(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 词汇运用(三)校园生活+科普知识试题

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(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 词汇运用(三)校园生活+科普知识试题_第1页
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(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 词汇运用(三)校园生活+科普知识试题_第2页
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(浙江专版)2020中考英语复习方案 词汇运用(三)校园生活+科普知识试题_第3页
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词汇运用(三) 校园生活+科普知识【Group 1】.用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。hearon showmaketraditionusual1.Usually teeth grow in order but for some babies they grow in a(n) order.2.While I was walking in the street, I someone call me from behind.3.I do not think we should forget Chinese festivals, because they are our festivals.4.Before any decision is , you must always ask the questions: Do I like this? Do we like it?5.Under the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, Shanghai was proudly to the world.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。This year is the 125th anniversary of the founding of my schoolthe City of London School for Girls. It is not only a time to celebrate, but also to explore the history of the school.Celebratory events will be held throughout the year, including 6.(音乐会), workshops and summer fairs. Students and teachers will 7.(收到) badges(徽章) that say “City of London School for Girls 125”. This way, more people will know about this joyful event.A businessman named William Ward set up our school in 1894. At that time, there was little opportunity for girls to get an education, 8.(特别) those from poor families. They could not 9.(负担) to go to school and there were very few schools for girls. Girls were not 10.(期望) to go to secondary school or get a university education. But Ward had 11.(高的) hopes for young womens futures. He thought women should have more 12.(影响) in society, as well as the ability to 13.(实现) their dreams. This is why he opened the school.Our newest school building is modern-looking. It opened with 446 students on September 18, 1969. But it still reminds us of the areas historic past. 14.(在对面) the school, there is part of the wall of a great Roman fort(堡垒) built in the 3rd century.Every school has its 15.(自己的) history. I think we should all celebrate people like William Ward who believe in giving the best education to young people.【Group 2】.用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。truecrowdactpossiblebecause of1.When there is a traffic accident, we should not around the scene.2.The mobile phone stopped working low electricity(电).3.It is always difficult for the police to find out the of every crime(罪行).4.China has now taken to encourage couples to give more births since 2016.5.Doctors did everything they could to save the mans life.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Most people would stay away from bees while meeting them. However, if your goal(目标) is to grow a beautiful and productive(丰收的) garden, you will find that bees can help you.How to attract bees?Plant! Plant! Plant! Plant not only vegetables but also colourful flowers. Bees are attracted by colours and purple, yellow, white and blue are their favourites. If 6.(可能的), you should be careful to plant different flowers for bees to 7.(挑选) from. Be sure to plant some flowers in sunny 8.(区域). Bees like warm and bright places better than cool and 9.(黑暗的) ones.Another part of learning how to attract bees is to always leave a place for 10.(野生的) grass or flowers near your garden. This is where bees can live 11.(舒适地) and happily. You can also 12.(设计) a bee house for the bees to live. To do this, you can use several 13.(片) of bamboo tied together. Place the house close to the ground because bees 14.(更喜欢) living close to the ground.15.(准备) such a place can make sure that they will enjoy and never want to leave.Be sure to leave water around for them to drink. Once the bees are there and active, you will have a fruitful garden.【参考答案】【Group 1】.1.unusual2.heard3.traditional4.made5.on show.6.concerts7.receive8.especially9.afford10.expected11.high12.influence13.realise14.Opposite15.own【Group 2】.1.crowd2.because of3.truth4.action5.possibly.6.possible7.choose8.areas9.dark10.wildfortably12.design13.pieces14.prefer15.Preparing


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