(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十)Modules 5-8(九下)试题

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(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十)Modules 5-8(九下)试题_第1页
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(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十)Modules 5-8(九下)试题_第2页
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(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十)Modules 5-8(九下)试题_第3页
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课时训练(二十)Modules 5-8(九下)(限时:30分钟).2019江西完形填空Body imagethe way people feel about their looksis a big problem for many young people today. According to a1, more than half the teenage girls in the US think 2 should be on a diet(节食), and almost one in five teenage boys are 3 about their bodies and their weight.But whats the cause? In the study, many blame(责备) the media(媒体).Turn on the TV and youll 4 see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. 5 a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet, and its usually 6.Many young people feel pressure to7 these “perfect” people. But for most, this is just not possible. In the US, the average(平均的) woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos, 8 the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos.When people dont look the way many9 people look, they may become less confident. Some stop eating 10 in order to lose weight. Students can lose so much confidence that they start to 11 taking part in classroom activities at school.Body image problems dont12 as we get older, either. In the UK, for example women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics (化妆品) than any other 13 group. Older men spend a lot of money trying to 14 hair loss(损失).Is there a solution to the problem? A 2016 study in the UK suggested that body image lesson should be provided in15. Others believe its a problem that all of society needs to deal with. As Meaghan Ramsey says, “We need to judge(评判) people by what they do, not what they look like.”()1.A.newspaperB.magazineC.studyD.book()2.A.weB.theyC.youD.she()3.A.confident B.sureC.worriedD.happy()4.A.probably B.hardlyC.neverD.finally()5.A.GetB.Open C.TakeD.Find()6.A.the sameB.different C.specialD.interesting()7.A.look afterB.look for C.look atD.look like()8.A.becauseB.althoughC.butD.or()9.A.kindB.strong C.youngD.famous()10.A.earlyB.properlyC.slowlyD.carefully()11.A.enjoyB.stopC.finish D.forget()12.A.comeB.continueC.disappear D.happen()13.A.ageB.jobC.hobbyD.man()14.A.makeB.avoidC.refuseD.protect()15.A.supermarketsB.streetsC.parksD.schools.2019成都任务型阅读根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息,每空不超过三个单词。In 30 years from now, what will we eat? Will the food still be the same as it is now?The United Nations says that there will be over 9 billion people in the world by 2050. Our food needs will grow by 70%. What we eat now may not be enough for humans in the future. That is to say, well have to turn to something else. But what else can we eat? Here are a few possible choices.Veggie(Vegetable) meatA new kind of hamburger is now popular in the US. It looks the same as any other hamburger, and so is the taste. But its actually a “beef” burger made out of plants. The company behind the burger, Impossible Foods, uses peas and potatoes to make the “beef”. They take coloring, protein(蛋白质) and fats from these plants and mix them together.Making meat out of plants uses less water and land than raising animals for meat. It also creates fewer greenhouse gases. Some food companies are making chicken, pork and other meat out of plants, toofollow the same steps as making the “beef”.InsectsInsects take up little space and dont make much waste. They also have more protein than beef, chicken and pork. This makes insects another possible food of the future.Its common for people in some places to eat whole insects. But most people probably wont want to see the insects they eat. So in the future, people will first turn insects used for food into powder(粉末).Then they can use the powder to make other foods like chips, protein bars, biscuits and so on.AlgaeThe BBC says algae farming could become the worlds biggest farming industry in the future. They point out that algae is cheap and grows very quickly. Also, its very nutritious(有营养的). It has much more protein and oil than many other plants.Besides eating algae as a dish on its own, people may also use algae oil and algae butter in the future. Some algae has a strong taste. The UK scientists are trying to use algae to take the place of salt.Reason:Traditional food may not 1. of peoplein the future because of the rising population.Result predictions:Humans will have enough food.Future food is good for both 2.Veggie meatInsectsAlgaeAdvantageshas the same looks and tastes as any other 3. uses less water and land than raising animalscreates fewer greenhouse gasestake up little spacemake less wastehave more proteincheap and grows quicklyrich in protein and oil for humansused to get oil fromand make butterpossible to take the place of salt because of its 5.Producingprocesses1st: take coloring, protein and fats from plants 2nd: mix coloring, protein and fats together1st: turn insects used for food into powderto avoid making people feel 4. and when eating2nd: use the powder to make other foods.词汇运用()用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。includingserveexpectrequirehelp oneself1.The broken desks repairing as soon as possible.2.Ive got 3 days holiday New Years Day.3. to some fruit, boys and girls.4.You are to win the first prize in the match.5.The host will you a cup of tea if you visit a friend in China.()2018绍兴阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Curt von Badinski is an engineer of a company in San Francisco. 1.(然而), his home is in Los Angeles, which is 770 2.(英里) away from his workplace, so he has to take a plane to work and back.Every workday morning, von Badinski gets up at 5 am for the 15-minute drive to the airport. After 3.(停放) his car, he goes straight to take the plane. After a 90-minute flight, he 4.(着陆) at Oakland Airport and drives to his company. The 5.(整个的) trip takes him about 3 hours.Von Badinski pays the airline 2,300 dollars monthly so that he can fly 6.(自由地) at any time to and from San Francisco.Flying to work every day is not 7.(容易的) for von Badinski because he can only sleep five hours every night, but he believes 8.(没有什么) could be more important to him than his family. He had thought about several ways to solve the problem, 9.(包括) moving his family to San Francisco, but none of them worked.“The six-hour round trip shows that I have the 10.(能力) to have all the things I want,” he explains. “I am always excited to start a new day.” .2019烟台语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Why Short Stories Are Best for English LearningYou get more time to focus on words. When a text is short, you can have more time to learn how every single word is used and what importance it has in 1. text. This is more useful for those 2. are beginners of English.You can read a whole story at a time. Attention length is very important for learning. And the ability to finish a story gives you more time 3.(understand) it. Short stories are written to give you 4.(much) information with less effort.It is best for consistency (一致性). It is much easier to read one story every day than trying to read a big novel that never 5.(seem) to end.You can share them easily in a group. Since short stories can 6.(read) in any place, they are perfect for book clubs and learning circles. Most of the time these groups do not work because members have no time to read. Short stories are the perfect way for them.You can focus more on ideas. Language is less about 7.(word) and more about the meanings behind them. If you spends all your time 8.(learn) vocabulary and grammar, you will never be able to speak a language 9.(smooth) because you will have little to talk about. Short stories give you the chance to understand big ideas in a short time.In a word, short stories will not only improve your English reading comprehension(理解力) 10. also open your mind to different worlds.【参考答案】.主旨大意本文是一篇议论文。文中主要说的是人们受到媒体的影响,过渡关注自己的体型美,希望自己成为像模特、影星一样的人。研究表明人们对自己体型美的关注随着年龄的增长而增强,最后提出不要过度关注自己的体型。1.C考查名词辨析。newspaper报纸;magazine杂志;study研究;book书。根据第二段第二句“In the study”可知,这是一项研究。故选C。2.B考查代词辨析。we我们;they她(他、它)们;you你(们);she她。联系上文“more than half the teenage girls”可知,此处指的是“她们”。故选B。3.C考查形容词辨析。 confident 自信的; sure 确信的; worried 担心的;happy 高兴的。这里表示五分之一的男生担心体型和体重。故选C。4.A考查副词辨析。probably可能;hardly几乎不; never从来不; finally 最后。结合下文可知句意为“可能在电视上看到漂亮的模特、帅气的演员和健壮的体育明星”。故选A。5.B考查动词辨析。get得到; open 打开; take拿;find找。此处指“打开杂志”。故选B。6.A考查形容词辨析。the same相同的;different 不同的; special特别的;interesting有趣的。此处指“在互联网上和报纸、杂志是一样的。”故选A。7.D考查动词短语辨析。look after照看;look for 寻找;look at看; look like看起来像。句意:许多年轻人觉得要看上去像这些“完美的”人是有压力的。故选D。8.C考查连词辨析。because因为; although尽管;but但是; or或者。联系上下文可知,此处表示转折。句意:但是模特的平均身高是180厘米,平均体重是53公斤。故选C。9.D考查形容词辨析。kind善良的; strong强壮的;young年轻的; famous著名的。句意:当人们没有名人那样的外貌和体型时,他们可能会变得不那么自信。故选D。10.B考查副词辨析。early早地; properly正常地; slowly慢地; carefully仔细地。句意:有些人为了减肥而停止正常饮食。故选B。11.B考查动词辨析。enjoy喜欢; stop停止; finish完成;forget忘记。这里想表达的是学生失去自信,他们开始不参加学校活动了。故选B。12.C考查动词辨析。come来; continue继续; disappear 消失; happen发生。结合下文可知这里表达的是“随着年龄的增长,身体形象问题也不会消失”。故选C。13.A考查名词辨析。age年龄; job工作; hobby爱好; man男人。前面的“women over 50”表示某一年龄段。故选A。14.B考查动词辨析。make让; avoid避免;refuse拒绝; protect保护。句意:老年人为了避免脱发花费很多钱。故选B。15.D考查名词辨析。supermarket超市; street大街; park公园;school学校。结合后文可知,这里想表达的是形体教育应该从学校开始。故选D。.主旨大意本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在人口剧增的将来,人类需找到新的食物。作者介绍了三种可选择的新型食物:植物肉、昆虫和海藻。1.satisfy/meet the needs细节理解题。由文章第二段中“The United Nations says that there will be over 9 billion people in the world by 2015. Our food needs will grow by 70%. What we eat now may not be enough for humans in the future.”可知,随着人口数量的增加,在将来,传统食物将无法满足人类的需求。故此处应填“无法满足需求”对应的英文。2.environment and health推理归纳题。文章主要介绍了未来可选择的三种食品。它们分别是植物肉、昆虫和海藻,且从文章对它们的描述可知,它们既环保又健康。3.meat细节理解题。由第三段中关于植物肉的描写“It looks the same as any other hamburger, and so is the taste. But its actually a beef burger made out of plants.”可知,植物肉与一般肉类无论是外表还是味道都“一模一样”。4.sick/terrible; scared/frightened细节理解题。由文中关于昆虫的描写中“But most people probably wont want to see the insects they eat.”可知,如果人们得知他们吃的是昆虫的话,他们可能有不好的感觉,可能会感到恶心或害怕等。5.strong taste细节理解题。由最后一段关于海藻的描写“Some algae has a strong taste. The UK scientists are trying to use algae to take the place of salt.”可知,有些海藻口感较重,所以能替代食盐。.()1.require2.including3.Help yourselves4.expected5.serve()主旨大意工程师Curt von Badinski家在洛杉矶,却在旧金山一家公司工作。本文主要讲述了他在家与公司之间的行程以及他本人的体会。1.However2.miles3.parking4.lands5.whole6.freely7.easy8.nothing9.including10.ability.主旨大意本文解释了为什么短故事对于英语学习是最好的。1.the2.who3.to understand4.more5.seems6.be read7.words8.learning9.smoothly10.but


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