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2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题1. 2008年,当5名创始者建立一个新的社会网络的时候,他们没有想到wowWwow.Com会在经济消沉时期,重新唤起中年专业人士的才华,使他们进入崭新的更加有前途的职业生涯。2. 该实习项目针对的不是年轻的新手,确切地说,是针对掌握可出售技能的有经验的商界女性,这些人在经济危机时期需要新的技能,去开创另一份工作。3. 随着越来越多的报纸和杂志转向在线,需要新的网络出版技能,而传统的出版媒体人才正在被取代。4. 那是接受第一个实习生(免费的)时的情景,该人55岁,她开始听课,观看、学习、操作,向比她年轻得多,精通技术的网络作家求教。5. 对这个实习项目的正面议论证实,wowWwow的社会网络支持其网站宗旨:交流专业和个人经历,鼓励他人,使世界更美好。【答案】1. When five founders launched a new social network in 2008, they had no idea that wowWwow.Com would revive the talents of middle-aged professionals and launch them into new and more promising careers during a downturn in the economy.2. The internship program is not aimed at young beginners, but rather, at experienced businesswomen with saleable skills who need new skills to start another job during the recession.3. As more newspapers and magazines move online, new online publishing skills are needed, and traditional publishing media talents are being replaced.4. That was the scene when the first (free) intern was accepted: a 55-year-old woman began listening to the lectures, watching, learning, and manipulating, and turned to a much younger, tech-savvy web writer for advice.5. Positive comments about the internship program confirm that wowWwows social network supports its mission: to exchange professional and personal experiences, to encourage others, and to make the world a better place.2. 单选题Lung cancer has now exceeded breast cancer as a _ killer of American women.问题1选项A.preliminaryB.primaryC.potentialD.physical【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. preliminary 初步的 B. primary 主要的C. potential 潜在的 D. physical 身体的【答案】C【考查点】修饰语与被修饰语的搭配【解题思路】空格前后语义为“肺癌已经超过乳腺癌成为美国女性的_杀手”。空格处所填词修饰的对象为“杀手”,根据句意,原文指的是,肺癌是美国女性去世的可能原因,C选项potential“潜在的”符合原文前后搭配。【干扰项排除】A选项preliminary“初步的”,与“杀手(killer)”搭配不当;B选项primary“主要的”,原文没有足够的语义说明,肺癌是美国女性死亡的主要原因,而只要她们可能因肺癌去世就可以说“潜在原因”,因此,C选项更合适;D选项physical“身体的”,与“杀手(killer)”搭配不当。【句意】肺癌已经超过乳腺癌成为美国女性的潜在杀手。3. 单选题It was recommended that they _ for the doctor.问题1选项A.waitB.would waitC.waitedD.should have waited【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. wait 等待 B. would wait 等待C. waited 等待 D. should have waited 等待【答案】A【考查点】虚拟语气【解题思路】本题考查的是虚拟语气的使用情况之一:表示建议、命令、主张、目的和愿望等的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句通常使用虚拟语气,其形式为should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。本题为表示建议的主语从句,空格处所填的内容为从句的谓语,因此需要使用“(should)+动词原形”,A选项wait“等待”符合要求。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合该虚拟语气的结构要求。【句意】有人建议他们等医生。4. 单选题His lawyer collected enough evidence to _ the charge against him.问题1选项A.nominateB.criticizeC.rebutD.analyze【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. nominate 提名;指派;指定 B. criticize 批评;指责C. rebut 反驳;证明(言论等)错误 D. analyze 分析【答案】C【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前文内容为“他的律师收集了足够的证据”,后文内容为“对他的指控”,根据前后语义可知,他的律师收集的证据应该是为了反驳对他的指控,证明对他的指控是错误的。因此,C选项“反驳;证明(言论等)错误”,符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】他的律师收集了足够的证据来反驳对他的指控。5. 单选题_ classic music, which follows formal European tradition, jazz is a spontaneous and free form.问题1选项A.In contrast toB.In connection withC.In comparisonD.In regard to【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. In contrast to 与不同 B. In connection with 与相连C. In comparison 相比之下 D. In regard to 关于【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接与短语辨析【解题思路】原文提到“古典音乐,遵循正式的欧洲传统”,而“爵士乐是一种自发的、自由的形式”,这两种情况相反,A选项In contrast to“与不同”最符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】B选项In connection with“与相连”,不符合原文语义衔接;C选项In comparison“相比之下”,侧重于将两者进行比较,而In contrast to侧重于两者之间的不同,后者更符合原文语义;D选项In regard to“关于”,不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】与遵循正式欧洲传统的古典音乐不同,爵士乐是一种自发的、自由的形式。6. 单选题Once the _ contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.问题1选项A.principleB.principalC.potentialD.primitive【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. principle 原则;本质 B. principal 主要的C. potential 潜在的 D. primitive 原始的【答案】B【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“抓住_矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解。”根据后文“一切问题就迎刃而解”推断,前文指的是抓住了主要矛盾,B选项principal“主要的”符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A选项principle“原则;本质”,形近词,与contradiction“矛盾”不搭配;C选项potential“潜在的”,不符合原句语义衔接;D选项primitive“原始的”,形近词,不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解了。7. 单选题Dont repeat what he said; please give me the highlights: Thats my concern.问题1选项A.summariesB.detailsC.gistD.opinions【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. summaries 总结 B. details 细节C. gist 主旨;要点 D. opinions 观点【答案】C【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“请告诉我_”,前文提到“不要重复他说过的话”,原词highlights“重点;要点”,侧重于指最精彩、最重要的部分,C选项gist“主旨;要点”最符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项summaries“总结”侧重于指对内容的概括,没有C选项符合原句语义;B选项details“细节”,不符合原句语义;D选项opinions“观点”,不符合原句语义。【句意】不要重复他说过的话;请告诉我重点:这是我关心的问题。8. 单选题Youll have to change your _ of life now that you have got a baby.问题1选项A.modeB.moldC.moodD.form【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. mode 方式;模式 B. mold 模具;类型C. mood 情绪 D. form 形式【答案】A【考查点】修饰语与被修饰语的搭配与形近词辨析【解题思路】空格处所填词受“生活”修饰,原句句意为“既然你有了孩子,你就得改变你的生活_了。”根据前后语义推测,该处表达的是“生活方式”,A选项mode“方式;模式”最符合要求,mode of life“生活方式”。【干扰项排除】B选项mold“模具;类型”,与“生活”搭配不当;C选项mood“情绪,心情”,与“生活”搭配不当;D选项form“形式”,侧重于指某种形式,虽然有时候可以翻译成方式,但是这个方式还是侧重于指以某种形式,“生活方式”常使用的还是mode。【句意】既然你有了孩子,你就得改变你的生活方式了。9. 单选题The eve of the hurricane appears to be tranquil.问题1选项A.calmB.noisyC.spiralD.transparent【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. calm 平静的 B. noisy 吵闹的C. spiral 螺旋形的 D. transparent 透明的【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】划线词前面部分的语义为“飓风来临的前夕似乎是_”,由此可知,该词是形容飓风来临之前的情况的,根据常识可知,暴风雨来临之前都是平静的,A选项calm“平静的”最符合原句语义衔接。原词tranquil“平静的”。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】飓风来临的前夕似乎很平静。10. 单选题Neither of the young men who had applied for the position in the university _.问题1选项A.has been acceptedB.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.were accepted【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. has been accepted 已经被录取 B. have been accepted 已经被录取C. was accepted 被录取 D. were accepted 被录取【答案】C【考查点】主谓一致与时态一致【解题思路】本句主语为neither of the young men,neither做主语时谓语动词可以用单数也可以用复数,但是用单数更正式,单选题中单复数同时出现,选择单数形式为最佳;另外,原文中定语从句部分使用了过去完成时(had applied),因此主句部分也应使用一个过去的时态,通常是一般过去时。因此,C选项was accepted“被录取”符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项has been accepted时态不对,现在完成时是表示现在的时态;B选项have been accepted,复数没有单数合适,时态也不对;D选项were accepted,复数没有单数合适。【句意】两个申请这个大学的职位的年轻人都没有被录取。11. 翻译题The roles of admission into the world economy not only reflect little awareness of developing priorities, they are often completely unrelated to sensible economic principles. For instance, WTO agreements on antidumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, agriculture, textiles, and trade-related intellectual property rights lack any economic rationale beyond the mercantilist interest of a narrow set of powerful groups in advanced industrial countries. Bilateral and regional trade agreements are typically far worse, as they impose even tighter prerequisites on developing countries in return for crumbs of enhanced “market access”. For example, the African Growth and Opportunity Act signed by U.S. President Clinton in May 2000 provides increased access to the U.S. market only if African apparel manufacturers use U.S. produced fabric and yams. This restriction severely limits the potential economic spillover in African countries.【答案】加入世界经济的作用在于不仅反映出人们对发展重点的认识不足,而且往往与合理的经济原则完全无关。例如,WTO关于反倾销、补贴和反补贴措施、农业、纺织品以及与贸易有关的知识产权等的协议,除了发达工业国家中少数强大集团的重商主义利益之外,缺乏其他任何经济依据。而双边和区域贸易协定通常要糟糕得多,因为它们要求发展中国家满足更严格的先决条件,来换取少量的“市场准入”。例如,美国总统克林顿2000年5月签署的非洲增长与机会法案规定,非洲服装制造商只有使用美国生产的织物和棉纱,才能扩大进入美国市场的机会。这一限制严重限制了非洲国家潜在的经济溢出效应。12. 单选题At the close of the Kyoto Global-Warming Treaty discussion held in Bonn last week, exhausted negotiators from nearly every country in earth had reason to be proud. They had done what no one expectedthey reached a breakthrough agreement to limit greenhouse gases. During the concluding remarks, as each speaker praised the next, only the chief U.S. official on the scene drew an undiplomatic response. When Paula Dobriansky told the gathering that the Bush Administration “will not abdicate (放弃) our responsibility” to address global warming, the hall filled with boos. Thats because the U.S., the worlds largest producer of greenhouse gases, sat on the sidelines in Bonn.George W. Bush has yet to decide what, if anything, he will do to combat global warming. But he believes the Kyoto treaty is fatally flawed because it doesnt require developing countries to limit their fossil-fuel use immediately, as it does industrialized countries. So he keeps the U.S. out of the discussions. In doing so, the Administration may have lost its last opportunity to help shape the international response to the problem. And Bush may be in danger of losing control over climate action domestically. After months of internal debate, the Administration is still “consulting” on the issue.That noise you hear is Congress rushing to fill the leadership vacuum. At least six climate plans have been proposed so far. The first is sponsored by former Republican, now Independent Senator Jim Jeffords, chairman of the Senate Environment Committee, who proposes to cut greenhouse-gas emission from power plants. Congressional action this week will center on reducing emission by raising vehicle fuel-efficiency standards, including those for SUVs. If SUVs had to meet the same standards as carssomething Massachusetts Representative Ed Markey will propose this weekthey could save consumer an estimated $7 billion at the pump this year and cut gasoline demand by tens of billions of gallons over 10 years.The “drill Detroit, not Arctic” campaign will find some support this week when the National Academy of Sciences releases a long-awaited study. The report, toned-down after the auto industry protested that raising fuel-efficiency standards, by making cars lighter, makes vehicles less safe, is still likely to conclude that fuel efficiency can be increased at least 25% with existing technology.If a fuel-efficiency bill reaches his desk, Bush could be in a bindcaught between auto lobbyists (his chief staff used to be one) and his concern for energy security. With new technology putting impressive fuel efficiency within reach, it will be hard for him to oppose measure that could reduce the national appetite for foreign oil by millions of barrels a year.1. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by _.2. The statement “sat on the sideline” (Paragraph 1) means _.3. Bush keeps U.S. out of the discussion because he believes _.4. The National Academy of Science found in the study that _.5. What can we find from the last paragraph?问题1选项A.making a comparisonB.justifying as an assumptionC.posing a contrastD.explaining a phenomenon问题2选项A.not sitting together with the representatives from other countriesB.not taking part in the activity even though they should doC.not getting involved in the discussionD.not paying attention to the international affair问题3选项A.the industrialized countries should not shoulder the responsibility aloneB.developing countries fail to meet the same requirementC.the industrial countries seem to share more in tackling this issueD.the developing countries should not be included问题4选项A.the auto industry should not raise the fuel efficiency standardsB.the lighter car is not safe enoughC.the existing technology can increase the fuel efficiencyD.the lighter the car is, the less safety it will be问题5选项A.New technology can help Bush out of trouble.B.Bush intends to stir the national appetite for foreign oil.C.Auto lobbyists have different ideas from Bush.D.Bush fails to deal with the subtle situation.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】第1题:【选项释义】In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by _. 在文章首段,作者通过_引出话题。A. making a comparison A. 做比较B. justifying as an assumption B. 证明一个假设C. posing a contrast C. 设置对照D. explaining a phenomenon D. 解释一个现象【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the opening paragraph定位到原文第一段,本段主要介绍了布什政府与不同国家的代表对京都议定书的不同反应。根据本段第三句“在结束发言时,每个发言者都对下一个发言者表示赞扬(as each speaker praised the next),只有在场的美国首席官员(only the chief U.S. official)做出了非外交式的回应”,推测,作者是将布什政府的反应与其他国家的反应进行对照,引出后文关于美国情况的讨论,C选项“设置对照”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“做比较”,是本题最大的干扰项,但是“比较”主要是分析对象之间的异同,并且参与比较的对象是同样重要的;而原文主要分析的是差异,并且更侧重于布什政府的反应,该选项属于曲解原文;B选项“证明一个假设”,原文并未提出任何假设,并对其进行论证,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“解释一个现象”,原文并未对现象进行解释,该选项属于无中生有。第2题:【选项释义】The statement “sat on the sideline” (Paragraph 1) means _. 第一段“sat on the sideline”的意思是_。A. not sitting together with the representatives from other countries A. 不和其他国家的代表坐在一起B. not taking part in the activity even though they should do B. 即使应该参与活动,也没参与C. not getting involved in the discussion C. 不参与讨论D. not paying attention to the international affair D. 不关注国际事务【答案】B【考查点】词汇推测题【解题思路】根据题干关键词sat on the sideline和Paragraph 1定位到原文第一段最后一句。该句提到“这是因为美国,作为世界上最大的温室气体排放国,在波恩的会议上_。”由此可知,该短语指的是美国在波恩会议上的表现。根据前文“当葆拉多布里扬斯基(Paula Dobriansky)在集会上说,布什政府不会放弃我们的责任以解决全球变暖(address global warming),大厅充满了嘘声(the hall filled with boos)。”由此可知,与会代表们并不相信布什政府做出的承诺。美国作为世界上最大的温室气体排放国,本应该在讨论气候问题的波恩会议上积极作为,承担责任,但是从其他代表的反应来看,他们并没有做到。因此,B选项“即使应该参与活动,也没参与”最符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“不和其他国家的代表坐在一起”,根据sat直译出来的,但是不符合原文语境;C选项“不参与讨论”,只表达了部分意思,没有B选项准确,该选项属于以偏概全;D选项“不关注国际事务”,波恩大会主要讨论的是气候问题,“国际事务”的表述不准确,该选项属于过度推理。第3题:【选项释义】Bush keeps U.S. out of the discussion because he believes _. 布什把美国排除在讨论之外,因为他相信_。A. the industrialized countries should not shoulder the responsibility alone A. 工业化国家不应独自承担责任B. developing countries fail to meet the same requirement B. 发展中国家没有达到同样的要求C. the industrial countries seem to share more in tackling this issue C. 工业化国家似乎在解决这一问题上承担得更多D. the developing countries should not be included D. 发展中国家不应该包括在内【答案】A【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Bush keeps U.S. out of the discussion定位到原文第二段第二、三句,这两句提到“但他(布什)认为,京都议定书存在致命缺陷,因为它没有要求(doesnt require)发展中国家(developing countries)像工业化国家那样(as it does industrialized countries)立即限制化石燃料的使用。所以他把美国排除在讨论之外。”由此可知,布什总统之所以这么做,是因为该协议只要求工业化国家立即限制化石燃料的使用,却不要求发展中国家,可见,他觉得不应该只有工业化国家为气候变暖负责,发展中国家也应该像发达国家一样立即限制化石燃料的使用。因此,A选项“工业化国家不应独自承担责任”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项“发展中国家没有达到同样的要求”,原文表达的是“发展中国家没有被要求”,而不是它们没有达到要求,该选项属于曲解原文;C选项“工业化国家似乎在解决这一问题上承担得更多”,根据原文的逻辑,该协议没有对发展中国家提出要求是布什总统这么做的原因,因此,不是发展中国家承担得少了,而是他认为发展中国家根本就没有承担责任,该选项属于曲解原文;D选项“发展中国家不应该包括在内”,与原文表述相反,布什认为应该包括在内,该选项属于反向干扰。第4题:【选项释义】The National Academy of Science found in the study that _. 美国国家科学院在研究中发现_。A. the auto industry should not raise the fuel efficiency standards A. 汽车产业不应该提高燃油效率标准B. the lighter car is not safe enough B. 轻一点儿的车不够安全C. the existing technology can increase the fuel efficiency C. 现有的技术可以提高燃料效率D. the lighter the car is, the less safety it will be D. 汽车越轻,安全性就越低【答案】C【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词The National Academy of Science定位到原文第四段。本段第二句提到“在汽车行业抗议提高燃油效率标准(使汽车更轻,降低了汽车的安全性)后,该报告的语气有所缓和,但仍有可能得出结论,认为在现有技术下(with existing technology),燃油效率至少可以提高25%(fuel efficiency can be increased at least 25%)。”由此可知,该研究得出的发现是“现有技术下燃油效率至少可以提高25%”。因此,C选项“现有的技术可以提高燃料效率”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“汽车产业不应该提高燃油效率标准”,原文虽然提到了汽车行业抗议提高燃油效率标准,但这并不是说不应该提高,并且这一点并不是美国国家科学院的研究所得出的发现,该选项属于曲解原文;B选项“轻一点儿的车不够安全”,这是汽车行业抗议的原因,不是美国国家科学院的研究所得出的发现,该选项属于曲解原文;D选项“汽车越轻,安全性就越低”,原文提到“使汽车更轻,降低了汽车的安全性”,但是不是“汽车越轻,安全性就越低”并没有说,而且这不是美国国家科学院的研究所得出的发现,该选项属于曲解原文。第5题:【选项释义】What can we can find from the last paragraph? 从最后一段我们能发现什么?A. New technology can help Bush out of trouble. A. 新技术可以帮助布什摆脱困境。B. Bush intends to stir the national appetite for foreign oil. B. 布什打算激起全国对外国石油的喜爱。C. Auto lobbyists have different ideas from Bush. C. 汽车说客的想法与布什不同。D. Bush fails to deal with the subtle situation. D. 布什没有处理好微妙的局面。【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the last paragraph定位到原文最后一段。本段第一句提到“如果一项燃油效率法案送到布什的办公桌上,他可能会陷入两难的处境(Bush could be in a bind):一方面是汽车说客(auto lobbyists)(他的首席幕僚曾是其中之一),另一方面是他对能源安全的担忧(his concern for energy security)。”倒数第二段第二句提到“汽车行业抗议提高燃油效率标准”,由此可知,汽车说客们的观点是“反对提高燃油效率”;而布什总统出于能源安全考虑,应该是希望节约能源的,燃油效率提高有利于节约能源,所以两者的观点是不一致的,因此C选项“汽车说客的想法与布什不同”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“新技术可以帮助布什摆脱困境”,原文第二段第一句提到“布什尚未决定采取什么行动来对抗全球变暖(to combat global warming)”,这是布什总统的困境;原文虽然提到新技术可以燃油效率,减少人们对石油的需求,节约能源,但是并没有提出解决措施,该选项属于过度推理;B选项“布什打算激起全国对外国石油的喜爱”,原文虽然提到他反对可能减少外国石油需求的措施,以及他对能源安全的担忧,说明他希望人们在购买石油时更多地选择外国石油,但是原文只是提到了他的这种倾向,并没有涉及他会怎么做以激起人们对外国石油的喜爱,另外,原文提到新技术使他没有办法再继续反对了,说明即使他有过这种打算,也是以前的了,该选项属于过度推理;D选项“布什没有处理好微妙的局面”,本段只提到了布什总统面临的两难局面,并没有涉及他是否处理好这个局面,该选项属于无中生有。13. 单选题Some disputes among these countries are _ by history.问题1选项A.left overB.turned overC.handed overD.taken over【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. left over 留下 B. turned over 移交给;翻阅;反复考虑C. handed over (把某事)交给负责 D. taken over 接管;接替【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析与语义衔接【解题思路】空格处前后语义为“这些国家之间的一些争端是被历史_”,由此可知,与空格处所填短语搭配的是“国家间的一些争端”和“历史”,A选项left over“留下”最符合原句语义衔接,指“被历史遗留下来的争端”。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】这些国家之间的一些争端是历史遗留下来的。14. 单选题Electrical resistance is a common property of all materials _.问题1选项A.only differs in degreeB.only in degree it differsC.differing only in degreeD.and differing in degree only【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. only differs in degree 只是程度不同 B. only in degree it differs 只是程度不同C. differing only in degree 只是程度不同 D. and differing in degree only 只是程度不同【答案】C【考查点】非谓语动词【解题思路】空格处前面为一个主系表结构完整的句子,主语为“电阻”,系动词为“是”,表语为“所有材料的共同特性”;并且原句没有连词或从句引导词,所以该句并不是并列句或复合句。因此,空格处为句子的状语,此处为动词的现在分词做伴随状语,C选项differing only in degree符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项only differs in degree,动词的三人称单数为谓语形式,缺少连词或从句引导词;B选项only in degree it differs,动词的三人称单数为谓语形式,缺少连词或从句引导词;D选项and differing in degree only,有连词and,不应该使用非谓语动词(现在分词形式differing)。【句意】电阻是所有材料的共同特性,只是不同的材料的阻力大小不同。15. 单选题This is an _ a piece of work of art, verified by several prominent art connoisseurs.问题1选项A.angularB.ambitiousC.almightyD.authentic【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. angular 瘦骨嶙峋的 B. ambitious 有野心的;有雄心的C. almighty 全能的 D. authentic 真品的【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所填形容词修饰的是“艺术作品”,根据后文“经几位著名的艺术鉴赏家证实”可知,该作品是真品,D选项authentic“真品的”符合原句前后语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原句前后语义衔接。【句意】这是一件经过几位著名艺术鉴赏家鉴定的艺术真品。16. 单选题During the Middle Ages, virulent diseases like Bubonic Plague were rampant.问题1选项A.lethalB.communicableC.contagiousD.defective【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. lethal 致命的 B. communicable 会传染的C. contagious 可接触传染的 D. defective 有缺陷的【答案】A【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】原句前后语义为“在中世纪,像黑死病这样的_疾病十分猖獗。”由此可知,该形容词修饰的是“疾病(黑死病)”,原词virulent“致命的”,因此A选项lethal“致命的”最符合原句语义。【干扰项排除】B选项communicable“会传染的”,语义与原句不一致;C选项contagious“可接触传染的”,语义与原句不一致;D选项defective“有缺陷的”,不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】在中世纪,像黑死病这样的致命疾病十分猖獗。17. 单选题Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in everyone except _?问题1选项A.ingredientsB.elementsC.componentsD.compounds【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. ingredients (烹饪的)原料 B. elements 要素C. components 组成部分 D. compounds 混合物【答案】A【考查点】近义词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“为什么素食餐厅除了_以外,所有的菜都像肉?”根据各选项的意思推测,这句话指的是素食餐厅的菜除了原料都像肉,A选项ingredients“(烹饪的)原料”最符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】B选项elements“要素”,侧重于指某物的必要部分或基础部分;C选项components“组成部分”,泛指某物的组成部分;D选项compounds“混合物”,指由两种或两种以上元素组成的物质。【句意】为什么素食餐厅除了原料以外,所有的菜都像肉?18. 单选题An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinctionwhich goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law. It is not simply to raise everyones job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself. But this was not always the cas


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