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上海市高级口译第一阶段笔试分类模拟高级阅读( 二)( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 SECTION 1 READING TEST( 总题数: 4,分数: 50.00)When Harvey Ball took a black felt-tip pen to a piece of yellow paper in 1963, he never could have realized that he was drafting the face that would launch 50 million buttons and an eventual war over copyright. Mr. Ball, a commercial artist, was simply filling a request from Joy Young of the Worcester Mutual Insurance Company to create an image for their smile campaign to coach employees to be more congenial in their customer relations. It seems there was a hunger for a bright grin the original order of 100 smiley-face buttons weresnatched up and an order for 10,000 more was placed at once.The Worcester Historical Museum takes this founding moment seriously. Just as youd want to know the biography of General Washington, we realized we didnt know the comprehensive history of the Smiley Face, says Bill Wallace, the executive director of the historical museum where the exhibit Smiley An American Icon opens to the public Oct. 6 in Worcester,Mass.Worcester, often referred to by neighboring Bostonians as that manufacturing town off Route 90, lays claim to several other famous commercial firsts, the monkey wrench and shredded wheat among them. Smiley Face is a particularly warm spot in the citys history. Through a careful historical analysis, Mr. Wallace says that while the Smiley Face birthplace is undisputed, it took several phases of distribution before the distinctive rounded-tipped smile with one eye slightly larger than the other proliferated in the mainstream.As the original buttons spread like drifting pollen with no copyright attached, a bank in Seattle next realized its commercial potential. Under the guidance of advertising executive David Stern, the University Federal Savings & Loan launched a very public marketing campaign in 1967 centered on the Smiley Face. It eventually distributed 150,000 buttons along with piggy banks and coin purses. Old photos of the bank show giant Smiley Face wallpaper.By 1970, Murray and Bernard Spain, brothers who owned a card shop in Philadelphia, were affixing the yellow grin to everything from key chains to cookie jars along with Have a happy day. In the 1970s, there was a trend toward happiness, says Wallace. We had assassinated a president, we were in a war with Vietnam, and people were looking for tokens of happiness. The Spain brothers ran with it.The Smiley Face resurged in the 1990s. This time it was fanned by a legal dispute between Wal-Mart, who uses it to promote its low prices, and Franklin Loufrani, a Frenchman who owns a company called SmileyWorld. Mr. Loufrani says he created the Smiley Face and has trademarked it around the world. He has been distributing its image in 80 countries since 1971.Loufranis actions irked Ball, who felt that such a universal symbol should remain in the public domain in perpetuity. So in a pleasant proactive move, Ball declared in 1999 that the first Friday in October would be World Smile Day to promote general kindness and charity toward children in need. Ball died in 2001.The Worcester exhibit opens on World Smile Day, Oct. 6. It features a plethora of SmileyFace merchandise from the original Ball buttons to plastic purses and a toilet seat and contemporary interpretations by local artists. The exhibit is scheduled to run through Feb. 11. (分数: 12.50 )(1).According to the passage, the Worcester Historical Museum . (分数: 2.50 )A. concentrates on the collection of the most famous commercial firsts the city has inventedB. has composed a comprehensive history of the Smiley Face through the exhibitionC. treats Smiley Face as the other famous commercial firsts the city has producedD. has organized the exhibit to arouse the Americans patriotism解析: 解析 对文章基本内容的理解,主要集中在第二段。 Worcester Historical Museum 的 executive director Bill Wallace介绍了该馆举办 Smiley An American Icon 展览的宗旨和过程,选项 A和C与文中的介绍并不吻合。选项 D则“立意”过高,属过度阐释,也应予排除。(2) .When the author used the expression spread like drifting pollen (para. 4) to describethe gradual distribution of Smiley Face, he implies that .(分数: 2.50 )A. Harvey Ball did not claim the copyright of the yellow grin buttonVB. the Smiley Face was immediately accepted by the publicC. the button was not sold as an ordinary commercial productD. Harvey Ball had the intention to abandon the copyright of Smiley Face解析: 解析 根据上下文正确理解词语和作出推测的能力。该短语出现在第四段。作者用spread likedrifting pollen( 像花粉一般飘散 ) 这一比喻来形容 Harvey Ball 设计制作的 Smiley Face 的流传情况, 以形象的方式表明该徽章是很自然地、逐渐为大众喜欢和接受的,另一方面也隐含设计制作者并未就此去 申请专利以取得商业利益。选项B有过度解释成分,选项C与文中所述事实不符,选项D的内容描述的是后来(20 世纪 90 年代) 发生版权争议后设计者采取的立场,在此处并不妥。其实,句中with nocopyright attached 即明确点题。(3) .Why did Bill Wallace mention the assassination of the then American president and theVietnam War in the 1970s? (分数: 2.50 )A. To have a review of the contemporary American history.B. To remind people that we should never forget the past.C. To explain why Americans liked the Smiley Face during that period.VD. To show how the Spain brothers made a fortune through selling the yellow grin.解析: 解析 对文章基本内容的理解。博物院执行主任提及美国当代历史上发生的重大事件,旨在说明 Smiley Face 徽章受民众欢迎的原因。年仅 40 多岁的总统肯尼迪被暗杀案、在长达十多年的时间里把美 国拖入困境的越南战争,这些美国重大历史事件考生理应有所了解。选项A为过度阐释,选项B虽语义本身成立,也颇有道理,但与文中所述有别,选项D为错解。(4) .In the expression Loufranis actions irked Ball (para. 7), the Word irked can bestbe replaced by . (分数: 2.50 )A. perplexedB. provokedC. irritatedVD. challenged解析: 解析 根据上下文正确理解词语的能力。内容见第七段。从上下文可得知,西班牙人Loufrani 声称 Smiley Face 出自他之手,并称他拥有发明专利。这当然不会使 Harvey Ball 感到高兴,但他坚持这一 形象 should remain in the public domain in perpetuity,自己并没有去申请专利。选项A, B,D或错解,或与文中意思相反。(5) .Which of the following is NOT true about the World Smile Day?(分数: 2.50 )A. It was established to commemorate the founder Harvey Ball.VB. It was to promote general kindness and charity toward children in need.C. It was declared by Harvey Ball in 1999.D. It was decided to be held on the first Friday in October each year.解析:解析对文章基本内容的理解。选项B, C,D均与文中所述事实一致,应予排除。选项A称该纪念目的设立是为了纪念设计师 Harvey Ball ,而实际上该纪念日是设计者自己提意设立的。Perhaps we could have our children pledge allegiance to a national motto. So thick and fast tumble the ideas about Britishness from the Government that the ridiculous no longer seems impossible. For the very debate about what it means to be a British citizen, long a particular passion of Gordon Brown, brutally illustrates the ever-decreasing circle that newLabour has become. The idea of a national motto has already attracted derision on a glorious scale and theres nothing more British than the refusal to be defined. Times readers chose as their national motto: No motto please, were British.Undaunted, here comes the Government with another one: a review of citizenship, which suggests that schoolchildren be asked to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen. It would be hard to think of something more profoundly undemocratic, less aligned to Mr. Browns supposed belief in meritocracy and enabling all children to achieve their full potential. Today you will hear the Chancellor profess the Governments continuing commitment to the abolition of child poverty, encapsulating a view of Britain in which the State tweaks the odds and the tax credit system to iron out inherited inequalities.You do not need to ask how this vision of Britain can sit easily alongside a proposal to ask kids to pledge allegiance to the Queen before leaving school: it cannot. The one looks up towards an equal society, everyone rewarded according to merit and not the lottery of birth; the other bends its knee in obeisance to inherited privilege and an undemocratic social and political system. In Mr. Browns view of the world, as I thought ! understood it, an oath of allegiance from children to the Queen ought to be anathema, grotesque, off the scale, not even worth considering.Why then, could No. 10 not dismiss it out of hand yesterday? Asked repeatedly at the morning briefing with journalists whether the Prime Minister supported the proposal, his spokesman hedged his bets. Mr. Brown welcomed the publication of the report; he thinks the themes are important; he hopes it will launch a debate; he is very interested in the theme of Britishness. But no view as to the suitability of the oath. It is baffling in the extreme. Does this Prime Minister believe in nothing, then? A number of things need to be unpicked here. First, to give him due credit, the report from the former Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith contains much more than the oath of allegiance. That is but a possibility thats raised. The oath forms a tiny part of a detailed report about what British citizenship means, what it ought to mean and how to strengthen it.It is a serious debate that Mr. Brown is keen to foster about changing the categories of British citizenship, and defining what they mean. But it is in him that the central problem resides, the Prime Minister himself is uncertain what Britishness is, while insisting we should all be wedded to the concept. No wonder there is a problem over what a motto, or an oath of allegiance, should contain. Britain is a set of laws and ancient institutions monarchy, Parliament, statutes, arguably today EU law as well. An oath of allegiance naturally tends toward these.It wasnt supposed to be like this. In its younger and bolder days, new Labour used to argue that the traditional version of Britain is outdated. When Labour leaders began debating Britishness in the 1990s, they argued that the institutions in which a sense of Britain is now vested, or should be vested, are those such as the NHS or even the BBC, allied with values of civic participation, all embodying notions of fairness, equality and modernity absent in the traditional institutions. Gordon Brown himself wrote at length about Britishness in The Times in January 2000: The strong British sense of fair play and duty, together embodied in the ideal of a vibrant civic society, is best expressed today in a uniquely British institution the institution that for the British people best reflectstheir Britishness our National Health Service.An oath of allegiance to the NHS? Ah, those were the days. They really thought they could do it; change the very notion of what it meant to be British. Today, ten years on, they hesitatingly propose an oath of allegiance to the Queen. Could there be a more perfeet illustration of the vanquished hopes and aspirations of new Labour? Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair. Ah, but I see there is to be a national day as well, introduced to coincide with the Olympics and Diamond Jubilee which would provide an annual focus for our national narrative. A narrative, a national day, glorifying the monarchy and sport? Yuck. I think I might settle for a national motto after all. (分数: 12.50 )(1).Which of the following does NOT support the motto No motto please, were British? (分 数: 2.50 )A. It is more or less paradoxical and satirical.B. lt has been accepted by the whole nation.VC. It shows a refusal of the definition of Britishness.D. lt displays the nature of British values.解析: 解析 根据上下文正确理解句子的能力。具体内容可见第一段,全文围绕这一泰晤士报读者 推选的不是 national motto 的 national motto 展开。选项 A 对这一 motto 本身的奇异特性予以点明,应 该说是比较“到位”的,选项 C 说明了读者实际上不赞同对所谓的 Britishness 有一个明确的诉诸文字的 表达(即确定一个所谓的national motto),选项D指出这一多少带有 paradoxical性质的motto反映了英国人的价值观的基本特征 (即英国人并不需要,或不欢迎一个能够代表所有英国人的思想或价值观的 motto),以上选项从各个方面对该 motto作出了比较恰当的描述。选项B提出该motto为全体英国人所接受,此点文章并未给出证明。(2).The word tweaks in the expression encapsulating a view of Britain in which the Statetweaks the odds and the tax credit system to iron out inherited inequalities (para. 2) canbest be paraphrased by . (分数: 2.50 )A. changesVB. indicatesC. imitatesD. exemplifies解析: 解析 根据上下文正确理解词语的能力。该句位于第二段。该段在介绍政府部门有人建议要中小学生 swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen后指出,没有什么做法比这 more profoundlyundemocratic 。此外,在该句的主句部分作者提到英国政府继续承诺 the abolition of child poverty ,句子末尾的目的状语 to iron out inherited inequalities,因此在该从句 the State tweaksthe odds and the tax credit system中,如把该词去除,设一填空的话,基本的选择恐怕只能是 makechanges to。tweak 一词原意为“拧,扭,捏”,这里采用其比喻义。选项B, C, D均违背原文逻辑和意思,应予排除。(3).According to the author, the central problem of the oath of allegiance or a nationalmotto towards Britishness is . (分数: 2.50 )A. the allegiance toward the ancient British institutionsB. how to implement the National Health ServiceC. how to define BritishnessVD. the British sense of fair play and duty解析: 解析 对文章基本内容的理解。作者在整篇文章中,一直对提出所谓的英国人的national motto或要求学生等对这样的 motto( 换用另一词即 Britishness) pledge allegiance的建议和设想表示怀疑和否定。文章一再提出,如果提出要学生宣誓效忠,到底该效忠的对象是什么,就连英国的首相都无法回答 (uncertain what Britishness is)。都没有一个明确界定,那么效忠就成了没有目标对象的效忠。选项A文章予以否定,选项 B是作者予以讽刺和否定的、令人感到滑稽的一面(见最后一段),选项D指出了英国人的国民性 (Britishness) 中的一个方面,但不能代表其全部,均予排除。(4).ln writing the essay, the author demonstrates an attitude of towards the issue ofBritishness. (分数: 2.50 )A. indifferenceB. enthusiasmC. patriotismD. ironyV解析: 解析 对作者的态度和语言风格的辨别推断能力。整篇文章鲜明地体现了作者对所论主题的态 度,文章的字里行间无不透露出讽刺、揶揄的语气。可以说在每一段都能找到几个例子反映作者的态度, 不仅是用词,而且在句式上(如用反问句等)均有体现。选项 A, B, C在文章中难以得到体现。(5).When the author writes the rhetorical question An oath of allegiance to the NHS? (para. 7), she is trying to express that . (分数: 2.50 )A. even the Labour Party today will not accept this as an oath of allegianceVB. the definition of Britishness could finally be settledC. such an oath of allegiance should be accompanied by a national dayD. such an oath of allegiance would be accepted when NHS was first implemented解析: 解析 对文章隐含意思的推测能力。该问句在文章最后一段,是承接前一段引述的当年英国首相Gordon Brown 发表在泰晤士报上的文章对 Britishness 的解释。他举例称英国的 National Health Service( 国民保健制度 ) 最好地体现了 strong British sense of fair play and duty。举例固然不错,也看似有理,但要一国的全体国民都来宣誓效忠一个医疗保健制度,未免有点滑稽和荒唐。作者随后给出 的几句解释颇有力,也点出了新上台的工党领袖在这方面遭遇的困境。选项B与文中所述不符,选项C也只是作者的一个讽刺而已,选项D是作者给出的一个假设,但并非作者想要表达的主要意思。When the British artist Paul Day unveiled his nine-metre-high bronze statue of two lovers locked in an embrace at Londons brand new St. Pancreas International Station last year it was lambasted as kitsch, overblown and truly horrific. Now, a brief glimpse of a new frieze to wrap around a plinth for The Meeting Place statue has been revealed, depicting dream-like scenes inspired by the railways.Passengers arriving from the continent will be greeted with a series of images including a Tube train driven by a skeleton as a bearded drunk sways precariously close to the passing train. Another shows the attempted suicide of a jilted lover under a train reflected in the sunglasses of a fellow passenger. Another section reveals a woman in short skirt with her legs wrapped round her lover while they wait for the next train.Other less controversial parts of the terracotta draft frieze depicts soldiers leaving on troop trains for the First World War and the evacuation of Londons underground network after the terror attacks of 7 July, 2005.Until the unveiling of The Meeting Place last year, Day, who lives in France, was best known for the Battle of Britain memorial on Embankment. His new frieze looks set to be a return to the sort of crammed bronze montages that has made him so well known. Day said he wanted the new plinth to act as the yin to the larger statues yang.For me this sculpture has always been about how our dreams collide with the real world, he said. The couple kissing represent an ideal, a perfect dream reality that ultimately we cannot obtain. The same is true of the railways. They were a dream come true, an incredible feat of engineering but they also brought with them mechanized warfare, Blitzkrieg and death.Day is still working on the final bronze frieze which will be wrapped around the bottom of the plinth in June next year but he says he wants the 50 million passengers that pass through St. Pancras every year to be able to get up close and personal with the final product. The statue is like a signpost to be seen and understood from far away, he said. Its size is measured in terms of the station itself. The frieze, on the other hand, is intended to capture the gaze of passers-by and lead them on a short journey of reflections about travel and change that echoes their presence in St. Pancras, adding a very different experience to The Meeting Place sculpture.Brushing aside some of the criticism leveled at his work that has compared it to cartoons or comic strips, Day said he believed his work would stand the test of time. All the crap that was hurled at the sculpture was just that, crap, he said. The reaction from the critics was so strangely hostile but I believe time will tell whether people, not the art press,will value the piece.When people criticise my reliefs for looking like comic strips they have got the wrong end of the stick. Throughout the. ages, man has been telling stories through a series of pictures, whether it s stained glass windows, sculptures or photojournalism. My friezes are part of that tradition. Stephen Jordan, from London and Continental Railways, which commissioned the piece, said.The Meeting Place seeks to challenge and has been well received by visitors who love to photograph it. In addition, it performs an important role within the station, being visible from pretty much anywhere on the upper level of St. Pancras International and doing exactly what was planned, making the perfect meeting place for friends. (分数: 12.50 )(1) .Which of the following is NOT true about The Meeting Place sculpture? (分数: 2.50 )A. lt has been completed with the rebuilding of the St. Pancras International Station.VB. It is located at Londons new St. Pancras International Station.C. It has been designed by the British artist Paul Day.D. It is a nine-metre-high bronze statue of two lovers locked in an embrace.解析:解析对文章基本内容的理解,采用排除法。选项A称雕塑是和圣潘克拉斯国际火车站的重建工程一起完成的,这与文意不符,根据文章第六段的描述,作者还在继续创作这个雕塑的最后部分;选项B说雕塑位于新的圣潘克拉斯国际火车站,选项C说雕塑由英国艺术家保罗戴创作;选项 D对雕塑作了描述:9米高的青铜雕像,一对爱人紧紧拥抱。选项A为答案。(2) .The word lambasted from the sentence it was lambasted as kitsch, overblown, andtruly horrific (para. 1) can be paraphrased as .(分数: 2.50 )A. applaudedB. evaluatedC. criticizedVD. slandered解析: 解析 根据上下文正确理解词语和句子的能力。从后续几个描述该雕塑的词语kitsch ,overblown , truly horrific( 俗气,华而不实,实在令人恐惧 )来看, lambasted 应该是引出贬义评价的 动词,选项C符合此义;选项 A为褒义词,选项B(评价)一词没有贬义;而选项 D(诽谤)的意思又表达太 过了一些,均应排除。(3) .When Paul Day says but they (the railways) also brought with then mechanized warfare,Blizkrieg and death (para. 5), he means that .(分数: 2.50 )A. without railways, there would be no mechanized warfare, Blitzkrieg and deathB. railways led to mechanized warfare, Blitzkrieg and deathC. the building of railways came in the wake of warfare, Blitzkrieg and deathD. the building of railways shows that technology also has horrible destructive powerV解析: 解析 对文章隐含意思作出推测的能力。该句子出现在第五段,该段第一句作者说该雕塑旨在表 明我们的梦想是如何与现实世界产生碰撞的,随后说雕塑描绘了一个不可能达到的理想场景,铁路也是如 此。它们是实现了的梦想,但也随之带来了机械化战争等。这里表达的是一个矛盾现象,即人类的发明创造、技术进步往往有两面性。选项D说建造铁路表明技术也有可怕的破坏力,符合题意。选项A的说法过于绝对;选项B的意思导致另一个极端;选项C把逻辑关系颠倒了,均应排除。(4) .When Paul Day says that they (the critics) have got the wrong end of the stick (para.8), he was telling us that .(分数: 2.50 )A. they should not be so hostile to his creationB. they are wrong to compare his creation to cartoons or comic stripsC. they do not get the essence of his friezesVD. they should know more about the tradition of human story telling解析:解析根据上下文正确理解句子的能力。保罗戴认为有人批评他的作品看起来像连环漫画,是 他们理解错了。选项 C对艺术家的看法解释得比较准确。选项A说他们不应对其创作持敌对观点;选项 B 称他们把其创作与卡通和连环漫画相比的做法不当;选项 D 说他们应知道更多人类讲故事的传统,均与作 者想表达的意思不符。(5) .According to Paul Day, The Meeting Place sculpture is intended . (分数: 2.50 )A. to display the controversial world of the past centuryB. to demonstrate how the yin and the yang accommodate eac


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