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2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题After continual bickering on questions of strategy, Li finally exhausted Tsengs patience by refusing to draft for him a memorial( )he took exception.问题1选项A.of whichB.to whichC.from whichD.out of which【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。take exception to“不以为然,反对”。这里是将介词提前,和which引导定语从句,因此B选项正确。句意:不停地争论策略问题后,李终于因为拒绝为茨奥设计他的纪念物而耗尽了茨奥的耐心。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题This medicine will( )the pain in the stomach.问题1选项A.ascertainB.agitateC.alleviateD.allocate【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A项ascertain“确定,查明”,B项agitate“摇动,骚动”,C项alleviate“减轻,缓和”,D项allocate“分配”。句意:这种药会减轻胃痛。根据句意,该题选C正确。3. 单选题Her remarks( )a complete disregard for human rights.问题1选项A.magnifiedB.maintainedC.manipulatedD.manifested【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项magnified“扩大,放大”;B选项maintained“保持,供养”;C选项manipulated“操纵,控制”;D选项manifested“表明,显示”,句意:她的评论表明了对人权的完全漠视,所以只有D选项符合。4. 单选题A centrally controlled military force was the guarantee of their continuation in power, but the army was a part of the administrative organization, and it too was( )corruption.问题1选项A.more likelyB.prone toC.less likelyD.tending【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项more likely“更可能的”;B选项prone to“有倾向的”;C选项less likely“最不可能的是”;D选项tending“照顾”。根据题意,只有“prone to易于,倾向于”符合。A中“more likely”需要接to,构成“more likely to do sth.”才正确。句意:虽然中央集权的武装力量是他们连续执政的保障,但是军队只是管理机构的一部分,并且它腐败堕落。本句表达“也容易发生腐败”。因此C选项正确。5. 问答题The years between 1870 and 1895 brought enormous changes to the theater in the United States as the resident company was undermined by touring groups, as New York became the only major center of production, and as the long run replaced the repertory(库存)system. By 1870, the resident stock company was at the peak of its development in the United States.The 50 permanent companies of 1870, however, had dwindled to 20 by 1878, to 8 by 1880, to 4 by 1887, and had almost disappeared by 1900. While the causes of this change are numerous, probably the most important was the rise of the “combination” company (that is, one that travels with stars and full company). Sending out a complete production was merely a logical extension of touring by stars. By the 1840s many major actors were already taking along a small group of lesser players, for they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.There is much disagreement about the origin of the combination company. Bouciault claimed to have initiated it around 1860 when he sent out a troupe with Colleen Bawn, but a book published in 1859 speaks of combination companies as already established. Joseph Jefferson also declared that he was a pioneer in the movement. In actuality, the practice probably began tentatively during the 1850s, only to be interrupted by the Civil War. It mushroomed in the 1870s, as the rapid expansion of the railway system made it increasingly feasible to transport full productions. In 1872, Lawrence Barrett took his company, but no scenery, on tour; in 1876, Rose Michel was sent out with full company, scenery, and properties. By the season of 18761877 there were nearly 100 combination companies on the road, and by 1886 there were 282.81. What was the trend for the resident stock companies at the end of the 19th century?82. According to the passage, the major reason for the decline of the resident stock companies was83. Why did many important actors join some minor players in 1840s?84. According to the passage, the development of full touring companies was aided by85. Why is Lawrence Barrentt mentioned in the passage?【答案】81.They declined/dwindled gradually and almost disappeared by 1900.82.The major reason was the rise of the “combination” company.83.For they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.84.Railway system85.He served as an example of the development of full company and he took an early combination company on tour.【解析】81.【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第一段第三句had dwindled to 20 by 1878, to 8 by 1880, to 4 by 1887, and had almost disappeared by 1900.(到1878年减少到20个,到1880年减少到8个,到1887年减少到4个,到1900年几乎消失)可知答案。82.【试题解析】细节事实题。问题:居民股票公司衰落的主要原因。定位到文章第一段第四句 While the causes of this change are numerous, probably the most important was the rise of the “combination” company.(虽然造成这种变化的原因很多,但最重要的可能是美国经济的崛起“联合”公司)可知答案。83.【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第一段最后By the 1840s many major actors were for they could not be sure that local companies could supply adequate support in secondary roles.(到了18世纪40年代,许多主要的行动者已经开始与一小部分较小的行动者合作,因为他们不能确定当地公司是否能够在次要的领域提供足够的支持)可知答案。84.【试题解析】细节事实题。问题:为什么许多重要的演员在1840年加入了一些次要的角色?定位到文章倒数第三句It mushroomed in the 1870s, as the rapid expansion of the railway system made it increasingly feasible to transport full productions.(它如雨后春笋般出现在19世纪70年代,因为铁路系统的迅速扩张使得运输全部产品变得越来越可行。)可知答案。85.【试题解析】主旨大意题。根据最后一段首句可知,本段主旨是关于合并公司的起源。定位到文章最后两句In 1872, Lawrence Barrett took his company(1872年,劳伦斯巴雷特接管了他的公司);By the season of 1876-1877 there were nearly 100 combination companies on the road, and by 1886 there were 282.(到1876年至1877年的这个季节,有近100家联合公司,到1886年有282家),由此可知是在举关于combination company on tour的例子,而且根据文意可知Lawrence Barrett接手了早期的合并公司。6. 翻译题2. Translate the following passage into English.和平与发展是当今世界的两大主题。维护世界和平,加强友好合作,促进共同发展是各国人民的共同愿望。当前,贫困、失业、难民、犯罪、人口膨胀、环境恶化、毒品泛滥、恐怖主义等问题仍然严峻,影响着全球的稳定与发展。中国与西方国家虽然国情不同,但在一系列重大国际问题上具有广泛一致的利益。我对中国同西方各国关系的改善与发展感到高兴。中国政府和人民愿在相互新生和平等互利的基础上,同包括西方国家在内的世界各国政府和人民一道,为和平与发展的崇高事业做出贡献。【答案】参考译文:Peace and development are the two major themes in todays world. The maintenance of world peace, strengthening friendship and cooperation and promoting common development are the common aspiration of all peoples. At present, poverty, unemployment, refugees, crime, a population explosion, environmental degradation, drug trafficking, terrorism and other issues are still severe and affect global stability and development. Although China and western countries have different national conditions, both sides have broadly consistent interests in a series of major international issues. I am delighted to see the improvement and development of the connection between China and west countries. The government and people of China would like to devote to the great peace and development on the basis of mutual trust and equality and mutual benefit with all the people and all the governments including west countries.7. 单选题With orders and counter-orders, and with pressure mounting on all sides, the question of where he was to go again( ).问题1选项A.has come to the foreB.came to the foreC.had come to the foreD.came to the spotlight【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。come to the fore“出现”。题中的句子只是一个普通的过去陈述句,所以选B。D选项“出现在聚光灯下”,不符合文章内容,可排除。句意:由于汇票、还盘以及各方面的压力的攀升,他要去哪里的问题又出来了。因此B选项正确。8. 单选题Between French friends, who have chosen each other for congeniality of their point of view, lively disagreement and sharpness of arguments are the breath of life.问题1选项A.coexistenceB.coincidenceC.correlationD.compatibility【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。congeniality表示“同性质;适意”。A项coexistence“共存”,B项coincidence“巧合,一致”,C项correlation“相关,关联”,D项compatibility“兼容”。句意:对于因为观点一致而选择对方成为朋友的法国人来说,活跃的争论和激烈的论断是他们生活中不可缺少的东西。根据句意,该题选D正确。9. 单选题The methods through which they built up and maintained personal followings and the outlooks which accompanied such activity likewise became important( )for modern Chinese political behavior.问题1选项A.precedentsB.pioneerC.sourceD.resource【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项precedents“引用单元”;B选项pioneer“先锋”;C选项source“来源”;D选项resource“资源”。分析题干可知,空白处应填入一个名词,根据题干内容,活动会成为中国政治行为的,可推测答案选项为C。句意:他们用来建立维护追随者的方法与完成这样的活动的展望也成为了现今中国政治行为的重要。因此C选项正确。10. 单选题While he was not dumber than an ox, he was not any smarter; so most of his classmates were lenient and helped him along.问题1选项A.helpfulB.mercifulC.enthusiasticD.intelligent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。lenient在句中是“仁慈的,宽大的”;A选项helpful“有帮助的,有益的”;B选项merciful“仁慈的”;C选项enthusiastic“热心的,热情的”;D选项intelligent“聪明的”。句意:虽然他不比牛笨,但也不比牛聪明,所以他的大多数同学都很宽容和仁慈,并给予他帮助。所以只有B项符合。11. 单选题The sales manager was so adamant about her idea that it was out of the question for anyone to talk her out of it.问题1选项A.adaptableB.anxiousC.firmD.talkative【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。adamant在句中是“坚决的,坚定不移的”,A选项adaptable “能适应的”;B选项anxious“焦虑的”;C选项firm“坚固的;坚决的”;D选项talkative“健谈的”。句意:销售经理对自己的想法如此坚决,以至于任何人都无法说服她放弃。因此选C。12. 单选题The Ever Victorious Army served as an (a)( )to the poorly organized, poorly trained, and poorly disciplined provincial forces of the governor.问题1选项A.serviceB.helpC.adjunctD.extension【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项service“维修,检修”;B选项help“帮助”;C选项adjunct“附属的”;D选项extension“拓展”。adjunct to“附属于,部下”,为固定搭配。help to在这里不符合题干内容,可排除。句意:常胜军队组织欠妥、训练不足、纪律不严的政府地方部队。因此C选项正确。13. 不定项选择题The history of AfricanAmericans during the past 400 years is traditionally narrated(61)an ongoing struggle against(62)and indifference on the part of the American mainstream, and a struggle(63)as an upward movement is(64)toward ever more justice and opportunity.Technology in and of(65)is not at fault; its much too simple to say that gunpowder or agricultural machinery or fiber optics(66)been the enemy of an(67)group of people. A certain machine is put(68)work in a certain way the purpose(69)which it was designed. The people who design the machines are not intent on unleashing chaos; they are usually trying to(70)a task more quickly, cleanly, or cheaply,(71)the imperative of innovation and efficiency that has ruled Western civilization(72)the Renaissance.Mastery of technology is second only(73)money as the true measure of accomplishment in this country, and it is very likely that by(74)this under-representation in the technological realm, and by not questioning and examining the folkways that have(75)it, blacks are allowing(76)to be kept out of the mainstream once again. This time, however, they will be(77)from the greatest cash engine of the twenty-first century. Inner-city blacks in particular are in danger, and the beautiful suburbs(78)ring the decay of Hartford, shed the past and learn to exist without contemplating or encountering the tragedy of the inner city.And blacks must change as well. The ways that(79)their ancestors through captivity and coming to freedom have begun to lose their utility. If blacks(80)to survive as full participants in this society, they have to understand what works now.问题1选项A.likeB.asC.forD.with问题2选项A.charityB.clarityC.cohesionD.oppression问题3选项A.chartingB.chartsC.chartedD.to chart问题4选项A.progressingB.progressedC.clutchedD.clutching问题5选项A.itselfB.themselvesC.ourselvesD.himself问题6选项A.haveB.to haveC.hasD.to has问题7选项A.entirelyB.enterC.entireD.entrance问题8选项A.forB.offC.onD.at问题9选项A.forB.toC.withD.before问题10选项A.envelopB.accomplishC.envelopingD.accomplishing问题11选项A.followedB.followsC.to followD.following问题12选项A.sinceB.onC.inD.at问题13选项A.beforeB.toC.withD.from问题14选项A.to tolerateB.tolerateC.toleratedD.tolerating问题15选项A.encounteredB.encounteringC.to encounterD.encounters问题16选项A.themB.usC.themselvesD.ourselves问题17选项A.excludingB.includedC.includingD.excluded问题18选项A.whereB.thatC.howD.what问题19选项A.servicingB.encircleC.encirclingD.served问题20选项A.isB.wereC.areD.have【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A第6题:C第7题:C第8题:D第9题:A第10题:B第11题:D第12题:A第13题:B第14题:D第15题:A第16题:C第17题:D第18题:B第19题:D第20题:C【解析】61.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查短语搭配和句意理解。be narrated as“被描述为”。句意:在过去的400年里,美国黑人的历史被传统地描述为是对漠然和压迫的不断斗争。结合句意,故选B。62.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A项charity“慈善”;B项clarity“清晰;明确”;C项cohesion“粘合;结合”;D项oppression“镇压,压迫”。句意:在过去的400年里,美国黑人的历史被传统地描述为是对漠然和压迫的不断斗争。结合句意,选D.63.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查被动语态和句意理解。根据句意可知,该空应为被动语态,所以选C项charted,表示“被规划为向上运动的斗争”。64.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查语法和词义。根据句意用进行时态,排除B,C二项;选表示趋向的动词progress“前进,进步”,D项Clutching“紧握,抓住”,所以选A。65.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查语法知识。in and of oneself为固定搭配,意为“事物内部及其本身”,句意:科技内部及它本身并没有错,根据句意,technology为主语,应该用单数,所以选A。66.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查语法知识。根据就近原则,谓语动词应与主语fiber optics“纤维光学”保持一致,这个词意义上为单数,所以选用单数形式has。67.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查语法知识。根据空格前后可知,此处用形容词,排除A,B,D;an entire group of “整组”,选择C项。68.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查短语搭配。句意:某些工具被用于工作。Put sth at work“把某物用于工作方面”,所以答案为D。69.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查短语搭配。be designed for“为而设计的”。句意:为了这个目的而设计的。所以答案为A。70.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查词义和动词用法。正确的用法是try to do sth,首先排除C和D项。A项 envelop“包装,遮盖”;B项accomplish“完成”。根据文意,这里应填的意思是完成任务,所以选B。71.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查语法。用动词的进行时表示动作的伴随,此外follow的逻辑主语是前面的they,所以用主动语态,选D。72.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查句意理解。根据文章的意思,这里应填“从文艺复兴开始”,所以选since。73.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查固定搭配。be second to“仅次于”。句意:掌握技术是仅次于金钱的真正衡量这个国家成就的第二标准。74.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查介词用法。by是介词,后应该跟动词ing形式,只有D符合。75.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查完成时时态。动词的完成时的结构为have +done,encounter的过去分词形式为encountered,所以答案为A。76.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查句意理解。这里应填反身代词,排除A和B。又根据句意,应是“他们自己”,所以选C。77.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查固定短语。be excluded from“排除,不包括在内”。句意:然而这次他们将不在二十一世纪最伟大的现金制造机的范围内。所以选D。78.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查定语从句。这是一个定语从句,从句部分缺少主语,所以选that。79.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查定语从句。这是一个定语从句,从句缺少谓语,所以排除A和C。另外根据后面主句中的时态“have begun”,可知前面的从句是一个过去时的句子,所以选D。句意:那些曾经服务于他们祖先的方法已经失去了效用。80.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考察一般条件句。根据主句可知是一般条件句,不能用虚拟语气,需用一般现在时,所以选C。句意:如果黑人要作为这个社会的正式参与者生存下去,他们就必须明白现在什么是有效的。14. 不定项选择题A finalist in a youth oratorical contest, Ceciles speech focuses on a history of Americans and the world turning their backs on injustice, losing sight of “our humanitarian obligation.” The unconscionable acts of history are repeating, but the world is “bickering over the terminology that is used to describe what Darfur is facing,” she said, with a swing of her hip and an indignant glare.How could the United States that bonded after Sept. 11, 2001, leave people on rooftops surrounded by floodwaters almost four years later, she questioned. It all comes down to “people neglecting people, ” she said matter-of-factly.“Everybody is part of Gods creation. Everybody deserves help. We all are going to need it eventually in our lifetime, and for us to neglect anyone from anywhere is just horrible,” Cecile said, shaking her head.Emoni draws parallels between the Holocaust and current events in Africa by citing a lack of guidance, understanding and compassion.“How can we say hope for those unseen when we do not help them have hope or believe there is hope because we cant see them?” the Godwin Middle School student asked, nearly making the walls shake with her emphasis on the word “we”.The world has a history of great leaders who brought international wrongs to light, she said, jabbing her index finger into the air in front of her. The situation in Darfur has primarily been ignored because the world lacks a powerful leader to get that message out, she said, furiously pacing the classroom floor.“I think if people learn about it and they hear about itif they understood it, then we can make a difference,” Emoni said, getting to the heart of her argument.All three students understand it could be their voice that motivates the masses tomorrow. Their speeches could bring the issues into the light as they follow the tradition of great orators before them on the day honoring one of the greatest.After careful, quiet consideration, Seth said the contest and celebration would have moved King.“It is the little people trying to make a difference, reciting speeches and all of this. He can feel happy that his work, like, what he left behind, is still going on as if he was here today,” he said.“And how did he start it? He started it through his voice, you know. Through just speaking up for what is right. And not being afraid of what people think of you, but knowing what is right and setting aside all other things,” an excited and boisterous Cecile said.53. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph can be substituted by( ).54. In her speech, Cecile, a finalist in a youth oratorical contest accuses America of( ).55. Emoni, another contestant, compared the Holocaust to current events in Africa by not citing( ).56. Emoni said the world lacks( ).57. Emonis main points did not include( ).58. Seth, another contestant, said if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were there, he would( ).问题1选项A.loudB.quiteC.niceD.noisy问题2选项A.fulfilling humanitarian obligationsB.promoting justice worldwideC.neglecting peopleD.using terminology to describe what Darfur is facing问题3选项A.lack of foodB.lack of guidanceC.lack of understandingD.lack of compassion问题4选项A.a powerful leader to crush wrongB.a powerful leader to bring international wrong to lightC.someone who understands the problemD.someone who cares about injustice问题5选项A.only listening and learningB.hearing and learningC.understandingD.making a difference问题6选项A.be afraid of what people would thinkB.not know what is right in todays worldC.feel happy that his work was still going onD.want the student to study harder【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C【解析】53.【试题答案】D【试题解析】词义辨析题。根据题干,可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句an excited and boisterous Cecile said(兴奋而喧闹的塞西尔说),文章开头就提到了文章是辩论赛的决赛,那么辩论赛的现场应该是兴奋而又喧闹的,所以可推测boisterous指的应该是“喧闹的”。D选项“嘈杂的;喧闹的”,符合文章词义,D选项正确。A选项“大声的”,跟“喧闹”有一定的区别,可排除。B选项“相当”,不符合文章内容,可排除。C选项“精密的,美好的”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此D选项正确。54.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。文章第一段the world turning their backs on injustice, losing sight of our humanitarian obligation. The world is “bickering over the terminology that is used to describe what Darfur is facing,”(全世界对不公正置之不理,忽视了我们的人道主义义务。世界正在为描述达尔富尔所面临的问题的术语而争吵)这是Cecile对整个世界的控诉,不是对美国的控诉。第二段的内容才是对美国的控诉,即It all comes down to people neglecting people.(这一切都归结于人们忽视他人),C选项“忽视人民”符合文章内容,C选项正确。A选项“履行人道主义义务”,文章提到,忽视了我们的人道主义义务,A选项可排除。B选项“促进全球正义”,不符合文章内容,可排除。D选项“用术语来描述达尔富尔所面临的问题”,文章提到世界正在为描述达尔富尔所面临的问题的术语而争吵,并没有用术语解决问题,D选项可排除。因此C选项正确。55.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第四段Emoni draws parallels between the Holocaust and current events in Africa by citing a lack of guidance, understanding and compassion.(Emoni以缺乏指导、理解和同情为例,将大屠杀和非洲的当前事件进行了对比),A选项“食物的缺乏”,没有提及,可排除。B选项“缺乏指导”、C选项“缺乏理解”,D选项“缺乏同情心”,文章提到,Emoni以缺乏指导、理解和同情为例。可排除B、C、D选项。因此A选项正确。56.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第六段第二句The situation in Darfur has primarily been ignored because the world lacks a powerful leader to get that message out(达尔富尔的局势基本上被忽视了,因为世界缺乏一个强有力的领导人来传达这一信息),这句话中“get that message out”的意思是“将这个信息曝光,让人们知道”,等同“bring sth to light”。B选项“一个揭露国际错误的强大领袖”,符合文章内容。A选项“一个强有力的领导者,可以粉碎错误”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。C选项“一个理解问题的人”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。D选项“一个关心不公正的人”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此B选项正确。57.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第七段“I think if people learn about it and they hear about it . . . if they understood it, then we can make a difference,” Emoni said, getting to the heart of her argument(我认为,如果人们了解它,听到它如果他们能理解,我们就能有所作为,埃莫尼说,直指她的核心论点),选项A“只听和学”,文章埃莫尼的论点,没有提到这个内容,可排除。B选项“听力和学习”,文章提到,人们听力和学习,可排除B选项。C选项“理解”,文章提到,他们能理解,可排除C选项。D选项“有所作为”,文章提到,如果他们能理解,就会有所作为,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。58.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据倒数第二段第二句He can feel happy that his work, like, what he left behind, is still going on as if he was here today(他会感到高兴,他的工作,他留下的东西,还在继续,就像他今天还在这里一样)。C选项“很高兴,他的工作还在继续”,符合文章的内容,C选项正确。A选项“害怕别人的想法”,文章没有提到,他会害怕别人的想法,可排除。B选项“不知道在当今世界什么是对的”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。D选项“希望学生学习更加努力”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此C选项正确。15. 单选题Theory and science are nurtured in material environments, and application is a powerful( )to thought. In this respect he was a great planter of ideas.问题1选项A.encouragementB.spurC.driveD.driving force【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项encouragement“鼓舞”;B选项spur“鞭策,刺激”;C


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