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仁爱九年级英语下U6T2 3-10Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature? 教学目标:1.复习宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句。 2.了解一些著名画家及其作品。了解中外的绘画艺术。教学重难点:1.复习宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句。 2.了解一些著名画家及其作品。了解中外的绘画艺术。二、重点探究:.1). He was very good at painting figures. 译:_点拨:be good at 的同义词组是_; 后接名词,名词短语或动名词 2). Here is one of my favorite paintings, Sunflowers. 译:_点拨:one of - 其中之一,后接_ 练习:a.哈利波特是他最喜欢的人物之一。 Harry Potter is _ _ his favorite _. b.长江是中国最长的河流之一。 The Changjinag River is _ _ the _ _ in China. c.我的一个朋友要来看望我。_ _ _ _ will come to see me.3).According to the introduction of the painting, Vincent van Goghs works usually express strong feelings. 译:_ 点拨: according to - 根据. (介词短语)练习:a.根据天气预报说,明天会下雪。 _ _ _ _ _, it _ _ tomorrow. 点拨: work (n.)-工作(不可数名词);作品(可数名词);work(v.) -工作 链接:job(n.)-工作,职业(可数名词) 练习:a.他已经失业一年了。He _ _ out of _ _ _ _.b.他一直在尽力找工作。He _ _ to get a _. c.他的大多数作品在上个世纪的九十年代被出版。 _ of his _ came out _ _ _.4).The way he showed things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi did. 译:_ 思考: he showed things in the distance 与Gu Kaizhi did.都是_从句,分别修饰先行词_注意:修饰way 的定语从句前不需要关系代词或副词! 练习:a. Parents cant help solving problems in the way children dislike. 译:_ b. 我很讨厌他和我说话的方式。I _ the way _ _ _ _.点拨: in the distance - 在远方,在远处 链接:at a distance of-_ keep sb. at a distance 和某人保持距离练习: a. Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers. 译:_ b.在远处可以看见太行山脉的一座座山峰。 The peaks of Taihang could _ _ _ _ _. c.请把这块石头放在离房门20米的地方。 _ the stone _ _ _ _ 20meters _ the door. d.警察远远地跟着他。The police kept following him _ _ _. 5). I have made up my mind to be a painter. 译:_点拨:make up ones mind to do sth -下定决心做某事 同义词组是set ones mind to do sth. 练习:a. Jim下定决心学好英语。 Jim _ _/ _ _ _ _ learn English _.b. Have you made up your minds where to go for you holiday? 译:_c. Im sorry but my mind is made up. Im leaving. 译:_拓展:change ones mind ( about doing sth.) - 改变主意或决定(做某事) keep ones mind on sth.-专心于某事三、训练检测:单项选择。( ) 1. If everything goes _ the plan, they should be finished by Thursday. A. according to B. thanks to C. because of D. instead of( ) 2. He found _ very interesting _ a horse. A. that; to ride B. this; riding C. it; to ride D. it is; to ride( ) 3. Its impossible _ them _ finish the work in such a short time. A. of; to B. of; and C. for; to D. for; and( ) 4. Ive made up my mind _ to her myself. Nothing will make me change it. A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. spoken( ) 5. I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _ , I wont go. A. will rain; rains B. will rain; will rain C. rains; rains D. rains; will rain6). In order to help Harry, his friends read many books and discovered the best way to defeat his enemies. 译:_ 点拨:动词不定式短语to defeat his enemies在句子中作名词way的后置定语练习:a.我有很多工作要做。 I have _ _ work _ _. b.他正在找一个住的房子。He is looking for a room _ _ _.链接:其它几种定语后置的用法:(1)形容词修饰复合不定代词时要后置 (2)分词短语修饰名词时要后置 (3)介词短语修饰名词时要后置练习:a.今天的报纸有重要的新闻吗?Is there _ _ in todays newspaper? b.你认识站在树下的那个女孩吗? Do you know the girl _ _ _ _? c.一个带着帽子的男人过来坐在她身旁。 A man _ _ _ came up and sat beside her.7). In fact, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle. 译:_点拨:强调句结构- it + be + 强调部分 + who / that / whom + 其它被强调部分 练习:a.It was you who / that had been wrong. 译:_ b.Its Tom whom / (that) you should ask. 译:_8). In my view, neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends. 译:_ 点拨:view (n.) - (对某物的)观点,看法,意见;景色,风景;视力,视野 view(v.) - 观看,查看链接:review( )- _ interview ( ) - _ interviewer ( ) - _ 练习:a. Victory is in view. 译:_ b. She tried writing out her views. 译:_9). Sometimes we cant help laughing because of his funny behavior. 译:_点拨: cant help doing - 情不自禁/忍不住做练习: 听到这个坏消息时,他忍不住哭了。 He _ _ _ when he _ _ _ _.链接:cant help (to) do sth. - 不能帮助做某事 练习: Im sorry I cant help (to) do anything for you. 译:_10). He hides by turning himself into a small living thing such as a bee or a fly.译:_点拨:turn into= changeinto- 把变成练习:a.那个妖怪把那个年轻的女孩变成了一条美人鱼。 The genie _ the young girl _ a fish beauty. (被动语态)_ _ b.在零度以下水就会变成冰。Water _ _ _ ice _ zero.点拨:such as - 例如,像 用于列举数个事例,加以解释说明,只用于句中,后接名词或名词短语 练习:下班后我有很多事情要做,比如拖地板,洗衣服等。I have many things _ _after work, _ _ sweeping floor, _ _ and so on.链接:for example = for instance -例如用于列举单个事例,可放在句前,中,后,可接名词(短语),亦可接句子 练习:a.将计算机科学与其它学科,如物理学,结合起来是可能的。It is possible to combine computer science with _ _, _ _/_ _, physics. b. Maria能说三种语言分别是法语,英语和汉语。Maria can _ _ _, _, French, English and Chinese.11). Perhaps that is the reason why we admire them. 译:_ 思考:句中why引导的_从句, 修饰先行词_ 练习:a.The reason why so many people caught the disease is still not clear. 译:_ b.Could you please tell me the reason why you are good at learning English?译:_三、训练检测:单项选择( ) 1. It was the same day a year ago _ I started working here. Ill never forget the days I spent here. A. who B. which C. when D. that( ) 2. Does the teacher know everybody _ planted the tree? Yes, he does. A. which B. whose C. where D. who( ) 3. The man _ Jim is talking is my uncle. A. who B. with whom C. / D. in which( ) 4. The letter _ I received from him yesterday is very important. A. where B. / C. in that D. who( ) 5. She couldnt help _ when she saw it. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing12)During the journey they had an argument, and the taller boy slapped the shorter one in the face. 译:_点拨:have an argument - 争吵,争辩 = argue(v.) 搭配介词-with argue with sb.练习:a.有时我会和我哥争吵。 Sometimes I _ _ _ _ my _ brother.同义句:_ b.我不想和你就这钱怎么花而争论不休。 I am not going to _ _ you about _ _ _ the money.点拨: slap sb. in the face - 掴某人的脸。 hit sb. on the nose/ head - 打某人的鼻子或头 (表示击中某人突出的部位时,用on,击中面积大的部位用in。)练习:a.由于他回家晚,他父亲打了他一耳光。 His father _ _ _ _ _ because he went home late.b.由于生气,他打了那个孩子的头。 He _ the boy _ _ _ _ _ anger.13).But without saying anything , he wrote in the sand. 译:_点拨: sand - 沙子(不可数名词) ; 沙滩,沙地,沙漠(可数名词)练习:a.海滨的沙又白又净。The _ on the beach _ white and clean. b.孩子们喜欢在沙滩上玩耍。 The children _ _ _ playing _ _ _.14).They kept on walking till they found a pond. 译:_点拨:keep on doing- 动作反复进行(持之以恒) 链接:keep doing- 强调一种动作的连续,不间断 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep up with 跟上,不落后练习:a.Dont give up our dream, keep on trying. 译:_ b.He kept talking for about an hour. 译:_get stuck in sth. 陷进.里15). Luckily, he was pulled to safety by his friend. 译:_点拨:luckily (adv.) - 幸运地是,常用作句首状语 链接:名词-_ 形容词-_ - 反义词-_练习:a.我有幸获得了冠军。 I had the _ to _ the first place. b. 祝你好运! Good _ _ you!c.有些人似乎永远是幸运的。 Some people seem _ _ always _. d.幸运儿 _ _三、训练检测:单项选择( ) 1. Where are you going to tell the bad news to Jim? _ he comes back. A. Unless B. As soon as C. Since D. While( ) 2. Journey to the West, _ tells something about the Monkey King, is my favourite novel. A. who B. that C. which D. when( ) 3. Do you know when Dr. While _ for dinner this evening? No, but I think he _ if he is free. A. will come; comes B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. comes; will come( ) 4. They kept on _ without _ anything. A. working; say B. working; saying C. work; say D. work; saying( ) 5. Ive been told about it many times. Could you tell me _? A. something else new B. anything new else C. nothing else new D. everything new else( ) 6. They produced two reports, neither of _ contained(包括) any useful suggestions. A. that B. whom C. / D. which( ) 7. I left my umbrella in my room. Could you wait _ I go back to get it? A. when B. if C. while D. before( ) 8. The thief went in _ the window. A. cross B. through C. across D. to( ) 9. The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people. _, no one was badly hurt. A. Unluckily B. Fortunate C. Unfortunately D. Luckily16). maybe 表示不确定的推测 文中 may be 中may是情态动词,表推测。17). keep ones mind on (doing) sth. 专心于(做)某事。18). I bet I can beat you in a race unless you put wheels on your feet. 译:_分析:句中unless引导了一个_从句, unless还可以用ifnot代换 同义句转换:I bet I can beat you in a race, _ you _ put wheels on your feet.点拨:I bet - 我敢肯定(口语) 链接:You bet. - 的确,当然,一定 练习: a.除非你帮助我,否则我不能完成任务。 I cant _ my work _ you help me. b.我敢肯定是Jim把它拿走了. _ _ Jim has _ it _.点拨:beat sb. - 打败,战胜对手 同义词:defeat 链接:win - 赢,获胜(后接比赛,游戏,战争等)19).Tell you what, Hare. 点拨: tell you what - 我的建议是, 告诉你吧(口语) 链接:to tell you the truth -说实话练习: a.同学们,我提个建议,明天举行英语晚会吧。 _ _ _, _. Lets _an English party tomorrow. b.说实话我不喜欢和他交朋友。 _ _ _ _ _, I dislike _ _ _ him.20). I must stick to going ahead. 译:_ 点拨:stick to doing sth. - 坚持做某事 = insist on doing sth. ahead(adv.) - (时间,空间)向前,在前面拓展:stick to sb. 紧跟着某人练习:如果你想成功,就必须坚持努力学习。 If you _ _ _, you must _ _ _ _.21). catch up with = keep up with 追上,赶上22). so+ adj. + a/ an +单数名词 such+ a/ an + adj. +单数名词三、训练检测:单项选择( ) 1. I cant finish the work _ you help me do it. A. till B. unless C. if D. if not( ) 2. I dont think Jim can run _ Tom. A. so fast as B. as faster C. faster as D. faster like( ) 3. If he refuses to take our advice and sticks to his own plan, the whole thing will reach crisis(危机) point _. A. sooner rather than later B. sooner or later C. the sooner the better D. just now( ) 4. I had fallen so _ behind that it seemed pointless(无意义地) trying to catch up. A. few B. far C. little D. near( ) 5. He coughed day and night. His wife asked him _ smoking. A. giving up B. going on C. to give up D. to go on( ) 6. He hasnt got any hobbies _ he learns how to play chess. A. if B. until C. when D. unless( ) 7. I bet we will _ them and _ the game. A. beat; win B. win; beat C. beat; beat D. win; win( ) 8. It was a difficult time, but we never _ hope. A. stop B. give up C. put up D. set up6


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