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速测(四)完形填空+阅读理解B+C.完形填空I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me even though they are very 1.When I 2 to Canada, I couldnt even order food on the flight. After two months on an ESL(English as a Second Language) course, I got my first 3 card. My mark in English was 65. I was very 4. I couldnt 5 what would be said at the parent-teacher interview.“Hello!” Mrs. Franceschini welcomed my parents. “Richard just came to Canada a few months ago. I am amazed at how his English has 6 so fast,” she said. “On his first day, he was very shy and only used 7 words. Now he can answer and ask questions by using whole sentences.”8 many other Chinese parents, my mom asked if she could give me extra homework. “Dont worry. Richard is already working very hard,” Mrs. Franceschini laughed. Then she shook my hand. “Richard, you did a good job. I am 9 of you!” she said.Back in Shanghai, my teacher Miss Li was very 10.In a test, my average(平均分) was 97, top of the class. I was proud to take my parents 11 the interview. Miss Li told my parents, “Feng Yu is doing pretty well. But because of his 12, he lost 3 points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school.”I thought she was being 13 to me. But when I was about to leave, I realized Miss Li was very nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mail address were on the card. “Feng Yu, you are my best student. I 14 you a successful life,” she wrote. “If you want to talk or need any help, I am always here for you.” Miss Li and Mrs. Franceschini are both great teachers, just in different ways. One built up my learning abilities. 15 gave me tons of confidence and made learning enjoyable. Im proud to have had them as my teachers.()1.A. kindB.strictC.similarD.different()2.A. movedB.arrivedC.reachedD.visited()3.A. birthdayB.greenC.reportD.ID()4.A. satisfiedB.upsetC.seriousD.careful()5.A. imagineB.tellC.wonderD.doubt()6.A. changedB.improvedC.spokenD.increased()7.A. longB.popularC.simpleD.complete()8.A. WithB.ExceptC.AgainstD.Like()9.A. proudB.certainC.afraidD.free()10.A. patientB.strictC.friendlyD.hard-working()11.A. inB.offC.toD.up()12.A. methodB.actionC.habitD.carelessness()13.A. unfairB.niceC.crazyD.polite()14.A. hopeB.prepareC.offerD.wish()15.A. OtherB.The otherC.AnotherD.The others .阅读理解Passage 1The worldwide scientists have been working on finding a solution for curing the HIV which has killed millions of people. It is said that more than 2 million people were newly infected(感染) with the AIDS virus last year. This number is larger than some countries total population. Though specialists have figured out a series of medicines that can effectively lengthen the life of patients who carry AIDS, their high price still knocked lots of them out. In 2008, a lucky German patient received a mutated gene(突变基因) during a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植) from a donor naturally resistant(抵抗) to HIV and soon he got his healthy body back and was exactly cured of HIV. Mario Stevenson, director of the Center for AIDS Research at the University of Miami, says researchers are now making their efforts to find a way to deliver(传递) the mutated gene at a huge amount.“Doubtlessly that we cant use bone marrow transplant to destroy HIV, but it truly gave us some valuable clues on how we could get close to a cure solution and a better understanding of what the virus is doing in those patients bodies. Most importantly, it has shown us the very kind of barriers that we need to overcome in order to make the virus disappear from our planet.”According to Stevensons latest report, a harmless virus could deliver the mutated gene directly into the HIV virus. He considers it a possible cure for scientists to develop and beat AIDS someday. Before there is a victory in the war against AIDS, scientists have to make sure that the delivery virus will be absolutely harmless. And the good news is that they say this solution looks very easy to get mastered which is just a matter of time.1.What does the underlined word “solution” mean in the first paragraph?()A. A method to solve a problem.B.A kind of medicine.C.A kind of machine.D.A way to exercise.2.According to Paragraph 1, we know that.()A. some HIV-positive patients have been curedB.AIDS has caused many people to lose their livesC.few scientists have ever tried medicines to cure AIDSD.many people can afford the AIDS medicines3.What happened to a patient in German in 2008?()A. He/She attacked the mutated genes.B.His/Her gene was completely changed.C.He/She donated his/her bone marrow.D.He/She suffered less from HIV.4.It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that.()A. the delivery virus may be bad for peopleB.delivering virus is a hard and long processC.the new way to cure AIDS is hopefulD.people will succeed in fighting against AIDS very soonPassage 2You think its “cool” to carry your backpacks and head out to school. But if you dont know exactly how to choose, load, lift and wear themthese all-important accessories(配件)can be a pain in the back, not to mention the neck, head and shoulders. Backpacks can influence your health. Carrying a heavy load improperly can lead to poor body position; and even hurt the spinal column(脊柱). This can cause muscle strain, headaches, back, neck and arm pain. For example, if it is carried on one shoulder, a heavy backpack forces the muscles and spine to balance the unequal weight. This may increase the possible back problems later in life. More than 50 percent of young people suffer back pain by their teenage years. Research shows that this could be mainly caused by improper use of backpacks. Heres some advice to help you carry backpacks comfortably and safely. Choose the right backpack. Forget leather(皮革)! It looks great, but its far too heavy. Go for canvas(帆布). Pick a pack that has two wide, adjustable, comfortable shoulder straps(带子),along with a hip or waist strap, and plenty of pockets. Make sure the pack fits properly and its size is suitable for the wearers body. Packing it properly. Only put in the pack what is needed for that day. Its a good idea to know what each object weighs. The total weight of the filled pack should be no more than 10 to 15 percent of the wearers own body weight. Pack the heaviest objects close to the body, and place little ones outside, away from the back. Putting the backpack on. Put the pack on a smooth surface, at the waist height. Put on the pack, one shoulder at a time, then adjust(调整) the straps to fit comfortably. Remember when lifting a backpack, or anything, to lift using the arms and legs and to bend at the knees. The right way to wear a backpack. Both shoulder straps should be used and adjusted, so that the pack fits the body, without hanging to one side. Backpacks should never be worn over just one shoulder. You should be able to move your hands between the backpack and your back. The waist strap should also be worn. Take the above advice, and you may not complain of back pain, numbness or weakness in your arms and legs any more.1.What could mainly cause some young people to suffer back pain by their teenage years?()A. Too much homework.B.Poor treatment for backs.C.Improper use of backpacks.D.Unhealthy sleep position. 2.Which of the following does the writer suggest?()Choose a leather backpack because it looks “cool” to go to school.Pick a pack whose size is suitable for the wearers body.Make sure the backpack contains only what is needed for that day.Pack the heaviest objects close to the body, and place little ones outside.Put the pack on a smooth surface, above the waist height.A. B.C.D.3.If a boy weighs 40 kg, how heavy should his filled backpack be at most?()A. About 4 kg.B.About 6 kg.C.About 10 kg.D.About 15 kg. 4.What is the passage mainly about?()A. Some problems that teenagers face in their study at school.B.The suitable backpack material that you should choose.C.The good influence that backpacks have on your health.D.Some advice on how to carry backpacks comfortably and safely.【参考答案】.主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了给作者留下深刻印象、影响深远的两位老师。他们来自两个文化意识迥然不同的国度,用不一样的教学思维和教学方式使作者受益匪浅、逐步走向成功。文章告诉我们要学会适应不同教学风格的老师,要感恩那些曾经为我们付出无限辛苦的老师。1.D考查形容词辨析。句意:有两位来自这两个国家的老师,尽管她们非常,但是她们给我留下了深刻的印象。kind“善良的”;strict“严厉的”;similar“类似的”;different“不同的”。根据最后一段中的“are both great teachers, just in different ways.”可知用different。故选D。2.A考查动词辨析。句意:当我加拿大的时候,我甚至不会在飞机上点餐。move“搬迁;移民”;arrive“到达”,不及物动词,后跟介词in/at+地点”;reach“到达”,及物动词;visit“参观”,及物动词。根据下文“on the flight”可知用“move to+地点”。故选A。3.C考查名词辨析。句意:在参加了一项英语作为第二语言的课程两个月之后,我收到了我的第一份卡。birthday“生日”;green“绿色”;report“报告”;ID“身份证明”。根据下句“My mark in English was 65.”可知,这里应该是成绩报告单。故选C。4.B考查形容词辨析。句意:我非常。satisfied“满意的”;upset“心烦的;难过的”;serious“严肃的”;careful“细心的”。根据上文“My mark in English was 65.”可知,作者考试成绩差,心情应该是无比沮丧的。故选B。5.A考查动词辨析。句意:我无法在老师和家长见面会上会被怎么说。imagine“想象”;tell“告诉”;wonder“想知道”;doubt“怀疑”。根据上文语境可知用imagine表示“无法想象(那种情景)”。故选A。 6.B考查动词辨析。句意:我感觉不可思议的是他的英语是怎么这么快的。change“改变;变化”;improve“提高”;speak“说”;increase“增长”。根据上文中的“just came to Canada a few months ago”以及“amazed”可知,用improve表示“他的英语提高得非常快”。故选B。7.C考查形容词辨析。句意:在他(参加学习的)第一天,他非常害羞,并且只能使用一些单词。long“长的”;popular“流行的”;simple“简单的”;complete“完整的”。根据下文中的“by using whole sentences”可知,这里应该是与之形成鲜明的对比,即原来英语水平很低,所以用simple。故选C。8.D考查介词辨析。句意:许多其他的中国家长一样,我的妈妈询问Franceschini老师能不能给我布置一些额外的作业。with“和一起;有”;except“除了之外”;against“反对”;like“像一样”。根据下文中的“if she could give me extra homework”可知,中国的父母都望子成龙,希望老师给孩子“开小灶”是很多中国家长的普遍心理,所以应该用like。故选D。9.A考查形容词辨析。句意:我为你而感到。proud“自豪的”;certain“确信的;确定的”;afraid“害怕的”;free“自由的;免费的”。根据上文中的“is already working hard”以及“you did a good job”可知,老师为作者在培训班努力学习、表现优异而感到骄傲。be proud of sb.意为“为某人而自豪”。故选A。10.B考查形容词辨析。句意:在上海,我的老师李老师非常。patient“有耐心的”;strict“严厉的”;friendly“友好的”;hard-working“勤勉的;努力工作的”。根据下文中的“Otherwise he would be the top of the school.”可知,老师对作者的要求非常严格,所以用strict。故选B。11.C考查介词辨析。句意:我很自豪地带家长(参加)见面会。in“在里”;off“离开”;to“到”;up“沿着(向上)而去”。take sb. to意为“带某人去某地或参加某活动”。故选C。12.D考查名词辨析。句意:但是因为他的,他在数学考试中丢了三分。method“方法”;action“行动;活动”;habit“习惯”;carelessness“粗心;马虎”。根据下文中的“he lost 3 points”可知此处应用carelessness表示“因粗心大意丢分”。故选D。13.A考查形容词辨析。句意:我原来认为她对我。unfair“不公平的”;nice“好的”;crazy“疯狂的”;polite“有礼貌的”。连词but表示转折关系,根据下文中的“I realized Miss Li was very nice”可知,作者原本认为李老师对他不太公平,应用unfair。故选A。14.D考查动词辨析。句意:你是我最好的学生。我你有一个成功的人生。hope“希望”;prepare“准备”;offer“主动提供”;wish“希望;祝愿”。根据上文中的“when I was about to leave”可知用wish表示离别时的祝福。故选D。15.B考查代词辨析。句意:一位老师培养了我的学习能力;另一位老师帮我树立了无穷的自信心,让学习变得充满乐趣。other“其他的”;the other“(两者中的)另一个”;another“(三者或三者以上中的)另一个”;the others“剩余所有的”。根据上文中的“are both great teachers”可知用the other表示“这两位老师中的另一位”。故选B。.Passage 1主旨大意本文介绍了一种治疗艾滋病的方向:利用基因突变的方法治疗艾滋病。1.A词义猜测题。根据文章第一句“The worldwide scientists have been working on finding a solution for curing the HIV which has killed millions of people.”可知,全世界的科学家在寻找一种可以治疗导致成千上万人失去生命的艾滋病的方法。2.B细节理解题。根据第一句话可知事实:艾滋病导致很多人失去生命。所以B选项正确。3.B细节理解题。根据第二段可知,这位德国的病人在骨髓移植的过程中发生了基因突变,幸运地治好了艾滋病。4.C推理判断题。通过第四段结尾句“He considers it a possible cure for scientists to develop and beat AIDS someday.” 可知,治愈艾滋病是有希望的。Passage 2主旨大意本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了背包的使用不当会造成肌肉拉伤、头痛、背部、颈部和手臂疼痛等症状,并给出了一些关于正确使用背包的建议。1.C细节理解题。根据短文第四段中的“Research shows that this could be mainly caused by improper use of backpacks.”可知,背包使用不当是导致一些年轻人在青少年时期遭受背痛的主要原因。故选C。2.C细节理解题。根据短文第六段中的“Make sure the pack fits properly and its size is suitable for the wearers body.”可知,是正确的;根据第七段中的“Only put in the pack what is needed for that day.”和最后一句“Pack the heaviest objects close to the body, and place little ones outside, away from the back.”可知,正确,故选C。3.B数字计算题。根据短文第七段中的“The total weight of the filled pack should be no more than 10 to 15 percent of the wearers own body weight.”可知,书包装满后的总重量不应超过携带者自身体重的10%至15%。一个人的体重是40千克,那么他的背包的总重量最多是6千克,故选B。4.D主旨大意题。文章主要介绍的是关于正确使用背包的建议。故D项符合题意。


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