(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(09)Units 9-10(八上)试题

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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(09)Units 9-10(八上)试题_第1页
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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(09)Units 9-10(八上)试题_第2页
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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(09)Units 9-10(八上)试题_第3页
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课时训练(九)Units 9-10(八上)(限时:30分钟).用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Our head teacher is quite (understand) and we all like her.2.He just sat here quietly without(reply) to his friends message.3.We arent (surprise) at Jims bad grades because he never studies hard.4.Could you please give me some(advice) on how to learn Chinese well?5.I am sorry, Steven. I accidentally (delete) the e-mail you sent me last night. Could you send it again?.单项选择6.My dream is to study at university in Beijing in three years.A.aB.anC.the7.2019鄂州改编I dont know how to use the App Fun Dubbing.Ask Kitty for help. She has lots of in doing it.A.expressionB.experimentC.experience 8.I didnt mean to trouble Curry yesterday. It was pouring with rain so I his offer of a lift.A.refusedB.receivedC.accepted9.Youd better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide you want to know more about its culture.A.unlessB.ifC.although10. something unexpected(出乎意料的) happens, Ill see you tomorrow.A.SoB.WhileC.Unless11.Why are you so happy?I my pen friend just now. He sent me a nice photo.A.cared aboutB.found outC.heard from 12.Jane is my new pen pal. I often look forward to her e-mail.A.receiveB.receivesC.receiving 13.2019柳州He ran as fast as he could the bus but he failed.A.catchB.to catchC.caught14.Dont go out your coat. Its very cold outside.A.throughB.withoutC.with15.Taiyuan Library has been a good place to enjoy ourselves. Can you tell me ?Attend the reading party.A.what you often do thereB.whether it has free Wi-FiC.how people borrow books.补全对话根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)A: Hello! I will have a birthday party on Saturday. 16. come to my party?B: Sure, Id love to. Where will you 17.?A: At my house.B: 18.?A: It will start at 5:30 in the afternoon.B: OK. Ill come on time. 19. will you invite?A: I will invite our good friends. By the way, is your brother Peter free on Saturday?B: Yes, he is.A: Can you ask him to come to the party with you?B: 20. I think he will be very glad to go to your party.A: Thank you very much.2019德州改编阅读选择I was filled with doubts and worries until my grandfather told me to stand tall.For me, height was my trouble. I was much taller than other girls, so I often bent(弯曲) my body at the back of the line. I had always felt unsafe as the tallest student of my class in Bala Cynwyd. And I wasnt looking forward to entering the ninth grade.My grandfather didnt laugh at me. Instead, whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me, “Stand straight and tall, Alisa.” I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood. And whenever I was afraid of something, he always told me stories of his life.My grandfather grew up in war-torn(战乱的) Europe. “Stand straight, stand tall” meant something else then. After the war, he went to America. He lived a hard life. “If they could do it, why couldnt I?” “Stand straight, stand tall.” He often reminded(提醒) himself. Thanks to the help of a friend, my grandfather got a job. He once told me that he was very nervous at first. He was not only trying to learn this hard new job but also a new language.“Stand straight, stand tall,” he would always tell himself. I am so proud of my grandfather. After listening to my grandfathers unusual experiences. I have changed the way I look at my own life.“Stand straight, stand tall” has become not only a piece of advice to improve my posture(身姿). It also tells me to be proud of who I am.And I do.21.Alisa often bent her body because .()A.she lived a hard lifeB.she was much taller than other girlsC.she always stood at the back of the lineD.she didnt want to enter the 9th grade22.What did Alisas grandfather do with her trouble?()A.He laughed at her.B.He asked her to bend her body.C.He told her to stand straight and tall.D.He advised her to stay away from her friends.23.Alisas grandfathers experiences.()A.made her feel unsafeB.taught her to accept herselfC.changed her attitude(态度) to her grandfatherD.told her his success completely depended on friends24.“Stand straight, stand tall” means in the passage.()A.making yourself look tallB.taking care of yourselfC.being proud of yourselfD.reminding yourself25.Whats the best title for this passage?()A.Stand straight, stand tallB.My grandfathers life storiesC.My colorful experiencesD.The help of a friend.还原短文Blame is one of the biggest problems that we meet in everyday life. 26. And when that doesnt happen, we blame other people, places or events that we think are the causes of our unhappiness.Everything we feel comes from within us. 27. If we create unhappiness for ourselves, the world will show us that unhappiness, but if we create joy, peace, and love for ourselves, they are what we will get back.Can blame solve any problems? 28. When people did something that makes us angry, afraid or hurt, we are doing nothing more than showing them the anger we feel inside.We have choices about things that make us unhappy. We sometimes prefer to take the easier choices, the ones that keep us in our comfort zone(地带). 29. Sometimes we just have to go beyond our comfort zone, which may mean facing something we dont like. Perhaps we feel like a victim(受害者) and dont stand up for ourselves or speak up when we feel that people dont respect us. Maybe we are afraid of a situation, so we run away from it, instead of facing it with inner strength.Whatever the problem is, we have a choice every day to face it with blame, fear, anger, guilt(内疚), or with love, kindness, peace. 30. Dont blame. Enjoy your day. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能用一次)。 A.Simply, it cant.B.We create it and we live through it.C.How will you walk into your day?D.We seem to know that the world is there to make us happy.E.But how comfortable is it really when we are annoyed by someone else?.书面表达A请你替Wei Hua 完成下面的留言条,告诉Lucy周六晚上将在九年级(2)班举办英语晚会。(每空一词)Lucy, I came to your house to give 31. your book, but you were out.I have to leave the book with Lily.Thank you very much for 32. it to me.By the way, we are going to hold an 33. party in Class Two, Grade Nine 34. Saturday evening.Please call me 35. you want to go.My telephone number is 670-1072.Wei Hua【参考答案】.1.understanding2.replying3.surprised4.advice5.deleted.610ACCBC1115CCBBA.16.Would you like to17.have the party18.When will it start19.Who else20.Certainly/Of course.主旨大意本文是一篇议论文。作者通过爷爷自身的经历认识到要增强自信,站直身子去做自己。21.B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“I was much taller than other girls, so I often bent my body at the back of the line.”可知答案。22.C细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Instead, whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me, Stand straight and tall, Alisa.”可知答案。23.B推理判断题。根据倒数第二、三段中最后一句可知,爷爷的鼓励使我勇于接受自我,拥有自信。24.C25.A主旨大意题。通览全文可知,“Stand straight, stand tall”是全文的主题线索。故选A。.主旨大意本文叙述了我们遇到问题的时候,不要去责备别人,事情已经发生了,责备又有什么用呢?我们要正视这件事,过好生活的每一天。2630DBAEC.31.back32.lending33.English34.on35.if5


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