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Book 4 Module 10 On the radio一、 教学内容:Un it 1 I hope that you can join us one day.二、 课型:Listening and speaking三、 教学目标:1、 能够正确使用这些单词和句子:director, avoid, backgrou nd, n atio nal,intern ati on al, prese nter,i nterview, I hope that you can join us one day. And weshould avoid making any no ise in the backgro und!2、能听懂关于介绍广播电台的语言材料,能提取其中的细节信息并进行推断。3、能运用所学知识谈论收听广播的情况。四、 教学重难点:能运用所学知识谈论收听广播的情况。五、 教学准备:运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展 和谐愉悦的课堂活动。教具:课件、录音机。六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warmi ng-upLead in1.Orga nize the Ss to enjoy a videoof a radio stati on and an swer:(1) What can you see in theradio statio n ?(2)What can you do in the station?2. Free talk:(1) Do you often listen to theradio?(2) What program do you like toliste n to?(3)Do you want to be a presenter?1. Enjoy the videoand try to an swer thequesti ons .2.Talk with theteacher and part ners.让学生在看 视频和 free talk的过程 中感受新的 语言项目,通 过这个环节, 既可以活跃 课堂气氛,还 调动了学生 的学习兴趣。Step2Pre-taskI.Show some pictures and things toget the stude nts to say out the newwords.2.0rganize the students to read thenew words together.1.Seethepicturesand thi ngs to say outthe new words.利用图画来 学习单词,做 到词不离句, 并为接下来 课文的学习 打好基础。2. Read thewords together.newTask1:listening(1)Listen and check(1)Play the tape, ask students tothe types of n ews.liste n and check the types of n ews.Then have a check. (Activity 1)(2) Play the tape again, ask(2)Listen againcompleteandthe通过听力的 练习,培养学students to listen again andsenten ces.生能够听取complete the senten ces. (Activity信息的能力,2)并且训练和 培养学生细Step 3Task 2: Listening and reading(1) Ask the students to listen to theconversation in Activity 3 to(1)Lliste n tothe节听力技巧。通过听读对话,帮助学生choose the best an swer.conv ersati ontoWhile-1)We need to keep quiet if thechoose thebesttasklight is on.an swer.进一步理解A.black B.red C.gree n课文内容。2)Germaryhaswonthe小组活动能match aga inst England.通过学生间A.football B.basketball的自主、合作C.volleyball(2)Readthe学习,让学生(2) Ask the students to read theconv ersati onin充分地实践conversation in groups to finishActivity 3.groupstofinishActivity 3 .运用语言,并培养团结合(3) Organize the studentsto(3)Check the an swers作精神。check their an swers one by one.(Activity 3 )Task 3: Solve the language pointsone by one.k通过让学生展(1)Organize students to stand up(1)Stude nts to standand show out some difficultup and showout示他们所找Ian guage points that they found.somedifficult的语言点,既Ianguage points that培养了学生(2)Help the students to solve thethey found, the other的胆量, 又培 养了他们自difficult poin ts.stude nts liste nthem carefullytoandn ote .主学习的能力。(2) solve the difficult教师点拨、补poi nts.withthe充语言点,让teachershelp.学生进一步 理解知识点。Step 4Post-task1. Ask a few groups of the stude ntsto act out the conv ersatio n.2.Get the Ss to do Activity 4.3. Ask students to do someexercises and the n check.1. A few groups of thestude nts to act outthe conv ersati on.2. Finish Activity 4and checktheanswers with theirpart ners.3. Ask stude nts to dosome exercises andthe n check.通过反复阅 读课文,让学 生巩固课文 的语言重点,通过做练习 来检测学生 对课文的掌 握情况。Step5SummaryGet the students to sum up the Ianguage poin ts.T: What have we lear nt today?S:Sum up the Ian guagepoi nts.引导学生对 这节课的总 结,让学生做 自由发言,培 养学生自主 学习,自主总 结的良好学 习习惯。Step 6Home-wor kHave the students finish theexercises in un itl.Fi nishthehomework.课后作业有 助于学生巩 固已学的知 识。板书设计Module 10 On the radioUnit 1I hope that you can join us one day.show sb. around avoid + doing sth.keep doing sth.do an in terview with sb.When it s on, it means wepn air. re七、达标训练题一、选择填空( ) 1. He is the famous _ of Harry Potter.A. direct B. director C. act D. reporter( ) 2. The radio is _ , and we can hear the news now.A. in air B. on air C. to airD. by air( ) 3. We should _ eating too much meat in our daily life.A. speak B. showC. hear D. avoid( ) 4. -Could I do an _ with you tomorrow?-Yes, of course.A. interviewB. interviewsC. directorD. directors( ) 5. I didn t understand _. So I raised my hand to ask.A. what my teacher saysB. what my teacher sayC. what my teacher saidD. what did my teacher say二、完成句子1. 她很高兴地带我们参观她家。She was glad enough to _ _ _ her home.2. 我最喜欢的节目正在直播。My favorite programme is _ _ .3. 他们把电影院当成聊天的场所了,不知道在电影院要保持安静吗?They thought cinema is a chatting placed, on t thekynow to _ _in cinema?4. 没事儿,酒喝多了的时候,每个人都有点疯狂的。Dont worry about it. Everyone gets a little _ when they have too much todrink.


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