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教学目标教学目标1.购物时向别人提建议的表达。购物时向别人提建议的表达。2.征求对方对某人或某物的看法。征求对方对某人或某物的看法。Play this number game.S1: Zero S2: Two S3: Four S4 :Six 夸夸你的夸夸你的Mr.LiangHe is/looks. a.请读出以下数字:请读出以下数字: 40 14 13 30 78 100 300 406 421 b.服务行业常用语:服务行业常用语: _ I help you, sir/madam? _ for you, sir/madam? c. 询问价格:询问价格: _ _ _ the T-shirt? _ 70 yuan. _ _ _ the pants? _ 100 yuan. 1.Review (复习)May/CanWhat can I doHow muchisItsHow muchareTheyre d. 翻译以下句子翻译以下句子 你穿这条连衣裙很漂亮。你穿这条连衣裙很漂亮。 _ 我可以试穿它吗?我可以试穿它吗?_ 我们将会买下它。我们将会买下它。_Well take it.The dress looks nice on you.Can I try it on? 一一.自主学习自主学习 a.在英语国家里,售货员常向顾客问在英语国家里,售货员常向顾客问May/Can I help you?或或What can I do for you ? 顾客如果需顾客如果需要购物,可直接说出自己所需物品。如果仅想逛要购物,可直接说出自己所需物品。如果仅想逛逛而已,可回答逛而已,可回答_. Im just looking, thanks. 二二.自主学习自主学习 b.找出文章中表建议的两个句子找出文章中表建议的两个句子 _ _ Why not try on that pair?How about the blue one?=What about.? 二二.自主学习自主学习It is too long.Theyre too long. c.裤子太长裤子太长/太短太短 The pants are _/_.too long. too short.It looks very nice.=What do you think of the dress?How do you like the dress?How do you like the shoes?=What do you think of the shoes?Theyre very nice. 二二.自主学习自主学习你认为你认为.怎么样?怎么样?d. 你认为这条裤子怎么样?你认为这条裤子怎么样?_ 你认为这条黄色短裙怎么样?你认为这条黄色短裙怎么样?_How do you like the trousers?What do you think of this yellow skirt?How do you like . ? What do you think of . ?¥998Are you kidding?Ill think about it! 考虑考虑Thank you.Thank you all the same. d. 翻译:翻译:你在开玩笑吗?你在开玩笑吗? _考虑考虑_还是要感谢你。还是要感谢你。_think aboutAre you kidding?Thank you all the same.Look, listen and say. (1) What does Michael want to buy? _ He wants to buy a pair of trousers.(2) Does Jane like the yellow skirt?_(3) How much is the blue skrit?_No, she doesnt.Its 280 yuan. Im just looking, thankstoo long280 你在开玩笑吗你在开玩笑吗 May I help you? I want/would like . How/What about.? Why not.? How do you like.?/ What do you think of.? (not) like.a lot/ a little/ at all. How much.? Are you kidding? Ill think about it./ Well take it.这节课我学会了这节课我学会了(1).当我们进商店而不打算购物时可以说当我们进商店而不打算购物时可以说_(2).重要的短语重要的短语: 认为认为_ 考虑考虑_ 太长太长_(3)询问询问“你认为你认为.怎么样怎么样?”的两种表达方式:的两种表达方式:_ _(4)提建议:提建议: _ about.? _ do sth.?(5)别人无法提供你所需的帮助或你不需要对方的帮助,别人无法提供你所需的帮助或你不需要对方的帮助,我们仍应该礼貌地我们仍应该礼貌地表示表示感谢感谢: _think oftoo longHow do you like.?What do you think of.?What/HowWhy notThank you all the same.Im just looking, thanks.think aboutThank you and Goodbye!


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