译林英语6B U1学习任务单

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6B Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 学习任务单一 基础知识部分 单词(详见单词表上本单元单词) 词组:1. make a study plan 制定一个学习计划 2.in the forest 在森林里 3. large and strong大而且强壮 4. walk by 走过5. wake the lion up吵醒了狮子 6. so small and weak 如此小而弱 7. one day 有一天 8. some day 某一天9. help you 帮助你 10. say quietly 悄悄地说11. cry/ask sadly 伤心地问/哭 12. laugh loudly 大声笑 13. say happily 开心地说 14.let the mouse go放了老鼠15. the next day 第二天 16. catch the lion with a large net 用一张大网抓住了狮子17. bite the net with his sharp teeth 用他锋利的牙齿咬网18. get out 出来 19. just then 就在那时20. make a big hole in the net在网上弄出一个洞 21. from then on 从那时起 22. become friends 成为朋友 23. want to buy a lollipop想要买根棒棒糖24.cheer for them loudly 大声地为他们加油 25. play table tennis happily 开心地打乒乓 . 26. two men 两个人 27. be good at table tennis 擅长打乒乓28. too excited 太激动了 29. hit the ball hard 用力击球 30. find the ball 找到球 31. find a hole in the ground 在地上找到一个洞 32. too deep 太深 33. cant reach it 够不到 34. have an idea 有一个主意(想法) 35. bring some water quickly 赶快拿来一些水 36. pour the water into the hole 把水倒进洞里 37. so many balls 这么多球 38. look sad 看起来伤心 39. take him to an office 把他带到一间办公室 40. become happy 变得开心起来 41. It doesnt matter. 没关系。 42. Aesops Fables 伊索寓言 43. a Chinese idiom book 一本成语故事书44. find many animal stories 发现许多动物故事 45. run fast/quickly 跑得快46. talk excitedly 激动地谈话 47. read quietly 安静地读 句型:1. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. 有一天,一只老鼠路过吵醒了狮子。2. Please dont eat me. I can help you some day. said the mouse quietly. “请不要吃我。有一天我会帮助你的。”老鼠轻声地说。3. How can you help me? laughed the lion loudly. “你怎么可能帮助我?”狮子大笑着。4. The lion could not get out from the net. 狮子从网里出不来了。5. The mouse helped the lion get out. 老鼠帮助狮子出来了。6. Who woke the lion up? The mouse did. 谁吵醒了狮子?老鼠。7. Did the lion eat the mouse? No, he didnt. 狮子吃了老鼠吗?不,没有。8. How did the men catch the lion? They caught the lion with a large net. 那两个人是怎样捉住狮子的?用一张大网。9. Hes a happy boy. He laughs happily. 他是个快乐的男孩。他笑得很开心。10. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily. 山姆和波比正在开心地打乒乓。11. Well done, Sam! 干得好,山姆!12. The girl is shouting loudly. 女孩正在大声地喊叫。13. The children are talking excitedly. 孩子们正在激动地讲话。14. My father is reading quietly. 我父亲正在安静地看书。15. The people are laughing happily. 人们正在开心地笑。16. This is a Chinese idiom book. You can also find many animal stories in it. 这是中国成语故事。你们也可以在里面找到很多动物故事。二 语法知识部分1. 副词的用法:副词用来修饰行为动词或动词词组例如:walk/write/read+ carefully speak/laugh+ loudly cry/ask +sadly say/read/sit +quietly play football happily 2. 连系动词有:be, look taste, feel, feel , become, turn ,smell, sound, get, grow, keep 等连系动词后用形容词:如 be excited, look happy( sad ) ; feel happy (sad) ; become happy (angry ) ; turn green ; get angry ; keep quiet 3. 形容词变为副词的规律:.大部分形容词,在词尾加ly变副词beautiful漂亮的beautifully 漂亮地careful仔细的小心的carefully仔细地 小心地sad 伤心的sadly伤心地loud 响亮的,大声的loudly响亮地,大声地quiet安静的quietly安静地excited 兴奋的,激动的excitedly兴奋地,激动地quick快的quickly迅速地worried 着急的worriedly 着急地fearful 害怕的fearfully 害怕地surprised 惊奇的surprisedly 惊奇地 .以y结尾的形容词,去y变i加lyhappy高兴的happily高兴地angry生气的angrily生气地.形容词副词同体fast快的fast 快地hard 硬的,努力的hard硬地,努力地early早的 early早地high 高的high高地late 晚的late晚地far 远的far远地.不规则变化形容词副词goodwell特例:lovely可爱的 friendly友好的 都为形容词4. walk by : by 在这里是副词,意思是“经过”通常和come, go, walk, run, drive, fly.等动词连用。 例如:A car is coming by. 一辆小汽车正经过。5. wake up 是“叫醒,弄醒”的意思,例如:wake me up 叫醒我。 Dont wake up your father。不要叫醒你的爸爸。 Dont wake your father up. (后面接的宾语是代词,要放在中间) (如果后面接的宾语是名词,则可以放在中间或后面。)6. one day和some day 区别 one day 既可以指过去的某一天,也可以指将来的某一天 some day只能指将来的某一天例:One day I met him in the street. 有一天我在街上遇见了他。Some day well both get to see New York. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。7. 几个不规则的复数形式:tooth-teeth , man- men , woman-women, child-children, foot-feet, mouse-mice8. be good at = do well in擅长 (方面做得好)+动词ing,或者+名词。9. 本单元出现的不规则动词过去式:is - was ; say - said ; catch - caught ; do - did ; see - saw ; make - made ; get - got bite - bit ; let - let ; wake - woke ; become - became ; go - went ; take - took ; give - gave hit - hit三拓展练习部分1. 填入适当的词quiet(副词)_ beautiful(副词)_ happy(副词)_ angry(副词) good(副词)_ excited(副词)_ fast (副词)_ sadly(形容词) carefully(形容词)_ give(过去式) catch(过去式) say(过去式) get(过去式) bite(过去式) become(过去式) bring(过去式) take(过去式) hit (过去式) wake(过去式) tooth(复数 week(同音词) mouse(复数) 2. 选择( )1)The king was . A. tall and strong B. happily C. quietly ( )2)The woman is . She is crying . A. happily,happy B. sadly,sad C. sad ,sadly ( )3)Its my birthday today. Im very_. A. sad B. happy C. happily ( )4)I can walk _. A. fast B. quick C. happy( )5)He listens to his teachers . A. careful B. sadly C. carefully( )6)The boy became . A. happily B. happy C. angrily( )7)This race is interesting. They feel . A. excited B. exciting C. excitedly( )8)Sam hit Bobbys head _. A. hardly B. quick C. hard( )9)Dont shout . Please keep . A. loud;quietly B. loudly;quiet C. loudly;quietly( )10)The boys were very . They played at the party. A. excited;happily B. excitedly;happy C. excited;happy3. 用所给词的正确形式填空1) The teacher looked at her students _(happy) We also felt _ (happy)for them.2) He is shouting (loud) and the music is also_(loud).3) John looks _ (sad) because he lost his bike.4) Hi, girls, there are two seats (座位) here. You should (sit) (quiet)5) Football is_ (excite). Everyone is_ (excite) when he is watching a football match.6) The old man looked at them_(angry)and couldnt say a word.7) All of them are_ to their new_. (friend)8) They talk _(excited) in the English lesson.9) Who (wake) you up this morning?10)Li Ping is good at _. (draw)11)My father asked me . (angry).最新英语国际音标表(48个)长元音/:/:/ :/i:/u:/ 短元音/e/双元音/e/a/e/a/ 清辅音/p/ t/ k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/ 清辅音/ h/ts/t/tr/浊辅音/ r/dz/d/dr/鼻音/m/n/半元音/ j/ w/边音 / /


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