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2022年考博英语-西南政法大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Over 350 million people speak English as their( )language.问题1选项A.nativeB.motherC.femaleD.national【答案】B【解析】考查固定用法。native language意为“本地语言”;mother language意为“母语”,符合句意。C选项female“女性的”;D选项national“国家的”均不符合句意。2. 单选题By signing the lease we made a( )to pay a rent of $200 a week.问题1选项A.conceptionB.commissionC.commitmentD.confinement【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。A选项conception“概念,设想”;B选项commission“委员会;佣金”;C选项commitment“承诺,保证”;D选项confinement“限制,监禁”。句意:通过签订租约,我们承诺每周支付200美元的租金。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题How fast is your personal computer? When people ask this question, they are typically referring to the frequency of a minuscule clock inside the computer, a crystal oscillator that set the basic rhythm used throughout the machine. In a computer with a speed of one gigahertz (千兆赫),for example, the crystal licks” a billion times a second. Every action of the computer takes place in tiny steps, each a billionth of a second long. A simple transfer of data may take only one step; complex calculations may take many steps. All operations, however, must begin and end according to the clocks timing signals.Because most modem computers use a single rhythm, we call them synchronous. Inside the computers microprocessor chip, a clock distribution system delivers the timing signals from the crystal oscillator to the various circuits, just as sound in air delivers the beat of a drum to soldiers to set their marching pace. Because all parts of the chip share the same rhythm, the output of any circuit from one step can serve as the input to any other circuit for the next step. The synchronization provided by the clock helps chip designers plan sequences of actions for the computer.The use of a central clock also creates problems. As speeds have increased, distributing the timing signals has become more and more difficult. Present-day transistors can process data so quickly that they can accomplish several steps in the time that it takes a wire to carry a signal from one side of the chip to the other. Keeping the rhythm identical in all parts of a large chip requires careful to the other. Keeping the rhythm identical in all parts of a large chip requires careful design and a great deal of electrical power. Wouldnt it be nice to have an alternative?Our research group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories seeks such alternatives. Along with several other groups worldwide, we are investigating ways to design computing systems in which each part can proceed at its own pace instead of depending on the rhythm of a central clock. We call such systems asynchronous. Each part of an asynchronous system may extend or shorten the timing of its steps when walking across rough terrain.1.What determines the rhythm of the personal computer?2.Why does the author mention sound in air in the second paragraph?3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a disadvantage of the use of a central clock?4.The word “alternative” means( ).5.We can infer from the article that( ).问题1选项A.An alarming clock.B.A crystal oscillator.C.Complex calculations.D.The clocks timing signals.问题2选项A.To illustrate the timing signals are delivered in a similar way sound travels in air.B.To show us that timing signals speed can be as fast as that of sound.C.Because the wave of timing signals is similar to the sound wave.D.Because sound is delivered by timing signals.问题3选项A.Distributing the timing signals is more difficult when speeds are higher.B.It has to take a wire to carry a signal from one side of the chip to the other.C.Careful design is necessary to keep the rhythm identical in all parts of a large chip.D.A great deal of electrical power is required to a whole chip synchronous.问题4选项A.methodB.substituteC.answerD.machine问题5选项A.the structure of an asynchronous system is different from that of a synchronous system.B.the central clock sets the rhythm of parts of an asynchronous systemC.each part of an asynchronous system can change the rhythm of the central clock.D.searching for better replacement for the synchronous system is an international problem.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段第二句“How fast is your personal computer? When people ask this question, they are typically referring to the frequency of a minuscule clock inside the computer, a crystal oscillator that set the basic rhythm used throughout the machine.你的电脑有多快?当人们问这个问题时,他们通常指的是计算机内部一个微小时钟的频率,它是一个晶体振荡器,设定了整个机器使用的基本节奏。”由此可知,选项B符合原文。2.判断推理题。根据原文句意“在计算机的微处理器芯片中,一个时钟分配系统将晶体振荡器发出的定时信号传送到各个电路中,就像鼓声通过空气传播给士兵,以此来确定他们行进的步伐一样。”由此可推断,这里提到鼓声在空气中传播是为了说明定时信号的传递和声音在空气中传播的方式是类似的,所以选项A正确。3.判断推理题。根据第三段第二句“As speeds have increased, distributing the timing signals has become more and more difficult. 随着速度的提高,定时信号的分配变得越来越困难。”选项A符合原文;根据第三段倒数第二句“Keeping the rhythm identical in all parts of a large chip requires careful design and a great deal of electrical power. 要使一个大芯片的所有部件都保持相同的节奏,需要精心的设计和大量的电力。”选项C和D符合原文。选项B是由于速度过快导致的结果而不是缺点,所以不正确,本题选B。4.词义题。结合原文内容可知,“alternative” 意为“替代品”,选项B与之意思相近。5.判断推理题。根据最后一段第一句“Our research group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories seeks such alternatives. Along with several other groups worldwide, 我们在太阳微系统实验室的研究组正在寻找这样的替代品。和世界上其他几个组织一起.”由此可推断,寻找更好的同步系统替代品是一个国际性问题,选项D正确。选项A,B,C均是事实,不是推导出来的,所以不符合题意。4. 单选题A snowfall consists of myriads of minute ice crystals that fall to the ground in the form of frozen precipitation. The formation of snow begins with these ice crystals in the subfreezing strata of the middle and upper atmosphere when there is an adequate supply of moisture present. At the core of every ice crystal is a minuscule nucleus, a solid particle of matter around which moisture condenses and freezes. Liquid water droplets floating in the upper atmosphere and free ice crystals cannot coexist within the same cloud, since the vapor pressure of ice is less than that of water. This enables the ice crystals to rob the liquid droplets of their moisture and grow continuously. The process can be very rapid, quickly creating sizable ice Crystals, some of which adhere to each other to create a cluster of ice crystals or a snowflake. Simple flakes possess a variety of beautiful forms, usually hexagonal, though the symmetrical shapes reproduced in most microscope photography of snowflakes are not usually found in actual snowfalls. Typically, snowflakes in actual snowfalls consist of broken fragments and clusters of adhering ice crystals.For a snowfall to continue, once it starts, there must be a constant inflow of moisture to supply the nuclei. This moisture is supplied by the passage of an airstream over a water surface and its subsequent lifting to higher regions of the atmosphere. The Pacific Ocean is the source of moisture for most snowfalls west of the Rocky Mountains, while the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean feed water vapor into the air currents over the central and eastern sections of the United States. Other geographical features also can be the source of moisture for some snowstorms. For example, areas adjacent to the Great Lakes experience their own addition, mountainous sections or rising terrain can initiate snowfalls by the geographical lifting of a moist airstream.1.What is at the center of an ice crystal?2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?3.If a snowfall continues some time since it begins, we can conclude that( ).4.How do lake-effect snowstorms form?问题1选项A.A small snowflake.B.A nucleus.C.A drop of water.D.A hexagon.问题2选项A.A minuscule nucleus is a kind of solid particle of matter.B.The free ice crystals can grow continuously.C.In actual snowfalls, we usually find that simple flakes possess symmetrical shapes.D.For a snowstorm, there must be an adequate source of moisture.问题3选项A.there is plenty of moisture.B.there must be a source of water nearby and the temperature will fall.C.the snowflake consists of broken fragments and clusters of adhering ice crystals.D.there are airstreams motions from over water surface to higher regions.问题4选项A.Water temperatures drop below freezing.B.Moisture rises from a lake into air streams.C.Large quantities of wet air come-off a nearby mountain.D.Millions of ice crystals form on the surface of a large lake【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段第三句“At the core of every ice crystal is a minuscule nucleus.每个冰晶的核心都有一个极小的核.”选项B正确。2.细节事实题。根据第一段倒数第二句“Simple flakes possess a variety of beautiful forms, usually hexagonal, though the symmetrical shapes reproduced in most microscope photography of snowflakes are not usually found in actual snowfalls. 简单的雪花有各种美丽的形状,通常是六角形的,尽管雪花在大多数显微镜图像下再生的形状是对称的,但通常在实际的降雪过程中却不是这样的。”由此可知,选项C表述不正确。3.细节事实题。根据第二段一二句“For a snowfall to continue, once it starts, there must be a constant inflow of moisture to supply the nuclei. This moisture is supplied by the passage of an airstream over a water surface and its subsequent lifting to higher regions of the atmosphere. 如果降雪持续不断,必须有源源不断的水分供应核。这种水分是由气流通过水面并随后上升到大气的较高区域提供的。”选项D符合原文。选项A中“plenty”不准确,应该是“constant”;选项B中的温度在文中没有涉及;选项C与题干无关;只有选项D正确,所以本题选D。4.细节事实题。根据上一题的分析“如果降雪持续不断,必须有源源不断的水分供应核。这种水分是由气流通过水面并随后上升到大气的较高区域提供的。”由此可知,选项B正确。5. 单选题Im afraid I ( )forgot her birthday.问题1选项A.pureB.rightC.sheerD.clean【答案】C【解析】副词辨析题。A选项pure“纯粹的”;B选项right“正确的”;C选项sheer“完全,彻底”;D选项clean“干净的”。句意:我恐怕完全忘记她的生日了。选项C符合句意。6. 单选题Electronic trash, known as e-waste, is piling up faster than ever in American homes and businesses. People do not know what to do with old televisions or computers so they throw them in the trash.National Solid Wastes Management Association state programs director Chaz Miller says the large amount of electronic waste Americans generate is not unexpected. “We have so many electronic products that “we use”, said Miller. “They are being far more widely distributed throughout the population of the country and they tend to have relatively short life spans. Cell phones that last two or three years, computers that last maybe two or three years before they get replaced.”The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates more than 400 million consumer electronic items are dumped each year, and there is a push by more states to ban the waste from garbage dumps and create recycling programs.For example, as quickly as old electronics arrive at a recycling facility in Baltimore, Maryland, they are torn apart and sorted for usable parts. Plant manager Mike Fannon says e-waste here is resold to other companies that further break down the components that are valuable. “There are a lot of valuable metals that can be recovered and reused as opposed to just putting them in the garbage dump, and in certain components there are some materials that should not really be dumped in the garbage dump, Fannon explained. Nearly 20 percent of electronic waste is recycled nationwide. Going back 1.3 years, it was only about six percent. Recycling rates continue to rise as more communities have banned electronics from garbage dumps in an effort to keep e-waste toxins(毒素,毒质),like lead and mercury out of garbage dumps. Many places have set up free drop-off sites where people can bring old items for recycling. Fannon says some items like old electronic circuit boards will get shipped to Canada, while, other parts will be shipped to countries in Asia. “These will go off actually to a copper smelter where workers will recover copper within the circuit board as well as precious metals that are on the board, added Fannon. “There is gold plating on a lot of the material. There is silver. So all those precious metals are recovered in addition to the copper.This year several states like Vermont imposed a ban on electronic waste in garbage dumps. More can be done to boost electronic waste recycling.Waste management analysts say U.S. facilities can safely recycle items. Environmentalists maintain they can reduce the amount of electronic waste in garbage dumps now by raising consumer awareness about the best ways to recycle e-waste.1.Why is there so much electronic waste in America?2.According to EPA, what helps to reduce the dumped e-waste?3.What is the right way to recycle the old electronics according to Fannon?4.According to Fannon, what precious metal can people get from used circuit board?5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?问题1选项A.Because it has no value to be recycledB.Because Americans dont know how to recycle it.C.Because Americans love electronic items more than others doD.Because electronic items are widely used and fall into disuse easily问题2选项A.The ban of e-waste from garbage dumpsB.A recycling facility in Baltimore.C.The shipment of e-waste to other countries.D.An advanced technology to make e-products问题3选项A.Dump them into the garbage dumpB.Tear them apart at home for valuable materials.C.Leave them in free drop-off sites for recyclingD.Bury them underground directly问题4选项A.IronB.MercuryC.GoldD.Lead问题5选项A.People should try to use as less electronic products as possibleB.People can deal with the electronic waste in a safe wayC.The government can do nearly nothing in front of the electronic wasteD.People are helpless in front of electronic waste【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.判断推理题。根据原文第二段的内容可知,美国人产生的大量电子垃圾并不出人意料。我们有很多电子产品在使用,它们在全国人口中分布得更为广泛,而且电子产品的寿命往往相对较短。由此可推测,之所以有这么多电子垃圾,是因为电子产品被广泛使用,而且容易废弃。选项D符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据关键词“EPA”定位到第三段“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates more than 400 million consumer electronic items are dumped each year, and there is a push by more states to ban the waste from garbage dumps and create recycling programs.美国环境保护局估计,美国每年有4亿多件消费电子产品被倾倒,越来越多的州正在推动禁止倾倒垃圾,并建立回收项目。”由此可知,帮助减少电子垃圾倾倒是因为各州推行的禁止倾倒垃圾,选项A符合原文。3.细节事实题。根据关键词“Fannon”定位到第四段第二句“Plant manager Mike Fannon says e-waste here is resold to other companies that further break down the components that are valuable.工厂经理Mike Fannon说,这里的电子垃圾被转售给其他公司,进一步拆分出有价值的组件。”由此可知,选项B符合原文。4.细节事实题。根据第四段最后一句“There is gold plating on a lot of the material. There is silver. So all those precious metals are recovered in addition to the copper.很多材料上都镀了金,以及银。所以除了铜以外,所有这些贵重金属都能被重新找到。”。所以选项C正确。5.判断推理题。根据最后一段的内容“废物管理分析人士说,美国的设施可以安全地回收物品。环保人士坚持认为,通过提高消费者对电子垃圾回收的最佳方式的认识,可以减少垃圾填埋场中电子垃圾的数量。”由此可以推断,人们可以用一种安全的方式处理电子垃圾。选项B符合原文。7. 单选题It no secret we are a culture consumed by image. Economist have long recognized whats been dubbed the “beauty premium - the idea that pretty people, whatever their aspirations, tend to do better in, well, almost everything. Handsome men earn, on average, 5 percent more than their less-attractive counterparts (good-looking women earn 4 percent more); pretty people get more attention from teachers, bosses, and mentors; even babies stare longer at good-looking faces (and we stare longer at good-looking babies). A couple of decades ago, when the economy was thriving, we might have brushed off those statistics as superficial. But in 2010, theres a growing bundle of research to show that our bias against the unattractive is more pervasive than ever. And when it comes to the workplace, its looks, not merit, that all too often rule.Newsweek surveyed 202 corporate hiring managers, from human-resources staff to senior-level vice presidents, as well as 964 members of the public, only to confirm what no qualified (or unqualified) employee wants to admit: from hiring to office politics to promotions, even, looking good is no longer something we can dismiss as frivolous or vain. Fifty-seven percent of hiring managers said qualified blit unattractive candidates are likely to have a harder time landing a job, while more than half advised spending as much time and money on “making sure they look attractive” as on perfecting a resume. Asked to rank employee attributes in order of importance, meanwhile, managers placed looks above education: of nine character traits, it came in third, below experience (No.l) and confidence (No.2) but above where a candidate went to school” (No. 4). Does that mean you should drop out of Harvard and invest in a nose job? Probably not. But a state school might be just as marketable. “This is the new reality of the job market,” says one New York recruiter. “Its better to be average and good-looking than brilliant and unattractive.Todays working women have achieved “equality”: they dominate the workforce, they are household breadwinners, and they balk at having to subvert their sexuality, whether in the boardroom or on the beach. Yet while the outside-work milieu might accept the empowered yet feminine ideal, the workplace surely does not. Studies show that unattractive women remain at a disadvantage in low-level positions like secretary, while in upper-level fields that are historically male-dominated, good-looking women can suffer a so-called bimbo effect. They are viewed as too feminine, less intelligent, and less competent not only by men but also by their female peers.1.The “beauty premium” called by economists means that( ).2.What have researches in 2010 proved when it comes to workplace?3.What can we learn from the survey conducted by Newsweek?4.What can we learn about todays working women?5.What is “bimbo effect” according to the last paragraph?问题1选项A.beautiful people perform better in their jobB.a good image is very important in landing a jobC.good looks ensure success in almost every aspectD.people should invest money and time to be better looking问题2选项A.it is superficial to attach importance to physical appearance.B.it is common to prefer the attractive and have a bias against the unattractive.C.It is the general rule to value beautiful looks more than merit.D.It is looks rather than ability that play a critical role.问题3选项A.A perfect resume does not matter in hunting a job.B.Beautiful people tend to be more self-confident.C.Beauty is an advantage for anyone with any education.D.Cosmetic surgery is suggested to make people more competitive.问题4选项A.They are enslaved by ridiculous beauty standards.B.They make up a fraction of the workplace.C.They are confined to be the role of office toy.D.They are unwilling to subvert their sexuality.问题5选项A.The idea that women are at a disadvantage in workplacesB.The bias that beautiful women are frivolous or vain.C.The notion that beautiful women are not intelligent or competent.D.The prejudice that women should do jobs of low-level positions【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据关键词“beauty premium”定位到第一段第二句“the idea that pretty people, whatever their aspirations, tend to do better in, well, almost everything.漂亮的人,不管他们的志向是什么,几乎在所有事情上都会做得更好。”选项C 符合原文。2.判断推理题。根据时间点“2010”定位倒第一段最后一句“But in 2010, theres a growing bundle of research to show that our bias against the unattractive is more pervasive than ever. And when it comes to the workplace, its looks, not merit, that all too often rule.但在2010年,越来越多的研究表明,我们对相貌平平的偏见比以往任何时候都更加普遍。而在工作中,往往是外表而不是能力决定一切。”选项A在文中没有提及;选项C相对于选项B和D来说更加准确,因此本题选C。3.判断推理题。根据关键词“Newsweek”定位到第二段第一句“新闻周刊调查了202名企业人事部经理,从人力资源的员工到高级副总裁,以及964名公众,只是为了确认不合格员工想要承认的事情:从招聘到办公室争斗再到晋升,实际上,看上去不错不再是我们认为无价值的或者无用的而不予考虑。”选项A和B在文中没有提及;选项D明显错误;所以只有选项C正确。4.细节事实题。根据最后一段第一句“Todays working women have achieved “equality”: they dominate the workforce, they are household breadwinners, and they balk at having to subvert their sexuality, whether in the boardroom or on the beach.今天的职业女性已经实现了“平等”:她们在劳动力中占据优势;她们是家庭的经济支柱;她们因为不得不颠覆性别而畏畏缩缩,不管是在会议室还是在海滩上。”也就是说,她们是不愿意颠覆自己的性别的。选项D符合原文。5.细节


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