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高一英语必修 3 unit1-3 知识点总结Unit11 take place以及place变型take place:发生 take place 指有计划安排“发生” “举行” 1. happen 指没有计划安排“发生” 2. break out 指灾难、战争、疾病突然发生 A war _ _ between the two countries in 1937. Broke outA car accident _ yesterday happened The next Olympic Games will _ _in 2016 take place2. starve :饥饿 starve to death 饿死 starve for 渴望 Many people starved _ death in 1960s.A. to B. for C. of D. with考点3 in + 名词+of. in memory of 纪念,追念 in charge of 负责,掌管 in search of 寻找in case of 万一 in need of 需要考点4. play tricks on sb. 给某人开玩笑(恶作剧)他喜欢开别人玩笑He is fond of _ tricks _ othersA. playing , to B. play , on C. playing on D. to play, to 7. award,prize,reward award 奖励,强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少prize 指各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中赢得的奖 reward 指对某人的工作或服务等的报答(酬金,赏金) 8. admire:钦佩,admire sb. for sth.9. look forward to 期待,期望 (重点)写作+改错我希望能尽快收到你的来信。I am looking forward to hear from you soon(x)I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.10. turn up (重点)出现 =appearI waited for her, but she didnt turn up.出席,参加= attend About 100 people turned up for the meeting.wedding调大 Turn up the radio/ the lightTurn down 调小拒绝Turn on 打开turn off 关闭 turn out 结果是 11. wordkeep ones word 守信用 Break ones word 食言 In a word 总之 In other words 换句话说_ a word, we should keep our _. In other _, we should never break our word.总之, 我们要遵守诺言。 换句话说, 我们不应该违背诺言12.重点 apologize 向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for doing/sth. Make an apology to sb for doing/sth I apologized to teacher for being late for schoolI made an apology to teacher for being late for school变型学生就上学迟到向老师道歉The student apologized _ teacher for _ late for schoolA. to , be B. with , being C.to , being D. with, beI made an apology to teacher for being late for schoolForgive sb for sth/doing sth 原谅某人做某事The teacher forgave the student for being late.The teacher forgave the students being late for school13. set set off 出发动身 使爆炸 引起Set about doing sth Set out to do sth 开始,着手做某事Set up 建立,成立组织机构Set down 记下,写下 =write downSet aside 留出,把放到一边14. 重点 remind remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起。 。 remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事 The photo reminds me of my grandfather.变型The CD reminded me _ my childhood.A. Of B. to C. with D. for15 drown in 沉浸于句式16 As if= as though 似乎好像 常用虚拟语气 重点考点He speaks English very fluently _ he were an American他英语说得很流利,好像他是个美国人。A. Ever since B. even C. so that D. as though 关键一点As if , as though 后的条件如果不是事实或发生的概率不大, 要用虚拟语气,即倒退时态,但现在时be 虚拟语气中不管人称都用wereHe is very happy as if he were a bird. I am very happy as if I were a bird. 17 . 就近原则, 动词的选用与or , nor 后的人称有关Either or 或者或者 Neither nor 既不也不Neither you nor I am a singer. Nor 后是I , I amNeither I nor he plays tennis. Nor 后是he , play用plays例题She is _ clever _ hardworking, so she always doesnt pass the exam.Unit 2 1.balanced diet 均衡饮食 keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食考点 go on a diet节食 强调动作性,不能用于完成时be on a diet 节食 强调延续性, 用于完成时I have been on a diet for 2 weeks.I _ a diet for 2 weeksA. Have been on B. have gone on 2. Balance Balance A with B 平衡A和B 的关系Keep ones balance 保持平衡Lose ones balance 失去平衡我们应该平衡学习和睡眠时间We should balance our study time and sleeping time .3. 重点考点 weight 体重Lose weight 减肥Put on weight gain weight 增加体重If you want to _ weight, you can go _ a dietA. Put on, on B. lose, on C. gain, to D. lose, to4. get away with 被放过,不受惩罚 拓展词组get sb down 让某人情绪低落get down to sth / doing sth 开始认真做某事get along /on wellwith 相处的很好,进展顺利 get over 克服,从疾病、痛苦中恢复get through 顺利通过,接通电话get across理解语境助记His failure got him down. But he got over it soon. Then he got down to working hard and 考试失败让他沮丧, 但他很快从悲伤中恢复。 然后他开始刻苦学习 并且 got across the lessons. Finally he got through the exam.理解课程 最终他顺利通过考试5. have 结构Have sb do sth 让某人做某事,强调动作的一次性Have sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事,强调让某人一直做某事have sth,done 让别人做某事(自己不做) ,主语遭受不好的事情I want to have my bag _A. weigh B. Weighed C. to weigh D. weighing 包和称重是被动关系,包被称6. 重点辨析lie 与 lay Lie lied lied lying 撒谎Lie lay lain lying躺卧Lay laid laid laying下蛋,摆放他把书包放在床上,自己躺在地上。He _ his school bag on the bed and _ on the floorA lay, lied B. laid, lied C. lied, lied D. laid, lay他正在撒谎说他家的公鸡昨天下蛋了He is _ that the hen _ an egg yesterday.A. Lying, lay B. laying, laid C. lying, laid D. laying, lied.7. curious 形容词 好奇的- curiosity名词 好奇心be curious about sthbe curious to do sthhave curiosity to do sth 8. combine 使联合,使聚合 (重点 ) Combine A with !B 结合A 和BWe should combine study with playing.If he can combine his ability with hard work, he can succeedWe should _ our knowledge with skillsA . combine B. connect C. relate D. put 9. Win back为了赢回顾客,这家店里的衣服在打折。In order to win the customers back, the clothes in this shop are sold at a discount. 10. consult 咨询,请教consult sb about sth 请教某人某事consult with sb about sth 和某人商量 某事 我请教父母如何谋生。他们和亲戚朋友商量了这件事I consulted my parents about how to earn my living. They consulted with relatives and friends about it.Scientists consulted _ each other _ how earthquake happens.A . to ; on B with ; about C. for; at D. with ; with变型变型8. earn ones living 谋生 9. be in debt 负债 , 强调状态,可用于完成时 Get into / run into debt 负债,强调动作,不完成时连用I got into debt two years. Since then I have been in debt.11. 看glare at 怒视 关键词 anger, angrylook at 看,不带感情色彩stare at 盯着看glance at 一瞥,瞬时性She _ _ his son with anger. 她生气地瞪了孩子一眼A. glare at B. look at C. stare at D. glance at11.spy on 暗中检查,侦查 Spy sth. out 查明 。到。 。12.limitto 限制 Limited 形容词 有限的,受限制的Be limited to The car13. benefit 考点重点 Sb benefit from sth 那人从中获益 人做主语 Sth benefit sb 某物使某人获益 物作主语We can benefit from hard work. 主语是人Hard work can benefit us.The fresh air _ our health and we_ from it.A. Benefits from, benefit from B. benefits; benefit fromc. benefits from; benefits D. benefits; benefitfor the benefit of sb 为了某人的利益12. discount 打折be at a discount13. strengh, energy, power, force Strength 指“体力,力气“ Energy 指 “精力,活力,能量“Power 指电力,权力,能力 Force 指冲击力,暴力 14. cut down (重点)1 削减2. 砍伐树木3. 杀死1. We should cut down the expense2. we shouldnt cut down more trees.3. The big fire cut down many lives.Cut across 穿过某地,走近道Cut in 插嘴Cut up 切碎Cut off 剪除割掉经典句式 难点考点否定词+比较级=最高级否定词+ as adj as =最高级中国是亚洲最大的国家。China is the largest country in Asia.No country is larger than China in Asia.No country is as large as China in Asia. 同一范畴Any other + 可数名词单数(country) Any of the other +可数名词复数(countries)否定词+than + all the other + 可数名词复数(countries) 不同范畴 Any +可数名词单数(country)China is larger than any other country in Asia.China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.China is larger than all the other countries in Asia.Canada is larger than any country in Asia. Unit31. Bring up(重点) Bring up 抚育bring up = come up with提出 I _ _ in GaoTai My parents _ _ me there. 昨天他在会议上提出一个新计划。 He _ _ a new plan in the meeting yesterday拓展词组Bring about= result in 导致Bring in 吸收 ,赚钱, 引进植物每天都需要吸收水分。Plants need to _ _ water every day.This plan can bring in much money.Bring back 把.拿回来 Can you bring my coat back?2. Scene 场景,一幕。景色2.1 scene(某一景色,N,可数) scenery(景致, 抽象,不可数) There are many_ in GaoTai. In a word , the _in GaoTai is very beautiful.2.2 scene 用在定语从句关系词用in which 或whereI saw a scene.A girl was eating an ice cream. I saw a scene _ a girl is eating an ice cream.A. That B . where C. which D. at which3. permit(重点) 3.1 V允许Permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 Sb be permitted to do sth 某人被允许做 爸爸允许我周末出去。 My father permitted me to go out on the weekend. I was permitted to go out on the weekend.permit doing sth 学校不允许吸烟 Our school doesnt _ _3.2 名词 通行证,许可证 Driving permit易混题型1. The teacher doesnt permit students _ mobile phones. A take B. to take C. have taken D taking 2. Students are not permitted _ mobile phonesA. take B. to take C. have taken D taking 3. The teacher doesnt permit _ mobile phones.A. take B. to take C .have taken D. taking4. Go ahead(重点)考点 情景交际。意为继续(说,做)-I probably cant eat more.- Go (right)ahead. You just ate one apple.Go 的词组Go against 违背,反对Go through 经历;遭受(不好的事)Go around 到处走动,(消息,疾病传播)His father didnt permit her to _ _ (到处走动) because a terrible flu(流感) has _ _ the country. But she _ _ (违背)his suggestion . Finally, she _ _(遭受) a bad cold. 5 By accidentBy accident= by chanceOn purpose 我昨天在街上碰巧遇到刘翔语境记忆我不是有意的, 我是说,那是个巧合。I didnt do it _ _. I mean I did it _ _6. Spot 发现,相当于findSpot sb doing sth= find sb doing sth我发现他正在教室里睡觉。 点缀 Be spotted with 类似于be decorated with 层层的叶子中间零星地点缀着些白花 Leaves are loosely spotted with some white flowers 名词 斑点I spotted a spot on the wall7. Account(重点)Account for说明,解释的原因 占有比例 He cant account for the reason why the number of students who love XvLiang accounts for 70%Take into account 考虑I will take my account into account.I will take weather into account.On account of = because of 由于由于天气, 我们放弃出行。On account of weather, we gave up going out.Because of weather, we gave up going out.8. Fault Fault 缺点,过错,强调行为上的过失和性格上的缺点 Mistake 日常生活中判断和看法上的错误Its my _ that we are late for a hour.Find fault with He is always finding fault with me.9. Seek- sought- soughtSeek for= search for 追寻Seek out= find out找出,探明He is seeking for love and peace. He wants to seek out the ways to make the world better .10. On the contrary (重点) 相反地 He is not selfish. On the contrary, he is very generous.11. When 的用法Just Had done when 过去刚做完A时 B 发生了. I just had finished my homework when the phone rang was/ were doing when 过去正在做某事的时候,发生了 I was doing my homework when the phone rang.was / were about to do sth when = was/ were on the point of doing when 过去刚要做某事的时候, 这时 I was about to leave when the phone rang. = I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang. 练习 他刚到兰州, 他的妈妈就打电话给他 他刚要离开兰州,他的妈妈就打电话给他。 他正在兰州吃牛肉面,这时他妈妈给他打电话了。练习I was about to go out _ my mother came in.A. When B. As C. while D. During I was watching TV _ my mother came in.B. When B. As C. while D. During Language points2 12. Amount(重点!) 考点 区分 A large amount of + N不可数+ V单数 large amounts of + N不可数+ V复数So far, a large amount of money has been received.So far, large amounts of money have been received.练习Large amounts of water _ been used up. A large amount of water _ been used up. 13. Chance 机会 Take a chancechances 冒险 (The )Chance is 可能(The) chances are There is a chance that 可能There is a chance _ he can earn much money, but he didnt dare to take a chance.14. Rude It is rude of sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是粗鲁的 Be rude to sb Its rude of you to be rude to a lady.15. Manner 考点方式举止用单数,礼貌习俗用复数In a . manner 以.样的方式Its good /manners to do 作.是没有礼貌的It is bad manners to see a person in a manner of glaring at him.He is very polite. He is a man of _ 有礼貌的A. Manner B. manners 情态动词have done的用法 1. Must have done vs may/might have done 对过去事情的推测。 (1)must have done 用于肯定句,表示“过去一定做过某事”。 The land is wet. It must have rained.(2). may/might have done多用在肯定句中,意为“过去也许已经做了某事,可能已经做了某事”,用might时表示语气更加不肯定。 The land is wet. It may have rained. 2can/could have done (1)could have done用于疑问句,对过去所发生事情的推测。 Could he have passed the exam? (2) Couldnt have done 过去一定不会发生某个动作 !He cant/couldnt have watched TV last night, for he knew he would have a test.(3) could have done用于肯定句时,表示“本有能力做某事而未做”。 We could have arrived there before dark, but we didnt. 3should/ought to have done shouldnt / oughtnt have done 对过去动作的评价。 (1) shouldnt have done 表示“过去本应该做某事而(实际上)没有做”,含有责备或遗憾的语气; You should have study hard你本应该好好学习,实际没有(2) shouldnt have done.表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。 Liu Xiang shouldnt have given up.4neednt have done表示过去“本不必做某事而实际做了”。 Its so near! We neednt have taken a taxi. 这么近!我们根本没有必要坐出租车。 经典考题 记住 由need引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must 或have to;否定回答常用neednt。 Need I answer the question? Yes, you must. /Yes, you have to. No, you neednt. 由must引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定答用neednt或dont have to。 Must I do the work now? Yes, you must. No, you neednt./ No, you dont have to.2.May May I come in? Yes, you may/can. No, you cant/mustnt. 情态动词表示推测的用法情态动词使用场合对现在和未来事情的推测对过去事情的推测意思must肯定句must+domust+be doingmust have done一定,准是may/might肯定句may/might+domay/might have done可能,也许can/could肯定句(常用could)、否定句、疑问句can/could+docan/could have done可能,也许should肯定句、否定句、疑问句should+do(有时用来表达合理推断)should have done估计会,按理会 Unit 4 1. Violent violently- violence暴力的,激烈的暴力地,激烈地暴力Tom was in _ pain. As a result, he behaved _ and treated everything with_2. 重点 time In time 通常放在句末做状语1. 及时英翻汉In order to catch the train in time, he got up early翻译:他及时发现了问题。2. 终于On time 准时翻译 约翰每天准时到学校. John At the same time 同时运动员们不仅参加了比赛,同时, 他们还交到了新朋友Competitors not only _ _ _ the competition. _ _ _ _ , they also _ new _易混词At one time=once 曾经,一度At a time 每次In no time = right away= at once 立刻马上At no time 绝不Dont try to do everything at once; take it a bit I used to go skiing every winter.Smoking will be permitted here.用time 填空黄绮珊曾经一度走红,近年来,她却被人们遗忘,她出场费只有1-2万,有时只有7000。但是在她参加我是歌手后,每次她都有优异的表现,这使得她立刻再度走红Huang Qi Shan was very popular_ _ _(曾经一度). These years, she was forgotten by the people. She was paid only 10-20 thousands, even 7 thousand_ _(有时). However , after she took part in the TV series” I am a singer”, she did a good job _ _ _ (每次) became famous_ _ _ (立刻) 3. unlike (1)介词 不像,不同It s unlike you to say that .翻译 :那么勤奋,不像他平常的样子。It is _ him to be so hard-working.Like sth doing sthDislike sth dislike doing sth Be likely to do 好像要做某事It is likely to rain soon.约翰今年好像要买新房子John _ _ _buy a new house this year.中国好声音今年有可能再次火热。4. harm 名词 损害, 危害harmful 有害的harmless 无害的词组 Be harmful to 对有害 Do harm to 吸烟有害健康Smoking _ _ _ health 吃太多有害健康 过度打电脑游戏对学习有害。PlayING computer games too much _ _ _睡觉太多有损健康5. exist v 存在,生存不及物动词,意义完整,后面跟介词短语。变形 existence n 存在,生存Exist in 存在在中There exists 有在食品安全方面存在着许多的问题。There exist many problems in the food safety.Many problems exist in the food safety. 6. give birth to 产生, 分娩母熊生了一只小熊。The mother bear 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。 Tao gives birth to one , one to two , two to three, and three to everything.“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。”这是老子道德经中的一句话。道德经素有玄学之称,这句话尤其玄乎,引人遐思,让人费解。以往学者对这句话的解释大多比附易经-系辞中的说法,认为老子所谓的一是指太极(混沌始能见到端倪之物),所谓的二是指阴气与阳气,所谓的三是指阴阳冲和(调和)之气。7. 重点 in ones turn.in turn依次;轮流;相应地;转而;反过来by turns 轮流;交替take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事Its my turn to deliver a speech in public.轮到我在公众面前发表演讲了。用turn的相关短语填空The couple wash dishes_We _ to look after the sick child.Then, _ , they raised a question which caused a heated discussion.8. 阻止 某事做某事某事被做 Prevent. (From)sthdoing sth being done Stop (from) sthdoing sth being done Keep from sthdoing sth being doneProtect from 保护注意 being done 中不能省略 from我们要阻止日本占领钓鱼岛。(take up 占领)写作常用句(选择题也常考):我们要采取措施阻止河流被污染(pollute 污染 )We should take measures to _ the river_ _ _ 选择Nothing can _ us dyingA. prevent B. keep C. protect D. prefer9. puzzle n 谜 V. 迷惑,困惑 Sb be puzzled about sth Sth be puzzling他对这个迷惑性的问题感到困惑。He is _ the _她困惑的表情暗示了她对那个令人困惑的数学问题迷惑不解。The look on her face suggested she was_ about the_ math problem.Tom was (felt) _ about the _ story.A. Puzzling, puzzled B. Puzzled, puzzlingC. Puzzling, puzzling D. Puzzled, puzzled10 block out 挡住(物体如光线,景物等)11.pullpull off 脱(衣、帽等)pull through 康复;完成;使渡过难关pull in (火车)进站;(船)靠岸;驶向路边停靠pull out 离站;抽出;拔出pull up 停车;停住12. cheer Cheers! 干杯!cheer up 感到兴奋cheer sb up 是某人高兴起来这个令人鼓舞的消息使得这个不愉快的小男孩高兴起来,他的父母亲也感到高兴。The news made the _ boy_, which made his parents too.13. now that 既然你通过了考试,你就应该高兴起来。 _ _ you have passed the exam, you should _ _ 既然你不喜欢苹果,那我们买黄瓜吧。15. break 重点 break out (战争, 瘟疫, 火灾)突发,爆发 不用于被动语态!A war/ disaster/ flu/fire broke out break away from 脱离/挣脱break down 出故障;坏掉;失败;(健康等)垮掉break up 粉碎;解散;结束break in 插话;插入break into 破门而入break through 冲破;突破根据语境,用break的相关短语完成下列小片段When the fire _, I _ the house and_ the thick smoke to find my daughter; finally we successfully _ the burning building.(2012陕西高考)He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat (擦汗)from his forehead(额头), because the air conditioning system (空调)_Abroke in Bbroke upCbroke out Dbroke down15. watch out = take care = be careful Watch over= take care of = look after Watch out for 留神,密切关注37 / 37文档可自由编辑打印


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