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2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Doctors are interested in using lasers as a surgical tool in operations on people who are( )to heart attack.问题1选项A.infectiousB.disposedC.accessibleD.prone【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项infectious“传染的,传染性的”,B项disposed“有倾向的;打算做的”,C项accessible“易接近的,可进入的”,D项prone“俯卧的,有倾向的”。根据关键词heart attack(心脏病),可排除A、C选项。be disposed to表示“有倾向”,后面一般跟to do;be prone to表示“易于,有的倾向”,后面一般跟名词;heart attack是名词,只有D项符合。句意:医生们对使用激光作为外科手术工具对易患心脏病的人进行手术很感兴趣。故该题选择D项正确。2. 单选题There are countries in which unnecessary poverty prevails because the people as a whole are unaware of methods whereby it can be relieved. There are vast tracts of land, abandoned or(1) cultivated, which could support a thriving community if full use were(2)the knowledge and skill of scientists. There are innumerable people suffering from disease which can be cured, and from which,(3)following simple scientific rules of hygiene, they need never again suffer. There are vast storehouses of natural power, such as the wind, waterfalls and the heat of the sun, which science can show how to(4)for the relief of human hard work and for raising the(5)of living. The possibilities are enormous.But the difficulties in the way of effecting a change for the(6)are not less enormous and are often overlooked. The full benefits of science can(7)be gained with the cooperation of the people in need of assistance. That cooperation is regrettably ineffective(8)the people also have some understanding of the means used. A sterilized (经过消毒的) bandage brings no cure to an infected wound. Farm machinery, broken(9)and neglected for lack of skilled mechanics, can be a source of ruin than of profit. If the methods recommended by the scientist are(10)by those who have some knowledge of science, then great benefit can follow. But if that understanding of cooperation is in lack, then frustration is added to poverty.问题1选项A.onceB.sometimesC.regularlyD.never问题2选项A.adopted byB.made ofC.resulted inD.originated from问题3选项A.inB.whileC.byD.upon问题4选项A.harnessB.imitateC.implementD.propel问题5选项A.levelB.standardC.conditionD.circumstance问题6选项A.betterB.improvementC.advanceD.progress问题7选项A.onlyB.alsoC.evenD.never问题8选项A.unlessB.untilC.ifD.even问题9选项A.upB.downC.outD.off问题10选项A.manipulatedB.appliedC.possessedD.designated【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B第6题:A第7题:A第8题:A第9题:B第10题:B【解析】第1题:考查词义辨析。A项once“曾经”,B项sometimes“有时”,C项regularly“定期地,有规律地”,D项never“从不”。根据句子There are vast tracts of land, abandoned or( ) cultivated(有大片的土地,被遗弃或耕地)可知,or后面的部分和abandon的意思是相等并列的,空格后面是cultivated,那么前面应该填入一个表示否定的词语,只有never符合。句意:这里有大片被遗弃或从未耕种过的土地。因此,该题选择D项正确。第2题:考查固定搭配。A项adopted by“被采纳/收养”,B项make of“了解”,C项result in“导致”,D项originate from“发源于”。根据句子which could support a thriving community if full use were( )knowledge and skill of scientists(如果充分利用科学家的知识和技能,就能够支持一个繁荣的社区)可知,make full use of固定搭配,表示“充分利用”。句意:如果充分利用科学家的知识和技能,有大片被遗弃或从未耕种过的土地可以支撑一个繁荣的社区。因此,该题选择B项正确。第3题:考查介词辨析。A项in“在里”,B项while“当,尽管”,C项by“通过”,D项upon“在之上”。根据句子There are innumerable people suffering from disease which can be cured, and from which,( )following simple scientific rules of hygiene, they need never again suffer.(有无数的人患有可以治愈的疾病,而从这些疾病,遵循简单的卫生科学规则,他们永远不需要再遭受痛苦)可知,by doing sth.表示“通过做某事”,C项符合。句意:有数不清的人患有可以治愈的疾病,只要遵循简单的卫生科学规则,他们就再也不必遭受痛苦。因此,该题选择C项正确。第4题:考查动词辨析。A项harness“治理,利用”,B项imitate“模仿,仿造”,C项implement“实施,执行”,D项propel“推进,驱使”。根据句子There are vast storehouses of natural powerwhich science can show how to( )for the relief of human hard work(有很多自然力量科学可以告诉我们如何通过这些能源来减轻人类的辛苦)可知,只有A项符合句意。因此,该题选择A项正确。第5题:考查固定搭配。A项level“水平”,B项standard“标准”,C项condition“条件,情况”,D项circumstance“环境,状况”。根据句子and for raising the( )of living. The possibilities are enormous(为了提高生活水平)可知,standard of living是固定搭配,表示“生活水平”。因此,该题选择B项正确。第6题:考查固定搭配。A项better“更好”,B项improvement“提高,改善”,C项advance“发展,前进”,D项progress“进步,发展”。根据句子“But the difficulties in the way of effecting a change for the( )are not less enormous and are often overlooked”可知,change for the better是固定搭配,表示“好转,改善”。句意:但要想改变现状,取得进步,困难并不小,而且常常被忽视。因此,该题选择A项正确。第7题:考查词义辨析。A项only“仅,只有”,B项also“也”,C项even“甚至”,D项never“从未”。根据句子“The full benefits of science can( )be gained with the cooperation of the people in need of assistance.”可知,with the cooperation of the people in need of assistance(与需要帮助的人合作)是发挥科技的唯一条件,因此只有only符合。句意:科学的全部益处只有在需要帮助的人们的合作中才能获得。因此,该题选择A项正确。第8题:考查条件状语从句。A项unless“除非”,B项until“直到”,C项if“如果”,D项even“甚至”。根据句子“That cooperation is regrettably ineffective( )the people also have some understanding of the means used.”可知,这是一个条件状语从句,排除B、D选项;C选项是表示“假设的条件”,因此只有A选项符合。句意:令人遗憾的是,除非人民对所使用的手段也有一些了解,否则这种合作是无效的。因此,该题选择A项正确。第9题:考查固定搭配。A项up“向上”,break up表示“打碎,解散”;B项down“向下”,break down表示“分解,发生故障”;C项out“出现,向外”,break out表示“爆发”;D项off“离开,脱落”,break off表示“折断,突然停止”。根据句子“Farm machinery, broken( )and neglected for lack of skilled mechanics, can be a source of ruin than of profit.”,空格前面有machinery(机器),可知只有B选项符合,表示“机器故障”。句意:农业机械由于缺乏熟练的机械师而被损坏和忽视,与其说是利润的来源,还不如说是毁灭的来源。因此,该题选择B选项正确。第10题:考查词义辨析。A项manipulate“操纵,操作”,B项apply“应用”,C项possess“拥有”,D项designate“指定,指派”。根据句子“If the methods recommended by the scientist are( )by those who have some knowledge of science”,把四个选项分别代入,只有B项符合。句意:如果科学家推荐的方法被那些有一些科学知识的人应用。因此,该题选择B项正确。3. 单选题A farmer must learn the kinds of crops best( )the soils on his farm.问题1选项A.accustomed toB.committed toC.applied toD.suited to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A项accustom to“习惯于”,B项commit to“把投入,交付”,C项apply to“适用于,应用于”,D项suit to“适合于”。句意:农民必须了解最适合他农场土壤的作物种类。四个选项中,只有suit to最合适;因此,该题D项正确。4. 单选题Readers are required to comply with the rules of the library and mind their manners.问题1选项A.observe tB.memorize tC.comment tD.request【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。comply with表示“照做,遵守”;A项observe“观察,遵守”,B项memorize“记住,背熟”,C项comment“发表评论,发表意见”,D项request“要求,请求”。句意:读者应遵守图书馆的各项规定,注意自己的行为举止。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。5. 单选题As( )China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthen anti-corruption activities are gaining momentum.问题1选项A.in the light ofB.in the event ofC.in the case ofD.in the course of【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A项in the light of“根据,鉴于”,B项in the event of“万一,如果”,C项in the case of“在情况下,在方面”,D项in the course of“在过程中”;根据句子语意“就中国和其他新兴出口大国,加强反腐败活动的努力正在获得势头”可知,C项符合语境。句意:就中国和其他新兴出口大国方面来说,加强反腐败活动的努力正在获得势头。因此,该题选择C项正确。6. 单选题Strangely enough, an old man( )me and introduced himself, who turned out to be a friend of my fathers.问题1选项A.stood up toB.walked up toC.lived up toD.added up to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项stand up to“经得起,抵抗”,B项walk up to“走近,走向”,C项live up to“不辜负,做到”,D项add up to“合计达,总共达”;根据空格前后关键词an old man(老人)和introduce himself(介绍他自己)可推断,空格部分表示“向我走进”。句意:奇怪的是,一个老人走到我面前并做了自我介绍,原来是我父亲的朋友。因此,该题选择B项正确。7. 单选题After deciding on a specific area of advanced study, prospective students must resolve whether to aim at a masters or a Ph.D.(1)the accelerating complexity of what an engineer must know, many employers have(2)to regard a masters degree as minimum training. Therefore, the typical two years required to earn an M.S.(3)a useful investment of time, energy and money. Enrolling (4)doctoral programs which could(5)out for several years-involves a much greater(6)of time and the loss of the opportunity to earn a pay-check, not to mention considerably greater risk of unemployment. A specialty that is,(7)when a student sets off on the road toward a Ph.D. could be in(8)by the time that individual graduates. Still, earning a doctorate can lead to jobs that have a research focus and require a very high level of sophistication.The doctoral degree can also offer greater professional(9), as Collin Hitchcock realizes. Hitchcock, is in a Ph.D. program in electrical, computer, and systems engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. His research project: studying semiconductors in solar cells. “There probably wont be a lot of jobs doing research with solar cells when I graduate, but I could shift(10)to other kinds of semiconductors.” says Hitchcock.问题1选项A.ConcerningB.RegardingC.GivenD.Including问题2选项A.insistedB.comeC.managedD.got问题3选项A.supposesB.termsC.signsD.represents问题4选项A.overB.atC.inD.by问题5选项A.runB.stretchC.turnD.last问题6选项A.commitmentB.spendingC.wasteD.dedication问题7选项A.depressingB.acceptableC.boomingD.promising问题8选项A.favorB.declineC.decreaseD.common问题9选项A.optionB.performanceC.flexibilityD.level问题10选项A.linksB.gearsC.steerD.windscreen【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B第6题:A第7题:C第8题:B第9题:C第10题:B【解析】第1题:考查介词辨析与上下文语义。A项concerning“关于,就而言”,B项regarding“关于,至于”,C项given“考虑到”,D项including“包括”。上文提到prospective students must resolve whether to aim at a masters or a Ph.D.(毕业生必须决定是否继续攻读硕士学位或是博士学位),接着下文提到the accelerating complexity of what an engineer must know(工程师必须知道的东西越来越复杂),可知,上下文具有因果关系,故选given合适。因此, 该题选择C项正确。第2题:考查动词辨析和固定搭配。A项insist“坚持,强调”,一般与on搭配,insist on表示“坚持”;B项come“开始,出现”;C项manage“管理,经营”,manage to do表示“挣扎做某事,设法完成某事”;D项get“得到”。根据句子many employers have( )to regard a masters degree as minimum training可知,come to regardas固定用法表示“把当作,认为是”。句意:鉴于工程师必须知道的知识越来越复杂,许多雇主开始把硕士学位视为最低限度的培训。因此,该题选择B项正确。第3题:考查动词辨析。A项suppose“假定,认为”,B项term“把叫作”,C项sign“签署,示意”,D项represent“代表,表现”。根据句子Therefore, the typical two years required to earn an M.S.( )a useful investment of time, energy and money.可知,空格后面的句子“对时间、精力和金钱的有益投资”是对前面句子“获得理科硕士学位通常需要两年时间”的进一步补充解释,所以D项符合。句意:因此,获得硕士学位通常需要两年时间,这是对时间、精力和金钱的有益投资。因此,该题选择D项正确。第4题:考查介词辨析与固定用法。A项over“超过”,B项at“在”,C项in“在里”,D项by“通过”。根据空格前面的enroll可知,enroll in固定搭配,表示“参加,加入”。因此,该题选择C项正确。第5题:考查介词辨析与固定用法。A项run“跑”,run out表示“用完,耗尽”;B项stretch“伸展,拉紧”,stretch out表示“伸出,伸展”;C项turn“转动,翻过来”,turn out表示“最后是,结果是”;D项last“持续”,last out表示“经受住,支持下去”。根据句子Enrolling in doctoral programs which could( )out for several years-involves a much greaterof time and the loss of the opportunity to earn a pay-check, not to mention considerably greater risk of unemployment.可知,空格后面列举了三种可能性:投入更多的时间,失去赚钱的机会,失业风险更大;因此A、D选项可以排除,C项表示结果,B项表示延伸出的可能性。因此,该题选择B项正确。第6题:考查名词辨析。A项commitment“承诺,花费金钱时间等”,B项spending“花费,度过”,C项waste“浪费”,D项dedication“奉献,献身”。根据句子Enrolling in doctoral programs which could stretch out for several years-involves a much greater( )of time and the loss of the opportunity to earn a pay-check, not to mention considerably greater risk of unemployment.(攻读可能持续数年的博士课程包括更多的( )时间和失去挣工资的机会,更不用说更大的失业风险),结合空格前面提到攻读博士需要数年,可知空格部分应该表示“时间上的花费/投入”,C项可以排除;D项不能与time搭配,D项排除;B项主要指开支;因此,该题选择A项正确。第7题:考查词义辨析和上下文语义。A项depressing“沮丧,萧条”,B项acceptable“可接受的”,C项booming“增长,繁荣”,D项promising“有前途的”。根据句子A specialty that is,( )when a student sets off on the road toward a Ph.D. could be in( )by the time that individual graduates.(当一个学生开始攻读博士学位的时候,这个专业是这个专业可能在毕业的时候)可知,这个句子前后表示对比,两个空格处应该填入相反的词语,根据第二个空格的选项可知,该题可排除A、B选项;把C、D选项分别代入,可知C项更符合句意。因此,该题选择C项正确。第8题:考查词义辨析和上下文语义。A项favor“支持”,B项decline“下降,衰落”,C项decrease“减少,减小”,D项common“普通”。根据句子A specialty that is, booming when a student sets off on the road toward a Ph.D. could be in( )by the time that individual graduates.(当一个学生刚开始攻读博士学位时,这个专业还在蓬勃发展,但到他毕业的时候,这个专业可能已经在)可知,这个句子前后表示对比,空格处应该和booming相反的词语,只有B项正确。句意:当一个学生刚开始攻读博士学位时,这个专业还在蓬勃发展,但到他毕业的时候,这个专业可能已经在衰落了。因此,该题选择B项正确。第9题:考查名词辨析与上下文语义。A项option“选择”,B项performance“表现”,C项flexibility“灵活性”,D项level“水平”。根据句子The doctoral degree can also offer greater professional( )(博士学位也可以提供更大的专业)可知,A、B选项不符合句意;这句话是Hitchcock在文中说的,根据他下文讲述的一句话There probably wont be a lot of jobs doing research with solar cells when I graduate, but I could shift( )to other kinds of semiconductors.(当我毕业时,可能不会有很多关于太阳能电池的研究工作,但我可以转向到其他种类的半导体),结合这句话,可知,本题空格处应该表示“灵活性”。句意:博士学位也可以提供更大的专业灵活性。因此,该题选择C项正确。第10题:考查词义辨析。A项link“联系,关系”,B项gear“工具,传动装置”,C项steer“控制,掌舵”,D项windscreen“挡风玻璃”。根据句子There probably wont be a lot of jobs doing research with solar cells when I graduate, but I could shift( )to other kinds of semiconductors.(当我毕业时,可能不会有很多关于太阳能电池的研究工作,但我可以转向到其他种类的半导体)可知,shift gears固定用法,表示“变速,改变方式”。句意:当我毕业时,可能不会有很多关于太阳能电池的研究工作,但我可以转向其他种类的半导体。因此,该题选择B项正确。8. 单选题New York probably has the largest number of different language( )in the world.问题1选项A.neighborhoodsB.communitiesC.clustersD.assemblies【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项neighborhood“街坊,街区”,B项community“社区,共同体,团体”,C项cluster“群,簇”,D项assembly“装配,集合”;根据空格前面的different language(不同的语言),结合句子的语境,只有B项符合。句意:纽约可能是世界上不同语言社区数量最多的城市。因此,该题选择B项正确。9. 单选题Terrorist activities, in whatever forms, are to be denounced by peace-loving people worldwide.问题1选项A.announcedB.forgivenC.condemnedD.despised【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。denounce表示“谴责,公然抨击”;A项announce“宣布”,B项forgive“原谅”,C项condemn“谴责,判刑”,D项despise“轻视,鄙视”。句意:任何形式的恐怖主义活动都应受到全世界爱好和平的人民的谴责。根据句意可知,该题选择C项正确。10. 单选题I will tell Tom he is an adopted child, but I will do it in due course.问题1选项A.at proper timeB.of courseC.in my own wayD.sooner or later【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。in due course表示“在适当的时候,及时”;A项at proper time“在适当的时候”,B项of course“当然”,C项in my own way“以我自己的方式”,D项sooner or later“迟早,早晚”。句意:我会告诉汤姆他是收养的孩子,但我会在适当的时候告诉他。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。11. 单选题Patients are expected to comply with doctors instructions for quick recovery.问题1选项A.improve onB.abide byC.draw uponD.reflect on【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。comply with表示“遵守,照做”;A项improve on“改进,对加以改良”,B项abide by“遵守,信守”,C项draw upon“利用,开出”,D项reflect on“思考,反省”。句意:希望病人遵照医生的指示尽快恢复。根据句意可知B项正确。12. 单选题Where anyone reaching the age of 60 was considered to be near deaths door at the turn of the 20th century, it is barely old enough for retirement at the turn of the 2lst century. And scientists are still not holding back. They say that as new anti-ageing treatments become available, our species will get even older. While few would argue that living longer is an attractive idea, the rapid increase in the number of years begs a question: Can our health expectancy be as close as possible to our life expectancy?Predictions for future health expectancy have changed over the past few decades. In the 1980s, life expectancy was increasing, but the best data suggested that for every increased year of life expectancy, a greater fraction was disabled life expectancy. What we would see was a piling up of chronic illness and related disability which medical science couldnt prevent.But that world view changed suddenly in the early 1990s with the publication of a study by researchers at Duke University, who had been following the health of 20,000 people for almost a decade. They showed that disability among the elderly was not only dropping, but it was doing so at an ever-increasing rate.Arian Richardson, director of the Barshop Institute for Ageing and Longevity research, predicts that understanding the mechanisms behind calorie restriction and other genetic reasons behind ageing could be used within the next two decades to give people several extra healthy years of life. Restrict how much an animal eats, for example, and it will live longer. In lab experiments, rats on calorie-restricted diets were found to be physiologically younger, got diseases later in life and, at any rate, had less severe cases. “From the models that have been looked at, the increase in lifespan is usually in the range of 15%-30% maximum,” says Richardson. Cutting calories is thought to trigger a switch in an animals behavior from normal to a state of stasis in which growth and ageing are temporarily put on hold. When food becomes available again, the animals behavior switches back.Richardson says that thinking about stopping ageing is a “little bit silly” at the moment but doesnt dismiss it altogether, arguing that none of the illnesses related to ageing should be inevitable. Start with a high-quality body (and that means eating your greens, not smoking and doing lots of exercise in your younger days) and you can keep it going for longer with high quality maintenance. “Itll be like the difference between a Rolls-Royce and a cheap car.”1. It can be seen from the first paragraph that people have doubts on whether( ).2. In the 1980s, the data on peoples health expectancy( ).3. In the lab experiment on rats,( ).4. Richardson believes that( ).5. Rolls-Royce is used to convey the idea that( ).问题1选项A.is possible to live a longer healthy and lifetB.humans can live as long as scientists predicttC.living longer is still considered a good ideatD.new anti-ageing treatments are safe for humanst问题2选项A.gave an optimistic predictiontB.showed an unclear futuretC.led to a pessimistic perceptiontD.turned out to be a mixed blessingt问题3选项A.food restriction is not the only factor proved to have workedtB.responses to food restriction vary from animal to animaltC.the animals lifespan increases with the amount of food eatentD.different amounts of food cause a change in the animals behaviort问题4选项A.it is impossible for humans to stop ageingtB.it is worthless to talk about stopping ageingtC.stopping ageing is a dream that may come truetD.illness is the biggest obstacle to stopping ageingt问题5选项A.quality life is out of reach for most peopletB.quality life can slow down the process of agingtC.how long one can live depends on the genes one carriestD.the more money one invests in health, the healthier one will be【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:细节推断题。题干意思是“从第一段可以看出,人们对是否持怀疑态度”。第一段最后一句提到Can our health expectancy be as close as possible to our life expectancy?(我们的健康预期能达到我们的预期寿命吗?),由此可推断,人们对自身能活得健康长寿持怀疑态度,故A项“有可能活得更健康和长寿”符合题意。B项“人类可以活得和科学家预测的一样长”和C项“活得更长仍然被认为是一个好主意”是肯定的细节描述,与题干不符;D项“新的抗衰老疗法对人类是安全的”,内容与文章无关。因此,该题选择A项正确。第2题:细节推断题。题干意思是“20世纪80年代,人们的健康预期数据”。根据题干定位到文章第二段In the 1980s, life expectancy was increasing, but the best data suggested that for every increased year of life expectancy, a greater fraction was disabled life expectancy. What we would see was a piling up of chronic illness and related disability which medical science couldnt prevent.(在20世纪80年代,预期寿命在增加,但最好的数据表明,预期寿命每增加一年,残疾预期寿命的比例就更大;我们将看到的是医学无法预防的慢性疾病和相关残疾的堆积),由此可知,人们的健康预期数据并不乐观,故C项“导致悲观的看法”正确。A项“给出一个乐观的预测”和D项“说明情况好坏参半”内容与原文不符;B项“前途不明”,第二段未提及。因此,该题选择C项正确。第3题:细节推断题。题干意思是“在对老鼠的实验室实验中,”。根据题干定位到第四段第三句的例子In lab experiments, rats on calorie-restricted diets were found to be physiologically younger, got diseases later in life and, at any rate, had less severe cases.(在实验室实验中,食用限制热量饮食的老鼠在生理上更年轻,患疾病的年龄更晚,而且无论如何,病情不那么严重),结合第四段倒数第二句Cutting calories is thought to trigger a switch in an animals behavior from normal to a state of stasis in which growth and ageing are temporarily put on hold.(减少热量摄入会使动物的行为从正常状态切换到一种停滞状态,在这种状态下,生长和衰老暂时被搁置),由此可推断,不同的热量摄入对动物行为会有影响,故D项“不同的食物量导致动物行为的改变”符合题意。A项“食物限制并不是被证明有效的唯一因素”与原文不符;B项“对食物限制的反应因动物而异”,文中只提到了老鼠的实验,没有参照对比物;C项“动物的寿命随着食物摄入量的增加而增加”,内容与原文相反。因此,该题选择D项正确。第4题:细节推断题。题干意思是“理查森认为”。最后一段第一句话提到Richardson says that thinking about stopping ageing is a “little bit silly” at the moment but doesnt dismiss it altogether, arguing that none of the illnesses related to ageing should be inevitable.(理查森说,现在考虑停止衰老“有点傻”,但并没有完全否定它,他认为,与衰老相关的疾病都不应该是不可避免的),由此可知,与衰老相关的疾病是可以避免的,所以C项“停止衰老是一个可能实现的梦想”正确。A项“人类不可能停止衰老”与原文相反;B项“谈论停止衰老是没有价值的”与原文不符;D项“疾病是阻止衰老的最大障碍”,原文没有明确说明疾病是阻止衰老的最大障碍,该项太绝对。因此,该题选择C项正确。第5题:细节推断题。题干意思是“劳斯莱斯被用来传达一种的理念”。根据题干定位到文章最后两句Start with a high-quality body (and that means eating your greens, not smoking and doing lots of exercise in your younger days) and you can keep it going for longer with high quality maintenance. “Itll be like the differe


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