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高考英语语法能力提升专项训练8情态动词和虚拟语气体验高考:1.(2010课标全国全国I 29 ) Just be patient. You _ expect the world to change so soon. A. cant B. neednt C. may not D. will not 2. (2010山东25) I_ have watched that movie-itll give -me horrible dreams. A.shouldnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt 3. (2010天津9) Mark_ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early. A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. couldnt 4. (2010天津15)John went to the hospital alone. If he _me about it, I would have gone with him. A. should tell B. tells C. told D. had told 5. (2010上海29)Sorry, Professor Smith. I didnt finish the assignment yesterday. Oh, you_ have done it as yesterday was the deadline. A. must B. mustnt C. should D. shouldnt 6. (2010北京23) Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department. Ah, good morning. You_ be Mrs. Peters. A. might B. must C. would D. can 7. (2010北京34 ) The weather has been very hot and dry. Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables _. A. wouldnt die B. didnt die C. hadnt died D. wouldnt have died 8. (2010江苏, 25 )I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next month. 一Dont worry. You _ have it by Friday. A. could B. shall C. must D. may 9. (2010陕西15) If we_ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. A. take B.had taken C. took D. have taken 10. (2010陕西23) May I take this book out of the reading room? No, you_ .You read it in here. A. mightnt B. wont C. neednt D. mustnt 11.(2010江西23)I have told you the truth. _ I keep repeating it? A. must B. can C.may D. will 12. (2010福建29) Teachers recommend parents_their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustnt allow D. couldnt allow 13. (2010浙江29) Had I known ai about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy_ . A. would have been saved B. had been saved C. will be saved D.was saved 14. (2010浙江17)“You_have a wrong number,” She said.“Theres no one of that name here.” A. need B. can C. must D. would 15. (2010安徽32)Jack described his father, who_ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man. A. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been 16. (2010辽宁26) Doctors say that exercise is important for health. But it _be regular exercise. A. can B. will C. must D. may 17. (2010湖南23) You _buy a gift, but you can if you want to. A. must B. mustnt C. have to D.dont have to 18. (2010湖南29) If he _my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job. A. followed B. should follow C. had followed D. would follow 19. (2010四川3)一 _I take the book out? Im afraid not. A. will B. may C. must D. need 20. (2010重庆21)You_ park here!Its an emergency exit. A. wouldnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt 21.(2009上海27) It _ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. A. may B. can C. must D. should 22.(2009北京25) One of the few things you_ .say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. A. need B. must C. should D. can 23.(2009江苏28)He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently. A. could express B. would express C. could have expressed D. must have expressed 24.(2009全国II20 ) I cant leave. She told me that I _stay here until she comes back. A. can B. must C. will D. may 25.(2009福建35)But for the help of my English teacher, I _the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won 26.(2009浙江13) The doctor recommended that you_swim after eating a large meal. A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 27.(2009安徽29) Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessanly shy; they_ just be quiet people. A. must B. may C. should D. would 28.(2009重庆32)Hi,Tom. Any idea where Jane is? She _ in the classroom. I saw her there just now. A. shall he B. should have been C. must be D. might have been 29.(2009全国I 25) What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _be twelve. A. should B. would C. will D. shall 30.(2009安徽34) But for their help, we_the program in time. A. can not finish B. will not finish C. had not finished D. could not have finished 31.(2009天津15) This printer is of good quality. If it_break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense. A. would B. should C. could D. might 32.(2009湖南30) Its the office! So you_know eating is no tallowed here. Oh, sorry. A. must B. will C. may D. need 33.(2009辽宁29) The traffic is heavy these days. I_amve a bit late, so could you save me a place? A. can B. must C. need D. might 34.(2009四川13) I dont care what people think. Well, you_ . A. could B. would C. should D. might 35.(2008福建24) It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _be rather cold sometimes. A. must B. can C. should D. would 36.(2008四川非延考区10) Although this _ sound like a simple task, great care is needed. A. must B. may C. shall D. should 37.(2008陕西9) What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? Well it _be bigthats not important. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. wont 38. (2008北京21)John promised his doctor he _lot smoke, And he has never smoked ever since. A. might B. should C. could D. would 39.(2008上海29) According to the air traffic rules, you_ switch off your mobile phone before boarding. A. may B. can C. would D. should 40.(2008 山东24)Thank you for all your hard work last week I dont think we _it without you. A. can manage B. could have managed C. could manage D. can have managed 41.(2008浙江11)You_be hungry already you had lunch only two hours ago! A. wouldnt B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 42.(2008江苏35) Im sorry. I_at you the other day. Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A. shouldnt shout B. shouldnt have shouted C. mustnt shout D. mustnt have shouted 43.(2008天津6)She_ have left school, for her bike is stir still here. A. cant B. wouldnt C. shouldnt D. neednt 44.(2008辽宁22 ) Peter _be really difficult at times even though hes a nice person in general. A. shall B. should C. can D. must 45.(2008全国II 17) Liza_ well not want to go on the trip she hates traveling. A. will B. can C. must D. may 46.(2007全国II, 27) Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? It _be, but it is now heavily polluted. A. will B. would C. should D.must 47.(2007北京, 26) In crowded places like airports and railway stations , you_ take care of your luggage. A. can B. may C. must D. will 48.(2007重庆, 29) What do you think we can do for our aged parents? You _do anything except to be with them and be yourself. A. dont have to B. oughtnt to C. mustnt D. cant 49.(2007福建, 25) My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where _I have put it? A. can B. must C. should D. would 50.(2007江苏, 22)She looks very happy. She_ have passed the exam. I guess so. Its not difficult after all. A. should B. could C. must D. might 51.(2007江西, 27) Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. You _it in the wrong place. A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put 52.(2007四川, 24) What does the sign over there read “No person_ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” A. will B. may C. shall D. must 53.(2007辽宁, 30)Turn off the TV,Jack. _your homework now? Mum,just ten more minutes,please. A. should you be doing B. shouldnt you be doing C. couldnt you be doing D.will you be doing 54.(2006全国1 124 ) Theres no light onthey_be at home. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 55.(2006北京, 25)Whats the name? Khulaifi. _I spell that for you? A. shall B. would C. can D. might 56.(2006江西, 24) The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _the trouble to carry my umbrella with me. A. should have taken B. could have taken C. neednt have taken D. mustnt have taken 57.(2006浙江, 19) Could I have a word with you, mum? Oh dear, if you_. A. can B. must C. may D. should 58.(2006湖北, 31) _fired Jour health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be 59.(2006陕西, 19 ) As you worked late yesterday, you_have come this morning. A. maynt B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 60.(2006天津, 11) We_have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years. A. neednt B. may not C. shouldnt D. mustnt 模拟考场:61.(2010天津六校联考)If you write something and send it immediately by email, which you_ later regret, there is no eheAee for second thoughts. A. would B. should C. have to D. might 62. (2010南京模拟)When Lily fainted, we could have turned to your father for help. Yes, sending her to hospital _necessary. A. hadnt been B. wasnt C. wouldnt be D. werent 63.(2010湖北黄冈模拟) How did you do on the driving test? Not so well. I _much better but I was too nervous. A. would do B. could have done C. must have have D. should do 64.(2010北京西城模拟)You have broken your promise; you_ painting the house long ago. A. could have finished B. had better finish C. must have finished D. should have finished 65.(2010北京海淀模拟)If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the river _so seriously now. A. is not polluted B. would not be polluted C. had not been polluted D. would not have been polluted 66.(2010江西赣县模拟) If English _ included in the examinations, few students would choose it. A .werent B. isnt C. hasnt been D. hadnt been 67.(2010江西六校联考)1 didnt go fishing last Sunday because my car broke down. You _mine. I wasnt using it. A. could borrow B. could have borrowed C. should borrow D. must have borrowed 68.(2010辽宁大连双基测试) My newly-purchased magazine is nowhere to be found._I have left it on the train? A. could B. should C. must D. would 69.(2009北京东城一模)1 feel bored with nothing interesting to do. You _watch TV. There will be a very good Hollywood film on this evening. A. need B. could C. would D. shall 70.(2009东北三校联考) Why _t rain on Sunday.We can t go camping as planned. What a pity! A. should B. can C. must D. may 71.(2009福建泉州高三质检)Mike, its a pity you didnt come to last nights concert. It was really great! Really? If I_ so busy, I would have gone with you. A. hadnt been B. werent C. shouldnt be D. wouldnt be 72.(2009河北衡水中学调研)The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? _my students have a try? A. shall B. must C. will D. may 73.(2009河南中原油田四校模拟)You _the meeting to tell me that. You could have come up to me afterwards. A. should have come to B. neednt have interrupted C. ought to attend D. mustnt go to 74.(2009上海普陀区质量调研)How dangerous it was! Yes, but for the passer-bys quick action, the girl _. A. was drowned B. would have been drowned C. had drowned D. should be drowned 75.(2009四川乐山二次调研)The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with thick glasses. Then it_ be my friend, Mike, who looks like a“meat ball. A. might B. cant C. mustnt D. should 76.(2008福建顺昌高三模拟)What are you doing, dear? Im watching the football came. What? You_your homework first. A. would have done B. must have done C. should have done D. may have done 77.(2008浙江杭州一次质检) There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You_ ,but why didnt you? A. should come B. must have come C. may have come D.ought to have come 78.(2008辽宁大连高三模拟)You shouldnt have talked back to our teacher like that. It was awfully impolite. You are right. I_ crazy at that moment. A. must have been B. must be C. could have been D. should have been 79.(2008辽宁沈阳二中高三模拟)You cant imagine that a well- behaved gentleman _be so rude to a lady. A. might B. need C. should D. Would 80.(2008福建福州高三模拟)Congratulations! Thank you. But for your help, we _in the experiment. A. will never succeed B. shouldnt have succeeded C. couldnt have succeeded D. mustnt have succeeded 81.(2010河北衡水模拟)Did Jack take the doctors advice that he _in bed for a couple of days? If only he_ . A. lies; does B. lay; did C. lie;did D. lie;had 82.(2010长沙模拟)The_ look on her face suggested that she _ her managers idea. A. confusing; wouldnt quite understand B. confused;hadnt quite understood C. confusing; hadnt quite understood D. confused; shouldnt quite understand 83.(2010四川高考预测卷)Sorry for having kept you waiting. But for the traffic jam, I _ 20 minutes earlier. Never mind. I havent been waiting that long. A.arrived B. would arrive C. would have arrived D. had arrived 84.(2010河北石家庄一模)Most hotels in Sanya were full during the Spring Festival, but finally we_find a room in a small guest-house near the seaside. A. ought to B. could C. might D. were able to 85.(2010江苏苏北四市二模)一_the woman with the baby come over? We have a seat here. Thank you, sir. Actually I do have my seat here. But my baby likes to look out of the window. A. would B. shall C. must D. may 86.(2010福州二模)I saw your uncle take a taxi to the airport. Why didnt you drive him there? I _. But my car_. A. would; was fixed B. would have; was fixed C. would have; was being fixed D. did; was being fixed 87.(2010江苏扬州二模)How much of the foreign experts speech have you understood ? Next to nothing. I wish I_harder at English. A. worked B. had worked C. would work D. were working 88.(2009山东外国语学校高三统练)_this afternoon, you would have to come again next week. A. The boss were not to return B. The boss didnt return C. Didnt the boss return D. Were the boss not to return 89.(2009山东滨州一模)Amazing! You _wear slippers at work! Dont you know its a fashion? A. must B. should C. can D. may 90.(2009安徽江南十校素质测试)I really _thank you enough. Its been an amazing day. A. neednt B. should C. must D. cannot 91.(2009江西六校联考)The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they _ of cold and hunger. A. would die B. will die C. would be dead D. would have died 92.(2009安徽六校联考)_ for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on her way to school, she might have passed e exam. A. had it not been B. hadnt it been C. was it not D. were it not 93.(2009福建福州八校高三调研)After the bell rings, which indicates the ending of the exam,you_stay where you are until all your papers are collected. A. shall B. would C. will D. can 94.(2008山东实验中学高三模拟)When we worked in the same office, we _often have coffee together. A. might B. should C. could D. would 95.(2008安徽合肥高三模拟)I didnt know your mobile phone number; otherwise I _you the moment I got to Changsha. A. had rung B. would ring C. should have rung D. would have rung 96.(2008福建质检I) You _smoke in the bedroom, ”Rose said to her husband and pushed him out of the room. A. neednt B. mustnt C. dare not D. wont 97.(2008安徽合肥质检 ) Being physically examined for free twice a year is what every clerk_be ensured in any company of the state. A. must B. shall C. ought to D. need 98.(2008江苏常州高三统考) Why dont you buy the necklace since you like it so much? I _but I dont have the money. A. would B. will C. should D. may 99.(2008皖南八校联考)_ it _ to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off until the same time next week. A. Should;/ B. If ;should C. Were;/ D. If ;were going 100.(2008天津+二区一联)Why didnt you buy the gold ring yesterday? I _, but I didnt have the money. A. would have B. bought C. would like to D. had bought 101.(2010山东潍坊年高三一模)_ myself to my study, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. A.If I devoted B.Should I devote C.Would I devote D.Had I devoted102.(2010山东省泰安市高三二模) You just think of yourself! You kept me wailing for at least three hours. Im sorry that you_think so. A.would B. should C. could D. Might103.(2010年威海市高三二模) If we_ the tickets half a year ago, we would not be able to visit it on May Day now. A.did not book B.had not bookedC.would not book D.would not have booked104. (2010山东日照高三一模) Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I _ late for the flight yesterday. Dont mention it. A.should beB.would be C.will have beenD.would have been105.(2010山东青岛二模)May I tell this to my close friend? No, you_. Never let anybody else know about it. A. neednt B.shouldnt C.mustnt D.cant106.(2010江苏省徐州市高三第三次调研) Waiter! How s


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