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生态学专业词汇绝对生殖值多度深海带驯化淀积层夏眠年龄结构特定年龄生命表农业生态系统等位基因异种信息素/种间外激素阿伦法则异发演替异域性物种利他行为无性生殖群丛组群丛表群丛单位理论群丛个体生态学自发演替自养生物酸沉降酸雨农业生态工程农业生态学农业经济区位农业资源农业生态系统absolute reproductive value abundance abyssal zone acclimati on accumulati on horiz on aestivati on age structure age-specific life table agroecosystem alleles allelochemic Allen s rule alloge nic successi on allopatric speciati on altruism asexual reproduct ion associati on group associati on table associati on unit theory associati ons Autecology autoge nic successi on autotrophs Acid precipitati on Acid rain Agricultural eco-e ngin eeri ng Agricultural ecology, agroecology Agricultural econo mical zoning Agricultural resources Agroecosystem生态学专业词汇农林业系统阿利氏群聚原则化感物质化感作用人工辅助能人工直接调控人工信息流辅助能平衡说底面积贝格曼规律半深海带生物群落生物浓缩生物富集生物放大生物量生物带生态对策生物圈生物动力农业生物地球化学循环生物农业生物防治生物辅助能生化需氧量(生化耗氧量)生物量生态对策生物小循环瓶颈AgroforestryAllee s principleAllelochemicalsAllelopathyArtificial auxiliary en ergyArtificial direct regulati onArtificial in formatio n flowAuxiliary en ergybala ncing selecti on hypothesize basal areaBergman s rulebethal zonebiocoe no sisbioc oncen trati onbiological en richme ntbiomag ni ficati onbiomassbiomebiono mic strategybiosphereBiody namic agricultureBiogecochemical cycleBiological agricultureBiological con trolBiological en ergy subsidiesBiological oxyge n dema nd (BOD)BiomassBiono mic strategiesBiological micro-cyclebottle n eckC3 pla ntC3植物C4 pla ntC4植物CAM pla ntCAM植物Capital flow资金流Carrying capacity环境容纳量Chemical ecology化学生态学Chemical oxyge n dema nd (COD)化学耗氧量Chin ese Ecological Agriculture中国生态农业Climax顶极群落Coase s theory高斯理论Coevoluti on协同进化Comme nsalisms偏利作用Commu nity群落Competiti on竞争Competiti on exclusi on prin ciple竞争排斥原理Comp onents structure组分结构Con trolled availability fertilizers,CAFs控效肥Crop productivity pote ntial作物生产潜力cann ibalism同种相食carni vores食肉动物carri ng capacity负荷量catastrophic灾难性因素chamaephytes(Ch)地上芽植物character displaceme nt特征替代cheliophytes阴性植物climate climax气候顶级climate school气候学派climax com munity顶级群落climax顶级群落cli ne渐变群生态学专业词汇closed com mun ity封闭群落clumped集群分布coadapted system协同适应系统coarse grained粗粒性分布co-dy namics相互动态co-evoluti on协同进化cohort同生群cold desert冷荒漠coloni zati on定居,建群colorati on色泽com mun ities in littoral zone沿岸生物群落com mun ities in the limn etic zone湖沼带生物群落com mun ities in the profu ndal zone深水带生物群落Commun ity ecology群落生态学commun ity matrix群落矩阵com mun ity orga ni zati on群落组织com mun ity群落compa nion species伴生种compe n-satory predatio n补偿性捕食competiti on coefficie nt竞争系数competiti on hypothesis竞争假说competitive exclusi on竞争排除competive lottery抽彩式竞争con servati on保守主义者con spicuous ness显著度con sta ncy恒有度con test competiti on干扰竞争con test type of competiti on争夺型竞争continen tal rise大陆隆con ti nen tal shelf大陆架con ti nen tai slope大陆坡con verge nt adaptati on趋同适应con verge nt oscillati on趋同波动cost of gene recomb in ati on基因重组价cost of mat ing交配价cost of meiosis减数分裂价courtship behavior求偶行为coverage盖度crude den sity原始密度cryptophytes(Cr)隐芽植物Decomposer分解者Desertificati on土地沙漠化Detritus food cha in腐食食物链decompositi on分解作用delayed den sity depe ndence延后密度制约den sity effect密度效应den sity ratio密度比den sity-depe ndent密度制约den sity-i ndepe ndent非密度制约determi nistic model决定模型detrial food cha in碎食物链detritus feeder食碎生物developme nt发育differe ntial species区别种diffuse competitio n分冃攵竞争dio minan t-submissive支配一从属directio nal selectio n定向选择discrete gen erati on离散世代disruptive selecti on分裂选择disturba nee climax/disclimax偏途顶级diverge nt oscillati on趋异波动dominance优势度dominant species建群种dominant species优势种dominan t-submissive支配一从属关系dry desert十荒漠dyn amic classificati on动态分类系统dyn amic life table动态生命表dyn amic-composite life table动态混合生命表earth nu cleus地幔earth s crust地核Ecological amplitude生态幅ecological den sity生态密度ecological dominance生态优势ecological environment生态环境ecological equivale nt生态等值种ecological factor生态因子ecological force生态力ecological in vasi on生态入侵ecological n atality生态出生率ecological release生态释放Ecology生态学ecosystem developme nt生态系统的发育Ecosystem ecology生态系统生态学ecosystem生态系统acet one hypothesis生态交错带假说ecotype生态型ectoderm外温动物edge effect边缘效应etiolat ing phe nomenon黄化现象生态学专业词汇Ecological agriculture model (patter n)emergy emigrati on en doge nous migrati on endoderm en viro nment horm one en viro nment equilibrium theory euph onic zone euryecious euryhali ne euryhydric euryphagic eurythermal eurytopic species eutrophicati on evergree n hardwood forest Evolutio n ecology evolutio n force exoge nous migrati on exploitive competiti on exp on etial growth Eco-ec ono mical zoning Ecological agricultureEcological den sityEcological effectEcological efficie ncyEcological factorEcological engin eeri ngEcological pyramid能值迁出内因性迁移内温动物环境激素环境平衡理论透光带广栖的广盐性的广水性的广食性的广温性的广适种富营养化常绿硬材林进化生态学进化力外因性迁移利用竞争指数增长生态经济区位生态农业生态农业模式生态密度生态效益生态效率生态因子生态工程生态金字塔(生态锥体)生态学专业词汇Ecological successi onEcological susta in abilityEcologyEcono mic effectEcono mic exter nalityEcosystemEcot oneEcotopeEcotypeEdge effectEmbodied en ergyEmerge nt property of systemEn ergy an alysisEn ergy flow chartEn ergy flow pathEn ergy flow structureEn ergy flow ingEn tropyEutrophicati onExponen tial growth formExter nal ben efitExter nal costFeed backFirst law of thermody namicsFish pon d-dike systemFlowFood cha inFood cha in structureFood webFree en ergy演替生态持续性生态学经济效益经济外部性生态系统群落交错区(生态交错区)景观元素(生态点)生态型边缘效应内含能系统的整合特性能流分析能流图能流路径能流结构能量流熵富营养化种群指数增长模式收益外泄成本外摊反馈作用热力学第一定律基塘系统流食物链食物链结构食物网自由能生态学专业词汇资源经济学第一定律功能组分冗余孤雌生殖兼性孤雌生殖兼性因素家庭选择农田生态系统生育力表生育力反馈取食生态位滤食性生物细粒性分布周限增长率合适度植物区系一结构分类系统波动食物链群系组群系植物群系基础生态龛淡水生态学淡水生态系统功能反应配子选择缺口气体循环基因库地理变异First law of resources econo mic Functional comp onent adu ndence facultative parthe nogen esis facultative parthe nogen esis facultative family selectio n farmla nd ecosystem fecun dity schedule fecun dity feedback feedi ng ni ches filter food fine gra ined fin ite rate of in crease fitn ess floristic-structural classificati on fluctuati on food cha in formati on group formatio n formatio n foun dati onal ni che freshwater ecology freshwater ecosystem function resp onse gamete selecti on gaps gaseous cycle geng pool geographic variati ongeographical theory of speciati on物种形成geometric growth几何级数增长geophytes(G)地下芽植物global ecology全球生态gradie nt hypothesis梯度假说grain粒性grazer牧食生物graz ing food cha in捕食食物链gree nhouse effect温室效应gregarizati on phero mone聚集信息素gross primary product ion总初级生产力group select ion群体选择growth form生长型guild同资源团habal zone深渊带habitat生境heath石楠群丛height高度hemicryptophytes(He)地面芽植物herbivore植食herbivores植食动物heterotrophic successi onl=L辛轴丰年 异养演替heterotrophs异养生物hiber nati on冬眠homeostasis内稳态homeostasis自调节稳态homeostatic orga nism内稳态生物homeostatic process内稳定过程huma n demography人口统计学Huma n ecology人类生态学生态学专业词汇inn er-e nviro nmentin sta ntan eous rate of in creaseinten sityin terfere nee competiti onin terfere nee competiti onin termediate disturba nee hypothesisin ternal distributi on patternin terspecfic relati on shipin tertidal zonein traspecific relatio nshipin versely den sity depe ndentIsla nd ecologyiteroparityiteroparousJordan s rulekeyst one specieskin selectio nkin selectio nk-strategistsland coverland usehumushydrarch successi on hydrosereimmigrati on importa nee value in dividual con verse rate in dustrial mela nism inner capacity in crease腐殖质水生演替水生演替系列迁入重要值个体转化率工业黑化现象内禀增长力内环境瞬间增长率 强度 干扰竞争 干扰竞争 中度干扰假说 内分布型 种间关系 潮间带 种内关系 反密度制约 岛屿生态学 多次繁殖生物 多次生殖 约丹定律 关键种 亲属选择 亲属选择 k-策略者 土地覆盖 土地利用生态学专业词汇景观生态学Lan dscape ecology生态学专业词汇最后产量衡值法则最小因子法则耐受性法则层淋溶层叶面积指数叶面积指数静水生态系统生活周期生命期望生活型谱生活型生活史对策生活史生活年限寿命忍受性限度沿岸带流水生态系统大气候大型生物海洋生态学海洋生态系统最大出生率最大持续生产量巨型生物中型生物小气候微菌落小群落law of con sta nt final yield law of the minimum law of tolera nee layerleached layerleaf area in dexleaf area index ( LAS ) len tic ecosystem life cyclelife expecta ncylife form spectrumlife formlife history strategylife history lifespa n lifetime limit of tolera nee littoral zone lotic ecosystem macroclimate macrofa unaMarine ecologymarine ecosystem maximum n atality maximum susta ined yield megafa una mexofa una microclimatemicroco lony microcom mun itiesmicro-ecosystem微生态系统micro-e nvironment微环境microfa una小型牛物micropla nkton小型浮游生物migrati on迁徙modular orga nism构件生物modules构件Molecular ecology分子生态学mono climax theory单兀演替顶级mono cultute单种养殖mono gamy单配偶制monpohagous单食性monsoon forest季风林mortality curve死亡曲线mortality死亡率mosaic镶嵌性natality出生率n-dime nsional ni che n维生态龛n egative feedback负反馈net primary product ion( GP)净初级生产力n eutrality con troversy中性说论战ni che compressi on生态位压缩ni che separati on生态位分离ni che shift生态位分离niche生态位non-equilibrium theory非平衡理论non-homeostatic orga nism非内稳态生物obiotic comp onent非生物成分ocea n-curre nt洋流ohort life table同群生命表生态学专业词汇omni voresope n com munity ope n shrubla nds opport unist ordin ati on orn ame ntati on pan climax pan tropical parabiosphere parasites parasitoidism pare nt material pare ntal care pare ntal in vestme nt patch in ess per capita growth rate perclimax peritrophic mycorrhizae pha nerophytes(Ph) photoperiodism phypla nkton physiog nomy Physiological ecology physiological n atality phytochrom pion eer com mun ity pjarapatric speciati on pla nkon Poissi on distributi on polya ndry杂食动物开放群落稀疏灌丛机会主义者排序修饰泛顶级泛热带区副生物圈寄生生物拟寄生母质层亲代关怀亲本投资斑块性每员增长率前顶级周边营养性菌根厄尔尼诺 El Nino光周期现象浮游植物外貌生理生态学生理出生率色素先锋群落邻域性物种浮游生物泊松分布一雌多雄制生态学专业词汇polyclimax theory多元顶级理论polygamy多配偶制polygy ny一雄多雌制polymorphism多型现象polyphagous多食性的Populati on ecology种群生态学populati on种群porosity粒间空隙positive feedback正反馈postclimax超顶级predati on捕食者predator捕食者prese nt reproductive value当年繁殖价值prevail climax优势顶级prey猎物prezygotic mecha nism合子前隔离primary producti on初级生产primary successi on初级演替primary successi on原生演替prin ciple of allocati on分配原理prin ciple of competitive exclusi on竞争互斥原理product ion rate生产率product ion生产量productivity生产力progressive successi on进展演替protogy nous hermaphriodism雌雄同体pyramid of en ergy能量金字塔radiati on adaptati on趋异适应ran dom随机分布rare species偶见种reacti on time lag反应滞时reactive species反映性物种realized n atality实际出生率realized nick实际生态龛regressive successi on逆仃演替relative freque ncy相对频度relative reproductive value相对生殖值reproducti on effect生殖成效reproductive cost繁殖成本reproductive patter n生殖格局reproductive time lag生殖滞时reproductive value生殖值residual reproductive value剩余繁殖价值resilie nt stability恢复稳定性resista nt stability抵抗稳定性Restorati on ecology恢复生态学rich ness丰度r-k con ti nuum of strategiesr-k略连续系统r-strategistsr-策略者saprovores食腐者sava nna woodla nd热带稀树草原林地scavenger食腐者sciophytes阳性植物scramble competiti on利用竞争scramble type of competiti on分摊型竞争sec on dary metabolites次生代谢物质sec on dary producti on次级生产力sec on dary successi on次生演替sec on dary次级演替sedime ntary cycle沉积循环生态学专业词汇selective fertilizatio n选择受精self-destructive自我破坏semelparity一次繁殖生物semelparous一次生殖sex ratio性比sexual dimorphism雌雄二形现象sexual reproducti on有性生殖sexual select ion性选择shade pla nts耐阴性植物Shannon-Weiner in dex香农一威纳指数sieve select ion hypothesis筛选说similarity相似度Simps on s diversity in dex辛普森多样性指数social group社群social hierarchy社会等级social-ec onomic-n atural complex ecosystem 社会-经济solar emergy太阳能值solar emjoules太阳能焦耳solar tran sformity太阳能值转换率spatial patter n空间格局special heteroge neity空间异质性speciati on物种形成species area curve物种面积曲线species diversity物种多样性species evenn ess or equitability种的均匀度species heteroge neity种的不齐性species turnover rate种的周转率spore reproduct ion孢子生殖stability-resilie nee稳定恢复力stabiliz ing selecti on稳定选择-自然复合系统生态学专业词汇sta nding crop现存量static life table静态生命表ste no ecious窄栖性的ste nohali ne窄盐性的ste nohydric窄水性的ste nophagic窄食性的ste no thermal窄温性的steppe and semideserty干草原和半荒漠stochastic model随机模型stratificati on成层现象subassociati on亚群丛组subdo minant亚优势种subformatio n亚群系successi on演替succule nt肉质植物succule nt肉质植物summed dominance ratio(SDR)综合优势比summer-gree n deciduous forest夏绿落叶林survivorship curve存活曲线sympatric speciatio n同域性物种Syn ecology群落生态学synu sia层片Terrestrial ecology陆地生态学territorial behavior领域行为territoriality领域性the -2/3 thi nning lawE/3自疏法则the effect of n eighbours邻接效应therophytes (Th)一年生植物thertn operiodism温周期现象thorn forest and scrub多刺森林和密灌丛time-specific life table特定时间生命表torpor蛰伏total n eutrality hypothesis中性说trophic level营养级trophic relati on ship营养的联系trophic relati on ship营养联系tundra and cold forest苔原和冷森林uniform均匀分布un itary orga nism单体生物uni volt ine in sects一化性的昆虫upper horiz on覆盖层Urba n ecology城市生态学vegetati on subtype植被亚型vegetati on type group植被型组vegetati on type植被型vegetative propagati on营养生殖volume体积water cycle水循环weight重量xerarch successi on旱生演替xerophytes旱生植物zero net growth isoli ne(ZNGI )零增长线zone of emerge nt vegetatio n挺水植物带zoopla nkton浮游动物El Nino厄尔尼诺feedback反馈reflex反射gen eralist泛化种defe nnce behavior防卫行为flower visitor访花昆虫生态学专业词汇non-hierarchical非等级的non-spatial model非空间模型non-homeostatic orga nism非内稳态生物non equilibrium metapopulatio n非平衡态复合种群non equilibrium habitat-track ing metapopulati on非平衡态跟踪生境复合种群non equilibrium decli ning metapopulati on非平衡态下降复合种群nonni che非生态位physical environment非生物环境non li near非线性关系dispers ion分布decomposer分解者branching process分支过程molecular tax onomy分子分类学the n eutral theory of molecular evoluti on分子进化的中性理论molecular ecology分子生态学molecular systematics分子系统学pla nkton浮游动物n egative feedback)负反馈carry ing capacity负荷量n egative in teract ion负相互作用n egative selecti on负选择epifa una附底动物metapopulati on复合种群eutrohicati on富营养化现象relamati on改良coverage盖度cover ratio盖度比disturba nee干扰disturba nee patch干扰斑块disturba nee corridor干扰廊道生态学专业词汇干扰作用高度高斯假说高斯理论高位芽植物格林威尔造山运动个体个体论概念更新功能生态位攻击行为构件构件生物关键种关联系数光饱和点光补偿点光周期过滤器哈德-温伯格原理海洋生态系统寒武纪旱生植物河流廊道恒有度红树林呼吸量互利互利素互利作用in terfere nee height Coarses hypothesis Coarses theory pha nerophytes Gren ville Oroge nesis in dividual in dividualistic con cept ren ewal functional ni che aggressive behavior modules modular orga nism keyst one species associati on coefficie nts light saturati on point light compe nsatio n point photoperiod filterHardy-Wei nberg prin ciple Ocea n ecosytem Cambria n period siccocolous river corridor contancy man grove respirati on mutualism synomone synomonal生态学专业词汇化感作用化学防御化学生态学化学物质化学隐藏划分的环境环境伦理学环境容纳量环境资源斑块环境资源廊道荒漠荒漠化荒漠生态系统黄化现象恢复生态学混沌学混合型活动库获得性行为机体论学派基础生态位allelopathy chemical defe nee chemical ecology allelochemicals chemocryptic divisive en viro nment en viro nmen tal ethics en viro nmen tal carry in capacity en viro nmen tal resource patch en viro nmen tal resource corridor desert desertificati on desert ecosystem eitiolati on phe nomenon restorati on ecology chaos mixed type excha nge pool acquired behavior orga ni smic school Fun dame ntal ni che生态学专业词汇Ecology is the scie ntific study of in teract ions among orga ni sms and their environment, such as the in teract ions orga ni sms have with each other and with their abiotic environment. Topics of interest to ecologists include thediversity, distribution, amount (biomass), number (population) of orga ni sms, as well as competiti on betwee n them with in and amon gecosystems. Ecosystems are composed of dyn amically in teract ing parts in cludi ng orga ni sms, the com mun ities they make up, and the non-living components of their environment. Ecosystem processes, such as primary product ion, pedoge nesis, nu trie nt cycli ng, and various ni che con struct ion activities, regulate the flux of en ergy and matter through an environment. These processes are susta ined by orga ni sms with specific life history traits, and the variety of organisms is calledbiodiversity. Biodiversity, which refers to the varieties of species,genes, and ecosystems, enhances certain ecosystem services.生态是生物和环境之间的相互作用,如生物相互之间以及与他们的非生物环境的相互作用的科学的研究。生态学家感兴趣的话题包括的thediversity,分布量(生物量),数量(人口)的生物,以及他们之间的竞争和amo ngecosystems内。包括生物体的动态相互作用的部分组成的生态系统,他们的社区做起来,他们的环境和非生物成分。生态过程,如初级生产, 成土作用,养分循环,各种小生建设活动的环境,通过调节能量和物质通量。这些过程持续生物体特定的生活史,各种生物calledbiodiversity。生物多样性是指物种,基因和生态系统的品种,提高一定的生态系统服务。Ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology and Earth scienee. The word ecology (”?kologie) was coined in 1866 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel (1834919).An cie nt Greek philosophers such as Hippocrates and Aristotle laid the foun dati ons of ecology in their studies on natural history. Modern ecology transformed into a more rigorous science in the late 19th cen tury. Evoluti onary con cepts on adaptati on and n atural selecti on became corn erst ones of modernecological theory. Ecology is not synonymous with environment,environmentalism, natural history, or environmental science. It is closely related to evolutionary biology, genetics, and ethology. An understanding of how biodiversity affects ecological function is an important focus area in ecological studies. Ecologists seek to expla in:生态学是一个跨学科领域,包括生物学和地球科学。生态学(的一?kologie ,11)是由德国科学家恩斯特 海克尔(1834-1919)于1866年创造的。如古希腊哲学家希波克拉底和亚里士多德在他们的研究奠定了基础,生态,自然历史。现代生态转化为更严格的科学在19世纪后期。适应和自然选择的进化概念成为了基石modernecological理论。生态环境,环保,自然历史,或环境科学的代名词。它是密切相关,进化生物学,遗传学和行为学。理解 生物多样性如何影响生态功能是生态研究的一个重点领域。生态学家寻求解释:Life processes, in teract ions and adaptati onsThe moveme nt of materials and en ergy through living com mun itiesThe successi onal developme nt of ecosystems, andThe abundance and distributi on of orga ni sms and biodiversity in the con text of the environment.生命过程,相互作用和适应通过物质和能量的运动生活社区生态系统的演替发展,上下文环境中的生物和生物多样性的丰度和分布。Ecology is a human scienee as well. There are many practical applications of ecology in con servati onbiology,wetla ndman ageme nt,n aturalresourceman ageme nt (agroecology, agriculture, forestry,agroforestry, fisheries), city pla nning(urba necology), com munity health, economics, basic and applied scie nee, and huma n social in teract ion (huma n ecology). Orga nisms and resources compose ecosystems which, in turn, mai ntai n biophysical feedback mecha ni sms that moderate processes act ing on livi ng (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of the planet. Ecosystems sustain life-supporting functions and produce n atural capital like biomass product ion (food, fuel, fiber and medici ne), the regulati on of climate, global biogeochemical cycles, water filtration, soil formation, erosion control, flood protect ion and many other n


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