U6知识要点 七下

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U6知识要点 七下_第1页
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七下U6 知识点要点【Vocabulary Bank】for/ on vacation度假take a vacation度假be on holiday 在度假lie on the beach躺在沙滩上some others 一些 另外一些one the other 一个 另外一个look at blackboard看黑板take a photo/ photos拍照have a good time (doing) 玩的开心have fun (doing)enjoy oneself (doing)Around The World show环游世界节目in your hometown在你家乡wear a scarf戴着围巾put on your coat穿上你的外套this group of people这一群人join the Show 参加节目in this heat 在酷暑中in different kinds of weather在不同天气里strong/ heavy rain大雨strong wind大风play beach volleyball打沙滩排球People are really relaxed. 人们的确很放松。How is it going? 近况如何?to my surprise使我惊奇的是I am surprised that我感到吃惊的是Be surprised to do 做使某人惊奇Be surprised at sth/ sb对惊奇【Sentence Bank】1. Hows the weather in Boston? 询问天气Whats the weather like in Boston?-Its sunny. raining/ rainy/ winding/ windy/ cloudy/ sunny/ snowing- Its hot/ cold/ cool/ warm/ humid.- Its raining cats and dogs. 正是瓢泼大雨。- Its blowing hard. 风刮得很大。- Its snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。-Whats the temperature? 温度是多少?- Its two below zero. 零下二度。2. Hows it going? 情况如何-Pretty good. 相当好。Great/ Not badTerrible很糟糕Just so-so.一般般3. What do you do when its raining?下雨天你常做什么?- I usually read. 我经常读书。【Writing】描述一下公园或是学校的场景:Its a beautiful sunny day. Tommy and I are at school today. There are some boys playing basketball on the play ground. They look cool. Others are playing volleyball. There are some girls reading under the trees. One man is taking photos. This is a very beautiful place. We are all very relaxed.1. Some are writing, others are reading.一些正在写字,另外一些正在读书。Some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach.Some people like chicken, others like duck.2. There be doing sp.There is a boy swimming in the river.在河里有个男孩正在游泳。There are some boys playing basketball in the park.There are some students doing homework in the class room.3 V-ing/ V-edread an interesting book读一本有趣的书a surprising movie一部令人吃惊的电影a relaxing song一首令人放松的歌曲Im interested in Chinese history.我对中国历史很感兴趣We are surprised that all the students pass the exam.我们很吃惊所有的学生通过了考试。【Special Difficult】感官动词用法You look young.你看起来很年轻。His songs sound not bad.她的歌听起来不错。The coffee tastes terrible.咖啡尝起来很糟糕。The clothes feel pretty good.这衣服摸起来相当好。The table feels cold. 桌子感觉起来很冷。The perfume smells great.这香水闻起来很棒。1Teacher Evan的博客:


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