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考研考博-考博英语-中国传媒大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题It is not uncommon for close synonyms to be understood to share the same meaning. The difference between words like “hard” and “difficult”,for example, goes tragically unnoticed. One may employ one or the other with complete indifference, postulating no discrepancy between them. In general this is well and good; most people lack the scrupulous pedanticalness to quibble over such trifles. Nevertheless, for those of us with ample compulsiveness (and time), it is of significant value to comprehend such nuances.Take for example the following sentences: 1) The test was hard. 2) The test was difficult. Is the difference between these synonyms readily apparent? Is there a noticeable difference between them at all? Indeed, these questions are valid and warrant answer. For, what would be the point to having multiple words with the exact same meaning? No, that would be superfluous; the English language being far too economical. While many close synonyms share similar, if not the same, dictionary definitions, the feeling, or mood, they convey is utterly singular. Although a dictionary can provide information about word meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, derived forms, et cetera, it cannot communicate how it feels to use a word.So, if there is indeed at difference between words like “hard” and “difficult”,what is it? To begin, “hard” is pragmatic and realistic, firmly grounded in reality. It is a utilitarian word that gets the job done and doesnt apologize for its brusque,uncouth nature. On the other hand, “difficult” is eloquent and refined. It is civilized, willing to expend the effort necessary to appear urbane. Why, the mere difference in sonic quality between them is striking enough. “Hard” makes a quick, unassuming sound, having but a single syllable (voiced under certain inflections, it can even come across as harsh), while “difficult” is more lengthy and melodic, its number of syllables totaling three times that of its counterpart. Furthermore, “hard” is more likely to be used in casual, informal circumstances, or to communicate an idea “on the go” or simply to “get it out” as the sayings go. It is used without pretense, and does not maintain a feeling of being overly concerned. In terms of daily usage, “hard” may be employed by an exhausted brick mason when posed with the question, “How was your day?” Conversely, “difficult” may be used by a military general upon explaining to his or her superior the progression of a particularly taxing campaign.Similar to “hard” and “difficult”,the words “weird” and “strange” too are close synonyms, and may seemingly be used interchangeably. Take for instance the following sentences: 1) Sea monkeys are weird. 2) Sea monkeys are strange. Contrary to popular belief, these sentences are not tautologous. So how do they differ? Their dictionary definitions are nearly identical, so the difference does not lie there. Rather, the difference involves the feeling, or mood, that these words convey. Notice that while “weird” and “strange” both have but one syllable, the latter has a remarkably distinguished feel. Similar to “hard”,“weird” conveys a more basic, a more crude, sentiment. Something “weird” is crass or gross, and is typically undesirable. No one wants to be associated with something “weird”. If trying to impress someone, one probably doesnt want to be categorized among the “weird”. On the other hand, if something is labeled as “strange”,it is not necessarily bad. Rather, something “strange” is simply abnormal, or unusuala deviation from what is expected. This distinction between “weird” and “strange” is so pronounce that the latter can be used as a euphemism for the former in certain situations. For example, notice how a simple substitution is able to make the following sentence less offensive: “Your mothers cookies taste weird” compared to” Your mothers cookies taste strange”. In the former sentence, the speaker sounds as though he or she is insulting your mothers cookies, stating that they taste bad. In the latter sentence, however, the speaker sounds as though the cookies simply taste different, or unusual, compared to what he or she is used to the difference owing to the innocuous addition of too much flour perhaps.Finally, lets look at the synonyms, “happy” and “glad”. As in the aforementioned cases, these words seem to have little or no discernible difference between them. Take for example the following sentences: 1) Tommy is happy because he got a new bike. 2) Tommy is glad because he got a new bike. Most understand these sentences to have the same meaning. And again, upon consulting a dictionary, one will find highly similar, if not the same, definitions. But these definitions lack the feeling, the unique emotional charge that these words convey. The word “happy” conveys a sense of levity, or a carefree attitude. The thought of someone who is “happy” conjures the image of a bright-eyes, ruddy, smiling face. One is “happy” on the morning of his birthday, discovering a new puppy bounding into his bedroom. On the other hand, the word “glad” conveys a sense of relief or contentment. The thought of someone who is “glad” conjures the image of a man standing crossed-armed, nodding gently, a stoic grin crossing his face. One is “glad” when he sees that the childs lost puppy has been found, and was merely frolicking too far from home.Granted, the notion that close synonyms can be used interchangeably is prevalent among English speakers. And alas, the dictionary-the text purported to be responsible for clarifying such issuesis of little assistance. In the end, it is left to us the speakers of the language, those actively responsible for maintaining its sustenance and generation, to understand how these words make us feel and what mood we are inclined to attach to them. Using the examples and insights described above, one may come to recognize these subtle, yet crucial, differences.Granted, the notion that close synonyms can be used interchangeably is prevalent among English speakers. And alas, the dictionary the text purported to be responsible for clarifying such issuesis of little assistance. In the end, it is left to us, the speakers of the language, those actively responsible for maintaining its sustenance and generation, to understand how these words make us feel and what mood we are inclined to attach to them. Using the examples and insights described above, one may come to recognize these subtle, yet crucial, difference.1. As used in paragraph 1,what is most likely meant by “scrupulous pedanticalness”?2. According to paragraph 3, which of the following describes someone who is utilitarian?3. Which of the following sentences from the passage represents a fact, rather than an opinion?4. The author writes: “To begin, “hard” is pragmatic and realistic, firmly grounded in reality. It is a utilitarian word that gets the job done and doesnt apologize for its brusque, uncouth nature. On the other hand, difficult is eloquent and refined. It is civilized, willing to expend the effort necessary to appear urbane.” Which of the following literary devices is used in this quotation?5. With respect to the way in which close synonyms are commonly understood, the authors tone can best be described as().问题1选项A.mild curiosityB.wry skepticism ofC.passionate indignationD.excessive concern问题2选项A.Without fail, Edgar rises at daybreak, cats two eggs for breakfast, drinks a glass of orange juice, laces up his boots and heads out into the fieldB.In hopes of impressing their classmates, most students wear their new winter jackets to the play, Alyosha, however, knows it will be warm in the theater and therefore leaves his jacket at home.C.Nikkos parks his car so that other cars cannot get out. Upon returning to his car, a woman is waiting there on him to move. She looks upset. He tells her its not his problem, gets in his car and drives off.D.Amy takes time to look nice in the morning. She brushes her hair, puts on light makeup, and picks out the clothes she will wear for the day.问题3选项A.One may employ one or the other with complete indifference, postulating no discrepancy between them.B.The thought of someone who is “happy” conjures the image of a bright-eyed, ruddy, smiling face.C.No one wants to be associated with something “weird”.D.Although a dictionary can provide information about word meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, derived forms, et cetera, it cannot communicate how it feels to use a word.问题4选项A.onomatopoeiaB.hyperboleC.personificationD.metaphor问题5选项A.conscientiousB.superciliousC.ruefulD.belligerent【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。由题干关键词定位到文章第一段第四句“most people lack the scrupulous pedanticalness to quibble over such trifles.”, 大多数人缺乏一丝不苟的学究精神,对这种小事吹毛求疵。由此可知scrupulous pedanticalnes表示过分的关注,意思与excessive concern相近。因此D选项正确。2.判断推理题。由题干关键词定位到文章第三段“It is a utilitarian word that gets the job done and doesnt apologize for its brusque, uncouth nature”, 这是一个功利性的词,能完成工作,但不能为其唐突、粗鲁的行为道歉。选项A“埃德加必须得在黎明时分起床,他拿了两个鸡蛋当早餐,喝了一杯桔子汁,用带子系紧靴子,然后朝田垠走去”。选项B“为了给同班同学留下印象,大多数学生都穿着冬季夹克去玩耍”。选项D“艾米为了早晨看起来气色不错,精心打扮着:梳头、化了淡妆、穿上她特意为这一时刻准备的衣服”。选项A、B、D均与原文不符。因此C选项正确。3.判断推理题。题干的意思是问“下列哪一个句子陈述的是事实,而非观点?由题干关键词定位到文章后五段。选项A“使用者假定两个词之间不存在差异时,可以任意地使用其中一个或另一个。”选项B“一想到“快乐”的人,脑海中就会浮现出一个明亮的眼睛、红润的笑脸”。选项C“没有人愿意和“奇怪”的事情联系在一起”。选项A、B、C均与题意不符。因此D选项正确。4.判断推理题。由题干关键词定位到文章第三段。题干问“以下哪一种文学手法在题干所引用的句子中被使用?”选项A“拟声。”选项B“夸张”。选项C“拟人”。选项D“暗喻”。选项A、B、C均与题意不符。因此D选项正确。5.判断推理题。由题干关键词定位到文章最后一段“Using the examples and insights described above, one may come to recognize these subtle, yet crucial, differences”,通过以上的例子和见解,人们可能会逐渐认识到这些细微但至关重要的差异。由此可知,关于近义词的普遍理解方式,作者需要认真谨慎的描述。选项A“认真的, 尽责的。”选项B“高傲的,自大的”。选项C“可怜的”。选项D“好战的”。选项B、C、D均与题意不符,因此A选项正确。2. 单选题This painting perfectly()the impressionistic style, which was so popular at the time.问题1选项A.examinesB.exemplifiesC.extractsD.exempts【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。“examine检查,调查”;exemplify“例证,例示”;extract“提取,摘录”;exempt“免除,豁免”。句意:这幅画完美的例证了在那个时期非常流行的印象派风格。选项B更符合语境。3. 单选题Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks,()themselves.问题1选项A.expandingB.stretchingC.prolongingD.extending【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。expand“扩大,扩展”;stretch“延伸”;prolong“延长,拖延”;extend“延伸,扩大”。stretch oneself为固定用法,意为“伸懒腰;伸展身体”。句意:完成了上午的工作后,职员们站到自己办公桌的后面伸展身体。选项B符合语境。4. 单选题The thieves didnt know that they were deceived until the fake diamond turned out to be ().问题1选项A.valuableB.valuelessC.invaluableD.priceless【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项valuable “很重要的;宝贵的;”;B选项valueless “没有价值的;不值钱的”;C选项invaluable “极有用的;极宝贵的”;D选项priceless “无价的;极珍贵的”。句意:直到最后发现那颗假钻石毫无价值,窃贼才知道自己上当受骗了。根据关键词“假钻石”可知B符合句意。5. 单选题There is a certain inevitability that ebook sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazons US site. Amazons Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that its easy to see why people have rushed to buy it. Though Im still not keen on the design of the Kindle, it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable. Beyond the device itself, Amazon has done a great job of rolling out Kindle apps, ensuring that people like me who have an iPad but not a Kindle can still join in the fun. Once youre into the Kindle ecosystem, Amazon locks you in tightly just as Apple does with its iTunes/iPod ecosystem. Its so easy to buy from Amazons store and the books are so cheap that its not worth the effort of going elsewhere.While I remain opposed to Amazons DRM(数字版权管理)indeed, Im opposed to DRM on any ebooks I have to admit that the implementation is so smooth that most Kindle users wont care at all that their ebooks cant be moved to other devices.The ebook trend is nowhere near peaking. Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up ebooks instead. But I dont think that will mean the death of the printed book.There are some who prefer printed books. They like having shelves filled with books theyve read and books they plan to read; they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles. In other words, they like the physical form of the book almost as much as the words it contains.I can sympathize with those people. As I wrote earlier this week, my ideal situation would be for publishers to bundle ebooks with printed ones in much the same way that film studios bundle DVDs with digital copies of films. Theres no reason to think that lovers of printed books will change their minds. There will undoubtedly be fewer of them as time goes by because more people will grow up with ebooks and spend little time with printed ones. However, just as there are people who love vinyl records (黑胶唱片), even if they were born well into the CD era, there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books.Since there are fewer of these people, that will mean fewer bookshops and higher prices for printed books, but I dont think the picture is entirely bleak. There is scope for smaller print runs of lavishly designed printed books and bookshops aimed at book lovers, rather than the Stieg Larsson-reading masses. With mainstream readers out of the printed book market, book lovers might even find they get a better experience.1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?2. According to the passage, the reason why the author opposes to Amazons DRM is that().3. It can be learned from the passage that the trend of ebooks().4. Why does the author believe that the surging sales of books wont mean the death of the printed book?5. What does the author say about the future of printed books?问题1选项A.Most people buy Kindle 2 mainly because of its low priceB.The author of the passage is a loyal customer of Apple productsC.Amazons Kindle 2 surpassed Kindle 1 in designingD.The sales of ebooks outnumbered those of printed books in the global market问题2选项A.ebooks can only be purchased on AB.the implementation of ebooks is very complicatedC.once implementation, ebooks cant be transferred to other equipmentD.ebooks installed on Kindle 2 cant be edited freely问题3选项A.will come to stop any time soonB.will meet its heyday when printed books dieC.will reach the summit in the near futureD.has already reached its peak问题4选项A.Because a minority will stick to their love of printed books.B.Because the majority of book lovers wont change their minds.C.Because people always hold nostalgic feelings towards printed books.D.Because people will return to printed books as time goes by.问题5选项A.They will be bundled with ebooks.B.They will no longer be available in the market.C.They will be sold in small quantity and high quality.D.They will be redesigned to cater to the masses.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。选项A“大部分人购买Kindle 2主要是因为它的价格很低”,原文说的是“Amazons Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that its easy to see why people have rushed to buy it.”提到了两个原因,也并没有提及便宜是最主要的原因,所以选项A表述不符合原文;选项B“作者是苹果产品的忠实顾客”,原文只是提及作者拥有iPad,并不能说明作者是其忠实的顾客,所以不正确;选项C“亚马逊Kindle 2在设计上比Kindle 1要好”,根据第一段第三句“Though Im still not keen on the design of the Kindle, it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable. 虽然我仍然对Kindle的设计不感兴趣,但它相比之前的版本有了很大的改进,而且肯定还过得去。”所以选项C正确;选项D“在全球市场上,电子书的销量超过了印刷书籍”,根据第一段第一句可知,只是在美国站如此,并不是全国市场,所以选项D不正确。只有选项C符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据题干中的关键词“Amazons DRM”定位到第二段的内容:“虽然我仍然反对亚马逊的数字版权管理事实上,我反对在任何电子书上使用数字版权管理但我不得不承认,它的安装使用是如此的顺畅,以至于大多数Kindle用户根本不会在乎他们的电子书不能转移到其他设备上”。由此可知,一旦DMR安装使用,电子书就不能转移到其他设备上,选项C符合原文。3.判断推理题。根据第三段的内容“电子书的趋势还远未达巅峰。在接下来的5年时间里,我们有望看到越来越多的读者抛弃纸质书而选择电子书。”由此可知,电子书的趋势在不远的将来会达到顶峰。选项C正确。4.细节事实题。根据第五段的最后一句“However, just as there are people who love vinyl records, even if they were born well into the CD era, there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books. 然而,就像有些人喜欢黑胶唱片,即使他们出生在CD的时代。所以仍然会有特定的少数人喜欢纸质书。”所以选项A符合原文。5.判断推理题。根据最后一段的内容“由于这样的人越来越少,这就意味着书店会越来越少,纸质书的价格也会越来越高,但我不认为前景会完全暗淡。设计奢华的小型印刷书籍和书店仍有发展空间.”由此可知,它们(纸质书)将以小批量高质量的方式销售。选项C符合原文。6. 单选题My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk()far.问题1选项A./B.suchC.thatD.as【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。本句中的that就相当于so,意为“如此”, 修饰副词far。选项C符合题意。such后面要接名词或者名词短语。as的语义不符。7. 单选题Scientific research results can now be quickly () to factory production.问题1选项A.usedB.appliedC.employedD.practiced【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。be used to表示“被用来;习惯于”,be applied to表示“被运用于,应用于”, be employed to表示“被使用于;被雇佣于”,practice通常与put构成搭配“put sth. to practice”表示“把付诸于实践”。由句意可知,如今科研成果是被应用于工厂生产。因此,只有B项符合原句含义和搭配,故本题正确答案为B选项。8. 单选题The taste of the food was so()that it was hardly noticeable.问题1选项A.superiorB.primeC.topicD.subtle【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。superior“优秀的,出众的”;prime“主要的,基本的”;topic“话题,主题”;subtle“微妙的,难以捉摸的”。根据后面的内容“几乎看不出来”,可知食物的味道是很微妙的,所以不易察觉。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题The ship was()in a storm off Jamaica.问题1选项A.ownedB.sunkC.wreckedD.submitted【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。此处考查的是动词过去分词形式作为形容词使用的词义,A选项owned“自身拥有的”;B选项sunk“凹陷的;低沉的;失去希望的”;C选项wrecked“失事的”;D选项submitted“屈服的”。句意:这艘船在牙买加附近的风暴中。“风暴”与“船”联系在一起,符合常理的就是“失事”了,C选项正确。10. 单选题I arrived at the airport so late that I() missed the plane.问题1选项A.onlyB.quiteC.narrowlyD.seldom【答案】C【解析】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE考查副词词义辨析。A选项only表示“仅仅,只有”,B选项quite表示“相当;非常;很”,C选项narrowly表示“狭窄地;勉强地,以毫厘之差,仔细地”,D选项seldom表示“很少,不常”。由句意可知,我到飞机场非常晚,差点儿误机。因此,只有C项最符合原句语境,故本题正确答案为C选项。11. 单选题It is suggested that all government ministers should()information on their financial interests.问题1选项A.discoverB.uncoverC.tellD.disclose【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。discover “发现,探索”;uncover “发现;揭示”;tell “告诉;说;辨别”;disclose “公开,揭露”。句意:政府部长被建议公开揭露他们的经济利益。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题The multinational corporation was making a take-over() for a property company.问题1选项A.applicationB.bidC.proposalD.suggestion【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。application “应用,申请”; bid “出价,投标”;proposal “提议,建议,求婚”;suggestion “建议,暗示”。make a bid for “竞拍,投标”,因此选项B符合题意。句意:这家跨国公司正在为接管一家房地产公司而竞标。13. 单选题The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed intuition to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action into the process of thinking.Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality; others view it as an excuse for capriciousness.Isenbergs recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers intuition is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform, well-learned behavior, patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of dar8 and practice into an integrated picture, of


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