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2022年考博英语-合肥工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题When some Americans speak of the virtues of English, they almost always begin by glorifying its enormous vocabulary, which is at least twice as large as that of any other language. But this is not what enchants the foreigner; on the contrary, the vast reaches of the vocabulary naturally alarm him. The thing that really wins him is the clarity and simplicity of the language. We use, for all our store of Latin polysyllables, a great many more short words than long ones, and we are always trying to make the long ones short. What was once puniligrion is now pun; what was gasoline only yesterday is already gas. No other European language has so many three-letter words, nor so many four-word sayings. “First come, first served”that is typically English, for it is bold, plain, and short.【答案】当一些美国人谈及英语的优点时,几乎总是一开始就赞美其词汇量之庞大,英语的词汇比任何其他语言的词汇至少多一倍。然而,吸引外国人的并不是词汇量大,相反,浩瀚的词汇很容易令外国人担忧。真正赢得外国人的是英语简练和淳朴的特征。尽管英语中有大量的源于拉丁文的多音节词,但我们却更多地使用短语,少用长词。而且,我们总是努力把长词缩短。以前使用puniligrion,现在缩短成了pun;昨天还是gasoline,今天已成为gas。欧洲没有任何一种其他语言有这么多由三个字母构成的单词,也没有如此多由四个单词构成的语言。“First comes, first served(先到先供应)”便是典型的英语,因为它一目了然、朴实无华、短小精悍。2. 单选题The European Union revealed on January 23th how it plans to save the world. A mammoth climate-change plan spells out in detail how much pain each of its 27 members will have to bear if the EU is to meet ambitious targets set by national leaders last Match.The aim is to cut greenhouse-gas emissions by 2020 by at least a fifth, and more than double to 20% the amount of energy produced from renewable sources such as wind or wave power. If fuel from plants proves green enough, 10% of the fuel used in transport must come from biofuels by the same date. The new plan turns these goals into national targets. This will surely start much grumbling and months of horse-trading, as the European Commissions recommendations are turned into binding law by national governments and the European Parliament.Countries with greenery in their veins are being asked to take more of the burden than newer members. Sweden, for example, is being invited to meet 49% of its energy from renewables. At the other end, Malta gets a renewables target of just 10%. It is a similar story when it comes to cutting greenhouse gases: by 2020, Denmark must cut emissions by 20% from 2005 levels; Bulgaria and Romania, the newest members, may let their emissions rise by 20%.EU leadership on climate change will not come cheap. The direct costs alone may be e 60 billion ($87 billion), or about 0.5% of total EU GDP, by 2020, said the commissions president, Jose Manuel Barroso. But this is still presented as a bargain compared with the cost of inaction, which Mr Barroso put at ten times as high. “Oh, leading the world in the fight against climate change need not cost jobs, even in the most heavily polluting branches of heavy industry. We want to keep our industry in Europe”, insisted Mr. Barroso.The trick to achieve the seemingly impossible targets is the EUs emissions-trading scheme (ETS). This obliges big polluters such as power companies or manufacturing giants to trade permits that allow them to emit CO2 and other climate-change nasties, within a steadily tightening overall cap. If countries such as the United States do not sign binding international agreements by 2011, then the heaviest greenhouse-gas emitters inside the EU may be given these allowances free, the commission suggests. Or, it threatens, firms outside the EU could be forced to buy ETS permits.1. To its member nations, the EUs plan means _.2. By using some data in paragraph 3, the author _.3. According to Mr. Barroso, heavy industry in the EU countries will _.4. According to the EUs ETS, big polluters _.问题1选项A.a fierce competitionB.an ideal goalC.a good opportunityD.a difficult task问题2选项A.gives an objective description of the task assignment among EU countriesB.shows disapproval of allowing some nations to raise their CO2 emissionsC.reveals his puzzlement about why some nations are to do less than othersD.presents his admiration for those who take greater pains to save the world问题3选项A.stop being the biggest polluterB.be short of skilled workforceC.continue operatingD.react with inaction问题4选项A.shall be given no permits until 2011B.have to pay for their existenceC.will be allowed a fixed amount of emissionsD.can benefit if they choose to be inside the EU【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“对其成员国来说,欧盟的计划意味着”。根据第一段最后一句A mammoth climate-change plan spells out in detail how much pain each of its 27 members will have to bear if the EU is to meet ambitious targets set by national leaders last Match.(一项庞大的气候变化计划详细说明了如果欧盟想要实现各国领导人在上一场比赛中设定的雄心勃勃的目标,其27个成员国将会承受多大的痛苦)和最后一段第一句The trick to achieve the seemingly impossible targets is the EUs emissions-trading scheme (ETS).(达到这些似乎不可能的任务的窍门是欧盟的排放交易计划)可推知,对欧盟的成员国来说,这一项计划是很艰巨的任务,D项“一项艰巨的任务”符合题意;A项“一个激烈的竞争”、B项“一个理想的目标”和C项“一个很好的机会”都与文章不符,文章主要讲述的是欧盟制定的拯救世界的计划会需要其成员国更多的责任和代价,是一个不可能实现的计划。因此,该题选择D项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“通过使用第三段中的一些数据,作者”。第三段主要围绕绿色能源比重大的国家比其他国家被要求承担更多的责任而进行分析和具体说明,作者在这里只是一个客观的陈述,并未透露自己的情绪观点,A项“客观描述了欧盟国家之间的任务分配”符合题意;B项“表示不赞成一些国家提高二氧化碳排放量”、C项“揭示了他对为什么有些国家比其他国家做得少的困惑”和D项“对那些为拯救世界付出更大努力的人表示钦佩”概括不正确。因此,该题选择A项正确。3.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“据巴罗佐先生说,欧盟国家的重工业将会”。根据第四段巴罗佐先生说的话Oh, leading the world in the fight against climate change need not cost jobs, even in the most heavily polluting branches of heavy industry. We want to keep our industry in Europe.(领导世界对抗气候变化不需要以就业为代价,即使是在污染最严重的重工业,我们想留住欧洲的工业产业)可知,欧盟国家的重工业将会继续,C项“继续运营”正确;由此也可知A项“停止做最大的污染者”错误;B项“缺少熟练劳动力”没有提到;由But this is still presented as a bargain compared with the cost of inaction, which Mr Barroso put at ten times as high.(但与不作为的代价相比,这仍然是一笔便宜的交易,巴罗佐认为不作为的代价是它的十倍)可知,不作为的代价很高,所以欧盟国家的重工业不会不作为,D项“不作为”错误。因此,该题选择C项正确。4.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“根据欧盟排放交易体系,大污染企业”。根据最后一段对欧盟排放交易体系的描述:This obliges big polluters such as power companies or manufacturing giants to trade permits that allow them to emit CO2 and other climate-change nasties, within a steadily tightening overall cap. If countries such as the United States do not sign binding international agreements by 2011, then the heaviest greenhouse-gas emitters inside the EU may be given these allowances free, the commission suggests. Or, it threatens, firms outside the EU could be forced to buy ETS permits.(这就迫使电力公司等大型污染者或者制造巨头交易许可证,以允许他们在稳步收紧总体限制范围内排放二氧化碳和其他造成气候变化的排放物。委员会暗示,如果像美国这样的国家到2011年不签署约束性国际协议,那么最大的温室气体排放国在欧盟可能会免费得到准许。或者,委员会威胁到,欧盟以外的公司可能会被迫购买ETS许可。),由此可以推理,大型污染企业如果选择加入欧盟就能够获益,而不至于被迫购买ETS许可,故D项“如果他们选择留在欧盟,他们可以从中受益”正确;A项“在2011年之前都不会得到许可”表述不完全;B项“必须为他们的生存付出代价”概括不准确;C项“将被允许一个固定的排放量”这是在加入欧盟的前提下才能实现。因此,该题选择D项正确。3. 单选题Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?问题1选项A.senselessB.unimportantC.indifferentD.uninteresting【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项senseless“愚蠢的;无知觉的;无意识的”;B选项unimportant“不重要的;琐碎的”;C选项indifferent“不关心的,冷淡的”;D选项uninteresting“无趣味的;乏味的”。句意:美国知识分子在他的社会中被排斥,被认为是,这是真的吗?根据关键信息the American intellectual is rejected“美国知识分子被排斥”,也即是说美国知识分子在他们的社会中很难享有一席之地,因为他们不受重视。因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题The large amounts of personal data floating around in society today leaves individuals open to having their privacy to be violated, sometimes with serious consequences.问题1选项A.floating aroundB.leavesC.be violatedD.with【答案】B【解析】考查单复数。The large amounts of跟名词做主语,谓语动词要用复数。句意:当今社会中大量的个人信息使个人隐私很容易受到侵犯,有时会带来严重的后果。因此,该题选择B项。5. 单选题Experiments using animals have played a crucial role in the development of modem medical treatments, and they will continue to be necessary as researchers seek to _ existing ailments and respond to the emergence of new disease.问题1选项A.alleviateB.replicateC.dwindleD.exploit【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项alleviate“减轻,缓和”,B项replicate“复制,折叠”,C项dwindle“减少,变小”,D项exploit“开发,开拓,剥削”。空格处填入动词,其宾语是existing ailments“现有的疾病”,结合后面的句子respond to the emergence of new disease“应对新疾病的出现”可知,alleviate符合语境。句意:动物实验在现代医学治疗的发展中发挥了至关重要的作用,在研究人员寻求减轻现有疾病和应对新疾病出现时,这些实验将继续是必要的。因此,该题选择A项正确。6. 单选题The first mistake is to think of mankind as a thing in itself. It isnt. It is part of an intricate web of life. And we cant think even of life as a thing in itself. It isnt. It is part of the intricate structure of a planet bathed by energy from the Sun.The Earth, in the nearly 5 billion years since it assumed approximately its present form, has undergone a vast evolution. When it first came into being, it very likely lacked what we would today call an ocean and an atmosphere. These were formed by the gradual outward movement of material as the solid interior settled together.Nor were ocean, atmosphere, and solid crust independent of each other after formation. There is interaction always: evaporation, condensation, solution, weathering. Far within the solid crust there are slow, continuing changes, too, of which hot springs, volcanoes, and earth-quakes are the more noticeable manifestations here on the surface.Between 2 billion and 3 billion years ago, portions of the surface water, bathed by the energetic radiation from the Sun, developed complicated compounds in organization sufficiently versatile to qualify as what we call “life”. Life forms have become more complex and more various ever since.But the life forms are as much part of the structure of the Earth as any inanimate portion is. It is all an inseparable part of a whole. If any animal is isolated totally from other forms of life, then death by starvation will surely follow. If isolated from water, death by asphyxiation will follow still faster. If isolated from the Sun, animals will survive for a time, but plants would die, and if all plants died, all animal would starve.It works in reverse, too, for the inanimate portion of Earth is shaped and molded by life. The nature of the atmosphere has been changed by plant activity (which adds to the air the free oxygen it could not otherwise retain). The soil is turned by earthworms, while enormous ocean reefs are formed by coral.The entire planet, plus solar energy, is one enormous intricately interrelated system. The entire planet is a life form made up of nonliving portions and a large variety of living portions (as our own body is made up of nonliving crystals in bones and nonliving water in blood, as well as of a large variety of living portions).In fact, we can pursue the analogy. A man is of 50 trillion cells of a variety of types, all interrelated and interdependent. Loss of some of those cells, such as those making up an entire, will seriously handicap all the rest of the organism: serious damage to a relatively few cells in an organ, such as the heart or kidneys, may end by killing all 50 trillion.In the same way, on planetary scale, the chopping down of an entire forest may not threaten Earths life in general, but it will produce serious changes in the life forms of the region and even in the nature of the water runoff and, therefore, in the details of geological structure. A serious decline in the bee population will affect the numbers of those plants that depend on bees for fertilization, then the numbers of those animals that depend on those particular bee-fertilized plants, and so on.Or consider cell growth. Cells in those organs that suffer constant wear and tearas in the skin or in the intestinal lininggrow and multiply all life long. Other cells, not so exposed, as in nerve and muscle, do not multiply at all in the adult, under any circumstances. Still other organs, ordinarily quiescent, as liver and bone, stand ready to grow if that is necessary to replace damage. When the proper repairs are made, growth stops.In a much looser and more flexible way, the same is true of die “planet organism” (which we study in the science called ecology). If cougars grow too numerous, the deer they live on are decimated, and some of the cougars die of starvation, so that their “proper number” is restored. If too many cougars die, then deer multiply with particular rapidity, and cougars multiply quickly in turn, till the additional predators bring down the number of deer again. Barring interference from outside, the eaters and the eaten retain their proper numbers, and both are the better for it.The neat economy of growth within an organism such as a human being is sometimesfor what reason, we know notdisrupted, and a group of cells begins growing without limit. This is the dread disease of cancer, and unless that growing group of cells is somehow stopped, the wild growth will throw all the body structure out of true and end by killing the organism itself.In ecology, the same would happening if, for some reason, one particular type of organism began to multiply without limit, killing its competitors and increasing its own food supply at the expense of that of others. That, too, could end in the destruction of the larger systemmost or all of life and even of certain aspects of the inanimate environment.And this is exactly what is happening at this moment. For thousands of years, the single species Homo sapiens, to which you and I have the dubious honor of belonging, has been increasing in numbers. In the past couple of centuries, the rate of increase has itself increased explosively.At the time of Julius Caesar, when Earths human population is estimated to have been 150 million, that population was increasing at rate that it would double in 1000 years if that rate remained steady. Today, with Earths population estimated at about 4000 million, it is increasing at a rate which, if steady, will cause it to double in 35 years.The present rate of increase of Earths swarming human population qualifies as an ecological cancer, which will destroy the ecology just as surely as any ordinary cancer would destroy an organism.The cure? Just what it is for any cancer. The cancerous growth must somehow be stopped.Of course, it will be. If we do nothing at all, the growth will stop, as a cancerous growth in a man will stop if nothing is done. The man dies and the cancer dies with it.How can the human population explosion be stopped? By raising the death rate or by lowering the birthrate. There are no other alternatives. The death rate will rise spontaneously and finally catastrophically, if we do nothingand that within a few decades. To make the birth rate fall, somehow, is surely preferable, and that is therefore the first order of mankinds business today.Failing this, mankind would stand at the bar of abstract justice as the mass murderer of life generally, his own included, and mass disrupter of the intricate planetary development that made life in its present glory possible in the first place.1. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?2. According to the author, the analogy between the entire planet and the human body is based on all of the following EXCEPT _.3. According to the article, what is NOT true about the population in the world?4. In “Failing this, mankind would stand at the bar of abstract justice” (last paragraph), which of the following does “this” refer to?5. “The neat economy of growth within organism” (12th paragraph) means _.问题1选项A.It took the universe 5 billion years to form the earth.B.Evaporation, condensation, solution, weathering are four major factors that contributed to the formation of the earth.C.Life forms were first developed in deep water between 2 billion and 3 billion years ago.D.Life is as much, part of the structure of the Earth as any inanimate portion is and in reverse, the inanimate portion of the Earth is shaped and modified by life.问题2选项A.They are both composed of nonliving portions and a large variety of living portions.B.They are both enormously intricate and interrelated systems.C.They are both made up of 50 trillion cells of a variety of types, all interrelated and interdependent.D.Their overall growth may be disrupted if a group of cells or a particular type of organism begins to grow without limit.问题3选项A.For thousands of years, human population has been increasing in number.B.At the time of Julius Caesar, human population was increasing slowly.C.Today, the Earths population is estimated to double in 35 years.D.If we do nothing at all, the growth of the Earths population will never stop.问题4选项A.The human population explosion being stopped.B.Raising the death rate or lowering the birthrate.C.The death rate rising spontaneously and catastrophically.D.Reduction of the birthrate.问题5选项A.The balanced and interrelated development of an organ.B.The pure cost of development within organism.C.The very slow development within organism.D.The rapid development of organism.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节推理题。题干意思是“根据这篇文章,下列哪个陈述是正确的?”根据第二段第一句The Earth, in the nearly 5 billion years since it assumed approximately its present form, has undergone a vast evolution.(地球自从呈现目前的形状近50亿年以来,已经经历了一次巨大的演化)可知,50亿年前地球初步形成,并非地球花了50亿年才形成,A项“宇宙花了50亿年才形成了地球”错误;由第三段前两句Nor were ocean, atmosphere, and solid crust independent of each other after formation. There is interaction always: evaporation, condensation, solution, weathering.(海洋、大气和固体地壳在形成后也不是相互独立的。总是有相互作用:蒸发,凝结,溶解,风化。)可知,蒸发,凝结,溶解,风化只是地球形成后海洋、大气层以及地壳之间作用的形式,而不是地球形成的因素,B项“蒸发,凝结,溶解,风化是促成地球形成的四个主要因素”错误;根据第四段第一句Between 2 billion and 3 billion years ago, portions of the surface water, bathed by the energetic radiation from the Sun, developed complicated compounds in organization sufficiently versatile to qualify as what we call “life”.(在20亿到30亿年前,部分地表水沐浴在太阳的高能辐射下,发展出结构复杂、功能丰富的化合物,可以称得上是我们所说的“生命”。)可知,生命的形式是在地球表面发展来的,C项“生命形式最初是在20亿到30亿年前的深水中发展起来的”错误;根据第五段第一句But the life forms are as much part of the structure of the Earth as any inanimate portion is. It is all an inseparable part of a whole.(但是生命形式是地球结构的一部分,就像任何无生命的部分一样)和第六段首句It works in reverse, too, for the inanimate portion of Earth is shaped and molded by life.(反之亦然,地球上无生命的部分是由生命塑造的)可知,D项“生命和任何无生命的部分一样,都是地球结构的一部分,反过来说,地球的无生命部分是由生命塑造和修改的”正确。因此,该题选择D项正确。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“根据作者的说法,整个地球和人体之间的类比是基于以下几个,除了?”。根据文章的第七段The entire planet, plus solar energy, is one enormous intricately interrelated system. The entire planet is a life form made up of nonliving portions and a large variety of living portions (as our own body is made up of nonliving crystals in bones and nonliving water in blood, as well as of a large variety of living portions).(整个地球,加上太阳能,是一个庞大而错综复杂的系统。整个地球是一种由无生命部分和各种各样的生命部分组成的生命形式,就像我们自己的身体是由骨头中的无生命晶体和血液中的无生命水,以及各种各样的生命部分组成。)和第八段In fact, we can pursue the analogy. A man is of 50 trillion cells of a variety of types, all interrelated and interdependent. Loss of some of those cells, such as those making up an entire, will seriously handicap all the rest of the organism: serious damage to a relatively few cells in an organ, such as the heart or kidneys, may end by killing all 50 trillion.(事实上,我们可以进行类比。一个人由50万亿个不同类型的细胞组成,它们都是相互关联、相互依赖的。失去其中一些细胞,比如构成一个整体的细胞,将严重阻碍整个有机体的其他部分:一个器官中相对少数的细胞受到严重损害,如心脏或肾脏,可能会导致50万亿个细胞全部死亡。)可知,A项“它们都是由无生命部分和各种各样的生命部分组成”、B项“它们都是非常复杂和相互关联的系统”和D项“如果一组细胞或某种生物体开始无限制地生长,它们的整体生长可能会受到干扰”是符合文意的;C项“它们都是由50万亿个不同类型的细胞组成的,都是相互联系和相互依赖的”是人体的一个特点,并不是地球的。因此,该题选择C项正确。3.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“根据这篇文章,关于世界人口,哪些是不正确的?”。根据第十五段的内容:At the time of Julius Caesar, when Earths human population is estimated to have been 150 million, that population was increasing at rate that it would double in 1000 years if that rate remained steady. Today, with Earths population estimated at about 4000 million, it is increasing at a rate which, if steady, will cause it to double in 35 years.(在凯撒时代,地球人口估计有1.5亿,如果这个速度保持不变,人口将在1000年内增长一倍。今天,地球上的


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