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2022年考博英语-同济大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题He didnt mention your name but I was sure he was _ to you.问题1选项A.intimatingB.inferringC.alludingD.suggesting【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。intimating“示意,暗示”;inferring“推断,猜想”;alluding“提及,暗指”;suggesting“暗示,建议”。句意:他没有提到你的名字,但是我肯定他暗指你了。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very( ).问题1选项A.obscureB.indefiniteC.dubiousD.intriguing【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。obscure “费解的,不清楚的”;indefinite “不明确的”;dubious“可疑的,不可靠的”;intriguing “有趣的,迷人的”。句意:很少有人听懂教授的讲课,因为主题让人费解。选项A符合题意。3. 翻译题Online newspapers are a look into the future and just pondering it raises the question of whether it isnt nicer getting your daily news curled up in your favorite chair with your ballpoint pen handy to circle items of interest, or scissors ready to snip out articles you want to save. The Gazette Company is betting its subscribers want both electronic and paper options,and so far it seems to be right.The rest of the world is moving into cyberspace more slowly than the United States, and, in the developing world,the Internet has hardly penetrated at all. U. N. Secretary General Kofi Annan is determined to change this through the United Nations Information Technology Service, which will train large numbers of people to lap into the income-enhancing power of the Internet. Annan is also proposing an Internet health network that will provide state-of-the-art medical knowledge to 10,000 clinics and hospitals in poor countries.The onrushing Cyber Age has given newfound power to us all, as seen in Jody Williamss one-woman organization using e-mail to promote a global ban on land mines. Yet, this is but a glimpse of whats ahead in the minds of those immersed in this great and accelerating transformation.At Microsoft, Bill Gates predicts that by 2018 major newspapers will “publish their last paper editions and move solely to electronic distribution,” and that by 2020 dictionaries will redefine books as “eBook titles read on screen”.Translate the following passage into Chinese【答案】网上报纸是对未来的一种展望,仅仅思考一下就会提出问题,蜷缩在你最喜爱的椅子上,用圆珠笔把你每天感兴趣的新闻圈出来,或者用剪刀剪下你想要保存的新闻,这样会不会更好呢?葛泽特公司打赌说他的订阅者想要电子和纸质报纸两种选择,现在看来似乎是正确的。世界其他地区比美国更慢地进入电子信息化空间,在发展中国家,互联网根本没有渗透进来。联合国秘书长科菲安南决心联合联合国信息技术服务来改变这一现状。这个组织将训练大量人员开发互联网的增收潜力。安南还建议建立一个互联网健康网络,这个网络将给一些贫困国家提供10000家诊所和医院最先进的医疗知识。飞速发展的网络时代赋予了我们新的力量,正如一位名叫朱迪威廉姆斯的女士所说,她创办的妇女组织用邮件倡导全球禁用地雷。然而,这在那些沉浸在这种伟大而加速的变革中的人的头脑中,只是对未来的一瞥。微软公司的比尔盖茨预测,到2018年,主要新闻报纸将“出版他们最后一版纸质报纸,然后完全转为电子版”,并且到2020年,词典将重新将书定义为“在屏幕上阅读的电子书”。4. 单选题The University in Transformation, edited by Australian futurists Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley, presents some 20 highly varied outlooks on tomorrows universities by writers representing both Western and non-Western perspectives. Their essays raise a broad range of issues, questioning nearly every key assumption we have about higher education today.The most widely discussed alternative to the traditional campus is the Internet Universitya voluntary community to scholars and teachers physically scattered throughout a country or around the world but all linked in cyberspace. A computerized university could have many advantages, such as easy scheduling, efficient delivery of lectures to thousands or even millions of students at once, and ready access for students everywhere to the resources of all the worlds great libraries.Yet the Internet University poses dangers, too. For example, a line of franchised courseware,produced by a few superstar teachers,marketed under the brand name of a famous institution, and heavily advertised, might eventually come to dominate the global education market, warns sociology professor Peter Manicas of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Besides enforcing a rigidly standardized curriculum, such a “college education in a box” could undersell the offerings of many traditional brick and mortar institutions, effectively driving them out of business and throwing thousands of career academics out of work, note Australian communications professors David Rooney and Greg Hearn.On the other hand, while global connectivity seems highly likely to play some significant role in future higher education,that does not mean greater uniformity in course contentor other dangers will necessarily follow. Counter-movements are also at work.Many in academia, including scholars contributing to this volume, are questioning the fundamental mission of university education. What if, for instance, instead of receiving primarily technical training and building their individual careers, university students and professors could focus their learning and research efforts on existing problems in their local communities and the world? Feminist scholar Ivana Milojevic dares to dream what a university might become “if we believed that child-care workers and teachers in early childhood education should be one of the highest (rather than lowest) paid professionals?”Co-editor Jennifer Gidley shows how tomorrows university faculty, instead of giving lectures and conducting independent research, may take on three new roles. Some would act as brokers, assembling customized degree-credit programmes for individual students by mixing and matching the best course offerings available from institutions all around the world. A second group, mentors, would function much like todays faculty advisers, but are likely to be working with many more students outside their own academic specialty. This would require them to constantly be learning from their students as well as instructing them.A third new role for faculty, and in Gidley s view the most challenging and rewarding of all, would be as meaning-makers: charismatic sages and practitioners leading groups of students colleagues in collaborative efforts to find spiritual as well as rational and technological solutions to specific real-world problems.Moreover, there seems little reason to suppose that any one form of university must necessarily drive out all other options. Students may be “enrolled” in courses offered at virtual campuses on the Internet, betweenor even duringsessions at a real world problem focused institution.As co-editor Sohail Inayatullah points out in his introduction, no future is inevitable, and the very act of imagining and thinking through alternative possibilities can directly affect how thoughtfully, creatively and urgently even a dominant technology is adapted and applied. Even in academia, the future belongs to those who care enough to work their visions into practical, sustainable realities.1.When the book reviewer discusses the Internet University, _.2.Which of the following is NOT seen as a potential danger of the Internet University?3.According to the review,what is the fundamental mission of traditional university education?4.Judging from the three new roles envisioned for tomorrows university faculty, university teachers _.5.Which category of writing does the review belong to?问题1选项A.he is in favour of itB.his view is balancedC.he is slightly critical of itD.he is strongly critical of it问题2选项A.Internet-based courses may be less costly than traditional ones.B.Teachers in traditional institutions may lose their jobs.C.Internet-based courseware may lack variety in course content.D.The Internet University may produce teachers with a lot of publicity.问题3选项A.Knowledge learning and career building.B.Learning how to solve existing social problems.C.Researching into solutions to current world problems.D.Combining research efforts of teachers and students in learning.问题4选项A.are required to conduct more independent researchB.are required to offer more courses to their studentsC.are supposed to assume more demanding dutiesD.are supposed to supervise more students in their specialty问题5选项A.Narration.B.Description.C.Persuasion.D.Exposition.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.作者态度题。根据文章第二段,“A computerized university could have many advantages, such as easy scheduling”,可知作者一方面认为网络大学存在很多优势,比如课程安排等等。根据文章第三段,“Yet the Internet University poses dangers”,作者认为网络大学也有很多隐藏着的危险,所以优缺点都有体现。选项B符合题意。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段, “marketed under the brand name of a famous institution, and heavily advertised, might eventually come to dominate the global education marketsuch a “college education in a box” could undersell the offerings of many traditional brick and mortar institutions, effectively driving them out of business and throwing thousands of career academics out of work”,可知大学存在的危险包括由几位明星教师编著的课程大肆宣扬后会主宰教育市场,并且降低实体教育的意义,使教职工失业等,文中并未提及互联网课程的费用问题。选项A符合题意。 3.细节理解题。根据文章第五段第二句,“instead of receiving primarily technical training and building their individual careers, university students and professors could focus their learning and research efforts on existing problems in their local communities and the world?”,可知大学的教育的根本使命就是基本的技术训练和培养学生的职业技能,选项A符合题意。 4.细节理解题。根据文章第六段和第七段,“Some would act as brokersA second group, mentorsA third new role for faculty, and in Gidley s view the most challenging and rewarding of all, would be as meaning-makers.”可知,未来大学教师的三种角色是经纪人、导师和决策制定者。根据文章第六段, “charismatic sages and practitioners leading groups of students colleagues in collaborative efforts to find spiritual as well as rational and technological solutions to specific real-world problems.”,第三种教师角色是带领着学生同事共同寻找解决某些特定现实世界问题的精神的以及合理的和技术性的方法。所以他们的任务更加艰巨了。选项C符合题意。 5.考查文体。纵观全文,第一段进行了导入,简短地介绍了转型中的大学这个本书,接下来第二段和第三段分别阐述了网络大学的优点和缺点,紧接着阐述了网络大学可能给未来带来的影响,以及教师们的角色的变化等等,所以本文对网络大学进行了一系列的说明和阐述,为说明文,选项D符合题意。5. 单选题In his 1976 study of slavery in the United States, Herbert Gutman, like Fogel,Engerman, and Genovese, has rightly stressed the slaves,achievements. But unlike these historians, Gutman gives plantation owners little credit for these achievements. Rather, Gutman argues that one must look to the Black family and the slaves extended kinship system to understand how crucial achievements, such as the maintenance of a cultural heritage and the development of a communal consciousness, were possible. His findings compel attention.Gutman recreates the family and extended kinship structure mainly through an ingenious use of what any historian should draw upon, quantifiable data, derived in this case mostly from plantation birth registers. He also uses accounts of ex-slaves to probe the human reality behind his statistics. These sources indicate that the two-parent household predominated in slave quarters just as it did among freed slaves after emancipation. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent, he shows that the slaves preference, revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent, was very much for stable monogamy. In less conclusive fashion Fogel, Engerman, and Genovese had already indicated the predominance of two-parent households; however, only Gutman emphasizes the preference for stable monogamy and points out what stable monogamy meant for the slaves cultural heritage. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission ofand so was crucial in sustainingthe Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.Gutmans examination of other facets of kinship also produces important findings. Gutman discovers that cousins rarely married, an exogamous tendency that contrasted sharply with the endogamy practiced by the plantation owners. This preference for exogamy, Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage, which,though they differed from one tribal group to another, all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin. This taboo against cousins marrying is important, argues Gutman, because it is one of many indications of a strong awareness among slaves of an extended kinship network. The fact that distantly related kin would care for children separated from their families also suggests this awareness. When blood relationships were few, as in newly created plantations in the Southwest, “fictive” kinship arrangements took their place until a new pattern of consanguinity developed. Gutman presents convincing evidence that this extended kinship structurewhich he believes developed by the mid-to-late eighteenth centuryprovided the foundations for the strong communal consciousness that existed among slaves.In sum, Gutmans study is significant because it offers a closely reasoned and original explanation of some of the slaves achievements,one that correctly emphasizes the resources that slaves themselves possessed.1.With which of the following statements regarding the resources that historians ought to use would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?2.Which of the following statements about the formation of the Black heritage of folklore, music,and religious expression is best supported by the information presented in the passage?3.Which of the following statements concerning the marriage practices of plantation owners during the period of Black slave in the United States can most logically be inferred from the information in the passage?4.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?5.Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage based on its content?问题1选项A.Historians ought to make use of written rather than oral accounts.B.Historians should rely primarily on birth registers.C.Historians should rely exclusively on data that can be quantified.D.Historians ought to make use of data that can be quantified.问题2选项A.The heritage was formed primarily out of the experiences of those slaves who attempted to preserve the stability of their families.B.The heritage was not formed out of the experience of those slaves who married their cousins.C.The heritage was formed more out of the African than out of the American experiences of slaves.D.The heritage was not formed out of the experiences of only a single generation of slaves.问题3选项A.These practices began to alter sometime around the mid-eighteenth century.B.These practices varied markedly from one region of the country to another.C.Plantation owners usually based their choice of marriage partners on economic considerations.D.Plantation owners often married their cousins.问题4选项A.The author compares and contrasts the work of several historians and then discussed areas for possible new research.B.The author presents his thesis,draws on work of several historians for evidence to support his thesis, and concludes by reiterating his thesis.C.The author describes some features of a historical study and then uses those features to put forth his own argument.D.The author presents the general argument of a historical study,describes the study in more detail, and concludes with a brief judgment of the studys value.问题5选项A.The influence of Herbert Gutman on Historians of Slavery in the United States.B.Gutmans Explanation of How Slaves Could Maintain a Cultural Heritage and Develop a Communal Consciousness.C.Slavery in the United States: New Controversy About an Old Subject.D.The Black Heritage of Folklore, Music, and Religious Expression: Its Growing Influence.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:D第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句, “through an ingenious use of what any historian should draw upon, quantifiable data”,可知Gutman主要通过灵活使用任何历史学家都应该利用的可量化数据重现黑人家庭和扩展的亲属结构。选项D符合题意。2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句,“the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another”,可知黑人遗产代代相传,如民俗、音乐和宗教,所以这些遗产不是由一代奴隶的经历形成的,是代代相传的。选项D符合题意。 3.推断题。根据文章第三段第二句,“Gutman discovers that cousins rarely married, an exogamous tendency that contrasted sharply with the endogamy practiced by the plantation owners.”,可知Gutman发现,表亲之间很少通婚,这是一种异族通婚的倾向,与种植园主实行的同族通婚形成了鲜明的对比。可推断出农场主是主张同族通婚的。选项D符合题意。选项D符合题意。 4.主旨题。纵观全文,第一段主要介绍了Gutman的主要观点和发现,第二段和第三段详细介绍了他在黑人家庭和扩展以及亲属关系等各方面的研究方法和过程,最后一段作了总结,指出Gutman的研究是意义重大的,因为它对其中一些奴隶的成就提供了一个最严格的推理和原始的解释。选项D符合题意。 5.主旨题。纵观全文,本文主要提到了Gutman提出黑人家族和奴隶的长期血统对维护文化遗产和公共意识的发展带来了成就和贡献。所以本文的话题是黑人奴隶,并且总结表明,他的研究它对其中一些奴隶的成就提供了一个最严格的推理和原始的解释。他的研究解释了奴隶是如何保持文化遗产和发展集体意识的。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题It was _ to continue the negotiation since both sides lack the sincerity.问题1选项A.fertileB.futileC.fugitiveD.fussy【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。fertile“多产的,富饶的”;futile “无效的,无用的”;fugitive“逃亡的,无常的”;fussy “大惊小怪的,爱挑剔的”。句意:因为双方都缺少真诚,继续谈判是无效的。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题No form of government in the world is _; each system reflects the history and presents needs of the region and the nation.问题1选项A.dominantB.influentialC.integralD.drastic【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。dominant“统治的,支配的”;influential “有影响的,有权势的”;integral “整体的”;drastic “严厉的,激烈的”。句意:世界上没有任何形式的政府是统治性的,每种制度都反映了历史,反映了地区,反映了宗教和国家的需要。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题The farmer warned those children not to _ on the corn.问题1选项A.collapseB.stripeC.strideD.tramp【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。collapse “倒塌,崩溃”;stripe“加条纹”;stride “跨步”;tramp“踩,走过”。句意:农民告诫那些孩子们不要在庄稼地里踩踏。选项D符合题意。9. 单选题After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ( ).问题1选项A.deterioratedB.dispersedC.dissipatedD.drained【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。Deteriorated“恶化”;dispersed“散开,驱散”;dissipated “驱散,消散”;drained “使流干”。句意:四年后,对于同一份工作,他的热情最终逐渐消失了。选项D符合题意。10. 单选题I _ my excitement about the upcoming holiday.问题1选项A.crushB.subdueC.conquerD.tranquilize【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。crush “压碎,镇压”;subdue “压制,征服”;conquer “征服”;tranquilize“使镇静,使安静”。句意:我压制住我对即将到来的假期的兴奋。选项B符合题意。11. 单选题We have to _ the routine expenditure,otherwise it will be impossible for us to afford a car.问题1选项A.declineB.condenseC.curtailD.dwindle【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。decline “下降,衰落”;condense “使浓缩”;curtail“缩减,剪短”;dwindle“使缩小,减小”。句意:我们必须缩减日常开支,否则我们不可能买得起一辆车。选项C符合题意。12. 单选题The dictators first step was to _ the free press.问题1选项A.strangleB.strandC.stratifyD.estrange【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。strangle “压制,使窒息”;strand“使搁浅,陷入困境”;stratify “分层”;estrange “使疏远,离间”。句意:独裁者的第一步是压制言论自由。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题The heavy snow _ travel, so he had to stay here for more days.问题1选项A.impeachedB.impelledC.impededD.imparted【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。impeached “归咎,弹劾”;impelled “推进,促使”;impeded “阻碍”;imparted “给予,传授,告知”。句意:大雪阻碍了旅行,所以他必须在这儿多待几天。选项C符合题意。14. 单选题Having a few too many drinks can mean more than just a blackout or a bad hangover. People who engage in binge drinking are courting danger, experts warn.Binge drinking is most common at colleges and universities, where many adults treat drinking to excess as a rite of passage. A 1997 study from the Harvard School of Public Health reports that 42. 7 % of all college students engage in binge drinking. The well-publicized deaths of several college students from binge drinking in 1997 highlights the risks.An 18-year-old freshman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology drank himself into a coma and died. A 20-year-old fraternity pledge at Louisiana State University died from alcohol poisoning.“Alcohol is always toxic. Its really a poison,”said Steven Schandler,professor of psychology at Chapman University and chief of addiction research at the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Health Care System, who added that binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning. “Because its a poison, like any other poison, if y


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