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北京语言大学22春高级写作补考试题库答案参考1. Which statement is NOT true?AMost callers are girl studentsBThere are only a fWhich statement is NOT true?AMost callers are girl studentsBThere are only a few callers every timeCThe students phones show that many parents failed in properly handling their children s problemsDThis special phone line has been in service for more than a year正确答案:BA项文章中提到有And three-quarters of the callers were girlsC项在文章最后一句中提到,D项在第一句可推断出正确。只有B项未提。2. Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests.A.stoppedB.had to stopC.shall stopD.stop参考答案:A3. It is not an easy job for the teacher to ( ) the books because there are 100 students in this class.A.distributeB.passC.sendD.disperse参考答案:A4. The higher the standard of living, the ( ).A.greater is the amount of goods consumedB.greater amount of goods consumedC.amount of goods is used greaterD.greater the amount of goods consumed参考答案:D5. My roommate is much more intelligent than I and he makes me feel _.A.superiorB.inferiorC.priorD.particular参考答案:B6. I had taken it for _ that Sally would tell whenever she got the useful information.A.interestedB.sureC.certainD.granted参考答案:D7. _ the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest Swiss industry in 1929.A.In terms ofB.In term ofC.As far asD.Apart from参考答案:A8. You should try to _ your ambition and be more realistic.A.restrainB.retainC.reserveD.replace参考答案:A9. The meeting _ at 8 o&39;clock.A.closedB.consultedC.convertedD.concluded参考答案:D10. Which do you like _, football or ping pong?A.bestB.wellC.betterD.more参考答案:C11. English has become a communication _ for people from different countries.A.meritB.streamC.enjoymentD.medium参考答案:D12. offend 选择能代替的选项( )A.botherB.hurtC.annoyD.excite参考答案:B13. She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she can&39;t eat for _ in his restaurant. A) free,She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she cant eat for _ in his restaurant.A) free, freeB) free, freelyC) freely, freeD) freely, freelyC副词freely表示“自由地,随意地”,for free表示“免费”,是固定搭配。14. When cooking supper, _.A.there was a knock on the doorB.someone was knocking at the doorC.we heard a knock on the doorD.we heard someone is knocking at the door参考答案:C15. Do you think that the students will ( ) from this of teaching?A.interestB.valueC.benefitD.advantage参考答案:C16. In their efforts to _ us to buy that product, advertiser have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.A.causeB.forceC.persuadeD.convince参考答案:C17. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university _.A.has been acceptedB.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.were accepted参考答案:C18. It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A.had leakedB.is leakingC.leakedD.has been leaking参考答案:D19. After a short holiday, he ( ) once more to his studies.A.engaged himselfB.applied himselfC.conduced himselfD.conduced himself参考答案:B20. I could tell he was surprised from the _ on his face.A.appearanceB.shockC.lookD.sight参考答案:C21. If you can not (perform) your responsibilities, you can not continue to work here.选择能代替括号里的选项A.doB.carryC.fulfillD.work参考答案:C22. I was impressed by his highly developed ( ) of humour.A.ideaB.feelingC.senseD.emtion参考答案:C23. The life here is really very difficult, to tell you the truth, I havent completely _ to it yet.A.agreedB.fittedC.adjustedD.adopted参考答案:C24. The first is ( ) approach ( ) the two.A.the most helpful, inB.more helpful, ofC.more helpful, inD.the more helpful, of参考答案:D25. ( ) hat is that?A.whosB.whoseC.whoD.whom参考答案:B26. ( ) is your uncle going to leave for?A.whoB.whomC.whichD.what place参考答案:D27. Directions: In the following text, the numbers 1115 in brackets refer to the underlined parts of the text that come after them, and to the questions below. Read the text first , and then answer the q11. Change this complex sentence into two simple sentences.12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She likes music , doesnt she?14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.参考答案:11. There lived a King in sunny southern Portugal. He married a rnbeautiful princess from Europe s coldest north.12. The King didn t grow angry.13. The King was stunned, wasnt he?14. His gardeners were immediately ordered to plant almond-trees.15. When do they bloom white?28. “( ) is your watch?” “Its very expensive.”A.howB.how manyC.how muchD.how nice参考答案:C29. Hurry up, or the tickets ( ) by the time we get there.A.will have been sold outB.will sell outC.have sold outD.have been sold out参考答案:A30. Hi, Tom, John sends his regards to your parents. -_.A.Thats kind of him.B.Thats kind of you.C.Of course.D.How are you?参考答案:A31. Keep the child away from the glaring light; it will do harm to his ( ) nerve.A.visibleB.viewC.sightD.visual参考答案:D32. He prefers to live with his mother than ( ) her alone.A.to leaveB.leavingC.leaveD.leaves参考答案:C33. Today _ cold.A.it makesB.it isC.it doesD.is it参考答案:B34. Ill go to see the film with you _ I have time this evening.A.whetherB.soC.ifD.when参考答案:C35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AInternet is a source of learningWhich of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AInternet is a source of learning for teens.BOutside classroom learning is equally valuable.CTeens need to learn more effectively online.DParents should also learn to use Internet.正确答案:DA、B、C三个选项都可在文中找到证据,只有D选项未提及。36. Under no _ will I go there again.A.circumstancesB.situationC.giantD.happen参考答案:A37. The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is _ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.A.everything exceptB.anything butC.no less thanD.nothing more than参考答案:D38. I would like a cup of tea. -_.A.I, tooB.I did soC.Me, tooD.Me, either参考答案:C39. ( ) to take a walk with us now?A.Do you likeB.Would you likeC.Will you likeD.Have you liked参考答案:B40. What did you ( ) my book? I cant find it.A.do aboutB.do withC.leaveD.put参考答案:B41. His sister like&39;s painting and _ my sister.A.nor doesB.so doC.so doesD.so参考答案:C42. How did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arrHow did Sequoyahs family react to his idea of developing his own“talking leaf”?A.They arranged for his hunting accidentB.They thought he was crazyC.They decided to help himD.They asked him to teach them to read and write正确答案:B43. She was so fat that she could only just _ through the door.A.assembleB.appearC.squeezeD.gather参考答案:C44. Under good treatment, Linda is going to beginning to _and will soon recover.A.pick upB.pick outC.turn upD.show up参考答案:A45. economical 选择能代替的选项( )A.prudentB.extravagantC.economicD.sparing参考答案:B46. He is the only one ( ) these files.A.to access toB.to have access toC.to have accessD.to be accessible to参考答案:B47. As a commander, you should not _ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.A.expressB.explodeC.ecploitD.expose参考答案:D48. Modern statesmen are often faced with _ problems _ defeated the ancient Romans.A.the same . asB.such many . asC.as . as suchD.such . as they参考答案:A49. For more than 20 years, weve been supporting educational programs that _ from kindergartens to colleges.A.spreadB.shiftC.moveD.range参考答案:D50. I wonder how this place has ( ) for a four-star hotel.A.goneB.settledC.passedD.taken参考答案:C


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