the following can best describe the attitude of the author towards economic recovery?问题1选项A.Economic Pessimism vs. Economic Optimism.B.American Economy after the Recession.C.Economic Forecast for 2010.D.The Dangers of Economic Pessimism.问题2选项A.the retailers are unprepared when the customers want to purchaseB.the retailers are found to have flat feet so they miss out on salesC.the unexpected economic recession makes the retailers lose their headsD.the flat-footed retailers sales are extinguished by others问题3选项A.people who are not advocates of a certain ideologyB.people who are pragmatistsC.people who are idealistsD.people who believe in nothing问题4选项A.we cannot be too optimistic about economic recoveryB.economy has already recovered so people should be optimisticC.itll still take time for people to believe that economy is recoveringD.people do not believe in credit anymore问题5选项A.Pessimistic.B.Disinterested.C.Suspicious.D.Optimistic.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.主旨题。根据文章第一段,“But if excessive optimism was the near-fatal pose in 2008, blind pessimism has emerged as the reflexive post-bust crouch.”,可知但如果说过度乐观是2008年近乎致命的因素,那么盲目悲观则会从反方向给经济带来不好的后果。可判断出文章主要谈及了悲观主义对经济发展带来的危害。选项D符合题意。2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,“Pessimistic about their ability to sell stuff, companies cut way back on their orders. But when consumer demand finally materializes, retailers will be caught flat-footed and miss out on sales.”,可知由于对自己的销售能力感到悲观,企业纷纷削减订单。但当消费者需求最终实现时,零售商将措手不及,错失销售良机。可判断出最后一句的意思是当顾客想买东西时,零售商们毫无准备。选项A符合题意。3.词义理解题。根据文章倒数第二段,“Then theres a large population of non-ideologues who may not fully embrace the narrative of economic recovery because they dont feel it yet in their paychecks, portfolios, or home values.”,可知还有很多非空想家,他们可能不会完全接受经济复苏的说法,因为他们的薪水、投资或房屋价值还没有发生改变,没有经济复苏的迹象。可判断出non-ideologues意思为实用主义者。选项B符合题意。4.推断题。根据文章最后一段,“Economic conditions may be improving, but it still may take more than a few quarters of growth before people fully commit to recovery, both financially and psychologically.”,可知经济状况可能正在改善,但在人们完全致力于经济复苏和心理恢复之前,仍可能需要几个季度以上的增长。可判断出人们仍然需要时间来相信经济正在复苏。选项C符合题意。5.作者态度题。纵观全文,第一段提及了盲目悲观会从反方向给经济带来不好影响,第二段提到美国还在为经济的不好状况做准备,第三段主要提到很多人仍然没有感受到经济的复苏,最后一段提及人们确实需要对经济复苏持有盲目的自信心理。根据文章最后一句,“Maybe its time for a little blind faith.”,可知作者认为对经济复苏应该存在盲目的信仰,可判断出作者的态度是乐观的。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题To begin to ( ) the pollution causing climate change, cities around the world need to be made more efficient, adopting measures ranging from reducing the energy costs of sanitation to constructing buildings that waste less energy.问题1选项A.mitigateB.migrateC.magnifyD.militate【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。Mitigate “使缓和,减轻”;migrate “移居,移植”;magnify “放大,夸大”;militate “有影响,产生作用”。句意:要开始缓和气候变化带来的污染,全世界的城市都要提高效率,采取一系列措施,从降低卫生设施的能源成本到建设能源节约型建筑。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题China is far from perfect and seeks its own advantage, but holding it ( )our domestic problems is beyond anachronistic.问题1选项A.account forB.accounting toC.accounted toD.accountable for【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。account for “负有责任,占比例”;account to “报账”;hold (sb./sth.) accountable for “让某人对某事负责”。句意:中国远非完美,而是在寻求自身的优势,如果让它来对国内问题承担责任,那就相当不合时宜。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题 Broadly speaking, I (1)the experience of would-be public intellectuals into two forms. In the period of the 1960s and 1970s, those working for social justice (2)intellectual work against the background of a world under construction- thought and action remained allied and the link to policy remained (3) for intellectuals to move beyond mere word games. In thel980s and early 1990s, those intellectuals working for social justice in education faced a world under deconstruction - many of (4)projects were dismantled or came under sustained attack. In this later period, detached from action and divorced from policy, the public intellectual was forced into an increasingly abstract position of arguing through words for policies and activities that (5) discourses of disavowal, displacement and derision. This is harsh terrain to occupy and yet there are many examples of people who continued to (6)social justices in race, gender and class terms. I am reminded of a film I watched on the American Civil War. As the South was progressively defeated, (7) land was occupied -just a few towns and strips of land. In the end, the commentator said all that was left was a confederacy of the mind-a collective memory of an aspiration. (8), that has been the fate of movements for social justice and of associated intellectual work (9) the past two decades. But we should not underestimate the confederacy of the mind. For one (10) I will make with great force is that the largest problem the attempted reconstruction of the past two decades(11)-the attempt to demolish the welfare state - is peoples collective memory of good public services, of commitments to provision for all,(12) it be schools or hospitals. The vital task now is to (13), reenergize and reinvent new projects and programs for social justice, for memories and predisposition in Britain remain(14) resilient. We should now be (15) define a new role for the educational researcher in (16) Britain, and do so in ways informed by collective memories of social justice initiatives. This should, hopefully, presage a new investigation of the role of educational researcher as public intellectual, moving us (17) a new phase after the hopeful years of the 1960s and early 1970s and the reversal in the two decades that followed. Now we can hope again there are postmodern prospects (18) I should note that I am not (19) re-establishing some old master narrative of social justice - more (20) voices and visions, a moving mosaic of intentions and plans. 问题1选项A.had dividedB.dividedC.had been dividingD.have been dividing问题2选项A.undertookB.undertakeC.acceptedD.accept问题3选项A.far enoughB.enough farC.close enoughD.enough close问题4选项A.the dearlyB.the most dearlyC.dearlyD.the more dearly问题5选项A.were subject toB.were subjected toC.are subject toD.are subjected to问题6选项A.argue againstB.argue forC.argue withD.argue to问题7选项A.more and moreB.moreC.lessD.less and less问题8选项A.In some wayB.In some waysC.In a wayD.n ways问题9选项A.ofB.forC.inD.by问题10选项A.assertionB.announcementC.allegeD.assessment问题11选项A.will faceB.faceC.facedD.has faced问题12选项A.ratherB.whetherC.eitherD.even问题13选项A.reentrantB.reinvigorateC.reinforceD.reeducated问题14选项A.remarkablyB.remarkingC.remarkedD.remarkable问题15选项A.looking intoB.looking ontoC.looking toD.looking forward to问题16选项A.millenarianB.millenniumC.millennialD.millenary问题17选项A.forward toB.away toC.intoD.onto问题18选项A.for exploringB.to exploreC.with explorationD.for exploration问题19选项A.talking withB.talking aboutC.talking overD.talking to问题20选项A.a lot ofB.a bit ofC.a number ofD.a set of【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:B第7题:D第8题:B第9题:C第10题:A第11题:D第12题:B第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C第16题:C第17题:C第18题:B第19题:B第20题:D【解析】(1)语法题。根据文章第二句“In the period of the 1960s and 1970s”可知,句子的时态为过去时态,是对过去事情的回忆。又根据broadly speaking “一般说来”,可知,空格中的动作是从过去持续到现在,并且会一直持续下去。所以选用现在完成进行时态。选项D符合题意。(2)动词词义辨析和语法。undertake “从事,承担”;accept “接受”,根据文意:那些为社会正义而工作的人承担着智力工作。所以选用动词undertake,又根据整个文段的时态,选项A符合题意。(3)固定搭配和语法。enough修饰形容词需要后置,选项B和D可排除。又根据上文remained


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