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2022年考博英语-华东政法大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Educators are seriously concerned about the high rate of dropouts (辍学者) among the doctor of philosophy candidates and the consequent loss of talent to a nation in need of Ph.D.s. Some have placed the dropouts loss as high as 50 percent. The extent of the loss was, however, largely a matter of expert guessing. Last week a well-rounded study was published. It was published. It was based on 22,000 questionnaires sent to former graduate students who were enrolled in 24 universities and it seemed to show many past fears to be groundless.The dropouts rate was found to be 31 percent, and in most cases the dropouts, while not completing the Ph.D. requirement, went on to productive work. They are not only doing well financially, but, according to the report, are not far below the income levels of those who went on to complete their doctorates.Discussing the study last week, Dr. Tucker said the project was initiated because of the concern frequently expressed by graduate faculties and administrators that some of the individuals who dropped out of Ph.D. programs were capable of competing the requirement for the degree. Attrition (缩/减员,磨损) at the Ph.D. level is also thought to be a waste of precious faculty time and a drain on university resources already being used to capacity. Some people expressed the opinion that the shortage of highly trained specialists and college teachers could be reduced by persuading the dropouts to return to graduate schools to complete the Ph.D.“The results of our research,” Dr. Tucker concluded, “did not support these opinions.”1. Lack of motivation was the principal reason for dropping out.2. Most dropouts went as far in their doctoral program as was consistent with their levels of ability or their specialities. 3. Most dropouts are now engaged in work consistent with their education and motivation. Nearly 75 percent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision, but those who mentioned academic reason cited failure to pass the qualifying examination, uncompleted research and failure to pass language exams. Among the single most important personal reasons identified by dropouts for non-completion of their Ph.D. program, lack of finances was marked by 19 per cent.As an indication of how well the dropouts were doing, a chart showed 2% in humanities were receiving $20,000 and more annually while none of the Ph.D.s with that background reached this figure. The Ph.D.s shone in the $7,500 to $15,000 bracket with 78% at that level against 50% for the dropouts. This may also be an indication of the fact that top salaries in the academic fields, where Ph.D.s tend to rise to the highest salaries, are still lagging behind other fields.As to the possibility of getting dropouts back on campus, the outlook was glum. The main condition which would have to prevail for at least 25% of the dropouts who might consider returning to graduate school would be to guarantee that they would retain their present level of income and in some cases their present job.31. The author states that many educators feel that _.32. Research has shown that _.33. Meeting foreign language requirements for the Ph.D. _.34. After reading the article, one would refrain from concluding that _.35. It can be inferred that the high rate of dropouts lies in _.问题1选项A.steps should be taken to get the dropouts back to campusB.the dropouts should return to a lower quality school to continue their studyC.the Ph.D.holder is generally a better adjusted person than the dropoutD. the high dropouts rate is largely attributable to the lack of stimulation on the part of faculty members问题2选项A.dropouts are substantially below Ph.D.s in financial attainmentB.the incentive factor is a minor one in regard to pursuing Ph.D. studiesC.D.s in financial attainmentB. the incentive factor is a minor one in regard to pursuing Ph.D. studiesC.D.s in financial attainmentB. the incentive factor is a minor one in regard to pursuing Ph.D. studiesC. the Ph.D. candidate is likely to change his field of specialization if he drops outD. about one-third of those who start Ph.D. work do not complete the work to earn the degree问题3选项A.is the most frequent reason for dropping outB.is more difficult for the science candidate than for the humanities candidateC.is an essential part of many Ph.D.programsD. does not vary in difficulty among universities问题4选项A.optimism reigns in regard to getting Ph.D. dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degreeB.a Ph.D. dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degreeC.D. dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degreeB. a Ph.D. dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degreeC.D.dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degreeB. a Ph.D. dropout, by and large, does not have what it takes to learn the degreeC. colleges and universities employ a substantial number of Ph.D. dropoutsD. Ph.D.s are not earning what they deserve in nonacademic positions问题5选项A.salary for Ph.D. too low.B.academic requirement too high.C.D. too low.B. academic requirement too high.C.D.too low.B. academic requirement too high.C. salary for dropouts too high.D. 1000 positions.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】31. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据原文定位到第一段开头Educators are seriously concerned about the high rate of dropouts (辍学者) among the doctor of philosophy candidates and the consequent loss of talent to a nation in need of Ph.D.s.(教育工作者非常关注哲学博士候选人的高辍学率,以及一个需要博士生的国家随之而来的人才流失)以及第三段Some people expressed the opinion that the shortage of highly trained specialists and college teachers could be reduced by persuading the dropouts to return to graduate schools to complete the Ph.D.(一些人认为,通过说服辍学者回到研究生院攻读博士学位,可以减少受过良好训练的专家和大学教师的短缺)可知一些人希望采取措施说服辍学者重回校园,选A选项“应该采取措施让辍学者重返校园”;B选项“那些辍学的学生应该回到质量较低的学校继续他们的学业”,C选项“拥有博士学位的人通常比辍学的人更能适应环境”以及D选项“高辍学率很大程度上是由于教员缺乏激励”和原文不符合。因此A选项正确。32. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干定位到原文第二段开头The dropouts rate was found to be 31 percent(调查发现,辍学率为31%)可知辍学人数占据三分之一,D选项“大约三分之一开始攻读博士学位的人没有完成学业获得学位”符合原文;第二段结尾They are not only doing well financially, but, according to the report, are not far below the income levels of those who went on to complete their doctorates.(他们不仅经济状况良好,而且,根据这份报告,他们的收入水平并不比那些继续攻读博士学位的人低多少)可知A选项“在经济成就方面,辍学者大大低于博士”和原文相悖;原文1. Lack of motivation was the principal reason for dropping out.(1. 缺乏动力是退学的主要原因)可知B选项“激励因素是攻读博士学位的次要因素”和原文相悖;原文3. Most dropouts are now engaged in work consistent with their education and motivation.(3.大多数辍学者现在从事与他们的教育和动机相一致的工作)可知C选项“如果博士候选人辍学,他很可能改变他的专业领域”和原文相悖。因此D选项正确。33. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干关键字“foreign language requirements”定位到原文倒数第三段but those who mentioned academic reason cited failure to pass the qualifying examination, uncompleted research and failure to pass language exams.(但那些提到学术原因的人以未能通过资格考试、未完成研究和未能通过语言考试为由)可推测出外语要求是博士生课程的基本组成部分,选C选项“是许多博士项目的重要组成部分”;倒数第三段Nearly 75 percent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision(近75%的退学者表示,他们的决定没有学术原因)可知学术原因不是导致退学的主要原因,A选项“是退学最常见的原因”不符合原文;B选项“对理科考生来说比人文学科考生来说更难”以及D选项“不同的大学在难度上没有太大的差别”原文未涉及。因此C选项正确。34. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文最后一段开头As to the possibility of getting dropouts back on campus, the outlook was glum.(至于让辍学学生重返校园的可能性,前景不容乐观)可知无法得出A选项“在让从博士学位辍学的人重新攻读学位的问题上,乐观主义占据了主导地位”这一结论;B选项“一个从博士学位退学的人,总的来说,没有获得学位所需要的条件”以及C选项“学院和大学雇佣了许多退学学生”文章无提及,因此也没有能从文章得出这个结论这一说,排除;根据倒数第二段最后一句This may also be an indication of the fact that top salaries in the academic fields, where Ph.D.s. tend to rise to the highest salaries, are still lagging behind other fields.(这也可能表明这样一个事实:在博士能挣到最高工资的学术领域中,高工资仍然落后于其他领域)可以推测出D选项“博士们在非学术岗位上挣的钱比不上他们应得的”,排除。因此A选项符合题意。35. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。根据原文倒数第二段最后一句This may also be an indication of the fact that top salaries in the academic fields, where Ph.D.s. tend to rise to the highest salaries, are still lagging behind other fields.(这也可能表明这样一个事实:在博士能挣到最高工资的学术领域中,高工资仍然落后于其它领域)以及最后一段As to the possibility of getting dropouts back on campus, the outlook was glum. The main condition which would have to prevail for at least 25% of the dropouts who might consider returning to graduate school would be to guarantee that they would retain their present level of income and in some cases their present job.(至于返回校园的可能性,前景不乐观。至少有25%的退学生可能考虑返回研究生院就读,条件是保证他们保留现有的收入水平,有些还要保留他们目前的工作)推测出高辍学率主要在于博士的薪水太低,选A选项“博士的薪水太低”;倒数第三段Nearly 75 per cent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision(近75%的退学者表示,他们的决定没有学术原因)可知学术要求太高不是导致退学的主要原因,B选项“学术要求太高”错误;根据第二段They are not only doing well financially, but, according to the report, are not far below the income levels of those who went on to complete their doctorates.(他们不仅经济状况良好,而且,根据这份报告,他们的收入水平并不比那些继续攻读博士学位的人低多少)可知C选项“辍学者的薪水太高”属于过度推断;D选项“1000个职位”和原文不符。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题When you take medicine, be careful not to _ that amount printed on the bottle.问题1选项A.exceedB.substituteC.exertD.surpass【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项exceed“超过;胜过(超过什么数量或者超过法律、命令等的限制)”;B选项substitute“替代”;C选项exert“运用,发挥;施以影响”;D选项surpass“超越(比某人或某事物做得更好);胜过,优于;非所能办到或理解”。句意:当你服药时,注意不要_瓶子上印着的量。本句表达“超过印的数量”,因此A选项正确。3. 单选题II. (Economic Law)For four hundred years, company law has tried to solve the core problem of corporate governance, the separation of ownership and control. In Europe, corporate governance did not become a research discipline of its own before the end of the last millennium. The analysis of the functioning of management and control under distinct board models was the starting point and still is one of the most important fields of the increasingly comparative and interdisciplinary research agenda. The history of the Verenigde Oostindische Corapagnie (V.O.C.) impressively illustrates early problems of company law. Its evolution established the first institutional supervisory structure. The V.O.C. goes back to a merger of the early companies, the Voorcompagnieen. Much like modern business amalgamations, it was sought to improve the market position against competitors. Many of the V.O.C.s features are still characteristic for modern companies.With its incorporation in 1602, the V.O.C. had an internal structure comparable to what we describe today as a one-tier board model. The board of seventeen directors, elected by the governors of the six chambers, had universal management power and acted nearly free from any interference by minority shareholders. The board developed the business strategy, set the shipping routes, and issued resolutions that were binding for the chambers. In the course of further business expansion in 1648, an executive committee of the board (The Hague Committee) helped to organize the work of the directors. Committees formed for accounting or specific business matters, were also found at the chamber level.The major governance problem resulted the lack of a definition of directors duties as an alignment of decision making and the companys interest. The governors the merchants and owners of the early companies were unaware that an entity with its own interest had emerged as they continued to manage the V.O.C. in the way they had managed their early companies. In particular, the governors right to prior purchase turned out to be unfortunate, leading to an early form of what we today call self-dealing. With the second dash of regulation in 1623, the license was changed and the governors were permitted to buy from the company only in public auctions under the same conditions as anyone else. Further, they were allowed to supply the company only if they had been granted a license to do so. The major change in the internal structure came with the introduction of the committee of nine in 1623, which can be described as an early form of the modern supervisory board.Klaus J. Hopt, Patrick C. Leyens: “Board Models in Europe Recent Developments of Internal Corporate Governance Structures in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy”55. In the 17th century, the board of seventeen directors had universal management power to do the following except _.56. From the first paragraph, one can know that _.57. The word which can best replace the word “alignment” in the underlined sentence is _.58. Which of the following did NOT happen in 1623?问题1选项A.developing the business strategyB.deciding which way to take for the shippingC.helping to organize the work of the chambersD.issuing resolutions that were binding for the chambers问题2选项A.the starting point of the research was the analysis of the functioning of management and control under distinct board modelsB.corporate governance was a research discipline of its own in the early 1900sC.merger of the early companies was sought to improve the competitorsD.the history of the Verenigde Oostindische Corapagnie (V.O.C.) was very impressive问题3选项A.groupingB.associationC.arrangementD.coalition问题4选项A.Governors were permitted to buy from the company only in public auctions under the same conditions.B.The committee of nine was introduced with internal structure.C.Governors were not allowed to supply the company if they had not been granted a license to do so.D.Quite some regulations were made.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D【解析】55. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干定位到原文第二段The board developed the business strategy, set the shipping routes, and issued resolutions that were binding for the chambers.(董事会制定了商业战略,制定了航运路线,并发布了对商会有约束力的决议)可知C选项“帮助组织商会的工作”未提及;A选项“制定商业策略”,B选项“决定用哪种方式装运”以及D选项“发布对商会有约束力的决议”符合原文。因此C选项符合题意。56. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干关键字定位到第一段In Europe, corporate governance did not become a research discipline of its own before the end of the last millennium. The analysis of the functioning of management and control under distinct board models was the starting point and still is one of the most important fields of the increasingly comparative and interdisciplinary research agenda.(在20世纪前,欧洲的企业治理并没有形成自己的研究学科。在不同的董事会模式下,对管理和控制功能的分析是研究的起点,并且仍然是比较和跨学科研究议程中最重要的领域之一)可知选A选项“本研究的出发点是分析不同董事会模式下的管理和控制功能”,同时可知B选项“公司治理在20世纪早期是一门独立的研究学科”错误;第一段The V.O.C. goes back to a merger of the early companies, the Voorcompagnieen. Much like modern business amalgamations, it was sought to improve the market position against competitors.(V.O.C.可追溯到早期公司Voorcompagnieen的合并。与现代企业合并非常相似,其目的是提高相对于竞争对手的市场地位)可知C选项“早期公司的合并是为了改善竞争对手”错误;第二段The history of the Verenigde Oostindische Corapagnie (V.O.C.) impressively illustrates early problems of company law.(Verenigde Oostindische Corapagnie的历史深刻地说明了早期的公司法问题)可知不是V.O.C.的历史非常令人印象深刻,而是V.O.C.的历史深刻地说明一些问题,D选项“Verenigde Oostindische Corapagnie的历史非常令人印象深刻”错误。因此A选项正确。57. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】词义辨析题。根据题干关键字“alignment”定位到原文The major governance problem resulted the lack of a definition of directors duties as an alignment of decision making and the companys interest.(主要的管治问题导致缺乏对董事职责的定义,将其界定为决策与公司利益的结合)可知alignment在本句表示“结合,结盟”;A选项“分组,分类”,B选项“协会,社团;联合;联想”;C选项“布置;整理;准备;安排”;D选项“联合;结合,合并”。因此D选项正确。58. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干关键词“1623”可以定位到原文最后一段With the second dash of regulation in 1623, the license was changed and the governors were permitted to buy from the company only in public auctions under the same conditions as anyone else.(1623年的第二次监管改变了许可,州长只能在公开拍卖的情况下从公司购买,条件和其他人一样)可知A选项“州长只能在相同条件下通过公开拍卖从公司购买”符合原文;最后一句The major change in the internal structure came with the introduction of the committee of nine in 1623, which can be described as an early form of the modern supervisory board.(1623年,九人委员会成立,这是现代监事会的早期形式,是监事会内部结构的主要变化)可知B选项“九人委员会引入了内部结构”符合原文;最后一段Further, they were allowed to supply the company only if they had been granted a license to do so.(此外,只有在获得许可的情况下,他们(指州长们)才被允许向公司供货)可知C选项“州长不允许供应公司,如果他们没有被授予许可证这样做”符合原文;根据原文和排除法可知D选项“相当多的规则被制定”和原文相悖。因此D选项符合题意。4. 翻译题Part I. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese(25分) When I emphasize the difference between law and morals I do so with reference to a single end, that of learning and understanding the law. For that purpose you must definitely master its specific marks, and it is for that that I ask you for the moment to imagine yourselves indifferent to other and greater things. 【答案】在我强调法律与道德之区别的时候,我只有一个目的,那就是学习并领会法律。为了这个目的,你们必须明确地掌握法律特定的标识,也为了同样的目的,我请你们暂时想象你们自己并不关心其他更重要的事情。5. 单选题V. Civil and Commercial LawEarly in the 20th century, New Zealand adopted a national no-fault workers compensation scheme, replacing tort law for industrial accidents while leaving the rest of it intact. It also mandated tort liability insurance against auto accidents. During the 1960s, New Zealand established a royal commission to explore possible reforms to its workers compensation system. As sometimes occurs with such bodies, it decided not to be limited by its remit but proceeded instead to review the tort system more generally.In 1967, the commission published the Woodhouse Report (named after the justice who led the effort). It severely criticized the fault-based tort systems “false morality,” unpredictable damage awards, and high transaction costs (amounting to over 40% of the total system costs, much lower than the comparable costs in U.S. asbestos litigation first launched at around the same time). In place of tort, the Report proposed a comprehensive no-fault compensation scheme for personal injuries generally (not just workplace accidents), one that it hoped would be designed to provide wage loss benefits roughly matching pre-injury earnings and additional benefits for permanent bodily impairment, while also promoting accident prevention, victim rehabilitation, and administrative efficiency.In 1972, the National Party government, whose Justice and Labour ministries had been actively promoting the commission and the Woodhouse Report, pushed through the Accident Compensation Act. It enjoyed bipartisan support and passed quite easily - a fact that will astonish any American lawyer observing the endless struggles over even the mildest tort reforms in the U.S. Amended in 1973 by the new Labour government to include accidents to non-wage earners, the Act went into effect in April 1974.Even more surprising, the public did not demand the new system. Instead, according to Geoffrey Palmer, it was the handiwork of a small group of dedicated reformers led by influential and prestigious judges. Success was assured when the major groups opposing the reform the insurance industry, the bar, and labor unions turned out to be politically weak and fragmented. The new system was not the comprehensive abolition of tort that the Woodhouse Report had proposed. Rather, it limited no-fault coverage to motor vehicle-related injuries and to wage-earners injuries (whether work related or not). But the government subsequently expanded the system to cover virtually all accidental injuries and to confer very broad benefits for victims. New Zealanders today generally regard their system (some disputed details aside) as a mainstay of their social policy.67. According to the 1st paragraph, which of the following statement about the commission is NOT true?68. The Woodhouse Report contained the following BUT _.69. Which statement about the Accident Compensation Act is true?70. The New Zealanders attitude towards the new tort system was _.问题1选项A.It was established in 1960.B.It was authorized to explore possible reforms to the workers compensation system.C.It decided to review the tort system more generally.D.It was a royal commission.问题2选项A.criticizing the fault-based tort systems “false morality”B.proposition about a comprehensive no-fault compensation schemeC.accident preventionD.much lower costs than the comparable costs in U.S.问题3选项A.It became effective in April 1973.B.The National Party government was against the Act.C.The Just


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