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2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Nearly eleven thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.问题1选项A.criticizingB.neglectingC.blamingD.disclosing【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。defy(其现在分词为defying)“违抗,反对;藐视;不顾”;A选项criticize(其现在分词为criticizing)“批评;评论”;B选项neglect(其现在分词为 neglecting)“疏忽,故意忽视”;C选项blame(其现在分词blaming)“责备;归咎于”;D选项disclose(其现在分词为disclosing)“公开;揭露”。句意:近1.1万人因藐视街头交易禁令而被捕。根据句中“arrested逮捕”与“the ban on street trading街头交易禁令”可知defy在这里应表示一种故意忽视,因此B选项正确。2. 单选题He does nothing that violates the interests of the collective.问题1选项A.runs forB.runs againstC.runs overD.runs into【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。violate“违反;侵犯,妨碍”,A选项run for“竞选;匆匆去取;赶紧去请”;B选项“run against 撞上;偶遇;违反”;C选项“run over 辗过;匆匆看;复查”;D选项“run into 遭遇,陷入;撞到;偶然遇见”。句意:他不做任何违背集体利益的事。根据句中“the interests of the collective集体的利益”可知violate在这里的意思为“违反”,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff( ).问题1选项A.moralB.mortalC.moraleD.mores【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项moral“道德;寓意”;B选项mortal“人类,凡人”;C选项morale“士气,斗志”;D选项mores“习惯;风俗;道德观念”。句意:员工集中培训已带来了更好的思想交流、更大的热情和更高的员工士气。由题干中的“staff员工”、“a good exchange of ideas更好的思想交流”和“greater enthusiasm更大的热情”可知“士气”符合语境,因此C选项正确。4. 不定项选择题There is a question, however, that must be answered before this synthesis is attempted, namely, which are the social tendencies that are general human characteristics? It is easy to be misled in this respect. Much of our social behavior is automatic. Some may be instinctive, that is, organically determined. Much more is based on conditioned responses, that is, determined by situations so persistently and early impressed upon us that we are no longer aware of the character of the behavior and also ordinarily unaware of the existence or possibility of a different behavior. Thus, a critical examination of what is generally valid for all humanity and what is specifically valid for different cultural types comes to be a matter of great concern to students of society. This is one of the problems that induce us to lay particular stress upon the study of culture that are historically as little as possible related to our own. Their study enables us to determine those tendencies that are common to all mankind and those belonging to specific human societies only.Another vista opens if we ask ourselves whether the characteristics of human society are even more widely distributed and found also in the animal world. Relations of individuals or of groups of individuals may be looked at from three points of view: relations to the organic and inorganic outer world, relations among members of the same social group, and what, for lack of a better term, may be designated as subjectively conditioned relations. I mean by this term those attitudes that arise gradually by giving values and meanings to activities, as good or bad, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, purposive or causally determined. Relations with the organic and inorganic outer world are established primarily by the obtaining of sustenance, protection against rigor of the climate, and geographical limitations of varied kinds. The relations of members among the same social group include the relation of sexes, habits of forming social groups and their forms. Obviously, these phases of human life are shared by animals. Their food requirements are biologically determined and adjusted to the geographical environment in which they live. Acquisition and storage of food are found among animals as well as in man. The need of protection against climate and enemies is also operative in animal society, and adjustment to these needs in the form of nests or dens is common. No less are the relations between members of social groups present in animal life, for animal societies of varied structure occur. It appears, therefore, that a considerable field of social phenomena does not by any means belong to man alone but is shared by the animal world, and the questions must be asked: what traits are common to human and animal societies?1. Which of the following statements is true? Our social behavior is ( ).2. Why is social behavior difficult to change?3. In order to answer the question: “which are the social tendencies that are general human characteristics?” we have to emphasize on the study of ( ).4. The three points of view that indicate the relations of individuals are ( ).5. Form the definitions of the three points of view, according to the passage, we can infer that ( ).问题1选项A.more based on learned reactions than natural tendencyB.more inherently determined than early impressedC.more spontaneous than inbornD.more based on inherent than constitutional behavior问题2选项A.Ones behavior is inborn so that nothing can be done about it.B.Ones behavior is instinctive so that he/she cant act differently.C.Ones behavior is taught from childhood so that it is fixed as normal in his/her childhood.D.If one never changes his/her geographical dwelling, his/her social behavior can never be changed.问题3选项A.human behaviorB.human organsC.cultureD.environment问题4选项A.relations characterized by natural development; relations that are culturally determined; socially accepted behavior among the groupB.relations to natural and unnatural world; relations among people; conditioned relationsC.relations to organic and inorganic outer world; relations among human behavior; objectively conditioned relationsD.relations to living environment; relations among members of the same social group; subjectively conditioned relations问题5选项A.conditioned relations are acquiredB.relations to the organic and inorganic outer world are instinctiveC.relations among members or the same social group are learnedD.all of the above【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由题干定位到文章第一段中“Much more is based on conditioned responses, that is, determined by situations so persistently and early impressed upon us that we are no longer aware of the character of the behavior and also ordinarily unaware of the existence or possibility of a different behavior. 更多的是建立在条件反应的基础上,也就是说,条件反应是由长期的和早期的情况所决定的,我们不再意识到行为的特征,通常也没有意识到不同行为的存在或可能性。”可知A项与原文相符。A项“更多的是基于习得的反应,而不是自然倾向”;B项“更多的是内在的决心而不是早期的印象”,与原文不符;C项“自发的多于天生的”,与原文不符;D项“更多地基于天生而不是本质的行为”,与原文不符,因此A选项正确。第2题:推理判断题。由题干定位到文章第一段中“Much more is based on conditioned responses, that is, determined by situations so persistently and early impressed upon us that we are no longer aware of the character of the behavior and also ordinarily unaware of the existence or possibility of a different behavior. 更多的是建立在条件反应的基础上,也就是说,条件反应是由长期的和早期的情况所决定的,我们不再意识到行为的特征,通常也没有意识到不同行为的存在或可能性。”可推知C项与原文相符。A项“一个人的行为是与生俱来的,因此没有什么可以改变它。”,与原文不符;B项“一个人的行为是本能的,所以他/她不会有不同的行为。”,与原文不符;C项“一个人的行为是从小就被教导的,因此在他/她的童年就被固定下来,作为正常的行为。”;D项“如果一个人永远不改变他/她的居住地,他/她的社会行为也永远不会改变。”,与原文不符,因此C选项正确。第3题:推理判断题。由题干定位到文章第一段中“Their study enables us to determine those tendencies that are common to all mankind and those belonging to specific human societies only. 他们的研究使我们能够确定哪些倾向是全人类共有的,哪些只属于特定的人类社会。”可推知C项与原文相符。A项“人类行为”;B项“人类器官”;C项“文化”;D项“环境”,因此C选项正确。第4题:推理判断题。最后一段中提及的三个观点:relations to the organic and inorganic outer world、relations among members of the same social group和conditioned relations(有机和无机外部世界的关系、同一社会群体成员之间的关系和条件关系),B、C、D三个选项均不符合题干要求,所以A项与原文相符。A项“以自然发展为特点的关系;由文化决定的关系;群体间被社会所接受的行为”;B项“与自然和非自然世界的关系;人们之间的关系;条件关系”,与题意不符;C项“与外部世界有机和无机的关系;人类行为的关系;客观条件的关系”,与题意不符;D项“与生活环境的关系;同一社会群体成员之间的关系;主观条件关系”,与题意不符,因此A选项正确。第5题:推理判断题。由题干定位到文章最后一段中“I mean by this term those attitudes that arise gradually by giving values and meanings to activities我用这个术语意指那些通过赋予活动价值和意义而逐渐产生的态度”,可知A项“条件关系是获得的”与原文相符;由题干定位到文章最后一段中“Relations with the organic and inorganic outer world are established primarily by the obtaining of sustenance, protection against rigor of the climate, and geographical limitations of varied kinds. 与有机和无机外部世界的关系主要是通过获得食物、抵御严酷的气候和各种地理限制来建立的。”可知B项“与有机和无机外部世界的关系是本能的”与原文相符;最后一段提到“Relations with the organic and inorganic outer world are established primarily by the obtaining”,即成员与群体间的关系是习得的,C选项正确。所以D项“以上各选项”正确。A项“条件关系是获得的”;B项“与有机和无机外部世界的关系是本能的”;C项“成员或同一社会群体之间的关系是习得的”;D项“以上各选项”,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题He planned to buy an apartment since he is going to get married next year, but the cost of the property in the big cities is _.问题1选项A.promptB.proportionalC.prohibitiveD.progressive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项“prompt”意为“敏捷的,迅速的;立刻的,及时的;准时的”;B选项“proportional”意为“比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的”;C选项“prohibitive”意为“禁止的;抑制的;(费用,价格等)过高的”;D选项“progressive”意为“进步的;先进的”。句意:由于明年就要结婚了,他打算买一套公寓,但大城市的房价高得令人望而却步。由题干可知,but表转折,说明the cost of the property in the big cities(大城市的房价)阻碍了他想买房子的计划,由此可推测出大城市的房价高得超出他的承受能力。因此C选项符合题意。6. 单选题To absorb a younger workforce, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives for older workers to retire and make way for the younger ones who earned lower salaries.问题1选项A.rewardsB.opportunitiesC.motivesD.stimuli【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive“激励;奖励;诱因”;A选项reward“奖励;奖赏”;B选项opportunity(其复数形式为 opportunities)“时机,机会”;C选项motive“动机,目的”;D选项stimuli(其为stimulus的复数形式)“激励;刺激;促进因素”。句意:为了吸收更年轻的劳动力,许多公司推出了退休计划,以激励年龄较大的员工退休,为工资较低的年轻员工让路。根据句中“retirement plans退休计划”可知incentive在这里的意思应为“激励”,因此D选项正确。7. 单选题In fact, a number of recent developments suggest that new media may actually be the salvation of old media; that online newspapers, Webzines, and e-books could preserve and extend the best aspects of the print culture while augmenting it with their various technological advantages.问题1选项A.limitingB.maintainingC.distinguishingD.increasing【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。横线单词augmenting意为“增加;增大”;A选项“limiting”意为“限制;限定”;B选项“maintaining”意为“维持;继续;维修;主张”;C选项“distinguishing”意为“区分;辨别”;D选项“increasing”意为“增加;增大;提高;增强”。句意:事实上,最近的一些发展表明,新媒体实际上可能是传统媒体的救赎;在线报纸、网络杂志和电子书可以保留和扩展印刷文化的最好方面,同时用它们的各种技术优势扩大它。由题干可知,while是连词,意为“与此同时”,说明while前后意思相近而不是转折。preserve and extend(保留和扩展)表示传统印刷业将继续扩张。由此可知,augmenting在此处最可能是“增大”的意思。因此D选项符合题意。8. 单选题Driving a car without insurance can have ( )consequences.问题1选项A.uncertainB.disastrousC.potentialD.unworthy【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项uncertain“无常的;靠不住的;迟疑不决的”;B选项disastrous“损失惨重的;悲伤的”;C选项potential“潜在的;可能的”;D选项unworthy“不值得的;无价值的”。句意:在没有保险的情况下驾车可能产生损失惨重的后果。根据句中“Driving a car without insurance在没有保险的情况下驾车”可知“损失惨重的”符合语境,因此B选项正确。9. 单选题Professor Smith and Professor Brown will( )in giving the class lectures.问题1选项A.exchangeB.alterC.shiftD.alternate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项exchange“交换;交易;兑换”;B选项alter“改变;变更”;C选项shift“转移;改变;替换”;D选项alternate“交替;轮流”。句意:史密斯教授和布朗教授将轮流给这个班级讲课。根据句中“giving the class lectures给这个班级讲课”可知“轮流”符合语境,因此D选项正确。10. 单选题Cox Radio, one of the nations largest radio chains, plans to its ties with independent record promoters to _distance itself from a payola-like practice that runs rampant in the music business.问题1选项A.consolidateB.toutC.severD.splash【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“consolidate”意为“巩固,使固定;联合”;B选项“tout”意为“兜售;招来;刺探赛马情报”;C选项“sever”意为“割断,断绝;分开;使分离”;D选项“splash”意为“泼洒;把(水、泥等)泼在上;(在水中)溅着水花行走”。句意:考克斯广播公司是美国最大的广播连锁之一,它计划与独立唱片推广商合作,以摆脱在音乐界猖獗的类似贿赂的做法。由题干可知,a payola-like practice(类似贿赂的做法),广播公司肯定是不愿意接受贿赂的做法,所以他们要摆脱这种行为,与这种做法断绝关系。因此C选项符合题意。11. 单选题Above the trees are the hills,( )magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.问题1选项A.whereB.of whoseC.whoseD.which【答案】C【解析】语法题whose引导的非限定性定语从句。whose是关系代词who的所有格形式,在从句中作定语。whose通常指人,也可指动物或无生命的事物。主句为“Above the trees are the hills”,从句的主语应为“山的绮丽景色”,原句为the river faithfully reflects the hills magnificence on the surface。句意:在树林的高处是山,其壮丽的景色完全映照在河面上。因此C选项正确。12. 单选题The ongoing negotiation relied on unorthodox channels, avoiding the dull State Department, which he disdained.问题1选项A.respectedB.neglectedC.deniedD.despised【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。disdain“鄙视,轻视”;A选项respect“尊敬,尊重;遵守”;B选项neglect“疏忽,忽视;忽略”;C选项deny“否定,否认;拒绝给予”;D选项despise“轻视,鄙视”。句意:正在进行的谈判依赖非正统渠道,避开了他鄙视的沉闷的国务院。题干说到“dull State Department呆滞的国务院”,可推知disdain在这里有“鄙视”的意思,因此D选项正确。13. 单选题Silk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adversely affected by sunlight.问题1选项A.softB.sheerC.fragileD.refined【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。delicate“精美的;柔和的;易碎的”;A选项soft“柔软的;温柔的;软弱的”;B选项sheer“绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;纯粹的”;C选项fragile“脆的;易碎的”;D选项refined“精炼的;精确的;微妙的;有教养的”。句意:丝绸虽然被认为是一种易碎的织物,但事实上它非常结实,但它受到阳光的不利影响。根据句中although“尽管”和“is in fact very strong实际上是非常结实的”可知delicate在这里的意思为“易碎的”,因此C选项正确。14. 不定项选择题A timely study in the journal Human Factors suggests why texting while driving is riskier than talking on a cell phone or with another passenger. Ergonomics (人类工程学)researchers at the University of Utah found that texters in a driving simulator had more crashes, responded more slowly to brake lights on cars in front of them, and showed more impairment in forward and lateral control than did drivers who talked on a cell phone while driving or drove without texting. Researchers Frank Drews and colleagues found evidence that attention patterns differ for drivers who text versus those who converse on a cell phone. In the latter case, the researchers say, “drivers apparently attempt to divide attention between a phone conversation and driving, adjusting the processing priority of the two activities depending on task demands.” But texting requires drivers to switch their attention from one task to the other. When such attention-switching occurs as drivers compose, read, or receive a text, their overall reaction times are substantially slower than when theyre engaged in a phone conversation. The type of texting activity also appears to make a difference; in this study, reading messages affected braking times more than did composing them.The hazards of texting while driving continue to receive broad national and international attention as accident rates attributed to this practice increase. As a result, a growing number of U.S. cities and states, as well as Canadian provinces, ban texting while operating a vehicle. Drews et al, noted that according to CTIA, more than 1 trillion text messages were sent in 2008 in the United States alone. To find why and how much drivers are impaired during texting, the researchers engaged 20 men and 20 women between the ages of 19 and 23 in both a single task (straight driving) and a dual task (driving and texting) in a high-fidelity simulator. The participants, experienced texters with an average of 4.75 years of driving experience, received and sent messages while the researchers observed their brake onset time, following distance, lane maintenance, and collisions.The crash risk attributable to texting is substantial. One possible explanation is that drivers who text tend to decrease their minimum following distance and also experience delayed reaction time. For example, in the Drews et al. study, drivers median reaction time increased by 30% when they were texting and 9% when they talked on the phone, compared with their performance in a driving-only condition.Notwithstanding the safety risk of texting while driving, previous research by Drews and colleagues at the University of Utahnot to mention crash data and widespread legislationmakes clear that using a phone while driving is dangerous.1. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?2. A texter while driving intends to ( ).3. Why texting while driving is more dangerous than conversing on a cell-phone?4. The underlined phrase in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ( ).5. What does the last paragraph suggest?问题1选项A.Compared with talking on a cell-phone, it is more dangerous to talk with another passenger.B.While driving, texting is riskier than talking on a cell-phone.C.More accidents happened due to texting while driving.D.While driving, people tend to react more slowly when they are texting.问题2选项A.be able to pay enough attention to cars coming from both sides of his/her carB.keep proper distance with the car in front of his/hersC.be steady in driving along the proper laneD.be less conscious of the brake lights on car in front of him/hers问题3选项A.Because texting may tend to slow down the drivers reaction.B.Because reading messages affected braking time.C.Because attention-switching for texting is riskier than is attention-dividing for conversing.D.Because composing a message while driving may be more risky.问题4选项A.to repair the roadB.keeping the road in good conditionC.to stick to the roadD.driving steadily along the same driving lane问题5选项A.Many cars crashed due to the use of a cell-phone while driving.B.Relative laws should be made.C.Texting is as dangerous as is talking on a cell-phone.D.Texting may lead to safety problems.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】第1题:判断推理题。由题干定位到第一段的第一句话“why texting while driving is riskier than talking on a cell phone or with another passenger”(为什么开车时发短信比打电话或与其他乘客通话更危险)可知,本文是将发短信与其他两者之间进行相比,而不是将“与用手机交谈相比,与其他乘客交谈更危险”这两者之间相比,所以A选项符合题意。B选项“开车时发短信比打电话更危险”、C选项“更多的事故是由开车时发短信造成的”、D选项“开车时,人们在发短信时反应往往更慢”三项内容文中都有提及,所以说法是正确的。因此A选项符合题意。第2题:细节事实题。由题干定位到第一段的第二句话“University of Utah found that texters in a driving simulator had more crashes, responded more slowly to brake lights on cars in front of them, and showed more impairment in forward and lateral control than did drivers who talked on a cell phone while driving or drove without texting”(犹他大学发现,与边开车边打电话或开车时不发短信的司机相比,在驾驶模拟器中发短信的人发生的车祸更多,对前面汽车的刹车灯反应更慢,在前进和横向控制方面表现出更大的障碍)可知他们不太在意他/她前面车上的刹车灯。A选项“能够对从他/她的车的两边来的车给予足够的注意”、B选项“与他/她前面的车保持适当的距离”、C选项“在正确的车道上开车要稳”三项内容没有原文依据。因此D选项正确。第3题:细节事实题。由题干定位到第一段的第三、四句话“Researchers Frank Drews and colleagues found evidence that attention patterns differ for drivers who text versus those who converse on a cell phone. In the latter case, the researchers say, drivers apparently attempt to divide attention between a phone conversation and driving, adjusting the processing priority of the two activities depending on task demands.”(研究人员Frank Drew及其同事发现,发短信的司机和打电话的司机注意力模式不同。研究人员说,在后一种情况下,“司机显然试图将注意力分散在打电话和开车之间,根据任务需求调整这两种活动的处理优先级”)可知因为在发短信时转移注意力比在交谈时分散注意力风险更大。A选项“因为发短信可能会减慢司机的反应速度”、B选项“因为读取信息会影响制动时间”、D选项“因为边开车边写信息可能更危险”三项内容说法也都是开车时发短信的危害,但是不够全面。因此C选项正确。第4题:语义推测题。由题干定位到第二段最后一句话“The participants, experienced texters with an average of 4.75 years of driving experience, received and sent messages while the researchers observed their brake onset time, following distance, lane maintenance, and collisions”(参与者是有经验的短信用户,平均有4.75年的驾驶经验,他们接收和发送信息,同时研究人员观察他们的刹车开始时间、跟车距离、沿路行使和碰撞情况)可知lane maintenance为不变地沿着同样的驾驶道路驾驶。A选项“修护道路”、B选项“保持道路状况良好”、C选项“不偏离道路”语义错误。因此D选项正确。第5题:判断推理题。由题干定位到最后一段“Notwithstanding the safety risk of texting while driving, previous research by Drews and colleagues at the University of Utahnot to mention crash data and widespread legislationmakes clear that using a phone while driving is dangerous”(尽管开车时发短信存在安全风险,但德鲁和他在犹他大学的同事之前的研究更不用说撞车数据和广泛的立法明确表明开车时使用手机是危险的)可知驾驶时发短信会导致安全问题。A选项“许多汽车因开车时使用手机而发生撞车事故”、B选项“应该制定相关的法律”没有原文依据;C选项“发短信和打电话一样危险”错误,这两者之间本文没有明确表述。因此D选项正确。15. 单选题There were several explanations of the phenomenon, nobody _the right one the first time.问题1选项A.got hold ofB.agreed uponC.hit onD.caught up with【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“got hold of”意为“把握;抓住;得到”;B选项“agreed upon”意为“对取得一致意见;同意某主意”;C选项“hit on”意为“偶然发现;忽然想到”;D选项“caught up with”意为“赶上;逮捕;处罚”。句意:对这一现象有几种解释,但没有人一开始就能忽然想到正确的解释。由题干可知,the right one指正确的解释,所以相应的动词应该是想到。因此C选项符合题意。16. 单选题Brushing removes larger particles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well, where food residues and bacteria _


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