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考研考博-考博英语-西南交通大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题( ) these questions may sound academic, answers to them could have profound economic and political significance.问题1选项A.SinceB.WhileC.UnlessD.Lest【答案】B【解析】考查连词辨析。A选项since“ 自以来;因为”;B选项while“虽然,然而,当 的时候”;C选项unless“除非;若非”;D选项lest“ 唯恐,以免”。句意:虽然这些问题听起来是学术的,但是它们的答案可能有深远的经济和政治意义。前后句子存在转折关系,因此B项正确。2. 单选题Most Americans believe that our society of consumption-happy, fun-loving, jet-traveling people creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Contrary to this view, I believe that our present way of life leads to increasing anxiety, helpless and, eventually, to the disintegration of our culture. I refuse to identify fun with pleasure, excitement with joy, business with happiness, or the faceless, buck-passing organization man with an independent individual.From this critical view our rates of alcoholism, suicide and divorce, as well as juvenile delinquency, gang rule, acts of violence and indifference to life, are characteristic symptoms of our “pathology of normalcy”. It may be argued that all these pathological phenomena exist because we have not yet reached our aim, that of an affluent society. It is true, we are still far from being an affluent society. But the material progress made in the last decades allows us to hope that our system might eventually produce a materially affluent society. Yet will we be happier then? The example of Sweden, one of the most prosperous, democratic and peaceful European countries, is not very encouraging: Sweden, as is often pointed out, in spite of all its material security has the highest alcoholism and suicide rates in Europe, while a much poorer country like Ireland ranks among the lowest in these respects. Could it be that our dream that material welfare per se leads to happiness is just a pipe dream?Certainly the humanist thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, who are our ideological ancestors, thought that the goal of life was the full folding of a persons potentialities; what mattered to them was the person who is much, not the one who has much or uses much. For them economic production was a means to the unfolding of man, not an end. it seems that today the means have become ends, that not only “God is dead”,as Nietzsche said in the nineteenth century, but also man is dead, that what is alive are the organizations, the machines; and that man has become their slave rather than being their master.Each society creates its own type of personality by its way of bringing up children in the family, by its system of education, by its effective values (that is, those values that are rewarded rather than only preached.) Every society creates the types of “social character” which is needed for its proper functioning. It forms men who want to do what they have to do. What kind of men does our large scale, bureaucratized industrialism need?It needs men who cooperate smoothly in large groups, who want to consume more and more and whose tastes are standardized and can be easily influenced and anticipated. It needs men who feel free and independent, yet who are willing to be commanded, to do what is expected, to fit into the social machine without friction; men who can be guided without force, led without leaders, prompted without an aim except the aim to be on the move, to function, to go ahead.1.The author uses the example of Sweden in the second paragraph to show that( ).2.Compared with thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuries, people today( ).3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that( ).4.According to the author, which type of individual might be most welcome in todays society?5.The author writes this article to( ).问题1选项A.an affluence society will be free from those pathological phenomenaB.Sweden is a better society than any other in EuropeC.a prosperous county will have higher alcoholism and suicide rates than a poor countryD.happiness has nothing to do with material welfare问题2选项A.are more concerned about how to bring into full play peoples potentialsB.careless about the material things of life than about the spiritual thingsC.regard material things the most important in lifeD.have absolute control of the world问题3选项A.the author strongly opposes economic productionB.the author is in favor of the ideology of the thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuriesC.the author is a follower of NietzscheD.the author thinks that priorities should be given to economic production问题4选项A.People who are rebelliousB.People who have the organizing ability.C.People who are conformists.D.People who can operate machines properly.问题5选项A.describeB.informC.narrateD.comment【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。文章第二段提出了问题:物质进步和人们的幸福之间是否有联系?随后通过列举Sweden的例子进行了回答:The example of Sweden.is not very encouraging (发生在瑞典的例子却并不是那么振奋人心)。由此可知瑞典的例子说明了物质的富裕与人们的幸福之间没有直接联系。因此D项“幸福与物质福利没有多大关系”正确。第2题:细节事实题。A:更关注如何充分发挥人的潜能。B:不重视物质生活而更重视精神生活。C:视物质财富为生命中最重要的事。D:已经绝对掌控世界。第三段指出: For them economic production was a means to the unfolding of man not an end. It seems that today the means have become ends (对于他们来说,经济成果是展现个人潜能的方式,而不是个人潜能的终结。但是如今,这种展现个人潜能的方式似乎已经不存在了)。以及: .man is dead, that what is alive are the organizations, the machines; and that man has become their slave rather than being their master (人死了,活着的是组织和机器;人成了它们的奴隶,而不是主人)。由此可知,A项和D项错误。B项不符合原文所述。因此C项正确。第3题:判断推理题。第三段开头先是介绍了18、19世纪人文思想家的观点:the goal of life was the full folding of a persons potentialities; what mattered to them was the person who is much, not the one who has much or uses much (人生的目标是充分展示个人潜在的能力;对他们来说重要的是人本身的价值,而并非占有和使用才是人的价值)。而后指出: For them economic production was a means to the unfolding of man, not an end (对于他 们来说,经济成果是展现个人潜能的方式,而不是个人潜能的终结)。此后是转折部分: It seems that today the means have become ends, that not only “God is dead”,as Nietzsche said in the nineteenth century, but also man is dead, that what is alive are the organizations, the machines; and that man has become their slave rather than being their master (但是如今,这种展现个人潜能的方式似乎已经不存在了。现如今,不仅是上帝已死(尼采在19世纪所说),而且人也已经死了,活着也就是组织机构和机器。并且人已经变成了这些机构和机器的奴隶而不是主人)。由此推测,作者支持18、19世纪人文思想家的观点,但是作者并未表现出对经济成果的偏倚态度。故选B。第4题:细节事实题。作者在第四段结尾提出问题: What kind of men does our large scale, bureaucratized industrialism need? (我们这个大规模的、官僚主义的工业化社会需要的是什么样的人群呢?)。而在最后一段对这种人群进行了说明:whose tastes are standardized (品位标准化)。以及:.yet who are willing to be commanded, to do what is expected (乐意被指挥,乐意按照他人意愿做事)。由此可知现代社会需要的人是一些墨守成规的人,故选C。第5题:判断推理题。文章开头提出:大多数人认为物质发展给社会带来了诸多幸福,但是作者持相反态度。接下来便是论证观点:物质财富并不能带来欢乐,本文是评论性质的文章,故选D项。3. 单选题In the( )of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 million.问题1选项A.faceB.timeC.courseD.event【答案】D【解析】句意:如果项目不成功,投资者损失将高达3000万美元。考查短语辨析。in the face of面对;in the time of 在 时期;in the course of 在期间;在过程中;in the event of 万一;如果。根据后面句意“投资者损失将高达3000万美元”可知D项正确。4. 单选题Educators are seriously concerned about the high rate of dropouts among the doctor of philosophy candidates and the consequent loss of talent to a nation in need of Ph.D.s. Some has placed the dropouts loss as high as 50 percent. The extent of the loss was, however, largely a matter of expert guessing. Last week a well-rounded study was published. It was based on 22,000 questionnaires sent to former graduate who were enrolled in 24 universities and it seemed to show many past fears to be groundless.The dropouts rate was found to be 31 percent and in most cases the dropouts, while not completing the Ph.D. requirement, went on to productive work. They are not only doing well financially, but, according to the report, are not far below the income levels of those who went on to complete their doctorates.Discussing the study last week, Dr. Tucker said the project was initiated “because of the concern frequently expressed by graduate faculties and administrators that some of the individuals who dropped out of Ph.D. programs were capable of completing the requirement for the degree. Attrition at the Ph.D. level is also thought to be a waste of precious faculty time and a drain on university resources already being used to capacity. Some people expressed the opinion that the shortage of highly trained specialists and college teachers could be reduced by persuading the dropouts to return to graduate schools to complete the Ph.D.”“The results of our research”,Dr. Tucker concluded, “did not support these opinions.(1) Lack of motivation was the principal reason for dropping out.(2) Most dropouts went as far in their doctoral program as was consistent with their levels of ability or their specialties.(3) Most dropouts are now engaged in work consistent with their education and motivation.Nearly 75 percent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision, but those who mentioned academic reason cited failure to pass the qualifying examination, uncompleted research and failure to language exams. Among the single most important personal reasons identified by dropouts for non-completion of their Ph.D. program, lack of finances was marked by 19 percent.As an indication of how well the dropouts were doing, a chart showed 2% in humanities were receiving $20,000 and more annually while none of the Ph.D.s with that background reached this figure. The Ph.D.s shone in the $7,500 to $15,000 bracket with 78% at that level against 50% for the dropouts. This may also be an indication of the fact that top salaries in the academic fields, where Ph. Ds tend to rise to the highest salaries, are still lagging behind other fields.As to the possibility of getting dropouts back on campus, the outlook was glum. The main condition which would have to prevail for at least 25% of the dropouts who might consider returning to graduate school would be to guarantee that they would retain their present level of income and in some cases their present job.1.The author states that many educators feel that( ).2.Research has shown that( ).3.Meeting foreign language requirements for the Ph. D.( ).4. After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that( ).5.It can be inferred that the high rate of dropouts lies in( ).问题1选项A.steps should be taken to get dropouts back to campus.B.the dropouts should return to a lower quality school to continue their study.C.the Ph.D.holder is generally a better adjusted person than the dropout.D.the high dropout rate is largely attributable to the lack of stimulation on the part of faculty members问题2选项A.dropouts are substantially below Ph. Ds in financial attainment.B.the incentive factor is a minor one in regard to pursuing Ph.D. studies.C.D. studies.C.D.studies.C.the Ph.D. candidate is likely to change his field of specialization if he drops out.D.about one-third of those who start Ph.D. work do not complete the work to earn the degree.问题3选项A.is the most frequent reason for dropping out.B.is more difficult for the science candidate than for the humanities candidate.C.is an essential part of many Ph.D.programs.D.does not vary in difficulty among universities.问题4选项A.optimism reigns in regard to getting Ph. D. dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degree.B.a Ph. D. dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degree.C.D. dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degree.B.a Ph. D. dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degree.C.D.dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degree.B.a Ph. D. dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degree.C.colleges and universities employ a substantial number of Ph. D. dropouts.D.Ph. D.s are not earning what they deserve in nonacademic positions.问题5选项A.salary for Ph. D. too lowB.academic requirement too highC.D. too low B.academic requirement too highC.D.too low B.academic requirement too highC.salary for dropouts too high D.l, 000 positions【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:事实细节题。由题干意思定位到第三段Some people expressed the opinion that the shortage of highly trained specialists and college teachers could be reduced by persuading the dropouts to return to graduate schools to complete the Ph.D. “一些人认为,可以通过说服辍学者重返研究生院完成博士学位,来减少受过高等教育的专家和大学教师的短缺”由此可知A选项“应该采取措施让辍学者重返校园”与原文意思相符,为正确选项。第2题:事实细节题。第二段中 The dropouts rate was found to be 31 percent and in most cases the dropouts, while not completing the Ph.D. requirement, went on to productive work“博士候选人的辍学率高达31%,在大多数情况下,这些辍学生在没有完成博士学位要求的情况下,都在继续从事生产性工作。”由此可推出D选项“大约三分之一开始攻读博士学位的人没有完成学业获得学位”与原文相符。A选项“辍学者在经济成就方面远远低于博士”与文章最后一句表达意思相反,所以不正确; B选项 “在攻读博士学位方面,激励因素是次要的”与原文不符;C项“如果这位博士候选人退出,他很可能改变他的专业领域”在文中并未提及。因此,选项A、B、C均为错误选项,D选项正确。第3题:事实细节题。由题干关键词定位到文章第八段中 Nearly 75 percent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision, but those who mentioned academic reason cited failure to pass the qualifying examination, uncompleted research and failure to language exams. “近75%的退学学生表示,他们的决定并非出于学术原因,但那些提到学术原因的学生表示,他们没有通过资格考试、没有完成研究以及没有通过语言考试。”由此可推知C选项“是许多博士课程的重要组成部分”与原文意思相符,正确。第4题:判断推理题。本题题干意思是读完这篇文章后,人们不会得出这样的结论文章最后一段中 As to the possibility of getting dropouts back on campus, the outlook was glum. “至于让辍学学生重返校园的可能性,前景不容乐观。”A选项“让博士辍学生重新回到他们对学位的追求中,乐观主义占据了主导地位”与原文意思相反,因此选项A为正确选项。第5题:判断推理题。由倒数第二段中 This may also be an indication of the fact that top salaries in the academic fields, where Ph. Ds tend to rise to the highest salaries, are still lagging behind other fields. “这也可能表明了这样一个事实,即博士往往能拿到最高薪水的学术领域的高薪仍落后于其他领域。”由此可以推出,博士的薪资并不高,因此A选项“博士的薪水太低”与原文相符。选项B、C都属于过度推断,选项D文章并未提及。由此可知,选项A为正确选项。5. 单选题A bus took him to the West End, where among the crazy colored fountains of illumination, shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the cafe of his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned Babylonian, a white palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the other building like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand lights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of ices, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farming, who knew how many units of electricity it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress (five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen life to the table in the far comer. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such as the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were at there. It seemed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favorite floor, where an orchestra, led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls, scented air, the sensuous clamor of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing ,a sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: “For one, sir? This way, please,” Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.1.That “behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel” suggests that( ).2.The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPT( ).3.In its context the statement that “the place was built for him means that the cafe was intended to( ).4.Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?5.The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraph EXCEPT that( ).问题1选项A.modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearanceB.there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the cafeC.the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materialsD.the cafe was based on physical foundations and real economic strength问题2选项A.“.turned Babylonian”B.“perhaps a new barbarism”C.“acres of white napery”D.“balanced to the last halfpenny”问题3选项A.please simple people in a simple wayB.exploit gullible people like himC.satisfy a demand that already existedD.provide relaxation for tired young men问题4选项A.The cafe appealed to most senses simultaneously.B.The cafe was both full of people and full of warmth.C.The inside of the cafe was contrasted with the weather outside.D.It stressed the commercial determination of the cafe owners.问题5选项A.the entrance hall is compared to a railway stationB.the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C.Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldierD.the interior of the cafe is compared to warm countries.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:判断推理题。第一段指出: behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last half penny (在薄薄的大理石外表下掩藏着钢筋水泥,就像在不经意的奢华背后有成百万的便士;,与最后的那半个便士维持着一种平衡)。作者将the thin marble front比作luxury,将concrete and steel比作millions of pence,这表现了外表的浮华与真实的商业之间的对比,故选A项。第2题:判断推理题。根据A选项可以定位至第一段:a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned Babylonian,其中had gone mad具有批判意味,因此and后面的turned Babylonian也具有批判意味,故排除A。根据B项可定位至此句: which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism,其中a new barbarism 对应a new civilization (一种新的文明),由此推断barbarism与“文明”相对,具有批判的意思,因此排除B项。根据D项定位至句子: behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny,其中balanced to the last halfpenny前面的luxury具有批判的意思,因此推断D项是批判的。而C项只是在客观描述咖啡馆内部环境,不带个人感情色彩。故选C。第3题:判断推理题。第一段最后指出: Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him (也许,他知道人类已经征服了半个已知的世界,掠夺了整个王国,却从来没有达到如此奢华。这个地方就是为他而建的)。由此可知这个咖啡馆的建设是为了满足人类已经存在的需求,故选C项。第4题:细节事实题。A:咖啡馆能同时愉悦多数感官。第二段指出: Turgis,once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all. (Turgis又一次为咖啡馆 里的场景、声音以及味道感到激动)。因此A项正确。B:咖啡馆里人很多,也很温馨。C:咖啡馆的内部和外面的天气形成了鲜明的对比。D:它突显了咖啡馆老板的商业决心。由第二段中的“It seemed with humanity (那里到处是人)”以及“The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air. all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery(整个11月,阴郁污浊的街道,阴冷的空气立刻被抛在脑后:里面是金色具有热带气息的,有着盛夏糖果店的氛围)”,因此B项和C项正确。本题选D。第5题:细节事实题。A:入口大厅被比作火车站。根据题干定位至第二段: The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway s


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