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2022年考博英语-厦门大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Critical articles on this novel argue that though the plot seems logical,the ending of the novel is_.问题1选项A.tardyB.ramrodC.farfetchedD.factitious【答案】C【解析】tardy行动缓慢的; ramrod严厉的, 生硬的; farfetched牵强的; factitious人为的, 虚假的。句意:有关这篇小说的评论称,虽然情节看似合乎逻辑,但小说的结尾却很牵强。选项C符合句意。2. 翻译题Many advocates of a universal healthcare system in the United States look to Canada for their model. While the Canadian healthcare system has much to recommend it, theres another model that has been too long neglected. That is the healthcare system in France.(1) Although the French system faces many challenges,the World Health Organization rated it the best in the world in 2001 because of its universal coverage, responsive healthcare providers, patient and provider freedoms,and the health and longevity of the countrys population. The United States ranked 37.The French system is also not inexpensive. At $3,500 per capita it is one of the most costly in Europe, yet that is still far less than the $6,100 per person in the United States.(2) The French share Americans distaste for restrictions on patient choice and they insist on autonomous private practitioners rather than a British-style national health service, which the French dismiss as socialized medicine. Virtually all physicians in France participate in the nations public health insurance, Securite Sociale.Their freedoms of diagnosis and therapy are protected in ways that would make their managed-care- controlled US counterparts envious. However,the average American physician earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots. (3) But the lower income of French physicians is allayed by two factors,Practice liability is greatly diminished by a tort-averse legal system, and medical schools, although extremely competitive to enter, are tuition-free. Thus, French physicians enter their careers, with any debt and pay much lower malpractice insurance premiums.Nor do Frances doctors face the high nonmedical personnel payroll expenses that burden American physicians. Securite Sociale has created a standardized and speedy system for physician billing and patient reimbursement using electronic funds.(4) Its not uncommon to visit a French medical office and see no nonmedical personnel. What a concept. No back office army of billing specialists who do daily battle with insurers arcane and constantly changing rules of payment.National health insurance in France stands upon two grand historical bargainsthe first with doctors and a second with insurers.Doctors only agreed to participate in compulsory health insurance if the Jaw protected a patients choice of practitioner and guaranteed physicians resistance by permitting the nations already existing insurers to administer its new healthcare funds. Private health insurers are also central to the system as supplemental insurers who cover patient expenses that are not paid for by Securite Sociale.In fact, in France, the sicker you are,the more coverage, care, and treatment you get. Like all healthcare systems, the French confront ongoing problems. (5) Today French reformers number one priority is to move health insurance financing away from payroll and wage levies because they hamper employers willingness to hire. Instead, France is turning toward broad taxes on earned and unearned income alike to pay for healthcare. Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.【答案】(1)尽管法国的医疗保健制度面临着很多的挑战, 但2001年世界卫生组织仍将它排在第一位,原因是法国的医疗保健制度的覆盖面最广,拥有积极响应的医疗保健提供者, 医患的自由性和国民健康、长寿。(2)法国人和美国人一样也不愿意在患者选择上设限, 并且他们坚决主张自主的私营执业者,而不是一种英 国式的国民保健制度。法国人将这种国民保健制度视为“公费医疗制度”,不予采纳。(3)但是两方面的因素弥补了法国医生的收入低的情形。反侵权法律制度大大减小了实践责任。另外, 尽管进入医学院的竞争极其激烈, 但其学费是免费的。因此,法国医生就业时很少欠债, 所付的医疗事故保险费非常少。(4)参观法国医用办公室看不到非医学的职员是很平常的事情。也就是说在后端办公的人员中,没有大批的医疗账单专家每天与保险公司不断改变的付款规则作战。(5))如今法国改革者优先考虑的事是不再从工资和工资税上为健康保险筹措资金, 因为他们制约了雇用者雇用员工的意愿。相反,法国的税收主要是来自工薪收入和非工薪收入, 并用这些税收来支付健康保险。3. 单选题Preliminary figures show Bibb Countys tax digest is slightly_with state guidelines,which could result in a fine of up to $100,000.问题1选项A.out for the countB.out and outC.out of blastD.out of whack【答案】D【解析】out for the count死的, 毁了的; out and out彻底地; out of blast停工, 停产; out of whack不一致; 不正常。句意:初步数据显示,比伯县的税务摘要与该州的指导方针略有出入,可能会被处以最高10万美元的罚款。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题If a cat comes too close to its nest, the mockingbird_a set of actions to protect its offspring.问题1选项A.hastensB.releasesC.devisesD.initiates【答案】D【解析】hastens加速, 催促; releases释放, 放松; devises设计, 想出; initiates发起, 开始。句意:如果一只猫离知更鸟的巢太近, 它就会采取一系列行动来保护它的后代。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题High-fructose com syrup is easy for food and beverage makers to use, and has_ the former leading sweetener: sucrose,or ordinary table sugar.问题1选项A.edged outB.edged inC.edged awayD.edged on【答案】A【解析】edge out替代, 挤掉; edge in挤进; edge away缓缓移动; edge on 怂恿,鼓励。句意:高果糖玉米糖浆对食品和饮料生产商来说很容易使用, 而且已经取代了以前重要的增甜剂蔗糖或普通的食糖。选项A符合句意。6. 单选题Poseidon sat at his desk, doing figures. The administration of all the waters gave him endless work. He could have had assistants, as many as he wanted 一 and he did have very many 一 but since he took his job very seriously, he would in the end go over all the figures and calculations himself, and thus his assistants were of little help to him. It cannot be said that he enjoyed his work: he did it only because it had been assigned to him; in fact, he had already filed many petitions foras he put itmore cheerful work, but every time the offer of something different was made to him it would turn out that nothing suited him quite as well as his present position. And anyhow it was quite difficult to find something different for him. After all, it was impossible to assign him to a particular sea: aside from the fact that even then the work with figures would not become less but only pettier, the great Poseidon could in any case occupy only an executive position. And when a job away from the water was offered to him he would get sick at the very prospect, his divine breathing would become troubled and his brazen chest began to tremble. Besides, his complaints were not really taken seriously; when one of the mighty is vexatious the appearance of an effort must be made to placate him, even when the case is most hopeless. In actuality a shift of posts was unthinkable for Poseidon he had been appointed God of the Sea in the beginning, and that he had to remain.What irritated him most 一 and it was this that was chiefly responsible for his dissatisfaction with his jobwas to hear of the conceptions formed about him: how he was always riding about through the tides with his trident. When all the while he sat here in the depths of the world-ocean, doing figures uninterruptedly, with now and then a trip to Jupiter as the only break in the monotonya trip, moreover, from which he usually returned in a rage. Thus he had hardly seen the seahad seen it but quickly in the course of hurried trips to Olympus, and he had never actually traveled around it. He was in the habit of saying that what he was waiting for was the fall of the world; then, probably, a quiet moment would be granted in which, just before the end and having checked the last row of figures, he would be able to make a quick, little tour.Poseidon became bored with the sea. He let fall his trident. Silently he sat on the rocky coast and a gull, dazed by his presence, described wavering circles around his head. 1.The underlined sentence (Ithim) in the first paragraph suggest that Poseidon regarded his work with ( ).2.It can be inferred from the authors description of Poseidons routine (how.in a rage) that ( ).3.According to the passage, Poseidons dissatisfaction with his job primarily stems from ( )4.The author of the passage portrays the god Poseidon as ( ) .5.Poseidon is unable to change occupations for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ( ).问题1选项A.resignationB.enthusiasmC.hostilityD.intimidation问题2选项A.Poseidon prefers performing his duties to visiting JupiterB.Poseidon is too busy to familiarize himself with his kingdomC.Poseidon requires silence for the performance of his dutiesD.Poseidons dissatisfaction with his job detracts from his efficiency问题3选项A.the constant travel that is required of himB.the lack of seriousness with which his complaints are receivedC.the constantly changing nature of his dutiesD.others mistaken notions of his routine问题4选项A.a dissatisfied bureaucratB.a powerful godC.a discontented vagabondD.a capable accountant问题5选项A.his appointment as God of the Sea is inherently unchangeableB.he has fallen into disfavor with the gods on Mount OlympusC.he cannot imagine a life away from the waterD.nothing else suits him as well as his present position【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.Poseidon对他工作的态度是() 。resignation放任, 服从; enthusiasm热心, 热忱; hostility敌对; intimidation恐吓, 威胁。根据划线部分的内容可知, 不能说他喜欢他的工作, 他这样做只是因为这是分配给他的。所以他的态度是听之任之的, 选项A正确。2.根据划线部分的描述可知, 作者是想表达Poseidon对工作的不满导致了工作效率的下降, 选项D正确。3.根据第二段的第一句What irritated him most 一 and it was this that was chiefly responsible for his dissatisfaction with his jobwas to hear of the conceptions formed about him.最让他生气的是听到别人对他的意见, 正是这一因素导致了他对工作的不满。选项D符合原文。4.根据文字内容可知, 作者将Poseidon描述为不满的官僚, 选项A正确。其他选项均不符合原文。5.根据第一段后半部分的内容可知, 选项A. C, D均是Poseidon无法改变职业的原因, 只有选项B在文中没有提及。7. 单选题At the sight of her husband getting off the train, the woman walked forward and_him and stroked his white hair.问题1选项A.embracedB.clappedC.paddledD.flocked【答案】A【解析】embraced拥抱; clapped拍手喝彩; paddled搅拌; flocked聚集。句意:一看到丈夫下火车, 女人就上前拥抱他, 抚摸他的白发。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题Although he had done many great things,he never felt it necessary to_his achievements.问题1选项A.lavishB.extravertC.imposeD.vaunt【答案】D【解析】lavish浪费, 慷慨给予; extravert使思想外倾; impose征税,强加; vaunt自夸,吹嘘。句意:虽然他做了许多伟大的事情,但他从不觉得有必要夸耀自己的成就。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题President Bush warned Congress on Wednesday that inaction on his push to_Social Security could breed political repercussions.问题1选项A.accustomB.formulateC.overhaulD.dismantle【答案】C【解析】accustom使习惯于; formulate用公式表示,明确地表达;overhaul检查, 革新; dismantle拆除,取消。句意:布什总统于星期三对国会发出警告,如果不支持他推动社会保险的全面改革可能会产生政治影响。选项C符合句意。10. 单选题Both dogs diet and structure are_to those of the human being, and so it has been the subject of countless demonstrations and experiments.问题1选项A.comparableB.comparativeC.equalD.contrary【答案】A【解析】comparable比得上; comparative比较的, 相当的。句意:狗的饮食和结构都可以与人类相比, 因此它已经成为无数演示和实验的对象。选项A符合句意。11. 单选题Since the authors unflattering references to her friends were so_, she was surprised that her _were recognized.问题1选项A.laudatory.stylesB.obvious.anecdotesC.oblique. allusionsD.critical.eulogies【答案】C【解析】laudatory .styles赞美的风格; obvious. anecdotes明显的轶事;oblique.allusions拐弯抹角的隐喻;critical.eulogies爱挑剔的颂词。句意:由于作者对她朋友的不恭维是如此的拐弯抹角,所以她很惊讶她的隐喻被发现了。选项C符合句意。12. 单选题The ALSPAC report is the third in recent years to find few or no_effects from consuming most types of seafood during pregnancy.问题1选项A.adverseB.aggregateC.antagonisticD.animate【答案】A【解析】adverse不利的, 敌对的; aggregate合计的, 聚合的; antagonistic反对的, 敌对的; animate有生命的。句意:ALSPAC的报告是近年来第三份发现孕期食用大多数品种的海鲜很少有或者几乎没有副作用的报告。选项A符合句意。13. 单选题Salas is one of 13,000 King County employees who will be asked to confidentially_whether theyre overweight,smoke or engage in other health-related vices.问题1选项A.dementB.divulgeC.retaliateD.disservice【答案】B【解析】dement使发狂; divulge泄露, 暴露; retaliate报复; disservice伤害, 虐待。句意:萨拉斯是国王郡1.3万名雇员之一, 他们将被要求私下透露自己是否超重、是否吸烟或是否有其他与健康有关的恶习。选项B符合句意。14. 单选题The bureau develops and implements US foreign economic policy and tries to_Americas economic interests with its foreign policy.问题1选项A.undertakeB.resolveC.obeyD.reconcile【答案】D【解析】undertake承担,保证; resolve决心; obey服从; reconcile使和解, 使一致。句意:该局制定和实施美国的对外经济政策, 并努力使美国的经济利益与其外交政策相协调。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题In most peoples mind, growth is associated with prosperity. We judge how well the economy is doing by the size of the Gross National Product (GNP), a measure, supposedly, of growth. Equally axiomatic, however, is the notion that increased pressure on dwindling natural resources must inevitably lead to a decline in prosperity, especially when accompanied by a growth in population. So, which is correct: growth means prosperity and no growth means adversity, or growth means adversity and no growth meanswhat?What growth advocates mean, primarily, when they say growth is necessary for prosperity is that growth is necessary for the smooth functioning of the economic system. In one arena the argument in favor of growth is particularly compelling and that is with regard to the Third World. To argue against growth, other than population growth, in light of Third World poverty and degradation seems callous, if not cruel, the pompous postulating of the comfortable and the secure. But is it? Could it be that growth, especially the growth of the wealthier countries, has contributed to the impoverishment, not the advancements of Third World countries? If not, how do we account tor the desperate straits these countries find themselves in today after a century of dedication to growth?To see how this might be the case we must look at the impact of growth on Third World countries - the reality, not the abstract stages-of-economic-growth nostrum propounded through rose-colored glasses by academicians of the developed world. What good is growth to the people of the Third World if it means the conversion of peasant farms into mechanized agri-businesses producing commodities not for local consumption but for export, if it means the stripping of their land of its mineral and arboreal treasures to the benefit of foreign investors and a handful of their local collaborators, if it means the assumption of a crushing foreign indebtedness, the proceeds of which goes not into the development of the country but into the purchase of luxury cars, the padding of Swiss bank accounts, and the buying of condominiums in Miami?Admittedly, this is an oversimplification, which applies to no country in its entirety and to some countries not at all. But the point, I believe, remains valid: that growth in underdeveloped countries cannot simply be judged in the abstract; it must be judged based on the true nature of growth in these societies, on who benefits and who is harmed on where growth is leading these people and where it has left them. When considered in this way, it just might be that in the present context growth is more detrimental to the well-being of the wretched of the earth than beneficial.So, do we need growth for prosperity? Only the adoption of zero growth can provide the answer. But that is a test not easily undertaken. Modern economies are incredibly complex phenomena, a tribute to mans ability to organize and a challenge to his ability to understanding. Anything that affects their functioning, such as a policy of zero growth, should not be proposed without a wary prudence and a self-doubting humility. But if the prospect of leaping into the economic unknown is fear-inspiring, equally so is the prospect of letting that fear prevent us from acting when the failure to act could mean untold misery for future generations and perhaps environmental catastrophes which threaten our very existence. 1.Which of the following statements does the author support?2.It is implied in Paragraphs 2 and 3 that( ).3.With regard to the economic development in Third World countries the author is actually saying that( ) .4.The author seems to believe that prosperity( ).5.The answer of the author to the question Do we need growth for prosperity is ( ).问题1选项A.Gross National Product is a safe measure for economic growth.B.Diminishing natural resources will prove harmful to the well-being of humanity.C.A decline in prosperity will inevitably lead to a growth in population.D.Growth in population will be a chief threat to economic prosperity.问题2选项A.the smooth functioning of the economic system is dependent on sustained prosperityB.economic growth has not contributed to the poverty of the Third World countriesC.growth in richer countries is achieved at the expense of the Third World countriesD.the stages of economic growth cannot be superseded or modified by social mechanisms问题3选项A.the people in these countries have not actually benefited from itB.inadequate investment has seriously affected the developmentC.deep debt virtually makes further growth in these countries impossibleD.agriculture in these countries should have been left intact问题4选项A.can be achieved without economic growthB.can only be achieved with economic growthC.is a tribute to mans ability and creativityD.is fragile in face of environmental catastrophes问题5选项A.negativeB.positiveC.vagueD.inconclusive【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.根据文章第一段第三句Equally axiomatic, ., especially when accompanied by a growth in population.同样不言自明的是, 对日益减少的自然资源施加越来越大的压力必然导致繁荣的衰落, 特别是在伴随人口增长的情况下。选项B符合原文。2.根据原文二三段的内容可知, 作者在第二段提出问题:富裕国家的增长是否导致了第三世界国家的贫困, 而不是进步?如果不是这样的话, 那么又怎么解释这些国家为什么在致力于增长的一个世纪之后, 今天仍处于绝望而不可自拔的境地呢?作者在第三段给出了答案, 这种增长并没有给这些国家的人们带来好处, 而是让外国投资者及少数本地合作者获益。 选项C符合原文。3.根据第三段的内容可知:经济增长对第三世界国家的人们并无好处, 因为他们的农产品是为了出口, 矿产和其他资源被剥夺, 而他们却要背负沉重的外债, 这只会让国外投资者和少数本地人获益。所以选项A符合原文。4.根据第五段的一二句So, do we need growth for prosperity? Only the adoption of zero growth can provide the answer.我们需要增长来实现繁荣吗?采用零增长也可以保持社会经济的繁荣。选项A符合原文。5.结合文章内容可知, 作者对增长持否定的态度, 因为增长给第三世界国家以及环境带来了种种危害, 所以本题选A。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:16. 翻译题I was deeply shocked by a recent survey that suggested 30 per cent of job applicants embellished the truth or lied on a curriculum vitae. Can the figure really be that low? (1)I had always assumed CVs were filled with evasions, half-truths and downright untruths. But, the news that merely 70 per cent of workers are honest has shaken my lack of faith in my fellow humans. The only consolation is that people often fib in anonymous surveys, just as they do on resumes, which means the real proportion may be higher.One prediction rang true from the research by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. (2).It was that the incentive for falsehood is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises. In coming months recruiters will therefore be bombarded with CVs making extremely misleading claims.It was the same during the downturn of the early 1990s. Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1. A journalist colleague meanwhile admitted to me that his degree from a top university was entirely fictional. (3). Another contemporary explained away a year lost to bone idleness by telling prospective employers that he had been writing a field guide to the wild flowers of the Pyrenees (比利牛斯山脉). I night have lied on my own CV, if an east coast Scottish upbringing bad not lumbered me with the subliminal conviction that I would burn for eternity in hell if I did.(4). A company whose services include background checks on job applicants, says that inaccuracies on CVs divide into three


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