北京语言大学21秋《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业三满分答案39

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北京语言大学21秋《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业三满分答案39_第1页
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北京语言大学21秋《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业三满分答案39_第3页
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北京语言大学21秋英汉 汉英翻译在线作业三满分答案1. 茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品,很重要的一点是( )A、能将它的风格翻译出来B、能将它的一部分风格翻译出来C、译者要有自己的风格D、风格是无法翻译的参考答案:A2. This is our _. So you can do what you need to do here.A.substanceB.scheduleC.noticeD.noun参考答案:B3. This is a _ moment for our research. We should be careful.A.criticalB.beltC.conscienceD.copper参考答案:A4. All the memories of his childhood had _ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.comfinedD.concerned参考答案:A5. The new Command having been installed, my work there was done, and I returned to give my report to the House. 新司令部被成立后,我在那儿的工作被完成了,于是我就回国向下院作汇报。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A6. 教师应当指导学生学习。 Teachers should guide students in their studies.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B7. He gave an _ answer to the question. (expect)He gave an _ answer to the question. (expect)unexpected8. Two days before he died, he talked about what he would have missed without the opportunity for a loving parting. 他在死前两天谈到,如果不接受治疗,他就会错过这些充满亲情的离别。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A9. She is already 16years old. But she _ as if she were still a little girl.A.believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves参考答案:D10. Some applications, such as Word, allow for severalwindows in a special mode calledMDSome applications, such as Word, allow for severalwindows in a special mode calledMDI in which you can open multiple documents within the same application.参考答案一些应用软件,例如Word,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI的模式下存在,你能够在一个软件中打开多个文挡。11. If you use _, you can get a higher quality picture.A.waxB.shameC.gooseD.slides参考答案:D12. A.selectionsB.collectionsC.sourcesD.originsA.selectionsB.collectionsC.sourcesD.origins正确答案:C13. 横穿马路要小心。 Be careful when you go cross the road.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A14. Live and learn. 真是无奇不有!( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B15. Its the present situation in poor areas that _ much higher spending on education and training.A.answers forB.provides forC.calls forD.comes for参考答案:C16. The Indian summer of village industry faded. Trade grew more competitive. 乡村手工业的印度之夏褪色了,贸易变得更加竞争激烈。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A17. The Chinese food in the United States is usually _ for American people.A.exchangedB.alteredC.modifiedD.cooked参考答案:C18. This dictionary is very useful. It has _ many problems about words and idioms for me.A.looked upB.kept upC.cleared offD.cleared up参考答案:D19. He checked carefully to _ the possible errors in his design.A.eliminateB.exceedC.enlargeD.vibrate参考答案:A20. 我忘了已经告诉她了。 I forgot to tell her about it.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A21. 她的表演不够理想。 Her performance is not so good as one could wish.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B22. 一Do you know where Liberty Street is?一 Its off Oak Street, near the park._.一Do you know where Liberty Street is?一 Its off Oak Street, near the park._.一 I dont know exactly. Perhaps every five minutes or so.A. The park? Which one do you mean?B. Do you have any idea where Pine Street is?C. By the way, do you know how often the Number 5 bus runs normally?参考答案:C23. Freshman _ provides the incoming students with an opportunity to learn about their new environment and their place in it.A.orientationB.acquaintanceC.directoryD.dictation参考答案:A24. 我们必须适当地使用国家的森林资源。 We must make proper use of the forest resources of the country.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B25. A: you shouldnt have gone There alone last night. B: But I _, Because Tom went There, too.A.didntB.had toC.didD.should参考答案:A26. They will keep the library open until 9:00 p. m. _.Awhen necessaryBif is necessaryCThey will keep the library open until 9:00 p. m. _.Awhen necessaryBif is necessaryCif it necessaryDif necessarily正确答案:A27. The wine is made_grapes.AofBfromCforDinThe wine is made_grapes.AofBfromCforDin正确答案:B28. What is the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?A.senseB.matterC.caseD.opinion参考答案:A29. 如今能为他的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。( )A、To be asked to write a preface to his collection of essays is a great honor.B、I find a great pleasure to ask to write his collection of essays a preface.C、Its a great pleasure that 1 will write him a preface of this collection of essays.D、I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.参考答案:D30. This is a purely _ problem, not a political one.A.additionalB.advantageC.announceD.academic参考答案:D31. We are interested in your new product and shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list.We are interested in your new product and shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list.我们对贵方的新产品甚感兴趣,希望收到贵公司的产品目录和价目表。32. There are _ approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.A.doubleB.jointC.orginateD.diverse参考答案:D33. During the eight years war, many people _ their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted参考答案:A34. In the class the teacher asked the students to _ their bad habits.A.weakenB.omitC.overcomeD.overtake参考答案:C35. We shall be very much _ if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them toWe shall be very much _ if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.AobligatedBobligeCobligationDobligedD36. The residents, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A.all their homesB.all of whose homesC.all whose homesD.all of their homes参考答案:B37. AportraitBwornCforbidDstormAportraitBwornCforbidDstorm正确答案:C38. A: Have you been here long? B: _.A.No, not veryB.Not too muchC.Yes, only littleD.Yes, only yesterday参考答案:A39. You _ in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.A.dont have to do itB.neednt have done itC.wouldnt do itD.mustnt have done it参考答案:B40. I _ great success for my study in this university.A.disgustB.proceedC.pioneerD.anticipate参考答案:D41. A: Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan? B: I think Tom and Greg will.A.set asideB.carry outC.carry awayD.get through参考答案:B42. A: Have you read either novel of his written recently? B: _.A.No. Neither will IB.No. Nor will IC.Yes, Ive read them allD.Yes, I have参考答案:A43. GBP 49 per piece FOB Hamburg less 2% discount.GBP 49 per piece FOB Hamburg less 2% discount.正确44. What time is the mail _ on Saturday?A.objectedB.outletC.deliveredD.starved参考答案:C45. I was amazed at the_of his knowledge.AexpenseBextendCextentDexpandI was amazed at the_of his knowledge.AexpenseBextendCextentDexpand正确答案:C46. You can dress_you like, even just jeans and a T-shirtdont spend too much time and moYou can dress_you like, even just jeans and a T-shirtdont spend too much time and money on it.AwhicheverBhoweverCwhateverDwhenever正确答案:B47. I am _ sorry for the last-minute cancellation of the meeting(terrible)I am _ sorry for the last-minute cancellation of the meeting(terrible)terribly48. He is easily _ so I do not like to talk with him.A.defendedB.affordedC.createdD.offended参考答案:D49. This year our university does not have any _ to continue the international student exchange program.A.functionB.fundamentalC.funeralD.funds参考答案:D50. The machine needs a complete _ since it has been in use for over ten years.A.amendingB.fittingC.mendingD.renovating参考答案:C51. The international situation is very _ in the Middle East.A.deliciousB.perfectC.delicateD.percent参考答案:C52. The picture was bought at a very low price, but it has turned out to be a(n) _ painting. A) inThe picture was bought at a very low price, but it has turned out to be a(n) _ painting.A) invaluableB) invariableC) worthlessD) valuelessAinvaluable无价的,贵重的;invariable不变的,恒定的;worthless无价值的,无用的;valueless无价值的,无用的。53. 兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。兹报实盘,以我方时间10月3日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 pmour time, Wednesday, 3rd, Oct54. After the earthquake, the injured were cared _ in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.A.ofB.forC.afterD.with参考答案:B55. Which of the following features is not included in the three features that all languaWhich of the following features is not included in the three features that all language aptitude tests try to identify?_.A. The ability to pay attention to , and discriminate the speech sounds of languagesB. The ability to relate speech sounds to some form. of graphemic representationC. The ability to memorize all the words in a foreign languageD. The ability to pay attention to the formal characteristics of a languagegrammatical sensitivity参考答案:C56. I prefer a _ typewriter to an automatic one.A.mechanicB.manualC.merchantD.mental参考答案:B57. The modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _ for each piece of its glass.A.levelsB.storiesC.layersD.formations参考答案:C58. Hello, could 1 speak to Mr David Manning, please? Speaking.l am David Manning. A.- Hello, could 1 speak to Mr David Manning, please?-Speaking.l am David Manning.A. RightB. Wrong参考答案B59. We wont allow any foreign country to _ in our internal affairs.A.devoteB.districtC.interfereD.wander参考答案:C60. China has had _ long tradition of celebrating Mid Autumn Festival throughout _China has had _ long tradition of celebrating Mid - Autumn Festival throughout _nation.A. a; theB. a; aC. the; aD. the; X答案:A


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